10 best smartphones with Aliexpress in 2020

Aliexpress is the most popular online retail store today, with tens of thousands of sellers from all over China. It is hardly possible to think of a thing that could not be purchased on this site. It is especially common to buy smartphones that are made in the largest Asian country, because they offer excellent quality and good performance for an extremely low price.

If you decide to buy yourself a mobile phone, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the rating of the best smartphones from Aliexpress in 2020, in which, undoubtedly, you will find exactly what you need without overpaying for a famous name and unnecessary bells and whistles.


Smartphone with Aliexpress HOMTOM HT17

I would like to start our top with almost the cheapest smartphone with an unusually high-quality assembly and good work. You can buy this device for some 4000-5000 rubles, while the price-quality ratio of this smartphone will undoubtedly surprise you. A 5.5-inch display, color-rich HD resolution, a slim 8mm body and a fingerprint scanner harmoniously complement each other and create a stylish image of a modern good smartphone. A not bad processor with 4 cores, each of which does not exceed 1100 MHz, in combination with 1 GB of RAM, copes with most of the tasks assigned to it.

  • Android 6.0
  • 13 photomodules (autofocus, bright LED flash), 5 MP
  • built-in memory 8 GB
  • dots per inch density - 267 ppi

Surprisingly, this ultra budget smartphone from the Aliexpress store, in addition to everything, also received two SIM card slots that can work with 4G LTE-A Cat.4 networks. Hardly anyone expected the appearance of a 3000-milliampere battery in it, which is able to economically consume energy and save it up to 2 days. Not every "state employee" for 8-10 thousand rubles can find such a set of equipment, but HOMTOM offers it for a ridiculous price.


Smartphone with Aliexpress DOOGEE X5 Max Pro

Low price does not always mean low quality and discomfort during use. For example, an inexpensive and very good smartphone with a small screen DOOGEE X5 Max Pro received an excellent 4000 mAh battery, which due to not the strongest parameters allows you not to charge the device for up to 2 days. A quite solid 5-inch display, 2 GB of RAM, a 4-core chip with a frequency of up to 13000 MHz - for the budget category, such parameters are more than just good. It is impossible not to tell about the excellent optics of the smartphone, consisting of 5 megapixel cameras each. It allows you to take high-quality photographs, although they are unlikely to be suitable for dark or dynamic conditions.

  • built-in memory 8 GB
  • OS Android 6.0
  • work with 2 SIM cards

Perhaps, sometimes ordering a smartphone from China to Aliexpress is not so easy due to financial condition. DOOGEE allows you to solve this issue literally for 5000 rubles. The presence of support for the 4G LTE-A Cat.A communication standard will delight you with the speed of downloading files from the Internet. The manufacturer was even able to integrate a fingerprint scanner, which is very rare in such devices. Chinese companies spare no detail to add various functions that always suit the taste of the buyer.

ZTE Blade V7

Smartphone with Aliexpress ZTE Blade V7

Reviews of Chinese ZTE smartphones are getting better and better every year. If at first the company created only budget devices, now it is actively selling flagships. And their cell phones are really worth checking out.Amazing images, premium performance and excellent autonomy - what else does a modern person need? All this splendor is provided by a 5.2-inch Full HD display, a productive 8-core chipset at 1300 MHz, 2 GB of RAM.

  • Android OS 6.0
  • memory 16 GB
  • 2 sim cards
  • pixel density - 424 ppi

If you are looking for a good Aliexpress smartphone with a sophisticated, attractive style, the ZTE Blade V7 is the first choice. A strict aluminum body, thin bezels and an excellent screen - hardly anyone can call such a phone at least unremarkable. The presence of delightful 13 and 8 megapixel optics, which will not leave you without high-quality photos and videos, cannot but rejoice. The connection supported by the smartphone is also noteworthy: working at 4G LTE frequencies, the user will not experience any problems with access to the Internet or with calls from areas with poor coverage. The only very important drawback of this model can be called a battery with a capacity of only 2540 mAh, which runs out pretty quickly.

DOOGEE Shoot 1

Smartphone with Aliexpress DOOGEE Shoot 1

In addition to state employees, DOOGEE also offers much stronger gadgets. Shoot 1 is a wonderful smartphone with a good screen and a durable battery, which for its 9000-10000 rubles will offer much more on Aliexpress than similar phones in other stores. The gorgeous style created by the metal body and the mechanical button with the scanner is ideally complemented by the 5 '' Full HD screen with protective glass. The processor with 4 cores has the ability to overclock up to a frequency of 1300 MHz, 2 GB of RAM are responsible for excellent performance and excellent speed.

  • 2 SIM cards, 4G LTE-A Cat. 4
  • device memory - 16 GB
  • Android 6.0

It should be noted that the smartphone has good cameras, the main dual optics with 13 and 8 megapixel matrices are a guarantee of incredibly high-quality photo and video shooting. Do not forget the 8 megapixel front camera, which manifests itself no worse. A great addition to the overall picture of high efficiency and excellent quality of the smartphone will be the presence of a 3300 mAh battery, which, due to the economy of the processor, holds a charge for a very long time.

ZTE Blade A610 Plus

Smartphone with Aliexpress ZTE Blade A610 Plus

From the Aliexpress website, you can order truly premium smartphones from China with a good battery that will delight you with its autonomy. The ZTE Blade A610 Plus battery, thanks to its 5000 mAh capacity, is able to function smoothly without recharging for more than 2 days with average use. However, this is far from the only advantage of the phone. One of its advantages is a 5.5-inch screen with support for a resolution of 1920 × 1080, which, combined with a neat body, creates a unique style of the gadget. It is impossible to ignore the smartphone optics, which is represented by 13 and 8 megapixel cameras.

  • Android version 6.0
  • 2 slots for sim cards
  • 4G LTE networks support
  • 16 GB internal memory

Naturally, such a device simply could not fail to get high performance. 2 GB RAM, 8-core chipset with a frequency of 1500 MHz - for a Chinese smartphone, which can be bought for an average of 11,000 rubles, such characteristics are more than just good. And, of course, the manufacturer simply could not leave his gadget without the support of a fingerprint scanner, which is located on the back cover of the case.

Xiaomi Redmi 4

Smartphone with Aliexpress Xiaomi Redmi 4

The rating continued with a quality Chinese phone with a good camera from the most popular manufacturer Xiaomi. The device has long received excellent reviews in thousands of different forums around the world. The device is certainly one of the top sellers of smartphones on the Aliexpress website, and that says a lot about Redmi 4. For 7,000 rubles, the manufacturer offers a neat metal case, a 5-inch display, crisp HD resolution and a 4100 mAh battery. In addition, Xiaomi developers have worked on performance by equipping the device with an 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 chip with a maximum frequency of 1200 MHz and 2 GB of RAM.

  • memory - 16 GB
  • 2 SIM cards, 4G LTE-A Cat. 4
  • fingerprint scanner
  • Android 6.0

If you want to buy yourself a smartphone with a cool camera, then here too Redmi 4 will be one of the first candidates: an excellent set of optics from 13 and 5 megapixel cameras on both sides of the body, respectively, will make it easy to take premium quality photos and shoot videos in Full HD. The novelty appeared at the end of November last year and has not left the top of smartphone reviews with Aliexpress since then, which speaks of the excellent quality and reliability of the device.

Meizu M5 Note 32Gb

Smartphone with Aliexpress Meizu M5 Note 32Gb

How to buy a smartphone in an online store if you want a stylish and powerful device? Meizu knows the answer to this like no other. Not only the M5 Note, but the entire line of the company's gadgets are stylish, thin devices with a metal case and a functional button with a fingerprint scanner. As for the smartphone in question, it is equipped with a magnificent 5.5-inch display with a 1920 × 1080 picture, a gorgeous 8-core processor with a frequency of up to 1.8 GHz. The undoubted advantage of this, no doubt, a good phone will be 3 GB of RAM, since such an indicator is extremely rare and allows the device to work incredibly fast.

  • Android 6.0
  • built-in memory 32 GB
  • powerful Helio P10 processor
  • dot density - 401 ppi
  • matrix technology - iPS

Meizu M5 Note is distinguished not only by a large screen, but also by a capacious battery. The declared 4000 mAh is enough for the device to work without being connected to the power supply for up to 1.5 days. In addition, the smartphone has excellent cameras 13 and 5 Million. pix that shoot better than some cameras. The functionality of the device is confirmed by the presence of slots for 2 SIM and support for VoLTE communication.

LeEco (LeTV) Le 2 32Gb

Smartphone with Aliexpress LeEco (LeTV) Le 2 32Gb

The real flagship smartphone LeEco (LeTV) Le 2 from the Aliexpress store can be purchased for only 12,000-15,000 rubles. Hardly any other marketplace can offer this Chinese phone for such a small price. However, the cost of the device does not mean that the quality will be lame. A gorgeous Full HD display, a large 5.5-inch glass-protected diagonal, touch-sensitive buttons and a metal body - is this design unattractive? Moreover, this powerful smartphone has a fairly fast 8-core chip that clocks up to 1.8 GHz and an excellent 3 GB of RAM, which provides excellent speed for launching games and applications.

  • Android 6.0
  • fast fingerprint scanner
  • built-in storage - 32 GB
  • 2 SIM (nano), 4G LTE
  • fast charging capability

The LeEco model perfectly fits the category of Chinese smartphones with a good battery. Le 2 hides a 3000 mAh battery under the back cover of the case, due to which the device can work up to 8 hours under heavy load but with an average screen brightness. The company also offers gorgeous 16 and 8 megapixel cameras, thanks to which you can easily capture all the best moments in the best quality.

Meizu M3 Max 64Gb

Smartphone with Aliexpress Meizu M3 Max 64Gb

The Chinese company Meizu appeared on the smartphone market not so long ago, but has already managed to win millions of fans around the world. She managed to do this largely thanks to the stylish aluminum case with a functional central button that simultaneously functions as a scanner. No less remarkable is the 6-inch screen, which produces a picture in 1920 × 1080 format, which is reliably protected by tempered glass. Perhaps the main technical advantage of the smartphone is an 8-core chip with a frequency of 1.8 GHz, supported by 3 GB of RAM, due to which the device does not experience problems even with the launch of the most modern games.

  • 2 SIM, VoLTE communication
  • 64 GB media
  • Android version 6.0
  • USB Type-C port

Phones with large batteries are in high demand, which is why Meizu has equipped its device with a 4100mA battery that can last a long time without recharging. There is no doubt that any buyer will like the optics from Sony, presented by cameras at 13 and 8 megapixels. But most importantly, all this splendor costs only 10,000 to 12,000 rubles.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X 32Gb + 3Gb

Smartphone with Aliexpress Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X

The rating closes with perhaps the best smartphone from Aliexpress for 2017. In all characteristics, it certainly outperforms its competitors, but still its decisive advantage is the price.Xiaomi, according to the CEO of the company, sells its phones at a price close to the cost price, so it is hardly possible to compete with them. The Redmi Note 4X smartphone costs less than 10,000 rubles, but for the money it offers a stylish metal body, protective glass and a 5.5-inch display with excellent brightness and viewing angles. But on the aesthetic side, the pros don't end there. Excellent optimization and 4100 mAh battery allow you to enjoy the device for more than 2 days.

  • Android 6.0 with MIUI 8 shell
  • cameras 13 million pixels, 8 Mp
  • built-in memory 32 GB
  • 2 SIM, LTE-A communication
  • upgraded Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 chip

Of course, it was impossible to leave the review of the smartphone without describing the technical characteristics. A high-performance 8-core processor capable of operating at up to 2 GHz and 3 GB of RAM ensure the phone is extremely efficient and fast. Only one thing can be said about this phone, it works stably, it does not heat up under loads, and you will have enough autonomy from one charge for 1-2 days.

Buying a phone on Aliexpress has become an ordinary activity today. Millions of people around the world have already checked the quality of such devices, so there should not be any doubts about whether to buy Chinese gadgets or not. After reviewing the TOP 10 best smartphones from the Aliexpress website in our rating, everyone can easily choose a device according to parameters and budget, order from a reliable seller and quickly receive a long-awaited parcel at the nearest post office.

Read also:

  1. Ranking of the best Chinese smartphones
  2. Best gaming smartphones
  3. The best Xiaomi smartphones
( Total:55 Middle:2.6/5 )

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