The best electronics, home appliances and goods


Choosing a good humidifier

If you are worried about skin and hair problems, there is a lack of moisture in the air, breathing is difficult and repairs and furniture deteriorate noticeably, perhaps you should think about how to choose a humidifier ...


Top 3D TVs in 2020

It is difficult today to choose a high-quality TV in terms of price-quality ratio for a rather unusual reason. The thing is that earlier there was a serious deficit on the electronics market, but now manufacturers are already offering ...


Which iPhone to choose

iPhone has long ceased to be a commonplace name for a phone from Apple, but has become a sign of the high status of its owner. Even for users who have a remote idea of ​​trade brands in the world ...


Choosing a good memory card for your smartphone

Only in rare cases do manufacturers equip smartphones and tablets with the amount of memory on the built-in storage. At the same time, a certain part of it is also occupied by system functions. That is why when buying a gadget here ...

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