How to clean a gas stove at home in 2020

For any housewife, the kitchen is a sacred place. It should be comfortable and functional, so that working here would bring maximum pleasure and take a minimum of energy. But besides, the kitchen should be clean and comfortable. This means that each element and especially the slab must shine with purity - after all, this is the face of the keeper of the hearth! But over time, the stove becomes dirty - it was not possible to keep track of the milk, then carbon deposits simply accumulate.

Therefore, the question often arises of how to clean a gas stove at home without spending a lot of time. Cope with such a task is not always easy. Fortunately, there are many tools - both store, specialized, and folk, which will help you easily and effectively clean the gas stove from any contamination. Let's talk about some of them in more detail.

We use folk remedies

How to clean a gas stove at home

Arriving at the store, you can see dozens of special tools for cleaning the gas stove. They are highly effective and in most cases can handle even the most difficult dirt. But still, many housewives believe that it is worth cleaning the grates and handles of the gas stove only with proven, folk remedies. This is also a perfectly reasonable and balanced decision. There are several reasons for this. First of all, everything you need for cleaning, as a rule, is at home. This means you don't need to go to the store. In addition, specialized products are much more expensive than home remedies. Finally, many detergents contain impurities that are hazardous to human health. You can either get poisoned by inhaling their vapors or working without protective gloves.

Folk remedies used to clean the stove are suitable for cleaning any household appliances from grease, from a kettle and a microwave oven to a washing machine and refrigerator.

folk remedies for cleaning

We list what folk remedies will help you quickly and effectively return the beautiful appearance of the stove:

  • Lemon acid
  • Laundry soap (it must be dissolved in warm water)
  • Vinegar essence
  • Baking soda
  • Ammonia

In the arsenal of every housewife there is at least half of this list. As practice shows, this is quite enough to clean the oven and gas stove from grease and carbon deposits.

Cleaning Guide

Cleaning Guide

To effectively use folk remedies, you need to know which of them are suitable for cleaning any components of the stove, and which are more highly specialized. Therefore, we will put together a small guide that will allow you to clean the stove without causing any harm to it.

  1. First of all, we must not forget about safety. This is relevant when you have to work with both gas and electric stoves. Make sure the gas supply is completely shut off and the gas stove is disconnected from the mains. Thanks to this, you can be sure that you can clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits without harm to your health.
  2. Prepare a solution with laundry soap. The easiest way to do this is by rubbing a piece of the piece on a coarse grater and dissolving in hot water. This mixture is perfect if you need to remove grease from the gas stove grate. It is enough to remove the wire rack and immerse it in a basin, baking sheet or other container with soapy water.
  3. The same solution is useful if you need to clean the burners made of stainless steel. Carefully remove them and lower them into the same container where the grate was soaked.
  4. Arm yourself with a hard-coated sponge to remove food debris, crumbs and small stains from the stove. And try not to wet the stove with water before this. This will only complicate the cleaning process. Under no circumstances use a metal brush - the stove will be covered with deep scratches, which can only be removed by specialists whose services are not cheap.
  5. You can also use soapy water to clean the handles on the gas stove. It perfectly breaks down old fat, after which it will be much easier to remove dirt with a hard sponge.

As you can see, an ordinary piece of laundry soap, which costs several tens of rubles, is able to cope with many types of pollution no worse than special products, the price of which is ten times higher.

Do not use baking soda and other powders when cleaning the glass and enamel surfaces of the stove - small scratches will remain, impairing its aesthetic appearance.

The above are ways to deal with relatively simple pollution. If you are faced with the most difficult cases, you will have to resort to more drastic measures. Let's talk about each such case separately.

Cleaning the grill and cooking zones

Cleaning the grill and cooking zones

Most often, experienced housewives do not have the question of how to clean the grate of the gas stove and burners. If only because they are made of cast iron or stainless steel - high-strength materials that are not afraid of either mechanical stress or active detergents. So, you can launder them in several ways:

  • The dishwasher is the easiest method. The main thing is to pour in a large amount of detergent and set the temperature higher so that it cope with old fat. After washing, dry the grate and burners on a towel.
  • In the absence of a dishwasher, you can soak dirty gas stove burners, such as Hephaestus, in soapy water overnight or even for a day. After this procedure, the dirt will be easily washed off.
  • The most stubborn stains should be removed after soaking using baking soda or dry cleaning agent (this only applies to those parts of the stove that are resistant to scratches).

If you don't feel like cleaning the burners of your gas stove from carbon deposits every few weeks, but any dirt, even small ones, is annoying, then there is a reliable way to increase the interval between washing sessions. You will need soda ash, liquid stationery glue, and any laundry detergent. Mix them in proportion 6:2:1 and apply to thoroughly cleaned, shiny hotplates and wire rack. When the mixture dries up, any dirt will be washed off quickly and easily - it will be enough to rinse the surface with hot water. The application procedure must be repeated 3-4 once a year. Remembering these simple rules, you will definitely no longer puzzle over how to clean the burners on the gas stove.

Cleaning the cooker handles

Cleaning the cooker handles

Having figured out how to wash plates with an enamel surface, it is worth talking about such an important detail as the handles. They get dirty pretty quickly, so you have to clean them very often.

It is easiest if your stove has removable handles. After removing them, place them in soapy water for several hours. Then, armed with an old toothbrush, simply sweep over the entire surface, removing scale and grease accumulation. Pay special attention to the places where the handles are in contact with the stove - this is usually the most dirty area.

Fixed handles are a little more difficult. Of the drugs, you will need ammonia. Dilute it usually with water proportions 1: 1, dip a sponge or cotton swab in the solution and apply to the handle. After waiting a few minutes, wipe the handle with a damp cloth or old towel.

You can also use a lemon juice / baking soda mixture. Use in the same way as ammonia - apply, wait, wipe off.

We remove the most persistent grease stains

We remove the most persistent grease stains

Every woman should know how to clean the gas stove from old fat and carbon deposits. It is often much more difficult to cope with such a task than it seems at first glance. And such a struggle for cleanliness takes a lot of time.

It is best to use baking soda and vinegar for this. First, apply a thin layer of baking soda on a pre-moistened surface. Wait 45-60 minutes for the reaction to take place. The grease will be almost completely dissolved - residues can be easily removed with a soft sponge. The main thing is not to press hard with the foam rubber on the stove - small scratches may appear. This is especially true for people who have chosen glass-ceramic gas stoves.

An ordinary toothbrush can become a reliable assistant when washing. The soft bristles won't damage the enamel, and the long handle makes it easy to reach even the most difficult to reach places.

Cleaning with ammonia, vinegar or citric acid will be even more effective. They come in handy to clean up burnt food. It is enough to apply the liquid to the problem spot and wait 10-15 minutes. Of course, when using vinegar, remember to use protective gloves and rinse the sponge thoroughly under running cold water.

Effective cleaning of gas stove oven

Effective cleaning of gas stove oven

Probably, cleaning the oven is the most difficult step in cleaning the kitchen. Here, you also cannot do without suitable means, which it is advisable to prepare in advance. The oven of a stainless steel stove is best washed with soapy water, citric acid and soda.

To clean an oven that is not too running, you can simply dip a sponge in a soapy solution and wipe thoroughly all surfaces. But if the cleaning has not been done for a long time, you will have to spend a little more time. Pour the same solution into a baking sheet, preheat the oven to 120 degrees, put the baking sheet in it and wait 20-30 minutes. Then unplug the oven, and when it cools down a little (do not forget to unplug it if necessary), rinse thoroughly with a sponge.

You can apply a mixture of soda and citric acid on old stains, leave for 15-20 minutes and wipe off with newspaper or soft paper, then rinse with water.


Now you know how to clean your gas stove with your own hands. Of course, in some cases it can be very difficult to cope with this task - you will have to spend half a day. On the other hand, there is no need to use expensive means, the safety of which many experts question today. Well, knowing how easy it is to clean your gas stove at home, you can easily keep your entire kitchen in perfect condition.

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