Best home sofas in 2020

It is difficult to decide in this endless variety which representatives of the wide range of furniture factories can be recommended as the best sofas for the home in 2020. You need to focus not on one distinctive feature, but on several at once. In furniture supermarkets and expensive salons, you can consistently find dozens of common models, and each of them is original and attractive in its own way.

The TOP-10 of such products is made up of the leaders in sales and in demand for a soft piece of furniture for different purposes and distinctive features. A huge role is played by the occupied area and ease of use, age and even orthopedic properties.

Principles for selecting a home sofa

Modern realities are such that a piece of furniture in the daytime is used as a means of sitting or comfortable placement in front of the TV, and closer to night it turns into a bed for a married couple, a child, or a person living in cramped conditions. The daily layout and the morning gathering will certainly affect the functionality of the most durable mechanism. And before deciding on the color of the upholstery and the shape of the cushions, you need to decide on the choice of a device for the sofa transformation.

Transformation mechanisms: what to focus on

There is nothing eternal in this world, and it is clear that after a certain time the pieces of furniture still need to be replaced. But they are quite expensive and make a significant gap in the family budget, so the process of selecting the right device becomes important for the comfort and durability of the purchased sofa. Before buying, you must definitely ask a consultant so that the purchase is not only folded presentable, but also unfolded. Because the most common latch options do not have a very good effect on the sleeping surface, and therefore on the state of the human body.

A very rough list of suggested options is as follows:

  1. In the TOP recommended - Eurobook, which gives a perfect surface after the seat is pulled forward, and the back rests in its place. In fact, a lot depends on the contents of the back and seat - whether there is even a hint of orthopedic springs, and whether there is a folded foam. In the second option, the owners of the sofa pretty soon begin to feel parts of the ribbed base or support under the back and sides.
  2. A simple and familiar book consists of two halves and unfolds quickly and easily. But she has two significant drawbacks that make it difficult to use the book in a small room. When unfolding it, you have to move it away from the wall so as not to deform the panels or wallpaper, and a noticeable depression forms between the two halves, which over time, after creasing the packing, becomes deeper.
  3. The silver medalist in the rating of latches is a dolphin.Its convenience and practicality has led to its prevalence in both expensive and cheap models. The folding half is removed from under the seat and revels sideways into it. In this situation, no depression is formed, only the mechanism that ensures the extension matters. A poorly made model can give significant differences instead of a flat surface. Therefore, you need to look even at the most expensive sofa of this variety directly in a furniture showroom or store.
  4. The roll-out sofa is somewhat reminiscent of the previous version, it has a feature that can be counted as a minus and a plus: a laundry box levels the sleeping surface. But it also becomes a frequent cause of breakdowns - the rolling mechanism is triggered or the bottom is pressed through if the bedding is not folded correctly. The cost and quality of the devices used to bring a part of the sofa forward often affect the retail price. Therefore, it hardly makes sense to purchase a cheap roll-out type.
  5. If you buy an accordion, then only an orthopedic one - the constant pulling out of the elements and the layout in the desired position can deform any packing, except the spring one. despite the prevalence, this musical instrument has a lot of shortcomings - the mechanism starts to creak rather quickly, the halves are of considerable weight, and for the layout you need a lot of space in the pre-sofa space.
  6. For daily sleep, it is now in a special trend to use a corner swivel. In a small apartment it is easy to find a place to install it, and when there are strangers in it, the turn signal shyly hides its bedding essence and looks like a fashionable couch. A simple mechanism provides ease of unfolding, but it also has some drawbacks - it is good to shit on such a sofa alone, because the sleeping surface for two, over time, turns out to be narrow.
  7. Doctors do not recommend a French folding bed. It can be, like the previously widespread simple folding bed, used only for temporary accommodation of guests, or as a means of relaxing in the studio.
  8. American is not much different from those reckoned among the French, it requires metal equipment. At the same time, the mattress invariably resembles a pancake, and there can be no question of any healthy sleep.

When choosing a sofa, you should pay attention to its contents (the so-called padding or filling), carefully measure and calculate the dimensions not only for installation, but also for a comfortable layout. Measure the possibility of contamination and the color of the upholstery, take into account the quality of the fabric and its texture. Some time ago, natural materials such as leather were in trend, as well as velor and plush. Over time, it turned out that the appearance of such sofas quickly loses its presentability, especially if there are small children in the house. Of course, the aesthetic component and fashion are important circumstances, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to think about practicality and durability.

2020 and the best sofas in different categories

Rating of the best sofas for home it is compiled according to various criteria, both in terms of functional purpose and ease of use. The latter circumstance may not play a special role if the sofa transformations are used only in case of emergency, and the owners have an excellent orthopedic bed for every night.

10 Moon Trade Ref. 044

Best home sofas in 2020
The undisputed sales leader from Moon Trade, a well-known and far from budget furniture brand, takes first place not only in terms of the number of sales, but also in terms of profitable visualization, workmanship and folding mechanism. It prevails in many components, and the only thing that prevents us from unconditionally recommending it is the need for significant space for placement. When assembled, it takes up almost 2.5 m by 1.6 m, when disassembled, it is slightly less - 1.48 X 2.04 m.But for those who have spacious living rooms in individually designed apartments, private houses and country mansions, this is a luxurious and comfortable thing.

Non-sinking seats, 4 seats at once, no hint of bedding, all unnecessary is removed in a huge box for bedding. In addition, it is equipped with a removable cover in case of potential contamination: in this case, the consumer may not hesitate in choosing shades, especially since the manufacturer has a huge number of them. Due to the specificity of the device, the accordion practically does not creak.


  • a manufacturer with a long and proven reputation;
  • fashionable and convenient folding system;
  • an abundance of colors and freedom of choice, because there is a removable cover;
  • well-adjusted and durable folding mechanism.


  • there are marks on the floor;
  • maintenance and lubrication of metal parts is required.

A fashionable and convenient option for apartments and large-area housing, with a large assortment of color variations of upholstery, with optimal rigidity and a very good price for a product of this class.

9 Monstad from IKEA

Best home sofas in 2020

Consumer preference leader among corner sofas. His sleeping place is relatively small - 1 m 40 cm and 2 m 4 cm - but two young people are placed on it with relative comfort. But when folded it looks spectacular and trendy, convenient in layout, thanks to the dolphin mechanism. Equipped with a capacious laundry box, which even has a ventilation valve. For those who doubt the convenience of sleeping due to the relative rigidity, there is the possibility of purchasing a mattress, which will brighten up the rigidity and put away in the linen drawer.


  • the fabric and colors can be chosen upon purchase - the manufacturer has an excellent assortment of textiles and leatherette;
  • the chaise is installed on both the left and right;
  • the sofa can be rolled on durable castors;
  • flat sleeping surface and ultimate ease of folding and unfolding.


  • small sleeping place;
  • lack of a removable cover (moderation must be observed with colors).

A practical model for small spaces, fashionable, perfectly complementing any thoughtful interior.

8 Economy 120 PPU

Best home sofas in 2020

Simple, practical, cheap, proven over decades of use. With dark unmarked velor upholstery and an infinitely reliable folding mechanism, soft armrests and a comfortable backrest, leaving almost no gap between the sofa and the wall. It can be recommended both as a temporary option in a rented apartment, and as a reliable friend in a permanent cozy home with a small square footage. Mebeltron products from a series of budget furniture.


  • time-tested model with a convenient and durable transformation mechanism;
  • linen box, accessible in any position;
  • delightfully affordable price;
  • non-marking upholstery made of quality fabric.


  • the range of colors is limited and some buyers do not like the fabric;
  • when unfolded, the nearby wall becomes dirty over time.

Despite its low cost, it serves for a long time and is an excellent chance to purchase new furniture for families with low financial resources.

7 Santa from the company Color of sofas

Best home sofas in 2020

A very interesting offer from a modern manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of furniture of unusual design. This is a real find for people living on a limited footage and calculating every centimeter. It is transformed not into two, but into three positions - you can just sit, relax reclining and sleep quite comfortably. Includes a removable cover and a replacement can be purchased separately. The pillow box is spacious and folds in and out according to the click-and-gag principle.


  • the possibility of transforming the sofa and armrests;
  • modern advanced design;
  • relatively affordable cost;
  • two berths and 2 sitting places, being in a reclining position.


  • fragile armrests;
  • the need for care.

A successful modern development that allows you to save space in an apartment with a limited footage.

6 Sofa bed Anderssen Benedict

Best home sofas in 2020

Convenience leader among transformers. In the unfolded position, the consumer receives a full-fledged bed, while the laying process allows you to keep any floor covering intact. A flat sleeping surface of optimal dimensions (202x152 cm) allows you to maintain a healthy spine, and when folded, make any visitor believe that they do not sleep in this room. When the seat is pulled back, a deep and spacious linen drawer opens.


  • a well-known manufacturer with an excellent reputation;
  • beautiful appearance with stylish visualization;
  • the opportunity to sleep in comfort, without damage to health.


  • quite a significant cost.

An example of a functional furniture transformer, comfortable in any position and made of quality materials.

5 Hollywood from the March 8 factory

Best home sofas in 2020
Winner in the category of straight sofas with significant sleeping space. The domestic manufacturer is widely known among Russian buyers, the products are in demand due to the good quality of products and original models. The dimensions are impressive - one person may not bother unfolding, for two there will be more than enough space on an absolutely flat area of ​​163x200 cm. There is a special backrest that separates from the cold wall, a medium-hard mattress and a roomy linen box.


  • high-quality upholstery and durable materials of manufacture;
  • presentable appearance;
  • spacious and comfortable sleeping surface;
  • there are three large sofa cushions;
  • for transformation, a eurobook is provided - one of the most popular formats.


  • not very suitable for small sizes.

The convenient model is constantly in demand due to the quality and guaranteed reliability of the products.

4 Austin from the Comfort line

Best home sofas in 2020

Products from Pinskdrev, with independent spring blocks, three comfortable seating areas and flat, voluminous wooden armrests that can even be used as mini-tables. The cover made of expensive fabric can be removed for washing, and the removable sides, giving the sofa a pompous and unconventional look, are used as separate drawers or bedside tables for bed linen.


  • ease of use and quality materials;
  • polyfunctionality of the transformer application;
  • layout mechanism - Eurobook.


  • not marked.

An excellent original sofa model with additional functionality, comfortable to use and aesthetic.

3 Diwaniyah Marrakech

Best home sofas in 2020

The classic design looks unusual due to the wood finish and the contrast between the sleeper and wood inlay. It is very aesthetic, looks expensive and advanced, when unfolded, it turns out a spacious sleeping surface with dimensions of 220X149, which makes it possible to recommend it as a comfortable furniture for tall people.


  • the most convenient Eurobook for layout;
  • beautiful design, for almost any style design;
  • a manufacturer with a proven track record;
  • high-quality materials of manufacture.


  • no removable cover;
  • quite high cost.

A beautiful and stylish option for a spacious apartment with a good layout and impeccable visualization.

Andersen Winter Venice

Best home sofas in 2020

A romantic version in the Italian style, very beautifully designed, under no circumstances giving a reason to suspect it as an object for a banal dream. The factory with many years of experience produces 3 modifications, with a large berth and a spacious box for bedding.


  • great design with smooth, ornate and rounded lines;
  • comfortable and level sleeping place with a quality mattress;
  • the ability to choose any color option from the assortment in the store.


  • high price.

The quality and appearance of the product more than pay off all the costs incurred.

1 Lightning McQueen by Diwaniyah

Best home sofas in 2020

The bestseller in the online store of vintage children's furniture, with a sleeping place of 80X186 cm (a thin adult can also sleep.


  • armrest in two-variant installation - right and left;
  • even mattress and deep bed box;
  • one year manufacturer's warranty;
  • mad delight of the baby;
  • layout mechanism - Eurobook.


  • absent.

Unconventional, original design, high quality workmanship and even a year of guaranteed service - all this made the model the leader of the TOP 10 best sofas in 2020.

The 2020 rating includes new items or original designs from advanced designers, brand manufacturers, and famous factories. Constructive solutions with an original design and simply convenient models that have been used for decades without any problems.

( Total:1 Middle:4/5 )


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