How to choose a kitchen knife

It is quite difficult to prepare a delicious meal for the whole family without a quality knife. In addition, this device helps in the preparation of a festive dinner, while saving time and creating everything with due convenience. In order to properly organize this process, you need some really high quality knives. However, it is not immediately possible to answer the question of how to choose a kitchen knife.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors used a kind of modern knives. In addition, it was, perhaps, one of the first tools that our ancestors created in order to simplify the process of cooking. Nowadays, numerous manufacturers are making knives from a wide variety of materials, trying to improve this device.

Therefore, before choosing a good kitchen knife, it is necessary to properly study the properties of the device, its functionality and the material from which this or that model is made. The fact is that for each person this or that tool can be differently convenient, therefore it is necessary to individually approach the choice of a knife.

Which company to give preference to

Immediately before buying, many people wonder which knife to choose. From all the variety of modern manufacturers, there are several main contenders for the title of the best company that produces the highest quality knives.

Currently, the Japanese are considered the best knife makers. Therefore, when it comes to choosing a knife, the eye immediately falls on Japanese companies specializing in the manufacture of kitchen appliances. However, there are quite a few Japanese firms in the modern world of this kind of activity, so among all the diversity it is also easy to get confused. Often people give preference to those firms that are constantly heard, without suspecting that there are companies that produce knives, but at the same time do not have such a large-scale fame. Among all manufacturers, several major firms are worth noting:

  • Hattori;
  • Kukuichi;
  • Clobal;
  • Masahiro.

If we take European brands, then it is German firms that take the leading positions here, since German quality is known all over the world. The second place is occupied by French manufacturers, and somewhat lower - by Italian and Swiss. However, the Japanese are still the undisputed leaders in the production of kitchen appliances, so if you are choosing a knife for your kitchen for the first time, then it is better to give preference to either Japanese or German firms.

What types of knives are there

Quite a lot of people are now thinking about which kitchen knife to choose, especially when old appliances that have served 5 or more years are gradually becoming unusable. After you have decided on the manufacturer, you need to ask yourself which knives are better to choose so that they are convenient to cut the ingredients, while saving time and effort.

In the modern world, the classification of knives includes such a huge number of concepts and terms that it will be quite difficult for a beginner to navigate. Nevertheless, several basic types can be distinguished.Among them there are universal knives, with which you can cut absolutely everything, and there are specialized ones that are designed for cutting a certain type of product.

It is much easier to navigate kitchen appliances if you divide them by materials of manufacture, since it is thanks to this factor that knives can differ from each other in their functionality.


How to choose a kitchen knife

These knives are of a completely new generation, which combine not only beautiful design, but also functionality. The main material used in the manufacture of such knives is molded zirconium powder, melted at high temperatures, and then poured into special molds. This approach to making knives not only makes the models visually attractive, but also increases their functionality. According to its properties, the blade of such a knife is as close as possible to that of a diamond.

In addition, ceramic knives come in a variety of colors, so you can choose the design that best suits your kitchen decor. Despite the fact that in fact there is not much difference, some experts still believe that black ceramic knives are several times more dense in terms of their density. Zirconia blades have one important feature - they are able to keep sharpening for an incredibly long time, so you will not have to sharpen them for the next several years.

However, when the time has come to sharpen your knives a little, keep in mind that ceramic knives require a special approach, so it is not recommended to sharpen the blades at home. The best way to sharpen these knives is to grind on diamond wheels, so for this purpose it is recommended that you take your knife to a specialist who will sharpen the knife without any damage to the blade.


  • ceramic models are not stained with products, and they also keep sharpening for a rather long time and do not get scratched;
  • the blades do not give a "metallic taste";
  • such models are particularly durable, so there is no need to be afraid that if you accidentally hook such a knife, it will be damaged in any way;
  • such models differ in that they are much sharper than metal ones, and at the same time they keep sharpening very well;
  • they are very picky about the conditions of detention, so you can simply leave them on a special stand near your desk.


  • if you accidentally drop the knife, or with a pinpoint impact, such models can easily break, so be careful with ceramic devices;
  • the blades are not very flexible;
  • if you use a glass board, then such knives become dull faster, which means that you will have to spend money on the work of a master, since it is impossible to sharpen a ceramic knife yourself.


How to choose a kitchen knife

This type of knife is perhaps the most popular. In addition, it is to steel knives that consumers have developed more confidence, since even in the past, steel was the main material for the manufacture of kitchen appliances.

Basically, it is not pure steel that is used in the production of such knives, but an alloy, which includes iron and carbon. In addition, various alloying components are used to improve the properties of the manufactured knife.

Today there are a huge number of brands that make steel knives, however, they, in turn, are divided into several main groups. Steel knives come in the following varieties:

  1. Carbonaceous. These models are often the cheapest, have sufficient strength and hardness. It is carbon models that are best sharpened, but their corrosion resistance is rather weak. Carbon knives are more demanding on storage conditions, since if they are violated, they can quickly become rusty and become unusable.However, such models are quite popular, since the democratic price, along with the general functionality, attracts a large number of buyers. In addition, such models are most common, since they did not deviate much from their predecessors in their properties.
  2. Stainless. These knives are made of stainless steel, so they do not require special attention with regard to storage conditions. You can simply leave them on a special stand on the kitchen counter and sharpen and clean them periodically. Keep in mind that these models dull much faster than carbon models, so you will have to take the time to sharpen them periodically. However, such devices are practically not “killed”, that is, they will definitely not suffer from corrosion.
  3. High carbon stainless. These knives are often versatile, so they can cut everything from butter to smoked sausage. They combine the advantages of previous models and do not have their disadvantages. In fact, it is these knives that can be called ideal helpers in the kitchen. However, be prepared that you will have to pay a little more for this quality than for previous models.

There are so-called forged knives, which are made using technologies close to Damascus steel. Such knives can be easily found among others, since their blades have characteristic graceful streaks. It is these knives that can be attributed to the premium class, since they are not dull, they are not subject to corrosive processes, their blades are very durable and strong. These models are the most expensive knives of this kind.


  • the choice of such knives is huge, so you can always choose the model that suits you in all respects;
  • sufficiently durable models that anyone can purchase for themselves due to a relatively democratic price;
  • if stainless steel is used in the knives, then such models are practically not subject to corrosive processes;
  • even if you have not dealt with knives before, you can, with your hand filled, sharpen steel copies yourself;
  • the cost in comparison with models made of other materials is quite low.


  • some models get dull pretty quickly, so you will have to regularly spend time sharpening;
  • at the present time there are quite a few imitations in which steel is not of the highest quality.


How to choose a kitchen knife

Such knives are quite rare in our kitchens, but it is these models that are advertised at almost every step as timeless tools. However, it is the titanium coating that is significantly inferior in many characteristics not only to ceramic knives, but also to steel specimens.

Titanium knives have a special coating, which in terms of its functionality is in no way more advantageous than steel or ceramic, so you will not get anything but an attractive appearance. However, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that such a coating does not leave a characteristic metallic taste, and also has high hygiene. In addition, titanium knives are not subject to corrosive processes and do not react to most acids that can be found in everyday life.


  • such knives are very convenient to use because they have a rather low weight;
  • often remain sharp for a long time;
  • have the proper flexibility and are quite durable;
  • in their appearance they are quite attractive, therefore they are perfect for the interior of the kitchen, designed in classic shades.


  • such models become dull very quickly, so you have to constantly sharpen them, but you can also do this at home, using available tools (you can also use the same ones that are used to sharpen steel models);
  • Titanium models are quite expensive for their functionality.

What parameters of the knife should you pay attention to?

Before you choose the most suitable knife for yourself, you need to form in your head those parameters that are most important to you.

It is on some parameters that it depends on which products it will cope better, and which ones can quickly spoil the sharpening. There are several basic forms of knives:

  1. Universal. With this knife, you can cut almost anything you want. It is suitable for all products, from cheese to nuts. Such knives are preferred by women because it fits well in the hand and is easy to use.
  2. Chef knife. This model can also be considered universal, but because of its more impressive size, it is most often used by men. In addition, it is the male hand that is able to cope with such a model, since the chef's knife often weighs more and is harder to use.
  3. For slicing. Such knives have a rather long, but thin blade. They are mainly suitable for cutting fruits or vegetables into salad. Such a knife will be an excellent solution if you need to cut sausage or cheese, since its coating does not allow the slices to stick to it.
  4. Serrated. This is the name the knife is designed for cutting into thin slices of bread. Such models have an oblong blade and a serrated blade, and in their appearance they strongly resemble a saw. Such a knife is able to quickly cope not only with crispy crusts on loaves, but also with pies or puff pastries. In addition, this model is often used to cut vegetables or fruits.
  5. Hatchet. In terms of its properties, such a knife is not close to an ax, and it got its name because in its appearance it resembles an ax. With the help of such a knife, you can cut meat of special toughness, as well as chop bones and cartilage. However, do not forget to ensure that such a knife remains well sharpened, otherwise it will become difficult for you to use it for its intended purpose.

Tips for choosing a knife

In order to correctly choose a knife, follow these tips:

  1. Remember, every self-respecting kitchen should have several basic knives. For this reason, you will need a chef's knife to get started, as well as a utility knife that will help you cope with cutting all the basic products. In addition, your kitchen must have a cutting knife, or a milled one. Give preference to models with high strength, since the kitchen must have exactly that knife that does not require special attention to itself, as well as special storage conditions. Always keep all essential knives in a conspicuous place, preferably on a special stand near your desktop.
  2. If you often cook seafood or seafood dishes, it is best to purchase a fillet knife. In addition, special Japanese-made tools will also be irreplaceable assistants in this matter. First of all, give preference to models made of stainless steel or titanium, since it is the functionality of these models that will be enough to properly prepare a dish of marine life.
  3. If you want to purchase additional knives that will have a non-standard blade shape, then it is best to choose specimens from ceramics. The best option would be black ceramic if you are going to cut fairly tough products. Before buying, be sure to check how comfortable the handle of your chosen knife is in your hand. You should not experience any discomfort, as when cutting, you can accidentally miss, or the knife will simply fall out of your hands.
  4. In order to cut meat with bones or cartilage, you must have a special knife in the kitchen. A stainless steel hatchet will work best for you.Choose models with a handle made of wood, since when you press firmly, you will not experience the unpleasant sensation of reciprocal pressure on the palm. However, do not get too hung up on such a tool, since you will not use it as often as other knives.

Knives cost

Knives also vary in cost. If these are steel knives, then the Chinese counterparts will cost you up to 1000 rubles. However, professional models can cost up to 130 thousand rubles.

If you prefer more ceramic knives, then expect to spend from 400 rubles to 9.5 thousand rubles. It all depends on how high-quality model you want for your kitchen. The most optimal quality for household purposes, choose a knife in the range of 2-3 thousand rubles.

Titanium specimens are the most expensive. Therefore, at a price below 3 thousand rubles, since the materials used for the coating are quite expensive. Nevertheless, if you are not very picky, then you can be content with Chinese counterparts. Their quality is tolerable, but they will last no more than a year or two years.

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How to choose