Best cod liver

Best cod liver according to Test Purchase and Roskontrol

In addition to useful properties, canned cod liver is popular for its versatility in cooking and serving dishes. Eating 10 grams of cod liver per day will protect cartilage and enrich the body with vitamins A, D, E. In addition to the vitamin variety, cod liver oil will provide the necessary supply of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

It is difficult to overestimate the convenience of using canned food. A small jar of cod liver can serve both as a quick healthy snack and as a full-fledged snack for a festive table.

However, in order to buy a really healthy and high-quality product, it is not enough just to look at the shelf life or the composition of canned food. Our review based on detailed checks by Roskontrol and the TV show Test Purchase will help you to really make sure that the products are reliable and meet the necessary safety requirements. We offer a ranking of the best producers of canned cod liver, which received the highest score in both studies.

Top cod liver producers

"Steering wheel" - number one according to "Roskontrol"

cod liver Steering wheel

Canned food of the manufacturer Steering wheel meets the requirements of GOST 13272-2009. The ratio of the constituent parts is observed and corresponds to the marking “liver without liquid part”: 55% of the main product (liver) and 45% of oil. The liver has a creamy pink color indicating freshness and high quality canned food.

Weight, gr120
Price, p299
Pros and cons
  • compliance with GOST;
  • the production meets the requirements of safety and industrial sterility;
  • does not contain foreign chemicals.
  • unconfirmed nutritional information: 60% more protein and 17% more fat than indicated on the label.


"Marine seal" - winner of the test purchase

cod liver Fur seal

Canned food "Morskoy Seal" has the highest mass fraction of the main product: 71% liver to 29% fat. The content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids exceeds the value established for this product. However, according to a study by Roskontrol, an excess of the value of indicators of oxidative deterioration of fat in comparison with the average value of this type of product was revealed. The liver has a dry consistency.

Weight, gr115
Price, p155
Pros and cons
  • corresponds to the established microbiological and physicochemical safety indicators;
  • does not contain toxic elements;
  • has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • overestimated indicator of "acid number of fat".


"5 Seas" - the leader of the popular vote according to the TV show "Test purchase"

cod liver 5 seas

Canned food "5 Seas" meets the requirements of safety and industrial sterility. The liver sample has a favorable pink color and a creamy texture. The mass fraction of the main product is 67% liver, which is relatively higher than the average indicators of this product.A low value of the indicator of oxidative deterioration of fat indicates the freshness of the raw material. Low, but appropriate, taking into account the error of the measurement procedure, the mass fraction of sodium chloride.

Weight, gr120
Price, p210
Pros and cons
  • safety and compliance with GOST;
  • high percentage of the main product;
  • the indicator "fat acid number" is in the limit established by the Gost;
  • high price for 1 kg in comparison with analogues.



cod liver Fisherel

Canned cod liver "Fisherel" meet the requirements of safety and sterility for all established microbiological and physicochemical parameters. The main product to fat ratio is 64% liver to 36% fat, which corresponds to the labeling of the liver without the liquid portion. In appearance, the liver meets the requirements of GOST: 4 large pieces of liver, golden and transparent fat, without a yellow tint. The label contains incorrect information in terms of energy value: during the study, a two-fold excess of protein was found and the actual content of vitamin A significantly exceeds the number indicated by the manufacturer.

Weight, gr230
Pros and cons
  • safe;
  • complies with GOST 13272-2009;
  • there are no toxic and other undeclared ingredients.
  • the nutritional information on the label does not match the test results.

"Delicious canned food"

cod liver Tasty canned food

Tasty canned cod liver canned food complies with the established safety requirements. The study revealed a partial discrepancy between the manufacturer's declared nutritional value of the product: the mass fraction of fat is 36% less than that indicated on the label, and the proportion of protein exceeds the declared one by 48%.
The canned food sample has a dry consistency indicating the use of frozen raw materials. An overestimated indicator of oxidative deterioration of fat.

Weight, gr185
Pros and cons
  • meets the requirements of GOST 13272-2009;
  • a can with a valve, convenient for opening.
  • actual fat content is less than indicated on the label;
  • canned food is made from frozen raw materials, therefore the sample has a dry consistency.
  • high peroxide value.

Bering - blacklisted by Roskontrol

Bering cod liver

Bering cod liver canned food does not meet safety requirements and is blacklisted with an average degree of violation. The Roskontrol study found that the maximum permissible level of arsenic was exceeded. The actual content was 15.45 mg / kg, with the maximum allowable 5 mg / kg (the level allowed for fish products). The sample also has an overestimated value of indicators of oxidative deterioration of fat and a relatively low mass fraction of the main product: 40% liver.

Weight, gr120
Pros and cons
  • product with comments;
  • significant excess of the permissible levels of arsenic;
  • low mass fraction of the liver.

Criteria for Selecting Good Canned Cod Liver

  • Pay attention to the composition. Quality canned cod liver should have the following sequence of ingredients: cod liver, salt, spices (pepper and bay leaf);
  • Choose canned food that is labeled "premium". Tinned cod liver "first grade" involves the use of frozen raw materials, which significantly reduces the benefits and taste of the finished product;
  • Another important point on the canned food label: place of catch and place of production. The best cod is caught in the waters of the seas of the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. Places of catch and production must be the same, and the presence of the mark "made on the ship" guarantees high quality and freshness of the raw materials.
  • After opening the can, pay attention to the color of the liver and fat. Fresh cod liver should be pinkish in color and have a soft, creamy texture. A yellowish tint to the liver may indicate that it is oxidized and has a rancid, unpleasant taste.
  • The liquid component of canned food should be transparent with a golden sheen.
  • GOST establishes strict adherence to the mass fraction of the main product. There should be four large pieces of cod liver in the jar, without small components and darkened areas.

According to the results of two studies conducted by Roskontrol and the Test Purchase, the leaders of opinion were canned food from Morskoy Kotik and Shturval. However, do not forget that the checks carried out cannot guarantee the quality of all products of the tested manufacturers. Typically, there are slight differences in the numbers depending on the lot number. Therefore, first of all, when choosing canned cod liver, we recommend that you focus on your own perception of the senses.

( Total:2 Middle:3/5 )

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