How to cover the roof of the garage

In order to protect the garage from excessive moisture, a special coating is used, which, in addition to its main function, also somewhat strengthens the roof. For this reason, many garage owners are wondering what is the best garage roof covering. The coating should not only be durable, but also hold on for a sufficiently long period of time, since constant renewal is not only expensive, but also requires a lot of effort and labor. In addition, an important factor at the present time is the affordable price of roofing materials. The level of costs for such materials directly depends on the size of the garage.

Given the fact that in the modern world there is a fairly extensive selection of roofing materials, it can be difficult for consumers to decide which ones to choose. Particularly worried about this issue are those garage owners who have acquired it relatively recently. Therefore, in the ranking of the best roofing materials, we will try to guide you.

Which manufacturers of roofing materials are recognized as the best

The choice of manufacturers of roofing materials often comes from what kind of covering you are going to cover your garage with. Therefore, first you need to decide which materials you will give your preference to.

Often, each company specializes in the manufacture and sale of a specific building material, since the goal is not to expand the number of products sold, but to improve a certain type. This allows most of the firms that have found their niches in the construction business, not only to stay afloat, but also to reach certain heights. Their narrow specialization allows them to sell high quality materials at the most affordable prices.

The best roofing materials, for example, are made by the following companies:

  • TechnoNicol;
  • Ryazan shipyard;
  • Isoflex.

Also, some of these companies produce softer roofs. In addition, if you do not trust cheap roofing materials, you can turn to these firms for more expensive products.

Profiled sheets, as well as seam roofing of high quality at an affordable price, you can purchase from the following manufacturers:

  • Ruukki;
  • Plannja;
  • Grand Line.

Remember that if you purchase foreign-made materials, they will cost you a higher price than the products of domestic companies. However, the quality of some of these companies can only be envied, and if you decide to purchase roofing materials for your garage from foreign suppliers, you are unlikely to regret your choice.

What materials are best suited for roofing a garage roof

There are several types of roofing materials that are best suited for garage roofs.

Roofing material

How to cover the roof of the garage

Roofing material is considered the cheapest material for covering the roofs of not only garages, but also houses. This coating is a high density cardboard and is available in rolls. The density can be from 300 to 500 g / m22.

The top layer of roofing material is often sprinkled with special mineral chips or quartz or mica chips. This is done in order to increase the protective functions of this type of roofing. Thanks to this treatment, roofing material in more flexible places acquires additional strength, and also protects the garage roof itself from sunlight. In addition, such processing helps the binder components of this material to melt at high air temperatures or in the sultry heat of summer.

In order to cover the top layer of the roof, it is recommended to use a roofing material with a coarse-grained dusting, since the protective functions from this will increase several times.


  • if you correctly lay this material on the roof, then the top layer of the garage roof will become absolutely impenetrable, so your small property will not be afraid of rainfall or other harsh weather conditions;
  • if you plan to cover the roof yourself, then it is best to use self-adhesive rolls, however, then you will need to observe an accurate metric;
  • the load on the roof is practically reduced to a minimum, since the weight of the roofing material rolls is quite small;
  • as noted earlier, this type of roofing materials is considered the cheapest.


  • this material burns well;
  • you will be able to serve the roofing material for a relatively short time, since it wears out rather quickly compared to other types of materials, which means that you will have to periodically update it;
  • if the roofing material shows enviable resistance to high temperatures, then it is not so resistant to frost.

Sheet metal

How to cover the roof of the garage

Sheet metal belongs to the category of flat and profiled roof coverings. Often the thickness of such glass is 0.5 mm, and this type of roof also has a special anti-corrosion coating. For this reason, you do not have to worry about iron leaking out quickly in heavy rains or when exposed to high temperatures and other harsh conditions. Often, such a layer is galvanized, special varnish, or polymer paint.

However, it is worth noting that the protective film can be easily damaged if you do the installation yourself and have no previous experience with such materials. It is best to seek help from a specialist who will help you correctly install this material on the roof of your garage.


  • the appearance with the final result can please you, since metal sheets create a certain aesthetics for your garage;
  • if the roof of your garage is at a sufficient slope, then such a roofing material perfectly drains water;
  • metal sheets perfectly withstand frosts and low temperatures in general, and at a sufficiently low temperature they are able to retain all their properties;
  • you can install such sheets yourself very quickly, but only on condition that you have previously dealt with such materials;
  • under mechanical stress, such materials are not destroyed, therefore, we can talk about a sufficiently high strength of metal sheets;
  • such sheets can serve your garage for 40 or 50 years, so the need to constantly replace sheets or make any adjustments disappears automatically.


  • since metal sheets belong to seamed roofing, you will need additional equipment, as well as quite a lot of experience in order to correctly place this roofing material;
  • get ready for the fact that during the installation process you will have a fairly large amount of waste;
  • when it rains, the metal sheets rumble very loudly, which can create additional inconvenience.

Ondulin (euro slate)

How to cover the roof of the garage

Ondulin in appearance is very similar to colored slate, although besides the fact that both have a wavy shape, they do not have any other similar features.Such material is made from special cellulose fibers, and resin or bitumen impregnation is often used for binders.

By its structure, ondulin can be attributed to a modified form of roofing material, however, by its characteristics, such a roofing material can be considered more durable and more aesthetic. Ondulin is made in sheets, so it will be easier for you to use it when covering the roof.


  • such material practically does not absorb water, but allows it to drain to the ground, so ondulin is able to serve you for quite a long time;
  • fairly light material, so it will be easier for you to transport it, as well as install it on the roof of the garage itself;
  • such material perfectly resists corrosion, as well as most of the chemicals, so you do not have to worry that some external factors will worsen the condition of your roof;
  • it is very convenient to cover the roof with ondulin yourself, since it does not require too much effort, and, unlike slate, it does not crack or break at the first careless movement if you want to cut the sheets;
  • after you install ondulin on the roof, this material will serve you for the next 20 years, but keep in mind that such a material will lose its visual appeal and aesthetics a couple of years earlier;
  • quite low cost when compared with other types of materials.


  • if the sun is constantly falling on your garage, then keep in mind that the sheets will burn out rather quickly;
  • if there are no problems with water, then with respect to snow or dust, this cannot be said, since among the features of such a roof is to retain such particles on itself;
  • if the roof is exposed to frost and low air temperatures for a long time, then ondulin may become more fragile over time;
  • subject to burning.

Asbestos cement sheets (slate)

How to cover the roof of the garage

Materials such as slate sheets have been used in construction practice for quite some time, but they still do not even think of losing their popularity. Buyers and builders appreciate it for the fact that it is quite inexpensive in terms of cost, but at the same time, as they say, if they put it, then it will last forever. The durability of such a roofing material is determined by its structure, which includes a variety of substances that allow the slate to stay on your roof for a long time.

However, it is worth noting that, no matter how durable the slate is, it is still not the most durable of roofing materials. This material is produced in the form of sheets, which include a combination of asbestos and concrete. In order to cover the roof with such a material, it will be enough to use sheets, the thickness of which varies from 5.8 mm to 7.5 mm.


  • does not conduct heat very well, so when you enter the garage, you will not feel like in the microwave;
  • perfectly isolates extraneous noise, so you don't have to be distracted by sounds coming from the outside;
  • such material is not subject to burning or decay, so you do not have to worry about the fact that due to severe weather conditions such material can quickly leak out or lose its properties;
  • you can install such material absolutely independently, since slate does not require deep knowledge or experience in this matter, but keep in mind that you will need to act as carefully and carefully as possible;
  • if necessary, if you want to give your roof more aesthetics, you can paint the slate in any color you want, however, the paint should still be applied in one or maximum two layers;
  • such material is capable of serving for 30 or 40 years, and it does not require increased attention and periodic adjustments.


  • quite heavy material, therefore it will create additional load on your roof;
  • slate has a porous surface, so it is able to accumulate moisture in itself, which can subsequently develop some kind of vegetation, for example, moss;
  • slate sheets require increased attention not only during installation, but also during storage, since with any wrong movement you can split the sheets or provoke a crack.

What parameters should be followed when choosing a roofing material for a garage

In order to correctly choose the material for the roof of your roof, you must be guided by some parameters, including the cost, functionality and appearance of the material. However, there are several basic and rather strict requirements for the roof so that any roof will fit on it. These include, for example, the angle of the roof slope. The corresponding requirements are imposed on it:

  1. If your roof is fairly flat, and the angle of inclination is relatively small, then water will constantly collect on it. Therefore, in this case, you will need a coating that does not absorb water, for example, roofing material or linocrome.
  2. It is recommended to use Ondulin if the roof slope is at least 6-8 degrees.
  3. If your roof slope reaches 14 degrees, then a seam roof is the best solution for you.
  4. If the roof slope of your garage reaches 18 degrees, then the tiles will be enough for you to prevent the accumulation of water.
  5. If the angle of inclination reaches 20 degrees, then metal tiles will be the best solution for your roof.
  6. If the slope is up to 35 degrees, then use a covering of corrugated board or asbestos cement.

It must also be remembered that weather conditions are not the last factor, therefore, depending on which region you live in, you must choose a different form of protection for your roof.

In order to choose the right roofing material, use the following tips:

  1. If you live in a region where the air temperature is mostly high and heat prevails, then it is recommended to use a material that exhibits a certain resistance to light and even reflects it slightly. For materials that can protect your garage from sunlight and keep excess heat out, use metal sheets or slate.
  2. If you live in an area where winters are often very snowy and frosts are not uncommon, then euro slate or metal tiles are best suited for you. However, before purchasing these materials, you will need to make a preliminary calculation, since it is necessary to put such material as accurately as possible. You will need to understand whether your roof can withstand such a load or not. In addition, you need to consider the load from rain or snow.
  3. If you live in coastal areas, it is best to choose a metal tile with a special coating so that the material is not sensitive to high humidity.

The choice of roofing materials is a purely individual choice for each garage owner. However, in order not to be mistaken in your choice, always take into account the main factors and assume that each material has its own shortcomings. If necessary, it is recommended to invite a specialist for installation, since working with some materials can be quite difficult and delicate.

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