Best blender REDMOND (redmond) in 2020

Each housewife now has a whole set of kitchen utensils, among which there is also such a device as a blender. The company "Redmond" has long been engaged in the production of devices of this kind, so many users are interested in which REDMOND blender is the best in 2020.

What opportunities does the blender provide?

The word "blender" itself is of English origin, which translates as "mix". However, modern appliances not only mix food, but also perform several other functions that are quite useful in the kitchen. Depending on the tasks performed and the overall configuration, blenders come in different formats. The main functions of blenders include the following:

  • grinds different products into one mass (it can be vegetables, meat, as well as berries and fruits);
  • you can beat individual products with the appearance of foam;
  • you can mix and get rid of lumps in liquid or solid dough;
  • the device is capable of crushing all kinds of nuts;
  • blender may chop some food into thin slices;
  • the device will be able to cut pre-cooked components into even cubes;
  • the device, if necessary, will be able to grind coffee beans into powder, as well as sugar or seeds.

Some blenders even come with special attachments to help you squeeze the juice out of fruits or vegetables. In addition, there are special nozzles that help to draw air out of the packed in plastic bags, creating a full vacuum in which food can be stored better. Also, using a blender, you can marinate meat, vegetables, make juices, cocktails or even sauces or pasta.

What are the types of blenders

As a rule, there is a slight gradation among blenders. They are divided into stationary and submersible. Basically, they differ in their operating principle and overall built-in functionality.

If you turn to a stationary blender, then this mechanism has a separate container in which all the necessary ingredients are placed. It is fixed on a special installation of knives, as well as a motor and various electronics. The blender itself is installed on the table and at the same time you can still change not only its position, but also easily remove and change all the attachments that come with the kit.

Submersible is a design that is presented in the form of a handle. Its functionality is much simpler, since it is mainly placed in a container with components, and then turned on. In fact, it is a more compact version of the stationary blenders.

What powers do blenders have

Depending on the functions performed, blenders have several types of speeds and capacities. Among them are the following:

  1. Minimum. Very comfortable power for making milkshakes as well as various baby food products. With this speed, you can not only make cocktails, but also beat eggs, chop nuts, as well as small solid foods, including grinding coffee.
  2. Average. Great for chopping larger foods like meat or cheese.As a rule, in addition to this mode, the turbo mode is also used, which helps to speed up the grinding process, but keep in mind that this mode should not be used constantly, as the device gets very hot.
  3. Above the average. At this speed, it is very convenient to slice larger food, including a wide variety of food items. And the higher the speed you set, the faster you can grind certain components.
  4. Maximum. At this speed, you can grind any food, no matter how hard they are. The difference between these devices lies only in the strength of the body itself, as well as the number of nozzles that are in the set.

What types of controls are in blenders

There are several ways to control the device - either mechanical or electronic.

As a rule, mechanical devices, that is, devices that are manually operated, are a more budget option. In the process of cooking, this version of blenders is much more reliable, however, such devices have some disadvantages, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • there are quite a few modes that are built into the mechanism itself, and they are switched only with the help of their own changes;
  • human participation during grinding is necessary, since hand-held devices are used and sent directly with him;
  • there is no direct smooth switching of speeds, and switching of speeds is impossible during the cooking process, it is necessary to turn off the device and only then change the settings.

If the device has automatic control, then this adds ease of control, but this also increases the price of this device. The dimensions are much larger than those of mechanical control devices, and the weight of the device is also higher. The advantages of such management are the following:

  • such electronics practically does not require human participation, it is enough just to add the ingredients to the device itself and turn it on at the desired speed;
  • such a device is very easy to operate, you just need to set the necessary settings;
  • the number of speeds available is much greater than with mechanical control, and there is also the possibility of smooth switching of speeds during cooking;
  • such devices have additional functions that can also be used in the cooking process;
  • automatic control devices are able to turn on and off independently, and thus they save the consumed electricity.

What are the best REDMOND devices

To identify the best Redmond blender, you need to decide in advance which device you prefer - stationary or mechanically controlled.

Among the stationary blenders, the following are:


Best blender REDMOND (redmond) in 2020

This model of blenders is universal in that it can accommodate about five standard modes, and the container itself contains a liter of mixed products. The functionality allows you to prepare not only mashed potatoes or juices, but also diversify your diet with a variety of cream soups, prepare baby food, as well as various sauces or pastes. This device is able to grind and transform absolutely any ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Among merits This device should highlight the following:

  • has a huge number of functions that work quite simply, and therefore are very convenient to use;
  • perfectly fulfills the assigned tasks, easy to operate;
  • excellent equipment, since each jar has its own knife;
  • the design is neutral, so it will fit the interior of any kitchen;
  • does not make unnecessary noise, during the grinding process it works quite quietly;
  • the plastic cover is strong enough, so even if you drop it accidentally, you won't even get a scratch;
  • there are several speeds with which you can easily adjust and control the cooking process.

Among disadvantages several aspects should be highlighted:

  • rather short cord limits the possibility of wide placement of the device in the kitchen;
  • it rattles a little during cooking, so there is a need to hold the device with your hand.

RSB-M3401 - personal multisystem "5 in 1"

Best blender REDMOND (redmond) in 2020

This blender has several speeds and modes of operation, at which you can ideally prepare not only diet but also sports food. At the same time, the device has a special system, thanks to which you can install an additional small chopper, and the knives are quite sharply sharpened. The case is made of titanium and stainless steel, so the device itself is quite durable.

Among merits the following should be highlighted:

  • successfully prepares not only mashed potatoes, but also a variety of smoothies, juices, pates and pesto, in addition there is a special turbo mode, in which you can carry out all these actions much faster;
  • the package includes several basic attachments that are intended for certain types of work, among which are grinding coffee or nuts;
  • this device is quite miniature, so you can freely take it with you on trips, is convenient in operation, does not require extra space, so it will not take up extra space in the kitchen.

Among disadvantages the following should be highlighted:

  • if the mixtures are too thick, then you will have to crush the lumps by hand, since the blender is not able to cope with some of them;
  • this machine is loud enough, so it may be somewhat distracting with extraneous sounds.


Best blender REDMOND (redmond) in 2020

This is one of the best mechanical blenders available. This is a mixer with three main modes, which is simply an indispensable device if you have small children, since it is thanks to this device that you can prepare various mixtures. It is a fairly budget option, but no less effective from this. A special grinder will help you grind boiled meat, vegetables, fruits, mixing them either into a homogeneous mass, or cutting them into small pieces.

As advantages the following features should be highlighted:

  • given the relatively low price, we can say that for its class it is quite functional and easy to use;
  • quite stylish on the outside and at the same time quite light, so it will be possible to prepare the desired dish in a short time;
  • additional devices after such a device will simply not be needed - it combines a mixer, a meat grinder and a blender at the same time;
  • sits very comfortably in the hand, basic equipment pleases.

As disadvantages the following should be highlighted:

  • the number of speeds is small, and an additional cord is also needed;
  • there is no ice picking function;
  • it is quite problematic sometimes to remove food debris from under thin knives;
  • if you often use a special glass for making puree, it will soon become covered with scratches.


Best blender REDMOND (redmond) in 2020

This blender looks like a pretty stylish food processor that will help you perform all the functions you need without unnecessary energy consumption. In addition, this model is equipped with several additional attachments that will simplify the work with products. In addition, there is a measuring scale on the container that will help you mix the ingredients in the proportion you need. At the same time, the device closes sufficiently tightly during operation, so while all the components are mixed, not a drop will spill.

Among merits devices should be highlighted:

  • large equipment;
  • ample opportunities - you can make not only juices or smoothies, but a whole bunch of other interesting dishes;
  • convenient to use, practically does not require effort in order to prepare a particular dish.

disadvantages during operation of this device were not found.


Best blender REDMOND (redmond) in 2020

This blender option is best for thrifty housewives.The cost of this model is quite low, but the device contains several functions, thanks to which you can prepare the necessary meals in just a couple of minutes. This device allows you to mix meat, vegetables, chop fruits, mushrooms and cheese. You can use it to make mashed potatoes, dough or sauce. This model is perfect for preparing baby food.

Among merits the following should be highlighted:

  • this device has quite a few possibilities;
  • sufficient power for such a democratic price;
  • works without unnecessary noise;
  • easy to use, fits perfectly in the hand.

Among disadvantages the following can be named:

  • fingerprints will be visible on the white case;
  • rather short cord - you can't put it far.
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