Built-in dishwasher

9 best built-in dishwashers 45 cm

Most likely, in search of a quality dishwasher, you have come to our site. You are not mistaken, because the article presents a rating that includes the best built-in dishwashers 45 cm. Also, the reader's attention is provided with useful information about the features of narrow PMM and the criteria for a successful choice. They can be easily integrated into a standard furniture set. But these are not all the features of this line of devices.

What to look for when choosing

Experienced housewives advise, when choosing a PMM, to pay attention to where the new technique will stand and the expected level of load intensity. If this is an average family of 3-5 people, a 45 cm dishwasher will be enough for comfortable and practical use. It is also recommended to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Resource consumption... You can study the amount of energy and water consumed if you look at the passport of a particular car model. This data will depend on the availability of programs and options built into the model. Naturally, the higher the energy class and the lower the water consumption, the more profitable for the owner. Choose class A ++, where the average fluid consumption per cycle is 10-13 liters.
  • A set of programs and functions... A useful option is half load, when the device will spend half the energy and water when washing a small amount of dishes. An impressive set of functions and programs is not always needed in practice; it is worth relying on personal requirements.
  • Dishwashing quality... If the device does not cope with its main task at the highest level, it will be useless. The parameter is evaluated by the washing class. It can be found in the device passport. Better to give preference to the A class. It is also recommended to take the time to read real consumer reviews in specialized forums in order to understand how this or that model has proven itself in practice. Our TOP will be useful, which will be presented in the article a little below, because the information is based on an analysis of the opinions of real owners of dishwashers and experts in kitchen appliances.
  • Reliability... Inspect the device and evaluate what materials the baskets and the tank are made of, whether there is an Aquastop system that protects against water leakage. Preference should be given to stainless steel, plastic is not durable. On the forums, you can also find out about the speed of device failure, how often consumers have contacted service centers, what problems they encountered. All this speaks about the reliability of the PMM.
  • Protection from children. Good dishwashers are childproof. It is certainly not worth giving up such useful additions.
  • Noise level... The optimal choice is 45-52 dB, you do not need to take higher, as this will bring discomfort to the life of your family.
  • Manufacturer... The dishwasher brand and country of manufacture can also influence consumer choices. German brands that assemble in their homeland have proven themselves well.But domestic manufacturers are almost not among the best.
  • Price... This is a subjective criterion. Many buyers want to buy a car at an adequate price with maximum functionality and durability. Some of them think that 20,000 rubles is a prohibitive amount for a home dishwasher, when others are willing to pay more, referring the device to inexpensive. It's up to you to decide, besides, the indicator of reliability and quality is not always determined by cost. Many expensive dishwashers are assembled at the same manufacturer's base where the cheaper product segment is produced.

This is the main list of criteria that it is recommended to rely on when choosing a 45 cm dishwasher.But there are also a number of additional options that may interest modern buyers. After analyzing the reviews on the Internet, it became clear to us that for many consumers it is important that the device is equipped with:

  • Delayed start timer... This option allows you to set the machine so that it turns on by itself and washes the dishes at night. In fact, this is the optimal solution if a differentiated electricity meter is installed in your house, because at night the tariffs are much cheaper.
  • Equity indicators... Thanks to the sensor, the user will be able to recognize that salt and rinse aid have run out and add them in time for washing.
  • Application of universal remedies... Capsules and tablets are in demand for dishwashers, but it is more convenient if the model has a dispenser for them. If the technique is not designed for 3-in-1 products, dishwashing will be less effective.
  • Signal for the end of the wash cycle... This can be a warning light or sound, in some modern device models there is a "beam on the floor", which is a projection of time in an improved version.

Programs of different brands

All modern models of dishwashers are equipped with a set of different programs, regardless of the manufacturer's brand. It is customary to divide them into 2 groups: standard and multifunctional. The second group provides for additional options. You should not rely on the number of modes, considering that the device is the best from this. You need to choose modes taking into account personal requirements. This will help save yourself unnecessary costs, because many of the programs remain unclaimed by the user in practice.

The main set of modes is represented by the following capabilities:

  • Intensive wash... Carried out at 65 degrees. Designed for dishes that are heavily soiled, have grease and food residues on the surface. Washing usually takes 130-165 minutes.
  • Normal mode - 55 degrees. Suitable for dishes with a medium level of contamination, in the absence of dried food residues. The cycle takes 155-180 minutes on average.
  • ECO program - 50 degrees. This is a typical 165-175 minute cycle for medium soiled dishes.
  • Pre-soak mode... Takes no more than 8 minutes. Necessary if you are dealing with very dirty dishes.
  • Express... Works at 60 degrees for about 1 hour. Suitable for dishes that have not been heavily soiled and do not need perfect drying.
  • Quick program - 40 degrees. Designed for 40 minutes, copes only with slightly dirty devices. The short cycle is also due to the lack of drying.
  • Auto mode... The appliance chooses a program for washing dishes independently, depending on the degree of soiling. 1 cycle of the machine takes 150 minutes, and the water temperature varies from 45 to 55 degrees.
  • Glass... From the name it is clear that this is a program for glassware. You can also wash your porcelain. The cycle is designed for 115 minutes, on average, at a temperature of 40 degrees. The sink is designed to handle lightly soiled dishes.


Summary table for built-in dishwashers 45 cm

ModelWater consumption, lEnergy consumption per cycle, kWhNoise level during operation, dB
Gorenje GV5121290.7847
Maunfeld MLP-08IM90.7447
BEKO DIS 2501010.50.8349
Electrolux ESL 94200 LO1051
Siemens iQ300 SR 635X01 ME9.50.8448
Weissgauff BDW 4140 D947
Zigmund & Shtain DW129.4509X90.7544
Kuppersberg GS 453390.849
AEG FSR 62400 P9.90.745

The best dishwashers 45 cm up to 20 thousand rubles

Built-in dishwashers 45 cm cost about the same as large-sized appliances, and in terms of functionality, they are sometimes not inferior to competitors from the more expensive segment of products.

Gorenje GV51212

Gorenje GV51212

A small dishwasher with a white body and a capacity of up to 9 sets of dishes. The working process is carried out with almost a minimum noise level of 47 dB, which contributes to comfort.

Equipped with a convenient holder for glasses, a basket that can be easily adjusted in height.

The hostesses like the presence of sensors that promptly notify about the lack of rinse aid and salt, there is also a timer with an option to delay the start, sound signals. Water consumption for 1 cycle is 9 liters. In total, the hostess has 6 programs at her disposal, including: delicate wash, economy mode, etc.


Water consumption, l9
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh0.78
Noise level during operation, dB47
Pros and cons
  • half load;
  • delayed start timer;
  • detergent indicators;
  • protection against leaks.
  • no.


Maunfeld MLP-08IM

Maunfeld MLP-08IM

A high-quality device that is in demand among domestic buyers. Differs in economical energy consumption, water consumption for 1 cycle is 9 liters. The model is equipped with 8 modes of operation, among them there is a delicate wash, as well as an A-class condensation dryer. The last rinse cycle is carried out with a hot stream of water, then the dishes must remain inside the chamber to dry. In the form of condensate, the liquid remains on the walls of the stainless steel case, which allows to extend the operating time of the device. The water flows down. Let this drying option take a lot of time, because the main program is designed for 190 minutes, but the process does not require energy consumption and is not accompanied by noise.

A big plus is that the device has a child lock, water leaks are excluded, the body and hoses are reliably protected.

Decent capacity - 10 sets of dishes. The possibility of a half load of dishes is also available. The complete set is supplemented with a cutlery tray. The device is equipped with a start delay timer, which is designed for 24 hours. When washing, you can use universal 3 in 1 products, as well as combine salts, rinses.


Water consumption, l9
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh0.74
Noise level during operation, dB47
Pros and cons
  • half load;
  • good equipment;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • there is a digital display;
  • not noisy work - 47 dB;
  • economical power consumption - class A ++.
  • long washing cycle in standard mode;
  • the door opens tightly;
  • the control panel will scratch quickly when used.


BEKO DIS 25010

BEKO DIS 25010

A budget proposal from a proven manufacturer of quality BEKO dishwashers. A great option for daily use by a family of 3-4 people. Equipped with a control panel on the doors, an information display on which the user can see the mode and time of shutdown. Capacity - 10 sets of dishes. You can wash them using one of 5 programs, there is an intensive wash mode and a delicate mode for fragile dishes.

It works with hot and cold water flow, but there is a temperature limitation in the first case - 60 degrees.


Water consumption, l10.5
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh0.83
Noise level during operation, dB49
Pros and cons
  • protection "Aquastop";
  • spaciousness;
  • simple control;
  • informative display;
  • half load;
  • stylish appearance.
  • there are minor flaws, but the reasonable price fully compensates for them.


Electrolux ESL 94200 LO

Electrolux ESL 94200 LO

A highly efficient dishwasher that looks beautiful in your kitchen interior and is inexpensive. 5 programs with 3 temperature settings are presented. Water consumption for 1 cycle is 10 liters. The manufacturer has equipped the model with full protection against leaks, which is already a big plus.

A condensation drying option is available, it works economically in relation to the energy used, but it will take longer for the dishes to dry.

The cutlery basket is height adjustable. Even large pans and pans will fit in the chamber. The quality of the sink is good, according to the users of the model.


Water consumption, l10
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh
Noise level during operation, dB51
Pros and cons
  • excellent build quality;
  • washes effectively;
  • reliability;
  • cycle completion indicator;
  • moderate energy consumption;
  • convenient settings;
  • economical water consumption.
  • noise level 51 dB;
  • there is no delayed start timer.


The best dishwashers 45 cm - price / quality

The list includes 45 cm built-in dishwashers, which correspond to the price and their capabilities, according to the opinion of ordinary users, and are also recommended for purchase by experts. These are compact and efficient models that differ in a number of useful programs and additional options.

Siemens iQ300 SR 635X01 ME

Siemens iQ300 SR 635X01 ME

One of the best devices for the home, which pleases with a high level of assembly and efficiency of washing dishes. German engineers have tried to pay attention not only to the durability of the device, but also to its appearance. The model is made for wood, the handle is similar to those used in standard headsets in the kitchen. This allows you to adhere to a single design style.

The device is equipped with a display with indicators and a digital designation. The user can track the operating time of the mode, for this a beam is projected on the floor. A convenient control panel is also available. The model is equipped with protection against water leakage, a timer with the ability to delay the start of work up to 24 hours. Works quietly - 48 dB, which is a moderate noise level.


Water consumption, l9.5
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh0.84
Noise level during operation, dB48
Pros and cons
  • there is a beam projection on the floor;
  • clean water sensor;
  • quiet work;
  • good quality dishwashing;
  • quickly and easily configured;
  • original style solution;
  • excellent build;
  • reliability.
  • the price is around 30 thousand rubles, but it is fully justified by the quality of the device.


Weissgauff BDW 4140 D

Weissgauff BDW 4140 D

Compared to the above model, the Weissgauff dishwasher is cheaper - its price varies within 24 thousand rubles, and the quality is consistent. The device works quietly - 47 dB. It is an economical solution in terms of energy consumption, it washes dishes well, and there is also a drying option.

The case is ergonomically designed, which will save space even in cramped kitchen conditions. Equipped with 3 baskets inside, which allows the dishes to be positioned optimally for the best washing quality. The hostess will have 8 programs at her disposal, as well as 5 temperature modes. The machine can independently select the program, depending on the degree of soiling and the number of elements to be washed. To do this, run the Blitz Wash option.

Capacity - 10 sets at a time. There is an option for half load, while the consumption of water and electricity will be less. The express mode will be useful, which allows you to wash the dishes and rinse them in 30 minutes. This is a good solution if the kit does not need drying. After the end of the wash cycle, a beam projection appears on the floor. Also, the user will be able to evaluate the modes: "Glass", "90 minutes", "Intensive", "Economical consumption", "Standard".

Management is electronic. It is understandable at an intuitive level, and therefore even those who first encounter a dishwasher will master the technique as quickly as possible.

And one more feature that is important to mention is the additional loading of dishes. If you suddenly forgot a plate or a saucepan on the table, but the device is already on, you can always load it up.


Water consumption, l9
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh
Noise level during operation, dB47
Pros and cons
  • price = opportunities;
  • drying quality;
  • perfectly washes even heavily dirty dishes;
  • 8 programs;
  • the set includes a basket for cutlery;
  • silent at work;
  • delayed start timer;
  • leakage protection.
  • not marked by buyers.


Zigmund & Shtain DW129.4509X

Zigmund & Shtain DW129.4509X

Roomy car. For 1 cycle it will wash 10 sets of dishes.The manufacturer took care of the durability of the device by equipping the chamber with stainless steel. A basket for dishes is included, it can be adjusted according to the desired height. It is also possible to set programs, choosing 1 out of 9, use the delayed start option. It is an A ++ class device that is economical in terms of energy consumption.

It functions almost silently - 44 dB noise level, while the water consumption per cycle is 9 liters. The price of the model varies within 27 thousand rubles, which is quite consistent with its capabilities. Users are satisfied with their purchase and note that the dishes are clean after washing, the surface without streaks.


Water consumption, l9
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh0.75
Noise level during operation, dB44
Pros and cons
  • minimal noise;
  • alloy camera;
  • you can adjust the basket;
  • good washing quality;
  • delayed start;
  • profitability.
  • not equipped with child restraints.


Kuppersberg GS 4533

Kuppersberg GS 4533

This device can cope with even the most difficult dirt on dishes. And this is not just a marketing slogan of the manufacturer, but information from reviews of real users who bought Kuppersberg GS 4533 and are quite satisfied with their decision. The price of a car varies within 27 thousand rubles, while it exactly matches the useful capabilities of the model.

The manufacturer has equipped it with water leakage protection, as well as a delayed start timer. The chamber is equipped with stainless steel, which will also have a positive effect on the durability of the device. Large capacity - 11 sets of dishes. Customers share that they are surprised how many items can be washed in one load, despite the fact that the machine looks compact and small.

There are 6 programs in total, it's easy to choose one of them - the control is intuitive. The water consumption per cycle is 9 liters, with a high energy consumption class, marked A ++.


Water consumption, l9
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh0.8
Noise level during operation, dB49
Pros and cons
  • perfectly washes dishes;
  • clear management;
  • profitability;
  • the complete set is supplemented with a container for cutlery;
  • there is protection from children;
  • acceptable noise level - 49 dB;
  • large capacity.
  • there is no leakage protection option.


AEG FSR 62400 P

AEG FSR 62400 P

An ergonomic device that does a good job of removing even heavily soiled dishes. Of course, the first thing that can confuse you is the high price. In our TOP, in this regard, the AEG model is the leader - 62 thousand rubles on average in the Russian market, but its features correspond to such an expensive price tag.

The dishwasher is equipped with innovative sensors that automatically regulate water flow, wash cycle time and temperature. The device is small in size and fits perfectly into the interior of the kitchen. The energy consumption class is high A ++, and the water consumption is 9.9 liters per 1 cycle. You can load 9 sets of dishes into the machine at once.

The features of the model also include the presence of a pure water sensor, a beam indicator and a condensation drying mode. Many customers liked the presence of a program for pre-soaking dishes before the main washing mode.


Water consumption, l9.9
Energy consumption per cycle, kWh0.7
Noise level during operation, dB45
Pros and cons
  • low noise level - 45 dB;
  • automatic door opening;
  • express mode of washing;
  • there is a basket in the kit that can be set to the desired height;
  • profitability;
  • reliability;
  • washing quality;
  • sensor "clean water".
  • there is no protection from children;
  • installation can be accompanied by difficulties - the help of a master is needed;
  • small scratches may appear on the control panel.


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