best instant coffee

The best instant coffee according to the Test Purchase and Roskontrol

It's hard to imagine what a working day would be like if you didn't drink a cup of strong refreshing coffee in the morning. Of course, for real coffee lovers, no instant coffee drink beats freshly ground and brewed aromatic coffee beans.

However, not everyone can afford such a pleasure, because in addition to the high cost, this cooking technology will require additional time. It is much easier to throw a couple of spoons of the finished mixture into a glass and pour boiling water over it. It is by its convenience that the instant version of coffee has secured wide popularity among lovers of this life-giving drink.

Of all instant types, freeze-dried coffee is the only one that retains its authentic taste and aroma. The complex procedure for the manufacture of sublimate includes four stages:

  • roasting followed by grinding;
  • cookingresulting in a rich coffee extract;
  • freezing liquid extract;
  • vacuum drying, ensuring the removal of excess moisture.

Freeze-drying is a rather expensive and time-consuming process that takes up to 12 hours. This prompts some unscrupulous producers to resort to all sorts of tricks, up to the complete replacement of freeze-dried coffee with various cereals. So, under the guise of coffee, you can get a jar of chicory or barley.
To avoid such unsuccessful purchases, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the best, which is based on the results of independent laboratory tests "Test Purchase" and "Roskontrol".

Top 10 brands of instant coffee

“Jockey” is the winner of the “Test Purchase” TV show with comments from Roskontrol.


In the composition of coffee under the brand name "Jockey" program experts found the highest caffeine content in comparison with the rest of the study participants. The mass fraction of moisture contained in the sample does not exceed the permissible value (up to 6%). These indicators provided the product with a leading position in the "Test Purchase" rating.

However, the results of another audit carried out by the independent Roskontrol community indicate a number of significant discrepancies in the organoleptic characteristics of the Jockey Triumph coffee. During the tasting assessment, the laboratory experts noted an inharmonious bitterness and low-saturation of taste, which does not correspond to the properties of the drink indicated on the label: "Rich bright aroma and taste" and the requirements of GOST 32776-2014.


Weight, gr95
Price, rub143
Pros and cons
  • high caffeine content (more than 2.3%);
  • normal moisture content;
  • organoleptic properties do not correspond to GOST.


Jacobs Monarch is the leader of the popular vote

Jacobs monarch

The jury members of the Test Purchase selection round noted the rich rich aroma of Jacobs Monarch freeze-dried coffee beans. The overall expert assessment of Roskontrol was 79 points, which allowed the sample to take the second place in the rating of the best soluble sublimate according to this non-governmental community.
In terms of external indicators, the sample meets the required standards. In the composition of the powder, smooth granules of a uniform color can be traced, without debris at the bottom of the product. Manufacturer's stated net weight and designation information are correct and in accordance with the standard. Among the experts' remarks, the labeling lacks a mark on the botanical variety of coffee.


Weight, gr95
Price, rub115
Pros and cons
  • mass fraction of caffeine 2.3%;
  • does not contain toxic elements and extraneous ingredients;
  • product moisture within normal limits: <6%.
  • grade not specified.


"Jardin" - the first place, according to the results of research "Roskontrol"


In the laboratories Roskontrol and Test Purchase, a sample under the Jardin brand Kenya Kilimanjaro was tested. According to the people's jury, this sublimate has a bitter unsaturated taste that resembles chicory. Despite the low assessment of buyers, during the inspection the drink scored the maximum number of points (83) and received the title of the winner according to Roskontrol.

Experts did not find aflatoxin B1 or other ingredients undeclared by the manufacturer in Kenya Kilimanjaro Jardin, which indicates that the product meets safety requirements. The labeling includes an indication of the botanical coffee variety - Arabica. Actual net weight does not differ from that indicated on the package.


Weight, gr95
Price, rub163
Pros and cons
  • the grade is indicated;
  • safe;
  • humidity and caffeine content are within the permissible GOST limits;
  • not found.


"Black card" - insufficiently expressed aroma

Black card

The sample was highly appreciated by the tasters, who noted the favorable organoleptic properties of coffee, both in dry and poured boiling water. The Black Card coffee mixture consists of even homogeneous particles, completely dissolves in water, without the formation of sediment.
The safety indicators under study correspond to the GOST requirements. The experts' comments caused the aroma of the product.

During the assessment, an insufficiently pronounced coffee smell was noted, which is a deviation from the normative indicators of the standard. Among other remarks, it was noted that there was no coffee bean variety in the labeling. The botanical coffee variety is not listed in the labeling.


Weight, gr95
Price, rub103
Pros and cons
  • sufficient caffeine content;
  • moisture indicator does not exceed the norm;
  • quickly and completely dissolves in boiling water.
  • there is no pronounced aroma (rated as pronounced);
  • grade not indicated.


Nescafe Gold - Eliminated in Test Purchase qualifying round

Nescafe Gold

The people's jury did not highly appreciate the taste of Nescafe Gold. According to tasters, the drink gives the impression of tasteless diluted coffee. However, the tested organoleptic characteristics (taste, aroma) of the sample are inherent in freeze-dried coffee and correspond to the standard. Nescafe Gold granules are large, even, without scattered particles. In dry form, the mixture has a more pronounced aroma than the finished drink.

The indicators of glucose and xylose, established in the course of laboratory experiments, testify to the naturalness of coffee and could provide not only an exit, but also a victory of the contestant in the final of the "Test purchase".


Weight, gr95
Price, rub111
Pros and cons
  • safe product;
  • permissible content of lead, arsenic and mercury;
  • reliable marking.
  • increased content of cadmium (within the permissible value).


"Today" - low in caffeine


Today coffee is produced in Germany and does not contain toxic elements. The results of the studies carried out indicate that the freeze-dried product is made from coffee beans, without the addition of extraneous ingredients.

In dry form it has an insufficiently harmonious aroma, in diluted form it is medium, acidity is practically absent. The organoleptic properties of the sublimate correspond to the requirements applicable to instant freeze-dried coffee. The marking contains a mark indicating the type of coffee - "Arabica".

The sample has a relatively low caffeine content, which is in the normal range, but below the average values ​​for a similar type of drink.


Weight, gr100
Price, rub225
Pros and cons
  • increased shelf life -36 months;
  • safe composition;
  • reliable marking;
  • the grade is indicated.
  • caffeine content below the average of peers.


"Tchibo Exclusive" - ​​a mixture of two varieties: "Arabica" and "Robusta"

Tchibo Exclusive

Freeze-dried coffee "Tchibo" scored 78 points as a result of an independent audit by Roskontrol. The product is made from blends of Arabica and Robusta, has a medium strength (caffeine content is 3.1%), is safe and does not contain toxic elements. The dry mixture has a pronounced characteristic aroma, which is enhanced by brewing the powder with boiling water. The coffee crystals of the sample are strong, without fine dust particles and adhering lumps.


Weight, gr95
Price, rub127
Pros and cons
  • the grade is indicated;
  • upon dissolution, no sedimentary masses are formed.
  • not found.


MacCoffee Gold - product with remarks

MacCoffee Gold

Part of the declared labeling about the properties of the sample "MacCoffee Gold": "coffee with a rich and intense taste" was not confirmed during laboratory research. The organoleptic evaluation of the experts revealed an insufficiently rich, unbalanced taste of the drink. In dry form, the mixture has a pronounced, slightly harsh odor, which weakens significantly during brewing. The solubility is rated as average. There are no extraneous settlements. The sublimate is distinguished by neat, even granules of a light shade, without impregnation of small fractions.


Weight, gr150
Price, rub190
Pros and cons
  • safe positioning, without foreign impurities;
  • the actual taste does not correspond to the declared labeling and GOST requirements;
  • good solubility.
  • organoleptic properties do not comply with GOST 32776-2014.


"Bushido Original" - rich flavor bouquet

Bushido original

It is produced by a Swiss company, which is known for its unusual production format and various additives (gold shavings, etc.). Freeze-dried coffee under the Bushido Original trademark is made exclusively from Arabica coffee beans and has an average strength percentage (3.2%).

Crystals "Bushido Original" are rather large in size and rich in dark color. The mixture consists of even granules, without adhering or scattered particles. When dry and brewed, it has a bright, recognizable coffee aroma. The taste is pronounced, leaves a coffee-chocolate aftertaste, with an optimal balance of acidity and bitterness. It dissolves well, does not form suspension.


Weight, gr100
Price, rub308
Pros and cons
  • safety requirements are met;
  • microbiological and physicochemical indicators within the limits.
  • the labeling does not indicate the standard by which the product is manufactured. However, the tested indicators fully comply with the requirements of GOST 32776-2014.
  • high price (from 780 rubles).


"Moscow coffee house on payah", "Arabica", instant sublimated - rich coffee taste and aroma

Moscow coffee house on paiakh

Verified microbiological and physicochemical indicators are within the acceptable standard limits. Crystals of the sample "Moscow Coffee House on Pays" are characterized by even, uniform shapes, without small crumbs at the bottom of the can. The intensity of the characteristic coffee aroma of dry coffee is reduced in the brewed beverage. Intense strong taste has a pronounced bitterness, but sourness is not traced. The sublimate is sufficiently soluble and leaves no sediment during brewing.

The product is characterized by high organoleptic properties - pronounced taste, in which a balance between acidity and bitterness is maintained. The dry product, as well as the finished drink, has a pronounced aroma characteristic of this category of products.The experts revealed full compliance and adherence to the requirements of GOST 32776-2014, on the part of the coffee manufacturer "Moscow Coffee House on Payah".


Weight, gr95
Price, rub247
Pros and cons
  • manufactured in accordance with GOST;
  • high taste.
  • not found.


Selection criteria for freeze-dried coffee

  1. Granule size... This characteristic does not indicate the quality of the product. Their structure and color are more important.
  2. Colour... A high-quality sublimate should consist of crystals of a uniform shade.
  3. Structure... The particles should not be too brittle and should not form a large powdery layer on the bottom of the can. It should also alert the heterogeneous content in the form of stuck together dark lumps. This type of coffee may indicate improper storage of the product (damaged packaging) or high moisture content of the granules before packaging (mold may appear inside the can).
  4. Solubility... If the structure of the crystals is disturbed, the rate of their dissolution in water decreases. And this is one of the most important indicative freeze-dried coffee. The brewed mixture should dissolve completely in just a few seconds.
  5. Packaging... It must be airtight, without visible damage or dents. When buying coffee in soft packaging, pay attention to the evenness of the seams and the legibility of the inscriptions.
  6. Price... The best freeze-dried coffee cannot be cheaper than its granular or powdered counterparts.
  7. Shelf life... An open can should be consumed within 1-2 months.
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