Best walkie-talkies in 2020

If for communication you do not need intermediaries in the form of operators who do not connect with another person instantly, and efficiency is important, walkie-talkies will help. They are designed to receive and transmit a signal between two people, providing continuous and instant communication without delay. Therefore, when choosing such a technique, it is imperative to find out what types of communication equipment are, how they differ and where are best used.

Thus, a device configured and designed to operate in an urban environment is unlikely to be suitable for use outside dense buildings due to the active and aggressive suppression of interference and a relatively low reception range. And those that are used by hunters or fishermen can hardly be normally exploited in concrete jungles. So, the best walkie-talkies in different categories.

Types of radios

This little memo will help you not to get confused in the variety of communication equipment. It includes not only classification by type of use, but also examples of brands that represent each species. So it will be easier for a potential buyer to navigate the whole variety of assortment on the shelves. The most common types of radios:

  • Urban - mainly for construction crews and security agencies. The main requirement is high-quality suppression of interference and interference in reinforced concrete structures. Popular brands include universal Motorola and professional Roger.
  • Automobile - for taxi drivers, couriers, truckers and delivery services. The main criterion is active noise cancellation and multichannel. They are represented on the market by Midland and Megajet.
  • Tourist or used outside the city. They are very popular among fishermen and hunters, are famous for their long range, while providing a decent signal level. Equipped with high-capacity batteries. Yaesu and any general-purpose device company are the most typical representatives.
  • For shipping - must be certified in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Communications, have an increased level of encryption security and reliability of the transmitted signal. Produced by companies such as Icom and Vega.
  • Professional - Supports on-the-fly signal encryption and many security features. Useful for the military. Produced either by domestic manufacturers for the domestic market, or by Roger.

If you need universal devices, then almost every company has its own models of a wide profile. It is worth remembering that the choice of such a device is fraught with an insufficient level of implementation of certain important functions that may be useful "in the field".

Popular professional walkie-talkies


Best walkie-talkies in 2020

An ideal choice for those who work on construction sites or carry out combat missions in adverse conditions. It is completed with a low-power transmitter, but sufficient for communication at relatively short distances. All parts are assembled in a plastic case that protects well from shocks and falls, mainly due to the fact that it is reinforced with thin metal threads.Resistance to dust and moisture is also at a high level, which means that the device is able to withstand any stress.

There are two communication ranges, switching between them, as well as controlling all functions of the device, is almost intuitive. The detachable long-length antenna can be easily replaced with any compatible antenna, which gives even more flexibility in use.


  • Dual band receiver.
  • Antenna replacement capability.
  • Good protection against drops and moisture.
  • Works at a decent distance.


  • Expensive.

Motorola CP-040

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

A four-channel model that supports a reliable coding system for keeping the secrecy of the conversation. A high-quality antenna provides signal transmission over long distances, and the ability to work in two bands further expands the field of application.

The case is solid, metal, with good fastening. Shock resistance is top notch, tests have shown full resistance to drops from any height. Full moisture protection, the radio can withstand being under water for several hours.

Ease of operation and maintainability, possible due to the quick change of a damaged antenna, allows this model to be used in the work of security guards who have increased risks at sites. A capacious battery provides about a day of operation on a single charge.


  • Durable.
  • Protected.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Good signal strength.
  • High autonomy.


  • The dimensions of the radio.

Tourist Models

Yaesu FT-60R

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

Model with monochrome screen and transmitter power adjustment function. This is useful when you want to conserve battery power when talking over short distances. The kit comes with a rather weak antenna, but it is easy to replace it with a more powerful one if necessary. Overall, these are the best walkie-talkies for hunting or long-distance hiking.

The case is well protected, the screen is equipped with durable glass. Backlit keys and display allow you to use the device at night without any problems. In battery saving mode, which is automatically enabled, it is disabled and the transmitter power is reduced to a minimum.

Another feature is the manufacturer's increased concern for safety. So, there is a headset connector so that others do not know about the subject of the conversation. You can put a password on the device using the numeric keypad.


  • Maximum protection.
  • Excellent signal quality.
  • Nice build.
  • Headset jack.
  • High quality case.


  • Registration is required due to encryption capabilities.

Motorola XTB446

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

Quite good Walkie-Talkie set of two radios capable of communicating both with each other and connecting with others in the PMR range. Control is push-button, all information is displayed on a small screen. Quite weak, but they are enough to meet the needs of novice tourists. Communication is good in open areas; in cross-country conditions, the maximum reception distance is greatly reduced.

There is no signal encryption or other protection of the conversation, so there is no need to register the set. Supports 8 channels, which can be switched with buttons. The case is solid, fits well in the hand and is not afraid of accidental drops.


  • Decent autonomy.
  • Two devices at once included.
  • Moisture protection of walkie-talkies and dock.
  • Perfectly catches the signal.


  • Only one range.
  • You cannot increase the power by replacing the antenna.

Motorola GP340

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

A small and discreet model that perfectly copes with all the basic functions of a receiver and transmitter. The tri-band transmitter has a power of 6 W and allows you to negotiate over long distances without much interference. The detachable antenna has a standard interface and, if desired, can be easily replaced with another one.

The nickel metal hydride battery can last about 12 hours on a single charge in continuous use. There is an indicator indicating that the radio will soon be discharged. The repeater mode, available in this model, uses up the charge faster.


  • Strict design.
  • Good battery life.
  • Excellent functionality.
  • Hull strength.


  • Price.

River and sea radios


Best walkie-talkies in 2020

A quality model with excellent water resistance, practically the best radio for shipping. Equipped with the function of transferring coordinates in case of an accident or other emergency situations. Has a button that dries the loudspeaker quickly for announcements in difficult conditions. Acoustic abilities are also at the highest level, the voice is heard far away and is not distorted by the equipment itself. There is a shortcut button for the selected channel and a display for fine-tuning the device.


  • Protection according to the IPX74 standard.
  • The presence of the display.
  • There is a set of functions for quick response in emergencies.
  • Adjustable backlight.
  • High quality microphone and speaker.


  • None.

Vega VG-304

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

If you need to buy a good walkie-talkie for communication between several ships, this is almost ideal. The polycarbonate aluminum housing performs well in rough conditions and continues to function even after being exposed to water. The device must not be immersed, the protection class is only IP55.

There is a built-in squelch that can be easily adjusted to suit every situation. You can control the start of the transmission and reception session by voice, saving time and without touching the device. The battery lasts long enough, and when the charge is low, its saving mode is automatically activated.


  • Decent autonomy.
  • Automatic sending of distress signals.
  • Voice control.
  • Informative display.
  • Robust case.


  • Low water resistance.

Walkie-talkie for car

Megajet MJ-200 +

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

If you are interested in which walkie-talkies it is better to buy for your taxi fleet, pay attention to this model. It is cheap, but it doesn't compromise on functionality. There is a small amount of memory for storing several settings profiles. Has a simplified, but at the same time rich control interface with 6 buttons and a miniature display. It receives about a hundred channels of different frequency ranges and can automatically scan the entire grid. The sensitivity control has a very smooth stroke, which contributes to more accurate frequency adjustment during manual search.


  • Memory function.
  • Simple interface.
  • Fine tuning the frequency of the device.


  • Aggressive noise cancellation.

Midland Alan 48 Excel

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

Compact and powerful radio for taxi drivers, capable of receiving about 400 channels and providing very high-quality communication between all participants. There are several knobs that control squelch and gain. The Weak Signal Booster helps you pick up messages that would otherwise be difficult to see. There is a small memory that stores the history of the last 2 channels used. There are two screens - one digital, informational, the other analog, with a physical scale. Used to tune parameters. Both are backlit, as are all the controls on the case.


  • Reception of any signals.
  • Adjustable parameters.
  • Excellent call quality in all conditions.


  • Difficult model to set up.

Megajet MJ-600 Turbo

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

A nimble walkie-talkie thanks to its powerful processor, which is almost an ideal option for a trucker. Withstands cold and heat, catches about 200 channels almost flawlessly. Has an LCD display and multiple adjustment options. The port on the front panel makes it possible to connect an external speaker, which will be useful, for example, for police officers, but there are practically no sane signal encryption options.


  • Beautiful design.
  • Small size.
  • Active noise cancellation.
  • Wide customization options.
  • Powerful processor and fast performance.
  • External speaker port.


  • No signal encryption.

President teddy asc

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

Reliable and functional receiving station, virtually uncontested answer to the question "which radio is better for traveling abroad." Compact, accepts all signals and supports external antenna connection.Noise filtering is at a very high level, but there are flaws in the calibration of this function, it often drowns out the weakest signals. The LCD display is informative, all indicators are displayed in very large characters.


  • Supports a large number of frequencies.
  • Easy to operate and configure.
  • It receives and tracks the signal well.


  • Aggressive squelch.

Megajet MJ-650

Best walkie-talkies in 2020

Walkie-talkie for communication between cars that are close to each other. The transmitter power is only 8 watts, so it is recommended in conjunction with a longer-range option. There is support for 240 channels and a memory that stores the history of the last few. In addition, 4 frequencies can be configured for quick access using the front panel buttons. The noise reduction is of high quality, but sometimes it muffles very weak signals. There is a dedicated button for automatic reconfiguration between domestic and foreign networks.


  • Great communication.
  • Good noise reduction.
  • 6 frequency grids.
  • Intuitive controls.
  • There is a memory.


  • It is uncomfortable to use at maximum volume.

Which radio is better to buy?

Walkie-talkies are selected depending on the requirements for the quality of communication and the area of ​​application. Buy a device. Which is most suitable for the tasks that are required of him, a quick reminder will help:

  • The best city radio - Motorola CP-040.
  • The most reliable shipping one is Icom IC-M304.
  • For communication outside the city - Motorola GP340.
  • Taxi drivers - President Teddy ASC.
  • For professionals - Yaesu FT-60R.

If you know models that are worthy of attention, be sure to mention them in the comments. And remember that making the right choice starts with setting clear requirements for the device.

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