The best brands of tea bags

Best brands of tea bags - Test Purchase Study and Roskontrol

The quality of packaged black tea causes concern among a large number of buyers. There is a widespread opinion about the use of artificial colors, flavors in this type of packaging, up to the replacement of natural tea leaves with dubious plant species. Despite all the conflicting opinions, it cannot be denied that brewing tea with convenient disposable tea bags is a worthy competitor to the traditional brewing method.

In order that you do not have to choose between such important properties of any product as naturalness and ease of use, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best tea bags according to the version of "Test purchase" and "Roskontrol". We have collected brands of black tea bags that have passed independent testing and received a positive assessment from experts.

The best tea bags: TOP-10

"Tess" - the winner and favorite of the popular vote "Test purchase"


Packaged tea "Tess" has taken a leading position not only by the results of the tasting process, but also by the quality and safety indicators studied in the laboratory. Customers noted its bright, rich aroma and taste. The experts, in turn, did not find any foreign impurities in the sample, including metal-magnetic (ore, metal particles). No toxic elements (lead, arsenic, mercury) and molds have been identified either.

At the end of the Test Purchase program, the participants presented to the expert court were measured by the mass fraction of water-soluble extractive substances. The higher this indicator, the brighter and richer the taste of the tea, as well as the quality of the raw materials from which it is made. According to this parameter, "Tess" outstripped the rest of the contenders, which secured itself the first place in the TV program rating.

Country of growing raw materialsKenya
Number of bags100
price, rub.245
Pros and cons
  • rich taste and smell;
  • safe natural composition;
  • without toxins.
  • not found.


Greenfield is the winner in the Roskontrol rating


Greenfield was developed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, the norms of which are not known to the Roskontrol expert commission. However, it was possible to establish in the laboratory that its composition corresponds to GOST 32573-2013.

The drink scored the maximum number of points due to the high content of extractives, as well as tannin and caffeine, which are above the average values ​​for this product category. In addition, the total ash value indicates good quality of tea leaves and a balanced mineral content. However, the content of water-containing ash is less than the amount specified in the standard.

Harvesting (appearance) of a dry sample is represented by inoculation and dark brown crumbs.When brewed, it has an intense reddish tint and a rather pronounced aroma. The taste is tart with bitterness. Mass fraction of moisture is much lower than that of other studied participants.

Country of growing raw materialsCeylon
Number of bags20
price, rub.103
Pros and cons
  • free of fragrances and pesticides;
  • low moisture index;
  • high levels of tannin and caffeine.
  • not found.


Hillway is ranked second according to Roskontrol


The results of independent laboratory tests by Roskontrol indicate that Hillway is manufactured in accordance with GOST 32573-2013. However, there is no indication in the marking of the document (TU) according to which this sample was made.

During the tasting, a high (above average) strength of the infusion was noted, a reddish color with a fairly pronounced aroma and a full tart taste. The fine fraction of the tea leaves is sufficiently curled and homogeneous. In the boiled state, the leaf has a copper-brown, bright color. In general, the sensory rating of Hillway, dry and brewed, meets the requirements of the standard.

Country of growing raw materialsSri Lanka
Number of bags100
price, rub.400
Pros and cons
  • aflatoxin and other pesticides and toxins not found;
  • corresponds to the name "premium";
  • molds were not found.
  • low caffeine content.


"Riston" - the third place in the rating "Roskontrol"


First of all, the Riston cleaning was appreciated. The tea leaves of the sample represent the sowing of the fine fraction, which is obtained by sorting the semi-finished tea product on a sieve. However, a larger size of tea leaves was noted compared to pellets from other manufacturers.

The proven safety indicators meet the necessary GOST requirements. Nevertheless, the experts determined the residual amount of pesticides not permitted in the Russian Federation, but in the course of laboratory measurements, it was found that the consumption of this tea in the usual daily amount could not lead to an excess of the safe daily dose of pesticides. Among the inconsistencies with the current state standard, there was a discrepancy between the variety declared by the manufacturer. Based on the results of the tasting commission, it was established that it belongs to the first grade, while the label “highest” appears on the package.

Country of growing raw materialsSri Lanka
Number of bags100
price, rub.385
Pros and cons
  • large size of tea leaves;
  • no mycotoxins found.
  • low tannin content;
  • high price per package.


"Maisky" is a finalist of the "Test purchase"


The tasters' opinions on the taste of Maisky were divided: some customers liked the pleasant color and aroma, but other members of the jury doubted the natural origin of this sample.

The laboratory has determined the residual quantities that are not allowed (in Russia) for growing tea, pesticides. However, experts' calculations show that drinking tea in normal quantities will not harm the human body. In the appearance of the infusion, some disadvantages are noted, in particular, insufficiently bright, delicate aroma, astringency of taste is average. The small size of Maisky tea leaves contributes to faster brewing.

Country of growing raw materialsCeylon
Number of bags100
price, rub.190
Pros and cons
  • reliable marking;
  • low price.
  • residual amount of pesticides (in an amount safe for the human body).


"Dilmah" - high antioxidant activity


The brewed sample of "Dilmah" was liked by the majority of the members of the tasting jury of the "Test Purchase" and successfully passed to the final of the competition. Experts have established its compliance with all standard and safety requirements. However, he lost to the winner "Tess" due to a lower value of extractives.

As a result of the cross-check by Roskontrol, this contestant also distinguished himself from all tested drinks by one of the highest marks according to the results of the tasting. Dilmah's taste is full, tart, slightly astringent.Harvesting tea involves sowing and crumbs, sufficiently curled and open, a bit mixed. Another important difference is the high antioxidant activity, which provides better protection of the body against the negative effects of free radicals.

Country of growing raw materialsSri Lanka
Number of bags100
price, rub.210
Pros and cons
  • no mold or toxic elements were found;
  • corresponds to the assigned "Extra" grade.
  • low tannin (7.8%).


Twinings English Breakfast Tea - high quality and safe

Twinings English Breakfast Tea

Twinings English Breakfast Tea has received one of the highest results in terms of security according to Roskontrol. This product was developed according to the manufacturer's own specifications, despite this it meets the required standards of GOST 32573-2013. The aroma and taste of the infusion are quite pronounced and pleasant. The taste has a slight astringency and bitterness. Infusion of medium intensity, brown-gold color. Caffeine content - 2.4%, tannin - 9.4%. The presence of aflatoxin and molds has not been established in the laboratory.

Country of growing raw materialsIndia
Number of bags50
price, rub.295
Pros and cons
  • residues of pesticides have not been determined;
  • reliable marking;
  • high antioxidant capacity;
  • positive organoleptic characteristics.
  • not detected


Lipton Yellow Label - Verified Top Grade

Lipton yellow label

The taste qualities of Lipton Yellow Label were not liked by the members of the national jury, who doubted the naturalness of this product. The tasters noted the empty taste of the drink, which does not have a characteristic tea smell and strength.

The subsequent stage of laboratory research did not confirm the arguments of the buyers. There were no foreign impurities in the composition of the contestant, including dyes and flavors. What's more, Lipton Yellow Label has been proven safe and manufactured to meet all required microbiological and chemical standards. One of the insignificant comments of the commission was the discovery of granules in one of the packages, but the bulk of the tea consisted exclusively of small fragments of tea leaves.

Country of growing raw materialsSri Lanka
Number of bags150
price, rub.256
Pros and cons
  • corresponds to the "Extra" grade;
  • high levels of tannin and caffeine.
  • a small amount of granules was found in one of the packs.


"Princess Kandy" - budget category

Princess Kandy

Evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of "Princess Kandy" caused expert comments, among them - insufficiently bright delicate aroma, dull empty taste. The color and condition of the boiled-out sheet did not receive any claims. The fraction of tea leaves is rather large and outstrips the other competitors in size. Cleaning "Princess Kandy" does not contain light straws and has a uniform dark brown color throughout the dry mass.

When brewed, it has a transparent yellow-brown hue, does not contain sediment and turbidity. The taste and aroma are quite pronounced, without extraneous burning, moldy or chemical odors.

Country of growing raw materialsCeylon
Number of bags100
price, rub.150
Pros and cons
  • no facts of inaccurate marking were found;
  • does not contain "tea waste";
  • budget price.
  • low in tannin and caffeine.


"Akbar" - product with comments


The first grade of Akbar tea, declared by the manufacturer, was confirmed by laboratory measurements carried out by Roskontrol specialists. The sample received comments in terms of its organoleptic properties, namely, the tasters revealed insufficient saturation of taste and aroma. The intensity of the Akbar infusion was assessed as “above average”.

Among the shortcomings of the contestant: inconsistency with the norm of the mass fraction of water-soluble ash from the content of total ash (significantly lower than required by GOST). Another drawback was the high content of mold, the value of which was at the border of the maximum permissible limit.

Country of growing raw materialsCeylon
Number of bags100
price, rub.248
Pros and cons
  • there are no metal-magnetic impurities;
  • does not contain fragrances and chemical dyes;
  • aflatoxin was not identified.
  • low caffeine count;
  • the value of detected molds is at the maximum permissible limit.


Tea selection criteria

  1. Packaging... The type of packaging material directly affects the total cost of the product. The cheaper option is filter paper, the more expensive and better option is a rayon bag. The presence of a string and a separate envelope also increases the final price of the tea.
  2. Taste... Saturated, tart, light bitterness is allowed.
  3. Scent... Pronounced, pleasant, in no case have any extraneous burning, moldy or chemical odors.
  4. Colour... In dry form, a dark brown, almost black color is acceptable, without the content of light straws. The brewed infusion is transparent, clean, should not contain turbidity. Available in brownish-yellow and deep red-brown colors. If white foam appears on the surface, you should not worry about the quality of the tea. This is a sign of a high content of essential oils, and the more there are, the more brightness and saturation of the infusion.
  5. Brewing time. To obtain maximum properties, the teabag should be brewed for at least 4-5 minutes. It is worth using it once. Re-brewing only colors the water, as tea is one of the strongest natural colors.
  6.  Variety... The current GOST does not provide for such a division. Therefore, all the marks about the exclusivity of the species and its belonging to the highest grade, not otherwise than the marketing policy of the manufacturer.
( Total:23 Middle:4.9/5 )

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