How to choose the right toilet

The toilet is an indispensable element of any residential and non-residential premises. At the moment, a very large selection of such a device is presented in plumbing stores, which differs in design, functions and external data.

In addition, the cost has a wide range, which makes it possible for anyone to choose a product, regardless of their income. It may immediately seem that buying such a product is a simple matter, but there are many subtleties, so you need to understand how to choose the right toilet so that it flushes well, is of high quality and has a long service life.

The principle of operation and the device of the toilet

The toilet is a sanitary device that is installed in almost any room for the physiological needs of a person. The device is quite simple, there are 2 main units in the design:

  • The device itself, which is connected to the sewage system to drain waste.
  • A tank with water that flows into the flush bowl.

There are a lot of toilet bowls at the moment, they all differ in the installation method, the type of bowl and drain, as well as cisterns. In addition, manufacturers use various materials for the manufacture of toilet bowls, from the cheapest artificial to natural expensive. The essence of plumbing is to remove waste from a room into an external sewer. This procedure is carried out using the following sequence:

  • Water enters the tank up to 6 liters, and after pressing the button, it flows into the bowl for flushing waste.
  • Through a water seal, the feces pass into a pipe with a slope, which is led into the sewer and they float on their own.

Although the design and operation is simple, there are many types of toilet bowls that are suitable for an apartment, office, private house or other places. They all differ in bowls and other elements.

Types of toilets

To buy a toilet correctly, it is important to know the main characteristics of the possible types, all the pros and cons. This will help you make the right choice.

With a visor bowl

How to choose the right toilet

Considering the question of how to choose a toilet without splashes correctly, you should pay attention to the visor bowls. Structurally, they are similar to poppet, but the rear wall is chamfered, which can significantly improve performance. Users get more convenient use, improved flush performance and reduced maintenance complexity.

Feces, if it gets on the mowed part, will themselves be washed off during the drainage of the water, therefore, splashes are completely excluded, but a trace may remain that requires additional removal or flushing several times in a row. The devices are excellent at hiding odors, so you can rarely use air fresheners or even refuse them altogether.

The installation of such models is very frequent, since visor bowls are in great demand. They are installed in houses, apartments and offices, since splashes are completely excluded during use.


  • The appearance of splashes is excluded.
  • Good flushing is often provided.
  • There is no unpleasant smell.
  • High degree of comfort from operation.


  • Feces can stick to the back wall.
  • Re-flushing will be required from time to time.

With a dish bowl

How to choose the right toilet

The poppet bowl has two features, a front drain and a center and rear shelf with minimal downward curvature so that some water can be collected at all times. Not everyone likes this design feature, since the models are contradictory, because there are many positive and negative aspects that directly depend on each other.

For example, water in the recess of the bowl will completely eliminate the adhesion of feces to the surface, but during emptying, splashes appear more often. In addition, the water drain is often strong, so it is important to adjust the pressure on your own, and for this you need to reduce the volume of filling the tank with water.

The described devices can hardly be called convenient and practical, but the main advantage is low cost, as well as the ability to buy a toilet with a different configuration. As a result, the buyer always has a wide choice for the selection of the optimal plumbing for a small fee. It is recommended to buy a product for summer cottages or other small buildings where expensive plumbing is not needed. Often, poppet types are used in public toilets, change houses or industrial facilities.


  • Feces hardly stick to the surface.
  • Low fluid consumption, which may differ from specific option.
  • Affordable cost.


  • Splashes appear during use.
  • Dirt accumulates, traces of rust appear.
  • The user needs to carry out regular cleaning and maintenance of the toilet.

With funnel bowl

How to choose the right toilet

This type of bowl, unlike other possible models, is characterized by a drain hole with a central location. Such a design feature helps feces to get directly inside, so a minimal part remains on the walls of the toilet bowl, which can be easily removed using a drain.

The main disadvantage of this design is the appearance of splashes from the liquid. To solve the problem, some manufacturers install a special feature called "anti-splash". In this case, the drain shifts slightly to the rear wall and includes a small rim, the shelf goes into the airlock at a slight slope, and the diameter of the hole itself is minimal. The drain valve in the system and the water level are as small as possible.

Plumbing of this type is popular, and well-known brands are engaged in production. Based on the models and the budget, the purchase is carried out by people for private houses, apartments, often the installation is carried out in administrative buildings.


  • The appearance of traces of faeces on the walls of the toilet is minimal.
  • Excellent flush quality so you don't need to use the brush.
  • High degree of hygiene.
  • Low fluid consumption.
  • Smells do not spread and are completely absent.


  • Splashes may appear, but the anti-splash function resolves the problem.
  • The high cost of a plumbing fixture.

Suspended installation

How to choose the right toilet

Suspended models make it possible to install a toilet without a support leg. Fastening is made to a strong steel frame, which is pre-mounted in the wall and floor, and after that the structure is completely sewn up with building materials and finished with decor. This type of plumbing is characterized by a built-in water tank, which is mounted in the wall and after finishing work in the toilet only the bowl and the button will be visible.

Suspended structures are easy to use, look great, and the maximum weight that the toilet bowl can withstand is no more than 400 kg. It is recommended to carry out installation work in any building, but the choice is often based on expediency and cost. Most often, the purchase is made for cottages, private houses or apartments, for a summer residence such a model is illogical.


  • Convenient and pleasant use.
  • Takes up a little useful area.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • High degree of hygiene.
  • A large assortment.
  • Modern appearance.


  • Complex installation, which is not always possible to do on your own.
  • High cost of goods.

Floor standing

How to choose the right toilet

The classic method of installing a toilet, if you do not take into account the additional installation work. If the surface and communications are fully prepared, then the installation process will take up to half an hour. For this, a flat surface is prepared, mounting holes are made according to preliminary marks and anchor bolts are hammered. After installing the toilet, the nuts are screwed in, the joints are treated with a sealant.

Floor-standing devices have been installed everywhere for a long time, which is due to the high degree of practicality and reliability. In addition, installation work is simple, fast and cheap.


  • Convenient operation.
  • Long term of use.
  • Large assortment of different characteristics.
  • Easy installation.
  • Reliable fastening.


  • If the installation is carried out first, then laying tiles and other materials will be inconvenient.
  • It is difficult to clean in the area of ​​joints with the floor.

With separate cistern

How to choose the right toilet

This option is currently in low demand due to its design features. The water tank is located separately on the wall, there is a float inside, which is connected using a long pipe. Classic control with a button or a rope. The actual choice of such a toilet will be if there is a minimum budget or if it makes no sense to invest a lot of money in the arrangement of the toilet, as well as if the area of ​​the bathroom itself is small and it is impossible to install a ready-made structure.

This model is often bought for Turkish-style toilets or to get a significant pressure of water during flushing. In addition, a profitable purchase of a toilet with a separate cistern will be for utility rooms, bathrooms in retro style.


  • High pressure of water, which gives a high-quality flush.
  • You can save space in the bathroom.
  • Easy installation.


  • Loud work.
  • Inconvenient maintenance, especially if the tank is placed under the ceiling.

With combined cistern

How to choose the right toilet

A popular and common type of toilet bowls, where the tank is placed on a separate cup shelf. Often sold complete with a toilet, assembled into one structure. If necessary, the tank can be easily removed and replaced with another, which will be more suitable in size or external parameters.

Installation of this type is fast, inexpensive and simple. For fastening, conventional stainless steel bolts with rubber seals are used. In addition, the structure is maintainable, easy to use and quiet in operation. There is a large assortment to choose from for any bathroom design, but the drain pressure is not the most powerful.

Such plumbing has many positive aspects, which is in great demand. Installation can be carried out in premises of any purpose.


  • Small size of the entire toilet bowl assembly.
  • Convenient use.
  • Maintainability.
  • Quiet work.
  • Simple and cheap installation.
  • Stylish design.


  • As a result of a low landing, you should not expect a strong water pressure.
  • After installation, the toilet will be removed from the wall at a certain distance, which takes up a useful area.

With built-in cistern

How to choose the right toilet

This design is growing in popularity, including a plastic tank for wall mounting, a control panel, and pipes that connect to the toilet. Installation is carried out in a wall niche or behind a special panel, which makes it possible to see only the buttons. Manufacturers often offer a pair of buttons for draining up to 6 liters of liquid and up to 4 liters.

For installation, a special steel frame is used, to which the tank and toilet bowl are attached. The product is quite expensive, but this is due to its very convenient use.This is a modern type of toilet, which is great for a private house and apartment, as well as other living quarters.


  • Low water consumption, which can be adjusted within 2-6 liters.
  • There is no noise when draining, because the main loud element is "wired".
  • After removing the control panel, all faults are quickly repaired.
  • Useful durability is not subtracted.
  • Stylish look.
  • Excellent hygiene.


  • Complex installation process.
  • High price.

Toilet selection options

When choosing a toilet, you should be guided by the basic parameters that allow you to choose the optimal device for your home, summer cottage, apartment and other objects.

Release type

By type of release, all models of toilet bowls are divided into 3 categories:

  • Oblique.
  • Vertical.
  • Horizontal.

The choice depends on the position of the tee socket. The gusset, which is part of the sewage drain pipe, can be turned by about 30 degrees, and also raised by 10 cm, and departs from the wall by 0.5 meters.

Toilet bowl materials

Today manufacturers offer toilets in a variety of materials imaginable. Each of them has certain characteristics that you should be aware of before buying:

  • Faience is the cheapest, but very popular type of ceramics. It is characterized by a snow-white color with a fine-pored structure. To reduce hygroscopicity, manufacturers apply a specialized enamel that can change the color of the toilet, but the technical characteristics remain unchanged. The main disadvantage of this type is that over the years the enamel is erased as a result of mechanical cleaning and other influences. After that, moisture is quickly absorbed into the structure, the strength of the cup decreases and there are risks of cracks from the person's weight. Average service life is 10-15 years.
  • Porcelain, a material that is often used for plumbing fixtures, is created from white clay, but quartz, feldspar is added during production to reduce pores and increase strength. For additional protection, enamel is also applied, but its erasure is slow. Even with its complete abrasion, the cups remain intact and do not deteriorate over the years. The cost of such models will be about 30-50% more than earthenware toilets, but the service life is 10 years longer.
  • Plastic - often such toilets are created on the basis of acrylic, there are models of several layers, additional reinforcement with fiberglass. The devices are characterized by low weight and easy installation, in addition, the cost of the product is minimal. Among the main disadvantages are the weak strength of plumbing, and there are also risks of damage from temperature extremes. The period of use is relatively short. Often, such designs are used in the country.
  • Marble or artificial stone - this material for toilet bowls can be artificial or decorative. This solution is perfect for connoisseurs of style, luxury apartments. Naturally, this option is more expensive than any other material for the toilet, but users get not only an excellent appearance, but also high hygiene characteristics. This is due to the fact that the material undergoes such precise grinding in the factory that the smoothness is comparable to glass. Even with a low pressure of liquid from the drain, all feces will be completely removed. Marble and stone are very strong, toilets last for decades.
  • Steel - stainless steel is used for toilets, which, in general, cannot absorb moisture in terms of characteristics and is characterized by smoothness, so feces do not stick to the surface. Another plus is the strength of the material, which will withstand even intentional damage. Due to this, the model is suitable for installation in public and public places. The service life is not determined, since the toilet will stand for tens of years, but the cost turns out to be higher for porcelain products.
  • Cast iron - such a material for toilet bowls is used quite rarely, it is not often found on sale, since its popularity is low. The main disadvantages are the very large mass, as well as bulkiness, in addition, cast iron has a relatively short service life. Among the positive aspects, protection against rust and corrosion is distinguished, since a protective layer of enamel is applied over the metal. Often this type of toilet is installed in public places where many people pass.

Flush systems

Modern designs are characterized by the presence of direct or reverse circular flushing of sewage. In the first case, the system works on a simple principle, draining water directly into the hole. This design is also called cascade or horizontal. This type of flush has been installed for many years on different models of toilet bowls. The main advantage is that at one time you can release a large amount of water and waste, which are placed in the center of the bowl. The downside is the poor coverage of the bowl surfaces, which leads to the need to use a brush.

The second type is a pivot flush, also called a pivot or shower flush. It differs significantly from the straight line, because the liquid does not flow down exactly along the trajectory, but in a circle, over the entire surface of the bowl. This makes it possible for the flush to work as quietly as possible with uniform washing of the surfaces, which eliminates the need to use a brush. Among the main disadvantages are the cost of the structure, which is higher than conventional models. In addition, there is a possibility that after a few years the drain holes will become clogged due to salt deposits.

To choose a toilet that will easily and efficiently flush sewage, you should choose the best one according to your own needs. In the first case, the device will be cheaper, but you will need to use a brush, and the second type will be more expensive, but the toilet will be clean, neat, after a while, maintenance may be required to remove salt deposits.

Toilet configuration

In this case, we are talking about the type of bowl, the following options are offered to buyers:

  • Visor is the most popular and recommended type, because no splashes appear during use.
  • Funnel-shaped - is in demand among buyers, but splashes appear, which can be excluded if there is an implemented anti-splash system.
  • Poppet - the simplest and outdated options that do not have significant competitive advantages, but are cheap.

How to choose the right toiletHow to choose the right toiletHow to choose the right toilet

Cover and seat

For convenient operation of any type of toilet, it is imperative to use a cover and a seat. Manufacturers often make caps from duroplast or plastic, which is not of high quality. Such elements are treated with antibacterial agents, include a convenient microlift, and in some cases the lid may be the most innovative and functional, so its cost is more than the toilet itself, especially if there is heating, lighting and other things.

Which toilet to choose

By studying all the features of a plumbing fixture, you can make the right purchase. For people who find it difficult to make a choice, you can use the recommendations from specialists. Based on them, we choose the toilet correctly, the tips are as follows:

  • If financial possibilities are limited, then it is recommended to make a choice in favor of a faience product with a dish-shaped bowl. Choose a side water connection, and a plastic cover.
  • To get the most simple, but high-quality design, you can buy porcelain models with a floor installation method and a visor-type sink. It is better to choose a tank combined with a water connection at the bottom.
  • If it is very important to observe maximum hygiene and achieve a minimum water consumption, then you should buy funnel-shaped models with a circular drain, where you can independently adjust the volume of water.
  • If you need to get a strong head, then you need to buy devices with a separate tank.
  • For people who seek to use everything modern and technological, suspended structures with an installation, a built-in tank, and a button that can be brought out will become a reasonable choice.
  • Get the most of the comfort possible with the granite toilet, which is equipped with automatic flush and lighting. In addition, models can be fitted with a modern seat, which is complemented by heating.

The cost of products directly depends on all the factors described, therefore, when choosing, you should focus on the needs and main tasks, the purpose of the toilet. This will help you buy the best option in terms of value for money.

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