Once inside the human body, herpes will remain in it until the end of life and no medication can get rid of its presence. It recurs periodically and manifests itself as unpleasant symptoms. A weakened immune system can provoke such outbreaks.
Immunomodulatory agents are used as a means of prevention, and antiviral drugs are used as symptomatic treatment. The latter in a short period of time will help eliminate the manifestations of herpes and prevent its spread. To choose the best remedy for herpes on the lips, this rating was compiled.
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General information
Cold sores (cold sores) are an immune pathological process that is familiar to everyone. There is a fact that more than 80% of people are infected with herpesvirus, but few are aware of its nature. Once inside the human body, it remains there forever; the virus seems to invade nerve cells, settling there. However, one should not panic, since the infection is present inside the body, but it is extremely rare. Normally, there will be a rash up to 4 times during the year.
Diseases are characterized by manifestation in those periods when a person's immune system is reduced, in particular in the winter period. Infection spreads along the outlines of the lips, and also spreads to the mucous membranes. Having discovered the initial signs of herpes, in particular rash, redness and itching, preventive therapy is required. The most common forms of antiherpetic drugs are:
- ointments;
- tablets;
- creams.
Ointments and creams are often used for the initial symptoms of the disease, and herpes pills are prescribed by a specialist with frequent recurrence of inflammatory processes. The tablets are usually designed to improve the functioning of the immune system and prevent the emergence of the virus. Herpes therapy is carried out individually and in a complex manner, therefore, before starting an independent treatment, it is optimal to consult an immunologist or dermatovenerologist.
Today, the pharmacological market is replete with drugs that fight herpesvirus, but due to the wide choice, it is difficult for the patient to find the necessary medication. To simplify familiarization with antiherpetic drugs, a list of the best herpes remedies for the current year has been compiled. The following characteristics were taken into account:
- effectiveness;
- components;
- duration of use;
- value for money;
- characteristics of patients.
Erazaban cream
A similar antiviral drug is prescribed at the initial stage of recurrent herpesvirus in patients with a weakened immune system. The active ingredient, docosanol, prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell membrane, as a result of which HSV is absorbed inside the cell and prevents its replication. For use, the product is applied to the damaged area with a thin layer. It is used up to 5 times a day until the symptoms disappear.
- prevents cutaneous dissemination (the spread of herpesvirus along the skin is limited);
- healthy cells are protected;
- such unpleasant symptoms as burning, itching, painful sensations are quickly eliminated;
- damaged areas are reduced;
- slight absorption by the skin;
- use at the initial stage prevents the formation of crusts.
- the medicine is effective only in the early stages of herpes formation;
- propylene glycol, which is part of the medication, causes redness and irritation of the dermis at the site of use;
- restrictions: children under 12 years of age, hypersensitivity to the active ingredient.
Vectavir cream
The effects of the active substance, penciclovir, are very similar to acyclovir. The first gets inside the infected cells, lingers in them for 12 hours, interfering with the synthesis of viral DNA. Unlike Acyclovir, Vectavir is effective at every stage of infection and is considered the most effective in relation to acyclovir-resistant strains. The indications are recurrence of herpes with localization in the face, lips. It is applied to the damaged area for 4 days, 5 times a day.
- prevents the appearance of painful blisters;
- in contrast to acyclovir, it has a longer exposure and less toxicity;
- quickly stops the multiplication of viruses;
- effective at every stage of HSV formation;
- pain sensations decrease;
- the period of the course of the disease is shortened, a rapid recovery occurs.
- negative effects: paresthesia, numbness;
- restrictions: hypersensitivity, age indicators up to 16 years;
- use carefully during breastfeeding, during pregnancy.
Valtrex tablets
The drug is suitable for episodic (with relapse) and suppressive (prevention of relapse) HSV treatment. The active substance, valacyclovir, penetrating into the body, will turn into L-valine and acyclovir, therefore the effect is similar to the latter. The indications are herpes zoster, infections that are provoked by HSV, labial herpes, prevention of recurrence of herpes.
- recovery is accelerated;
- further infection is prevented;
- painful sensations, their duration decrease;
- the multiplication of the virus is quickly blocked;
- long lasting effect;
- good absorption from the digestive tract.
- overpriced;
- negative effects: painful sensations in the head, leukopenia, nausea, dyspnea, occasionally disturbances in the digestive tract;
- used with caution in immunodeficiency;
- the limitation will be increased susceptibility to the constituents of the agent.
Ointment Gerpevir
The considered antiviral agent is recommended to be used at the initial stage of infection formation. The active ingredient, acyclovir, acts as a substrate and inhibitor for viral DNA polymerase, preventing replication. Indications for use will be infection of the lips, which is provoked by HSV, chicken pox. It is applied approximately 5 times during the day for no more than 10 days.
- the least toxic effect on healthy cells;
- painful sensations decrease;
- prevents the formation of a new rash;
- rapid penetration into the tissues of the body;
- the formation of crusts is accelerated;
- immunostimulating effect.
- oily marks remain on the skin;
- with constant use, antiviral activity will lose its own effectiveness;
- contraindications are an allergic reaction to the components that are included in the ointment itself, age indicators up to 12 years.
Acyclovir ointment
A similar drug is most often used at the initial stage of HSV, which manifests itself as irritation on the lips, then develops into bubbles with lymphatic fluid.The active ingredient, acyclovir, will be incorporated into the DNA chain of the virus, interrupting and preventing replication. It is applied approximately 5 times a day until symptoms disappear (approximately 7 days).
- the drug helps block the spread of the virus;
- prevents the appearance of a new rash;
- has an immunomodulatory effect;
- the appearance of crusts is accelerated;
- the risk of complications on the skin is reduced;
- prevents visceral complications;
- pain in the acute phase of HSV decreases.
- with systematic use, the active component will lose its own antiviral activity, therefore, it is required to use it only if necessary;
- a contraindication will be personal susceptibility to the constituents of the remedy.
Famvir tablets
The drug is prescribed in difficult situations, including for the treatment of herpes in patients with immunodeficiency. The active ingredient, famciclovir, is metabolized in cells to penciclovir and helps to suppress the multiplication of viruses. Indications are the zoster virus, herpes of the eyes, initial infection or recurrence of HSV, herpes therapy for immunodeficiency, chickenpox. The effectiveness of the therapy is noticeable at the initial stage of application. Therapeutic scheme: the dose will depend on the state of the immune system.
- increased clinical efficacy;
- rapid elimination of acute symptoms, a significant reduction in unpleasant and painful sensations in the affected area;
- long-term antiviral effect;
- the likelihood of recurrence decreases by 80%;
- there is no harmful effect on healthy cells;
- infection is prevented, new symptoms are blocked;
- the recovery period after the rash is reduced;
- the agent is effective for resistant viral strains to acyclovir.
- negative effects after use: pain in the head, nausea, drowsiness, itching, gag reflex;
- contraindications are age indicators up to 18 years, increased susceptibility to the components of the drug, breastfeeding, pregnancy.
Cream Fenistil Pentsivir
The drug is considered the most harmless and effective antiherpetic drug. The active ingredient, penciclovir, helps suppress and block the spread of the virus. The indications will be HSV therapy at any stage of formation with the location on the lips. It is applied in a small layer to the damaged area up to 8 times during the day for 4 days.
- acute symptoms of vpg are stopped;
- additional components of the product facilitate the penetration of the active substance into the skin;
- effective against certain acyclovir-resistant viral strains;
- recovery is accelerated;
- does not affect healthy cells;
- excellently fights the virus even during a late start of therapy;
- insignificant toxicity.
- negative effects are discomfort and burning sensation in the affected area;
- used with caution during pregnancy and lactation;
- a contraindication is an increased susceptibility to penciclovir or other components of the drug.
Minaker tablets
The drug is considered an analogue of the antiviral drug penciclovir. Effective at any stage of herpes formation. The active ingredient, famciclovir, after penetration into the body, will immediately turn into penciclovir. The component will remain in the infected cell for 12 hours and prevent replication. The indications will be herpes zoster, postherpetic neuralgia, recurrence of genital herpes.
- effective against certain acyclovirresistant virus strains;
- fast and virtually complete absorption;
- the recovery period is reduced by 2 days;
- long lasting effect;
- effectively relieves unpleasant symptoms;
- the duration and intensity of postherpetic neuralgia decreases.
- overpriced;
- negative effects: disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract, in old age - hallucinations, confusion;
- contraindications are renal failure, lactation, increased susceptibility, age indicators up to 18 years, pregnancy.
What remedy for herpes to buy
To choose the best remedy for herpes, you should read these recommendations:
- When herpes only manifested itself as redness, painful sensations, tingling, you need to buy: Acyclovir, Valtrex or Gerpevir. These funds have a similar active ingredient and are effective at the initial stage of infection.
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Erabazan helps against recurrent herpes. However, it must be borne in mind that the remedy does not help at the stage of bursting bubbles and the formation of ulcers.
- In difficult situations, with acute pain, it is optimal to use Famvir in tablet form.
- Medicines that quickly stop the reproduction of HSV at any clinical stage - Vektavir, Minaker.
During the compilation of the rating of the best drugs for herpes of the current year, the characteristics of doctors and patient reviews were taken into account.