Best olive oil

Best Olive Oil: Test Purchase and Roskontrol Research

Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants, essential components that are not synthesized in the human body and must come from food. The health benefits of olive oil are also due to its high content of anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic fatty acids. It is known that daily consumption of olive oil has a positive effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems, and reduces the risk of various diseases. However, in order to get all the vitamins contained in this Mediterranean product when purchasing, you must responsibly approach the process of choosing a manufacturer.

Many unscrupulous firms often resort to various ways of saving. For example, they mix natural olive oil with cheaper rapeseed oil. In order to protect yourself from this kind of counterfeiting, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our rating, which presents only the proven and best brands of low-acid Extra Virgin olive oil.

Best olive oil

"De Cecco" - Winner of the "Test Purchase" (Italy)

De cecco

The opinion of the jury on the taste of De Cecco was divided. Some participants noted the lack of bitterness inherent in this type of oil. Among the positive reviews is the presence of a characteristic smell of olives. However, the results of laboratory tests confirmed the quality of this sample and the compliance of its composition with the required safety standards.

In the final of the Test Purchase program, the experts measured the peroxide value in the presented competitors. "De Cecco" successfully passed the final test, as the value of this indicator was the lowest in the group of the studied samples. This indicates the high quality of the raw materials used. Among other things, no impurities of cheaper types of oils were found in the composition of the contestant, as well as ingredients that were not declared in the manufacturer's labeling. The laboratory data obtained, together with the organoleptic characteristics highly appreciated by experts, ensured De Cecco the first place in the TV program version.

Volume, ml750
price, rub.873
A typeUnrefined
Pros and cons
  • does not contain rapeseed oil;
  • the fatty acid composition corresponds to the name.
  • not found.


Borges - Leader of the Popular Vote (Spain)


The sample was highly appreciated by the tasters, who noted the pleasant taste with a tart aftertaste, as well as the greenish tint corresponding to the olive oil. "Borges" lost to the winner only at the finish line due to the higher indicator - "peroxide sour", revealed by the examination. According to its external characteristics, the sample meets the requirements - a transparent, slightly viscous liquid, without sediment.

During a counter-check, a toxic element (iron) was identified in the Borges. However, as a result of laboratory measurements, it was found that the amount of iron does not exceed the maximum allowable level. Among the marking deviations, experts found a discrepancy between the manufacturer's specified and the actual content of polyunsaturated fats.

Volume, ml750
price, rub.518
A typeRefined
Pros and cons
  • free from cheap oils;
  • acidity up to 4%;
  • inaccurate marking;
  • high price.


Ideal is one of the best in the Roskontrol rating (Greece)


This participant did not satisfy the tastes of the people's jury and left the competition in the qualifying round, however, the results of the study of the retired competitors testify to the full compliance of "Ideal" with the necessary standard and safety requirements. The sample has good organoleptic properties: transparent, saturated yellow color with a greenish tinge, does not contain turbidity and suspended flakes. It has a herbaceous aroma and taste identical to olive oil.

The composition of the contestant was identified as Extra Virgin of the highest quality, with the exception of the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the level of which is 46% lower than that of the extra virgin olive oil.

Volume, ml0,5
price, rub.523
A typeUnrefined
Pros and cons
  • toxic elements, pesticides and radionuclides were not detected;
  • reliable marking;
  • no fatty impurities and sediments are absent.
  • low content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Coosur - high overall rating from Roskontrol (Spain)


Coosur scored one of the highest average ratings in a Roskontrol laboratory test. Among the comments of the expert group: a slight deviation from the norm of the relative density of the product (according to CODEX STAN 33-1981).

The toxic element identified during the inspection - iron, does not exceed the maximum permissible limit. Also, the sample has a low value of the peroxide value in comparison with the rest of the studied objects. Coosur's saturated fat content is 22% higher than the label.

Volume, ml1000
price, rub.1075
A typeRefined
Pros and cons
  • meets safety requirements;
  • reliable marking;
  • impurities of cheaper oil were not found.
  • the relative density is slightly below the minimum allowable value.


"Altero" - contains a low mass fraction of fat (Spain)


Customers highly appreciated the taste properties of "Altero": a bright, rich taste with a hint of bitterness. The sample is characterized by an enveloping soft texture with a bitter aftertaste.

The amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids is 32% lower than the level typical for premium olive oil. Among other comments, experts highlighted the discrepancy between the actual nutritional value of the oil and the value indicated in the label. In particular, the mass fraction of fat contained in "Altero" is 91.6% and does not meet the requirements for the nutritional value of vegetable oils, which should be 99.9-100%. No other facts of unreliability of the marking data have been established. The sample is safe and has positive organoleptic characteristics.

Volume, ml475
price, rub.811
A typeUnrefined
Pros and cons
  • no extraneous additives were found;
  • fatty acid composition is identical to natural olive oil;
  • low acidity.
  • discrepancy between the actual nutritional value and the declared on the product label.


"Iberica" ​​- 100% natural composition (Spain)


According to the results of the laboratory research "Roskontrol" olive oil under the "Iberica" ​​brand received the maximum possible number of points in terms of naturalness. Despite the fact that it is produced according to the manufacturer's own technical specifications, the safety indicators tested by experts fully meet the requirements of TR CU 024/2 \ 011. According to the organoleptic assessment of the researchers, the taste and aroma of "Iberica" ​​were marked as "weak" and not typical for the first class of cold pressing.These data may indicate the use of a higher degree of purification. The sample has the lowest acidity index (0.3 g / 100g).

The experts' claims caused inaccurate labeling data (the amount of saturated and polyunsaturated fats), as well as the labeling itself. In particular, the absence of the manufacturer's name in Russian.

Volume, ml500
price, rub.653
A typeRefined
Pros and cons
  • does not contain artificial additives;
  • high quality and safe;
  • the lowest acidity index (in comparison with other competitors).
  • manufacturer in Russian is not specified.


"Prim Oliva" - a bright pronounced taste with a spicy aftertaste (Spain)

Prim oliva

The experts did not establish the facts of adding or mixing Prim Oliva with other types of oils. In terms of density and fatty acid composition, full compliance with the name declared by the manufacturer was observed. Evaluation of organoleptic properties testifies to its compliance with the standard: a homogeneous oily liquid of golden color, transparent at t-20 C. Taste signs are marked as pronounced with a bitter-spicy aftertaste typical of Greek olive oil.

Among the complaints, the expert commission highlighted the product labeling, in particular, the absence of the manufacturer's name in Russian, as well as information about the production date, batch number, and expiration date printed on the container in a hard-to-read, low-contrast font. Additionally, it is worth noting the transparency of the container, which does not protect from light and can cause premature oxidation.

Volume, ml500
price, rub.421
A typeUnrefined
Pros and cons
  • the best taste;
  • composition safety.
  • the packaging is not intended for long-term storage.


Flippo Berio - more oil than stated (Italy)

Flippo Berio

According to the test report, the toxic elements detected in the composition of "Flippo Berio" do not exceed the safety standards established by the standard. Transparent, slightly viscous, yellow liquid, without sediment, marked by experts as satisfying organoleptic requirements. The tasting committee described the taste and aroma of "Flippo Berio" as "slightly herbal", but characteristic of the first cold pressing. Among the deviations, a positive fact for the consumer was found, in the form of a larger volume of packaging.

Volume, ml1000
price, rub.650
A typeUnrefined
Pros and cons
  • 5 ml. more than the volume declared by the manufacturer;
  • safety requirements are met.
  • transparent container that does not protect from direct exposure to the sun.


"Maestro de Oliva" - recommended for purchase (Spain)

Maestro de oliva

This competitor has been repeatedly investigated in the independent laboratory "Roskontrol". During the inspection, toxic elements, including mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, were not detected or were found in quantities that do not harm the human body. The fatty acid composition of the sample is represented by the actual result. The appearance of the product is specific to the name and meets the requirements of the standard. In the course of consumer tasting, the taste of the product was characterized as herbal and herbal.

Laboratory tests have revealed the content of the residual amount of the pesticide chlorpyrifos, the value of which is at the limit of the minimum acceptable limit for similar product categories.

Volume, ml250
price, rub.249
A typeUnrefined
Pros and cons
  • safe;
  • corresponds to the declared name.
  • residual amount of pesticide at the minimum value limit.


Criteria for choosing the best olive oil:

  1. Packaging... Sold in plastic and glass flasks. Preference should be given to a dark glass bottle covered with an additional protective film that prevents sunlight from entering.
  2. Shelf life. The shelf life recommended by the standard is 12 months.
  3. Taste... Delicate rich taste characteristic of olive oil, with a slight bitterness that disappears after swallowing. A quality product should also be free of turbidity and suspended flakes.
  4. Smell... Herbaceous, viscous, with the presence of woody notes.
  5. Colour... Natural yellow and greenish shades are acceptable.
  6. Acidity... The lower the value of this indicator, the higher the quality and cost of the oil.
  7. Manufacturer... Pay attention to who made and packaged the product. Better if it is one organization. In this case, the oil was spilled immediately after pressing and did not lose its taste and benefits.
( Total:1 Middle:5/5 )

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