Best car batteries in 2020

The battery in the car system is one of the important elements. It will not be possible to start a vehicle without it, and the work of a complex electronics device will not function. The best car batteries in 2020 come in a wide variety. Manufacturers of our time strive to do everything in their power to meet the needs of electronics development. This area does not stand still, and therefore there are more modern systems every year.

Of course, the variety of goods on the market always has several sides - this is a large assortment that satisfies the needs of different consumers, but it is also capable of catching a person by surprise. Against the background of these events, the question often arises: "What is the best charger for a car battery?" The answer to it will be presented within the framework of our article.

Features of buying a battery

Faced with the task of this segment of goods, it is worthwhile to understand that today a special classification has already developed. It takes into account certain features of the device, their options.

Helium batteries

Designed to remain functional even in deepest discharge situations. Manufacturers create them using silicic connective acid. The devices are generally in demand and have positively proven themselves in practice, but you should be prepared for the fact that they are demanding to comply with the charging conditions.

Lead-acid batteries

These devices are representatives of the budget class. They consist of 6 cans, which are separated by plates made of lead. The devices are very convenient and easily tolerated. If there is a high power during functioning, they are capable of losing their properties. These options, according to experts, will be the best choice for cars of new lines of production.


They are successfully applied in practice. The filler is a liquid electrolyte that is vibration-resistant. Such decisions are sensitive to the rank of deep meaning.

TOP best batteries in 2020

Yellow Top 55 Ah from Optima - 17,250 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

Opens the TOP of the best car battery charger from Optima. This is what the device is, according to most users. The manufacturer represents the United States of America. The company was able to establish itself as a manufacturer of highly reliable products in the automotive market.

Before us is a very compact solution in terms of dimensions, but at the same time it has excellent power characteristics. The weight is small, which is convenient in practice. The output of the starter current reaches 765A. The device is designed in accordance with a special technology of spiral stacking of plates. Such results are not available to many of Optima's competitors today.

It is also worth noting that the entire Yellow line is worthy of consumer attention. The devices tolerate vibration and overload very well.


  • power indicators;
  • sizes;
  • quality characteristics;
  • dimensions and weight;
  • reliable brand.


  • high price.

Running Bull by Banner - 6,700 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

The device is manufactured by a company from Austria. He was able to establish himself in the market as a reliable brand. This model is no exception. Customer reviews are proof of these words. The model has excellent characteristics. The parameters of the current output are high. They are as close as possible to glue-type batteries.

As for the trigger, it is within 640 Amperes. It should also be noted that in winter the device works at the highest level. The only thing that doesn't match is the display of indicators. The device becomes significantly weaker. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that in the conditions of harsh Russian winters, this option is not the most preferable.


  • build quality characteristics;
  • high performance indicators;
  • similarity with helium devices;
  • high rates of current return;
  • reliable brand.


  • in winter, the characteristics are significantly reduced.

AGM from Tudor - 9800 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

The rating continues the compact solution for power plants, the battery is very compact in size. Attracts the device with excellent performance. This is 60A per hour. The battery gives up to 680 A.

I would like to note that the manufacturer initially set out to produce a battery model that will be used in cars with a start-stop system. For this reason, this device allows to achieve a fast output of impulse current. It is ideal, according to many consumers, in order to use the device in an urban environment. The only problem is that its cost is high. Analogs can be bought at a more affordable price.


  • sizes;
  • high performance characteristics;
  • charge acceptance rate indicators;
  • the ability to return current on a large scale.


  • high price.

Premium from Bars - 4700 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

This model has recently entered the domestic market as one of the best. Produced by AKB Kazakhstan. The new line deserves the attention of consumers, and those who have already had time to familiarize themselves with it from personal experience note that this is a quite appropriate option for use in Russian weather conditions.

The battery does not lend itself to icing. Its performance characteristics are excellent. It is difficult to find something more interesting in terms of price and quality.

It is worth noting that there is not a single negative review on the Web about the Bars Preimum line.


  • price and quality - they answer;
  • high wear resistance characteristics;
  • the use of new technologies;
  • lack of freezing.


  • unknown brand.

BLUE DYNAMIC from VARTA from 2400 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

The battery of this BLUE DYNAMIC model has proved itself to be good. He is able to serve his owner for a considerable period - up to 7 years, while pleasing with exceptionally smooth functioning.

Not without a drawback, some users note that in winter the battery begins to behave unstable.


  • long service life;
  • uninterrupted work.


  • poor performance in cold conditions.

AGM S5 from BOSCH - 9,000 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

This model is distinguished by the issuance of a high starting current - up to 760A. This phenomenon makes it possible to start any vehicle. If you use a load plug and take some measurements, then there is a chance that the product will withstand the voltage.

The parameters are useful in cases of urban driving. In this case, the generator will not have time to fully charge the battery in order to take a walk. The cost of the device is high.


  • high level of starting current;
  • build quality.


  • cost.

5951 from Bosch - 4500 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

Over the years, Bosch has won the respect of consumers. This battery was no exception. It has a high resistance to long-term low current discharges. Those.even if you suddenly need to start using the machine, there is no need to worry about the rapid wear of the device.

The battery takes charge quickly enough. True, there is no way to control how thin it is.


  • charge in a short time;
  • long term of application;
  • resistance to temperature drop.


  • there is no charge control.

55 A / h from Tornado - 2200 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

The battery is inexpensive. Among the lead acid solutions, it is considered one of the best. In fact, there is still a minus. It lies in the current of cold scrolling.

The rest indicates that this is the best battery in the budget segment to date. If the question arises, which battery is better to use in order to get stable work in any season of the year, the answer is obvious. That's 55 Ah from Tornado. The cost is low. The device differs in optimal weight characteristics. It is very aesthetic in appearance, and it is equipped with a high-quality handle.


  • acceptable pricing policy;
  • durable characteristics;
  • stable work.


  • discharges quickly under load.

STANDARD from TYUMEN BATTERY - 2400 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

This battery is suitable for those who bought a new car, and therefore does not plan to drain the battery. The model has proven itself perfectly in a duet with 15W viscosity oil at low temperatures. The current output in this case will be equal to 500A.

It should be noted that the indicators are quite appropriate today. It should also be noted that the device is not so ideal. Under heavy load, its falling speed increases.


  • acceptable price;
  • the presence of a starting current;
  • small compartment;
  • works perfectly in conjunction with high power motors.


  • do not lead to a deep discharge.

55AZ from the Beast (ZV) - 4350 rubles

Best car batteries in 2020

Today, chargers for car batteries of domestic production are presented in a large assortment. Among them there is an excellent Beast model, which attracts with ease of use and excellent characteristics. Starter current operation at height. Every second is realized with precision.

The design is generally comfortable, there is no problem in rinsing the plastic or noticing the electrolyte. To monitor the operation of the device, a peephole is equipped.

The only downside is that the device is not always stable.


  • ease of use;
  • a peephole for monitoring functioning;
  • current efficiency indicators;
  • high quality electric starter.


  • stability level.


It is worth noting that only the best battery models are presented in the TOP, which are in high demand among motorists. It is quite possible to choose a model that will meet all the requirements. Here you should rely on your budget. Of course, there are also inexpensive options, but if you pay extra, you can get an excellent device that should really serve the owner without upsetting with various failures.

Today, many people decide to rely on the reliability of the manufacturer when buying. Many brands are really well known. One of the most popular among car owners is the Bosch battery. The manufacturer is located in Germany. The production of equipment is represented by different segments. Over the years, he has proven that he is able to delight with exceptionally high quality products with high performance indicators.

Varta batteries are no less in demand. It is also a German company that has been able to establish itself in the market as a manufacturer of products with exceptionally high quality products. It is also worth noting that the Warta does not raise the price higher than it should be, and therefore many buyers were able to evaluate the product in practice, speaking about it exclusively from the positive side.

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One comment

  • Kirill:

    Strangely, for some reason, Akom was bypassed.Although their batteries are very good! Powerful, reliable, do not require long recharging.


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