The best electronics, home appliances and goods

The best mascaras - how to choose and rating of models

15 best mascaras with different effects

By nature, every girl is gifted with special eyelashes. To emphasize the dignity of appearance with makeup, you have to work hard. The main challenge is to find the perfect mascara through trial and error. Perhaps you will be interested ...

Anti-cellulite creams

15 best anti-cellulite creams

It is impossible to get rid of cellulite overnight. It is a long struggle, in which it is worth equipping yourself with the right tools to be successful. The main task is to improve the microcirculation of the skin, saturate it with moisture and resume the production process ...

Best bikes

TOP 20 best bikes in terms of price / quality ratio

There is a solid assortment on the market, which will not be difficult for even a seasoned cyclist to get lost in. To make it easier for our readers to choose the right model, we've compiled a big roundup of the best bikes in 2020 ...

Dominican Republic hotels

Best 5 star hotels in Dominican Republic in 2020

By right, the Dominican Republic was able to win the status of "pearl of the Caribbean". This place pampers tourists with luxurious beaches, picturesque landscapes, warm rays of the sun. And many more are attracted by the possibility of personal acquaintance with unusual traditions ...


The best tour operators in Russia in 2020

Preparation for the long-awaited vacation should be in advance, because you really want everything to work out perfectly. To avoid unforeseen incidents, it is recommended to consider the vouchers offered by the best tour operators in Russia in 2020 ....


The best sanatoriums in Russia in 2020

The best sanatoriums of Russia in 2020, where an excellent staff of medical personnel works, at their disposal, has modern equipment for diagnosing and treating various ...


The best sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk in 2020

There are many famous resorts in Russia, but Pyatigorsk is definitely one of the most in demand. By the way, the city can also be attributed to the oldest in the country. These edges are known for their soft ...

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