Best rear view cameras in 2020

Many drivers are accustomed to using recorders to keep themselves safe and provide a confirmation video if needed. The modern technology market can offer car owners various rear-view cameras that help in parking vehicles by displaying data on the monitor screen, rear-view mirror, etc.

Many cars are not equipped with such a parking assistant, so you have to buy the device yourself, and this review will help determine the best rear view cameras in 2020, which are recommended in 2020.

Brief characteristics and types

The purchased device can be easily installed by yourself. The chamber itself is small in size and is divided into 5 types by design:

  • Mortise - visually reminiscent of a peephole on classic entrance doors. Installation is carried out in a round hole in the car, which will need to be cut by yourself. It is most difficult to install this type, and it is important to choose the right fixing location, since not all manufacturers can offer adjustment of viewing angles.
  • Lining - cameras for which fixation is made with a bolt that holds the license plate light. The fasteners are made to the plastic, the gadget itself lends itself to small adjustments, and the amount of damage to the car is minimal, because you do not need to drill a hole. These cameras are almost invisible after installation.
  • On brackets - these devices are equipped with a swivel mechanism, which is the basis and helps to choose the desired viewing angle depending on the driver's needs. In some cases, such a gadget is used for installation in the cabin itself, for example, if the installation is carried out on a station wagon or minibus, then it can be placed against the rear window. This eliminates the ingress of dirt, protects equipment from theft or falling. Cheap options have a rigid bracket that must be folded for adjustment.
  • Frames are a very convenient solution that does not spoil the car. The camera is already built into the frame for the license plate, during installation it will not stand out, but it may not be installed on all cars. For example, some brands and models of cars are characterized by rapid soiling of the license plate, so the benefits of installing such an assistant will appear only in dry weather.
  • A plafond is a camera that completely replaces one plafond for room illumination, as a result of which versatility is reduced, because the equipment must be selected for a specific brand of transport. In addition, a similar problem appears as with the frames, because the lampshades can also quickly become dirty.

You can determine which rear-view camera is better using the rating below, but initially it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the TOP manufacturers of these devices.

Choosing a camera manufacturer

There are many companies and manufacturers of rear view cameras in the automotive market today. To buy a quality product that can show a good picture and will serve for a long time, you should get acquainted with the best manufacturers:

  • AutoExpert is a company that manufactures various types of electrical devices for cars.The production is located in the Russian Federation, the company offers a large selection of goods at an acceptable cost. The goods are of high quality, this is proven annually, since the manufacturer has been leading the field of car electronics for many years.
  • Rolsen is a Russian-Korean organization that produces a wide range of electrical goods for vehicles. The quality of products is always at a high level, price affordability remains, and the choice itself is very large, so you can buy any kind of camera.
  • Bigson is a specialized company, Korean production and deals exclusively with video equipment for cars. It is one of the best companies in its industry with an annual renewal and improvement of the assortment. Bigson makes extremely high-tech and innovative hardware.
  • AVIS is a narrowly focused company dealing with video equipment for cars, Russian-Chinese production. This company is characterized by high quality, affordable prices and therefore has been holding a leading position for many years.
  • Alpine is a Japanese organization that makes electrical equipment for vehicles. Among the manufacturers described, it is the most prestigious, it is distinguished by its ideal quality, product range.

Knowing the best representatives for today who produce rear-view cameras, you should determine the best options available in 2020 from the demanded ones (universal and cameras with frames).

Framed cameras rating

This option for a car is equipped with a special license plate frame with a neatly installed camera to transmit video to the driver and assist in parking. It is convenient to operate such gadgets, their cost is available to almost everyone and this is the most popular type, since you do not need to spoil the plastic, body and insist on equipment for a long time. The main disadvantage is not the highest picture quality compared to other models.


Best rear view cameras in 2020

Such a gadget is considered a full-fledged complex, since it uses a camera for two rooms. This is an excellent option for newcomers to driving. The device is characterized by wide functionality and excellent image and performance quality.


  • The best workmanship of the device.
  • Good performance, which ensures stable data transmission in frost -30 degrees and in heat up to +70.
  • Resistant to moisture and water.
  • Good picture quality.
  • Small size and weight.
  • The manufacturer uses the 1 LUX technology, which improves visibility at night.
  • Wide viewing angle, which is 170 degrees.
  • Suitable for mounting on any vehicle.

The main disadvantage, according to users, is the cost of the product. In general, the opinions of customers about this option are only positive, and beginners are very pleased with this parking assistant.

Rolsen RRV-200

Best rear view cameras in 2020

Decent camera that copes with the main task 100%. It is convenient to use when you need frequent parking or long reversing.


  • Very good quality of parts and workmanship itself.
  • High temperature limits, the device will work stably in the range of +70 and up to - 20 degrees.
  • Reliable protection and water resistance.
  • The picture quality is average.
  • Small size and weight.
  • Good lighting diode.
  • Excellent viewing angles.
  • Acceptable price.


  • In some car brands it is impossible to fix the frame.
  • The camera is equipped with small wires, so installation work can be difficult.

According to consumers' opinions, the device is quite good, but there are some minor negative factors, but based on the cost of the product, this is the norm.

Bigson iCam-1000

Best rear view cameras in 2020

High quality model for parking assistance, camera embedded in the room frame. All installation work can be carried out independently, the design is characterized by a high degree of reliability and stable operation.


  • High-quality assembly and materials themselves.
  • Excellent temperature range that is greater than some of the competition.Stability is guaranteed at -30 degrees and +70.
  • Resistant to moisture and water.
  • High quality of the transmitted picture.
  • Small frame and camera dimensions.
  • Little weight.
  • The use of 1 LUX technology, which makes it possible to improve the picture quality at night.
  • Great viewing angles.
  • Can be used for any car, regardless of model and brand.

Among the shortcomings, some users highlight the cost, but its border is at an average level and there are models on the market in a higher price range. In general, user opinions are positive and

In general, the reviews are positive and dispose to the choice of this particular device. The only thing that some do not like is the price, but it is not so high, and it all depends on your capabilities.

AutoExpert VC-204

Best rear view cameras in 2020

A high-quality model that fits any car, in addition, it is quite versatile, you can use it even at night. Based on consumer feedback, this option is the best among the budget, and there are almost no negative opinions.


  • Good workmanship.
  • Quite good temperature resistance. Efficiency will be provided at +60 and up to -20 degrees.
  • There is moisture protection.
  • The picture is displayed in good quality, which will be above average.
  • Minimum dimensions and low weight.
  • There is a bright illuminating diode.
  • Large viewing angle, which is 170 degrees.
  • Low product price.

Among the disadvantages can be identified the need to create a hole to securely fix the frame. Standard clips will not work in this case.

Supra SRW-101

Best rear view cameras in 2020

This camera model is quite popular among drivers, but it is not considered the best. It fully performs the main tasks, but there are often cases of difficulties during the installation of the frame.


  • Quite good quality of production, which can be compared with the average.
  • The stability of work fluctuates in the temperature range -20 to +65 degrees.
  • Moisture protection.
  • Picture quality is average, but sufficient for parking.
  • Optimal size.
  • Light weight.
  • The presence of a diode for lighting at night.
  • Sufficient viewing angles at 120/170 degrees.
  • Affordable cost.


  • Cannot be installed on standard mounts of some car brands.
  • Short wires for connection, which do not allow normal connection on some vehicles.
  • In bad weather, a sharp deterioration in picture quality is possible.

Considering the main customer feedback, it should be noted that the described model can be used, but its disadvantages can appear at the most unnecessary moment.

Rating of universal cameras

The main plus of universal models is that the device can be installed almost anywhere in the car. They are characterized by small single-view cameras, as a result of which their functionality and capabilities are wider than that of frame models.

AutoExpert VC-200

Best rear view cameras in 2020

An inexpensive option among the possible models of reversing cameras, which is characterized by optimal quality, ease of use and minimum price.


  • Quality workmanship.
  • The ability to work in frost at -20 degrees and in heat at +60.
  • Good picture transmission.
  • Small size and weight.
  • Good visibility at night with angles of 170 degrees.
  • No installation hassle.
  • Minimum cost.

There were no downsides to this device, and if we take into account the feedback from consumers, we can conclude that this product is ideal for daily use.

Alpine HCE-C105

Best rear view cameras in 2020

One of the best quality reversing camera models with extensive capabilities and a high degree of reliability. Naturally, these parameters correspond to the high cost of the product.


  • Excellent materials and workmanship.
  • The ability to work in severe frosts down to -30 degrees and in heat up to +79.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • Excellent picture quality.
  • Small size and weight.
  • The technologies used ensure good video quality not only in the daytime, but also at night.
  • The viewing angles are 140 degrees.
  • No problem with car mounting.

The camera has only one drawback - the high cost. According to consumer reviews, it can be understood that this product is of very high quality, pleasant to use.

Rolsen RRV-320

Best rear view cameras in 2020

This device has extensive capabilities, an affordable price, and as a bonus, the manufacturer has installed a parking sensor. This is the best dash cam with a rear view camera that will suit any person.


  • Excellent workmanship.
  • Ability to work in a wide temperature range.
  • Resistant to water ingress.
  • Clear picture transmission.
  • Small size and weight.
  • Perfectly shows the image in the daytime and at night.
  • The viewing angles are 170 degrees.
  • Simple installation.
  • Acceptable cost.

Among the disadvantages is a rather loud parking sensor.

Neoline DWN-10

Best rear view cameras in 2020

Ideal for drivers who do not have a screen in their car. The manufacturer has thought through everything to the smallest detail, so when buying, you can get a good package, which will include not only a camera and a screen, but also a transmitter and a wireless sensor itself, fasteners and all this at an affordable price. The device is not the most functional, it manifests itself perfectly well as a parking aid.


  • The quality is above average.
  • Resistant to moisture and water.
  • High image quality.
  • Light weight, and after installing the complete kit, it does not take up much space.
  • Good visibility at night.
  • Easy installation.
  • Affordable cost.


  • Low temperature range. In the summer period, the stability of work will be ensured at +45 degrees, and in winter up to -20.
  • Viewing angles are only 100 degrees.

Based on the opinion of customers, the device will not perform well with a large number of cars in the parking lot, so the product is more suitable for residents of small towns.


Best rear view cameras in 2020

An excellent small camera, which is created with the latest developments and technologies. The functionality is sufficient to complete the main task, while the manufacturer has retained its availability.


  • Good build quality.
  • Work is possible in cold weather down to -30 degrees and in heat up to +50.
  • High definition pictures.
  • Small size and weight.
  • Great image at night.
  • Viewing angle 170 degrees.
  • No problem with installation work.

Some point out that for such a small device, the cost is overpriced, but it is at the average level. Consumers themselves note the excellent picture quality, convenience and ease of use.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the method of fixing the camera. Naturally, the easiest way is to use a frame with an already installed camera in it. The main thing is to think over how to correctly and accurately conduct the wiring into the vehicle. Based on the experience of users, the most convenient frame will be for cars whose license plate is mounted high from the factory on the trunk, since mounting on the bumper is inconvenient due to frequent dirt, and the view is not the most convenient. A similar problem can appear with mortise options, since the driver will have to look for a place to drill a hole. By the way, it should be about 1.5-2 cm in diameter, and the place itself with minimal pollution is limited.

Based on the foregoing, gadgets such as overlays or cameras on brackets can be useful for many. They can be installed on almost any vehicle, the main thing is to find the best place.

If we talk about optics and matrix, then a good mirror with a rear-view camera is difficult to find among Chinese manufacturers. All options will be approximately the same, but before buying, you should highlight options with enlarged CCD matrices. An equally important parameter is the viewing angle. When choosing, the purpose of the rear view camera and the exact installation location are taken into account. Wide-angle lenses are optimal for vehicles where the device is mounted high and the camera itself looks down at an angle.

In addition, you need to select a device for several more parameters:

  • A temperature range that will allow the camera to be used in a variety of conditions based on climate or location.
  • The viewing angles should be selected as large as possible so that more area falls on the screen.

It makes no sense to highlight a specific option, since all the described cameras are good and rarely cause serious problems that lead to negative reviews.

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