Best scooters for kids in 2020

Many parents are wondering what are the best scooters for kids in 2020. There is nothing surprising. Scooters are recognized as one of the best vehicles for transportation in urban areas. They have surpassed even bicycles in demand, which are so loved by children and adults.

The advantage of scooters is the fact that it is a compact type of transport with excellent maneuverability characteristics and a high criterion of controllability. At first glance, it also lends itself well to transportation. This criterion is equally important when it comes to a children's scooter.

Which scooter is better to buy for a child: the main selection criteria

Today there are still those people who are sure that the scooter is an exclusively child's mode of transport. In fact, this is true, but only half. Of course, kids have a lot of fun riding the scooter. They not only move with its help, but also experience pleasure. Such bright moments remain in their memory for a really long time. They like to pick up speed, perform skates or technical elements. Even simple falls are accompanied by impressions. Whatever one may say, but a two-wheeled scooter for children will be the best option for leisure, it will help develop the quality of quick decision-making and reaction in the child.

True, it should be understood that not every scooter is capable of giving all of the above to children. Sometimes, low quality characteristics, marriage - do not allow to reveal the existing potential of the vehicle, which seems, at first glance, to some people very uncomplicated. If you analyze the market situation in our country, you can find really good options for scooters that you should pay attention to when buying. We have collected them in one TOP, dividing it into categories.

When compiling the list, such characteristics were taken into account as the dimensions and number of wheels, the ability to withstand maximum loads, what the weight of the scooter is, and what it is made of. It is important to note that we have taken into account such a parameter as the ratio of the cost and quality characteristics of the goods. Everything will help you make a choice in favor of a good model of a child's vehicle.

Self-purchase: important parameters

Studying which scooters are best for children today, experts note that it is necessary to take into account special parameters so that later the purchase does not disappoint. It is proposed to talk about them in more detail below, and only then proceed to our rating.

Wheels: quantity and material, diameter

The safest and most convenient in practice is the scooter with 3 and 4 wheels. These models are available for children and adults.But 2 wheels on a scooter will become appropriate if the child has already mastered the technique of movement, he confidently holds on while riding.

Speaking about the material, it is worth noting that rubber is the best option. Inflatable chambers are capable of providing a quiet, soft ride. They will be appropriate for children aged 4 and up. The thing is that such scooters are notable for their bulky characteristics.

Choosing wheels made of polyurethane, it is worth knowing that you may have the best scooter for a child 2 years old and above. It is a universal solution for any age group. Such wheels are associated with excellent travel damping characteristics, they do not need maintenance, and they work relatively quietly. In fact, the option is appropriate for a purchase and is recommended by many experts.

But the options with plastic wheels and rubber cover will be the cheapest. Please note, however, that you may experience rattling while driving. Such wheels will make noise, it is not enough to level the vibration. By the diameter of the wheels, you can understand what road irregularities will be felt when driving. Those. if it is a scooter with wheels 8-10 cm in diameter, then the child will feel all the holes and bumps. For older children, it is better to take options with a diameter of 12-15 cm in wheels. This option will be optimal for comfortable movement.

Case characteristics

Supporting elements can be made of steel or plastic. But if this is a scooter for older children, then the structure should be metal. For very children's models, the use of polymers with high strength characteristics is allowed.

Scooter control method

As a rule, a conventional steering wheel to the right and left is equipped. There are also joystick options, or inclined ones. Another way is electric. Each of them has a number of advantages, and therefore it is better to choose a method relying on your personal experience of driving the scooter.

TOP of the best scooters for children of different ages

Our ranking includes models for different ages. We compiled it taking into account the above criteria, as well as feedback from parents who shared their independent opinion on the Web.

Please keep in mind that this is information for review. This is not an advertisement. We only inform readers, but do not push them to buy any particular model.

The best scooter models for the 2-3 year old age group

By the age of 2, children are active, they like to run, play outdoor games, but we must admit that at this age, coordination is not developed in the best way.

The best option would be a scooter with 3 wheels. These are sustainable models, safe to use. They allow you to develop the vestibular apparatus while riding. At the same time, the muscles of the back and legs are strengthened in the child.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 3400 rubles.

In the nomination for the best characteristics of the strength of materials, this scooter from a Chinese manufacturer would be able to take a leading position, and quite justifiably.

It is convenient because a child from 3 to 15 years old can ride it. The point is that the Chinese awarded the model with the ability to adjust the handle. The materials of construction and wheels are very durable, and therefore they are able to withstand a load of up to 100 kg of a child's weight.

I would like to note that ABEC5 bearings are equipped here, professionals know that this is a fairly high class. All this allows the child to complicate the riding style as they grow up, to use more intensive movement techniques. The scooter is convenient because it is easy to transport and does not take up much space during storage. The thing is that it is equipped with a folding mechanism. According to its external characteristics, it is very beautiful and tasteful, and therefore, as parents say in their reviews, their children were happy with such a present.

Model advantages

  • beautiful design;
  • remarkable quality of materials;
  • versatility by age due to the adjustable handle mechanism.

Disadvantages of the model

  • heavy weight;
  • the folding mechanism is not very convenient in practice.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 2500 rubles.

The Chinese manufacturer pleases consumers with an analogue of the famous Mini Micro scooter model for children from Micro Mobility Systems, and even at an acceptable cost. Although it is customary to refer to the option as a budget option, it has a number of advantages.

The scooter has a well thought-out design; in appearance it is very beautiful. And, importantly, it has an excellent build. This model appeals to many practical parents who want to buy a quality product without overpaying fabulous sums of money.

By design features, the scooter is of high quality. It has comfortable grips that are equipped with protective pads. The height of the handlebars can be adjusted, the weight of the scooter is about 1.5 kilograms, which is very convenient. A folding mechanism has been built for storage. Moreover, the wheels glow when driving, this effect is liked by many children.

A sufficiently large color palette is presented to your attention, which makes it possible to choose a scooter model for both girls and boys. As for the age range, this is a great option for children 2-3 years old.

Model advantages

  • beautiful appearance;
  • affordability;
  • convenience of storage.

Disadvantages of the model

  • have not been noted by buyers.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 3990 rubles.

Before you is a very popular option on the market, which has 3 wheels. It differs from its competitors in the design of 2 in 1. The manufacturer of the scooter is an Austrian company, but the base itself is located in China. The model is suitable for 2-3 year old kids, both for boys and girls. Before entering the market, each scooter undergoes strict controls. All products of the company are certified, they meet all the necessary safety requirements of the European level.

Due to the 2-in-1 solution, the scooter can be used as a three-wheeled vehicle. But keep in mind that the child needs to stand firmly on his feet in this case. If the kid is younger, the scooter can be used as a gurney for walking. Even without special tools, the Scoot & Ride Highway Kick seat can be flipped upward, resulting in a steering column design. In just one movement, the kickboard becomes a comfortable sitting balancer.

Due to the low position of the saddle, namely 22.5 centimeters from the floor, the child will feel comfortable while walking. The shape meets the ergonomic indicators, the pad is soft. This not only gives comfort to the baby, but also provides safety features. The scooter has a blocker located in the front of the body. Due to this, it is excluded to roll forward while riding. The risk of the baby falling off the scooter is also reduced.

Model advantages

  • Ease of use;
  • universal design;
  • high quality production;
  • compliance with all certificates.

Disadvantages of the model

  • were not marked.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 2350 rubles.

A Chinese manufacturer offers a small scooter. It has compact dimensions and a folding mechanism. The design is interesting and able to grab the baby's attention. In fact, the option is very high quality, and therefore you can expect that it will serve until your child grows up from it. Calculated weight up to 50 kg. There is a handle that is adjustable depending on the growth of the baby.

The model is light, the child can cope with it on his own, despite his young age. The materials are durable, they serve for a long time, and the appearance of the scooter can be preserved for a longer time.

Model advantages

  • high quality characteristics;
  • excellent build;
  • folding handle;
  • beautiful appearance.

Disadvantages of the model

  • weak spring in the steering stabilization area.

The best scooter models for the 4-6 age group

Children's scooters with 2 wheels are suitable for older children.As a rule, it is 4-6 years old. This recommendation is due to the fact that the scooter is more stable, since it has 2 points of support. But at the same time, their speed characteristics and maneuverability are higher than those of the above mentioned models from the TOP.

When choosing models of children's scooters, it is worth giving preference to those options that have a structure based on durable aluminum. It is important that the steering wheel can be adjusted for the height of the small owner. For your attention 4 current scooter models are presented, which are distinguished by positive ratings on the Web.

ZILMER ZIL1812-186 ZL-80

Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 1700 rubles.

Even if the manufacturer is a Chinese company, the scooter is very high quality. The structural strength is at a high level. The weight is light and the folding mechanism is reliable. A scooter based on aluminum and stainless steel alloys was produced. This type of transport is equipped with high-quality bearings, which are due to the high characteristics of the accuracy of rotation, comfortable grips made of rubber. It is also worth mentioning the lowered version of the deck, which is covered with a layer that provides an anti-slip effect. As a result, the child can count on a safe ride. All this allows the baby's musculoskeletal system to develop correctly. The wheels are coated with polyurethane. This provides excellent traction characteristics, resulting in a smooth ride and quietness.

The Chinese were also worried that parents could service the child's scooter on their own, putting a set of assembly tools in the kit. These are keys with 6 faces, understandable instructions in Russian. The wheels are as strong as possible. They are narrow and allow the baby to accelerate without any problems on a surface that is even. There is a foot brake, and therefore the child can stop if necessary.

Such a scooter is capable of withstanding a load of up to 50 kg, and therefore is suitable for children with a growth of 104-116 sentiments, i.e. 4-6 years old.

Model advantages

  • equipment;
  • durable wheels;
  • durability of use.

Disadvantages of the model

  • not defined.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 4000 rubles.

The German company offers the best scooters for children from 5 years old. In terms of quality, this scooter option is one of the best in the range. The scooter is suitable for a child who first encounters a 2-wheeled version. This is a sustainable model. The wheels are small, quite stable, the frame is made of aluminum, strong and lightweight. The characteristics are noteworthy, it is possible to adjust the weight in accordance with the height.

Model advantages

  • external characteristics;
  • a light weight;
  • reasonable price

Disadvantages of the model

  • backlashes are noticed;
  • rattling when using.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 3700 rubles.

The scooter is made in China. In appearance, it is original, striking. This option can be purchased for "growth", the steering wheel is regulated according to the child's height. The wheels are large and stable. They make it possible to effectively control the path and make interesting maneuvers. Even if it requires energy consumption in case of overclocking.

The frame is of high quality, made of polyurethane. This model weighs 2.5 kg, which will not create inconvenience when deciding to transport a scooter by a child on his own. It is worth noting the additional features of the scooter, which are associated with the presence of decorative features in the form of light from lights, imitations of engine operation and even a steam engine, which is associated with the release of water vapor in intense clubs.

Model advantages

  • affordability;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • availability of functions.

Disadvantages of the model

  • the design is not the most reliable characteristics;
  • options do not always function correctly in practice.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 9200 rubles.

The French manufacturer pleases with a beautiful model of a children's two-wheeled scooter with high durability characteristics.The construction is made on the basis of stainless steel. This is one of the best materials used to make scooters.

Due to the small wheel diameter, excellent maneuverability characteristics can be developed. As a result, the child is gaining decent speed.

The manufacturer did its best. There is a handle that can be adjusted just enough for the child's height. Plus, the platform is made on the basis of a material with anti-slip characteristics. The wheels are designed with excellent quality polyurethane, along with high rebound on the nylon cover. It is important to note the smoothness of the rear brake.

Model advantages

  • a light weight;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • ease of management.

Disadvantages of the model

  • high price.

The best scooter models for the age group 7 and older

School-age children, as a rule, have riding skills, and therefore it is worth choosing a scooter based on the fact of its operating conditions in the future. If the child will ride on asphalt tracks that are in your city, then it is better to pay attention to the options for wheels with rollers covered with rubber. But on more capricious ground - off-road models with inflatable wheels and a large diameter.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 3700 rubles.

The scooter is optimal in terms of price and quality ratio. The manufacturer is a Russian brand, but the scooter is made in China. The model belongs to the off-road class. Such a scooter is able to move on the ground, and on the sand, and on the grass. He is able to develop significant speed on asphalt paths.

The manufacturer provided the model with a large comfortable frame, which is equipped with a deck. You can stand on it with 2 legs. Plus, there is a footrest with stable characteristics. There is a brake on both the rear and front wheels. It should be noted that parents note in the reviews how thoughtful the model is to the smallest detail. She is able to influence how comfortable the child will feel during the next ride.

Withstands weight 80-100 kg. You can adjust the handle from 84 - 100 cm; this option is suitable for children aged 7 and older. Just keep in mind that transportation is not always convenient. The scooter does not fold.

Model advantages

  • thoughtful design;
  • able to drive off-road.

Disadvantages of the model

  • transportation in full.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 3700 rubles.

The Chinese manufacturer offers an equally successful model that is suitable for children and adolescents, both girls and boys. Children are delighted with the scooter, saying that in its company even a simple walk can be an adventure. It is in his power to develop incredible speed. The wheels are made on the basis of high quality polymer. They can withstand an excellent roll. The folding system of the model is heavy-duty, high quality.

By weight, the model is about 3.5 kilograms. At the same time, even in public transport, the scooter is convenient to transport, you will not bother people. The structure itself is made on the basis of high strength aluminum. The scooter will withstand a load of around 100 kg. It is very convenient that there is a footrest, and the steering wheel can be adjusted for the child's height. It is provided with rubber coated grips.

It should be noted that with a combination of small size, compactness and build quality, this model is one of the best. It can be used in city conditions, transported in public transport. Children also love the design of the scooter. The black and gold scale is really striking.

Model advantages

  • compactness;
  • appearance;
  • construction of excellent quality, as well as production materials;
  • steering wheel adjustment.

Disadvantages of the model

  • were not found.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 8500 rubles.

It is a versatile option that can be used on any road. The manufacturer is a Czech brand. Even the roughest roads in the company of such a scooter will be appropriate due to its large wheels with inflatable tires.The frame is made of high quality steel with lightweight characteristics. All this as a whole provides excellent cushioning and maneuverability. The handles are made in a curly shape. There is a retainer for the palms, all this increases the ride comfort. A high-quality braking system allows you to save the rider from injuries and collisions of various types. The model has a footrest, due to which it provides high stability.

This scooter is suitable for children from 7 years old with a height of 122 cm and above. The steering wheel is independently adjustable. The weight of the scooter is around 8 kg, and therefore the child will not be able to cope with it on his own in case of transportation.

Model advantages

  • versatility;
  • the best option for schoolchildren;
  • suitable for off-road tracks.

Disadvantages of the model

  • cost.


Best scooters for kids in 2020

The cost is 5000 rubles.

The end of the rating will be a German scooter with an original design, and even with effects in addition. This is a stylish option that has high durability characteristics. Has 2 wheels, suitable for a maximum height of 170 cm and a weight of 100 kg. The frame is made of high quality aluminum and the wheels are made of polyurethane. It is important to notice the bearings, which are smooth and very fast in operation. This is ABEC grade 5. They are distinguished by high indicators of wear resistance, help to gain speed in a short time.

But the main highlight of the model is that the wheels glow when driving, and even provide a sheaf of sparks that fly out during braking. This effect is due to silicon brakes. To prolong its effect, the Germans put an additional cartridge in the kit. Children are crazy about this scooter. Actually, judging by the reviews, their parents are also.

Model advantages

  • ease of use;
  • original appearance;
  • bright colors;
  • assembly reliability;
  • light weight up to 3 kg;
  • ease of transportation.

Disadvantages of the model

  • high price.

A couple of tips

Today, the children's scooter market is presented in a really large assortment. We took into account only the options most demanded by buyers in our country. Below are the recommendations for the purchase account:

  1. models with 3 wheels are suitable for children under 4 years old;
  2. for children over 4 years old, buy 2-wheel options, it is better if the frame is made of metal. And wheels with a large diameter will be optimal;
  3. pay attention not only to the price, the external characteristics of the model, but also to the technical features;
  4. take into account in which place the scooter will be used - in the city, outside its boundaries.
( Total:1 Middle:5/5 )

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