How to choose a treadmill

Almost half a century ago, the first treadmills appeared in America. From the very first day of their appearance, many people began to test the devices on themselves. Thus, doctors began to notice the positive effects of such a simulator. In a person who regularly runs, the state of the cardiovascular system improves, the safety of the immune system increases, and endurance is trained. In this regard, treadmills for the home have not yet lost their relevance and are actively used by mankind.

Due to the high demand, more and more people are asking the question of how to choose a treadmill. The more correct the user's choice, the more effective the simulator will be. Therefore, before purchasing, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main principles that you need to know about.

The main types of treadmills

Before choosing the right treadmill, it is worth considering the main types of such devices. This will allow you to decide which treadmill to choose, taking into account individual preferences. To date, the units under consideration are classified into 3 categories: mechanical, magnetic and electromechanical. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we propose to analyze each type in more detail.

Magnetic devices

How to choose a treadmill

First of all, we propose to consider the type of treadmills in which, as the name implies, magnets are used. The movement of the running belt is here driven by frictional force as the athlete runs over it. Magnets are used as a braking element. They make movement smoother and more comfortable, which improves the quality of your workouts.

As a rule, magnetic trainers have small dimensions of about 200 by 70 by 150 cm. Moreover, their weight often does not exceed 100 kg, which greatly facilitates transportation. In most cases, the maximum weight of a person can reach 140-150 kg.

As for the working space, the dimensions of the canvas are approximately 0.4-0.5 meters wide and 1-2 meters long. The deck can be locked at the most comfortable angle up to 20 degrees.


  • Attractive cost;
  • The smooth running of the belt ensures maximum safety for the athlete's joints;
  • Compact dimensions and light weight. Most models are easy to fold and transport;
  • Good level of security;
  • Low noise level when using;
  • Can be used without being connected to an electrical network;
  • Manufacturers of many models incorporate various sensors into their products to measure the state of the heart, pulse, and so on;
  • Good level of muscle stress.


  • To get started, you need to make serious efforts, since the canvas is magnetized to the corresponding element. The athlete needs to overcome resistance;
  • Modest functionality.

Mechanical treadmills

How to choose a treadmill

Many athletes who are interested in how to choose a treadmill for an apartment often settle for standard mechanical options. This is the main type of the considered devices, characterized by maximum simplicity and budget. That is why they are so popular among users. In the case of mechanical units, the load on the muscles depends entirely on the efforts of the athlete.

The mass of the runner must be at least 50 kg and not more than 150 kg. In this case, the dead weight of mechanical treadmills, as a rule, varies in the range from 100 to 200 kg. In terms of dimensions, the standard models are 200 x 100 x 160 cm. This is not much more than in the case of magnetic views. The width of the running belt is about half a meter, and the length reaches 150-180 cm.

Given the maximum simplicity of mechanical models, they still provide the ability to regulate the load on the muscles. This is done by changing the angle of inclination of the deck on which the walking belt is located. However, manufacturers do not provide many fixed provisions. Usually their number does not exceed 2-3.


  • A good level of stress on the athlete's muscles;
  • You can find compact models with low weight;
  • Does not require a power supply connection;
  • The lowest cost among all types of treadmills;
  • Good level of security;
  • The belt speed is adjusted depending on the running speed of the athlete;
  • A wide selection of different models for different age categories;
  • You can find models equipped with sensors for measuring heart rate and cardio.


  • Due to the absence of a magnet as a braking element, braking is accompanied by jerks, which has a negative effect on the runner's joints;
  • Minimal functionality without additional features. Even heart rate sensors are found only in some models.

Electromechanical devices

How to choose a treadmill

Recently, more and more people are interested in how to choose an electric treadmill. This is due to the fact that this category of devices is becoming more affordable and in demand. Electromechanical units are the most modern and technologically advanced. However, their cost is also much higher than that of conventional models.

In electromechanical models, all system operation is based on an electric motor and control. Thus, nothing else depends on the athlete's running speed. The web movement is fully adjustable on the control panel. For this, an electric motor is built in here.In addition, the angle of inclination of the deck and the training time are automatically set.

High-tech microprocessors are responsible for the hardware. Electromechanical treadmills incorporate the maximum number of additional functions and capabilities. Thus, the system fully monitors the human condition, selects the optimal settings, and so on. The speed of such a simulator can reach 40 kilometers per hour.

As for the dimensions, such devices are rather heavy and massive. Its own size is approximately 230 x 90 x 170 cm. At the same time, the dimensions of the running belt vary within 0.6 by 1.8 meters. The mass can reach 200 kg. In this case, the maximum mass of the runner is 150-180 kg. It is worth noting a huge number of different settings and additional functions. For example, in most models, the user can select the speed from 15-20 available modes.

A good electromechanical treadmill should have preset programs that increase the comfort and efficiency of your treadmill workout. The main ones are:

  1. Fitness test. This program is designed for a detailed analysis of the physical condition of an athlete. The indicators are formed based on the results of the training. Thus, the athlete can immediately track the changes in his body after using the simulator.This will allow many beginners not to quit classes due to the lack of visible results in the short term.
  2. Interactive heart rate monitor. This is the key program for all electrical models. None is complete without her. With the help of an interactive heart rate monitor, the system automatically reads the athlete's performance, and then adjusts the belt speed and deck incline in accordance with the received data.
  3. "Hills". In modern treadmills, it is quite common to provide the "Hills" function, which is designed to simulate walking or running on hilly terrain. In this case, the angle of inclination of the web becomes dynamic and constantly changes. This allows you to add variety to your workout routine.
  4. Interval training. This is a program for more effective training in the simulator. Thus, the intensity of the load constantly alternates from low to high.


  • Full control over the athlete's health. Cardio, pulse, blood pressure, calorie loss and so on are checked;
  • A large number of various additional functions and capabilities;
  • Wide range of different models;
  • Running belt cushioning;
  • Maximum smoothness provided by the electric motor. This provides maximum protection for the joints;
  • Lots of built-in applications.


  • Extremely high cost;
  • High risk of falling off the walking belt due to high speed;
  • Does not work without being connected to the mains.

The principle of operation and the device of the treadmill

How to choose a treadmill

Before considering the main parameters that should be considered when choosing a treadmill, we suggest considering the general structure and principle of operation of such units. This will allow a clearer picture of the rules for choosing the right model. Most treadmills are made up of three main modules:

  1. A running belt that is pulled over the shafts between the guides. This is the main part of the track that the athlete runs on.
  2. Housing. Handrails may be present for more convenient use.
  3. System interface and control panel. This part is located directly in front of the user.

The whole structure is fixed on low support legs. Retractable casters are sometimes used for easier transportation. The internal structure may differ depending on the type of treadmill. Magnetic models use magnets, and electromechanical units use an electric motor.

The best treadmill manufacturers - which company to choose

When buying any equipment, many people first of all pay attention to the manufacturer. If this is a well-known brand, then there is no doubt about the quality of the product, since it has already been tested by time and has proven its reliability. Therefore, we propose to consider the most popular brands of treadmills that are especially popular in the market.

The list will include both European and American organizations.

  • HouseFit;
  • Torneo;
  • CleartFit;
  • Body Sculpture;
  • Hasttings;
  • Horizon Fitness.

Typically, the best treadmill models are made by these companies. Their products are included in many different ratings and tops.

How to choose a good treadmill

How to choose a treadmill

With the right choice of a quality treadmill, you should know the list of basic parameters that you need to pay attention to. We propose to consider in detail each of them.

Available modes

The number and format of the modes available in a treadmill is quite an important aspect. With all the functions necessary for the user, he will undoubtedly buy this particular model. Therefore, developers implement many different options, capabilities and modes in their products. With these capabilities, the athlete can effectively achieve his goals.

This is the list of the most popular running modes that are found in modern models:

  • Glute - procedure for working out the buttocks;
  • Interval training to improve the cardiovascular system of the human body;
  • Warm up before intense workouts. This mode is mandatory for beginners who have not yet used such devices. This will reduce the risk of joint damage and falling off the belt;
  • Sprint - general strengthening exercises;
  • HRT Hill. It is a unique heart rate-dependent exercise technique to improve endurance. The system automatically adjusts to the indicators;
  • Track - jogging a certain distance;
  • Strenght - exercises with increased intensity to build muscle mass;
  • Mode for effective fat burning.

Height and weight of the user

How to choose a treadmill

Each treadmill model has its own manufacturer's specification sheet. It indicates the permissible parameters of a person who can use this device without risk. However, in addition to this, there are features of each type of simulators and they must also be taken into account.

Thus, when purchasing a magnetic treadmill, the maximum weight of the runner must exceed your weight by 15 kg or more. This is necessary to significantly increase the service life of the unit, since under increased load, the running belt and deck quickly fail. If you are buying a model not only for yourself, then you should focus on the largest person who will work on it.

As for electromechanical simulators, it is worth focusing on the horsepower indicator of the motor. Thus, if it has 1 horsepower, then such a model is suitable for athletes weighing 60-75 kg. With an indicator of 1.25 hp a mass in the region of 80-90 kg is suitable. For larger athletes, it is recommended to buy units with power up to 2 HP. It is worth noting that there are models with motor power exceeding 2 horsepower. However, they are intended for professional use and allow the runner to reach speeds of up to 40 km / h.

Approximately by the same principle, it is recommended to select growth. The taller the user, the longer the treadmill will need to be more comfortable and effective.

Deck angle

Another important parameter is the incline level of the walking belt. Any treadmill is built in such a way that the workspace does not lie on a horizontal plane, but is placed at a slight slope. As a rule, functional models allow you to regulate this indicator and, therefore, regulate the intensity of the load on the muscles.

If you plan to constantly change this angle for dynamic training, then it is recommended to buy electric models where this opportunity is best implemented. In mechanical and magnetic models, as a rule, the deck is either regulated by only 2-3 positions, or not at all. In this case, the adjustment is carried out by hand before training. Electronics allows you to do this directly while running.

Device weight

With the mass of a treadmill, everything is extremely simple. It all depends on how often you plan to transport it. The more often you intend to move the unit indoors or outside, the greater the need to purchase a lighter device that is prone to transport. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the presence of transport wheels.


If you do not have any health problems that require more careful exercise at the simulator, then the purchase of an electric simulator with a minicomputer is optional. However, the presence of additional functions allows you to exercise more efficiently and comfortably. Along with this, the price of the model also increases. Therefore, it all depends on the personal preference of the athlete.

The following information is usually displayed on the interface of a device with a minicomputer:

  • The set angle of inclination of the canvas;
  • The time the user spent training;
  • Mileage;
  • Current and record running speed;
  • Calorie expenditure;
  • Indicators of cardio, pulse and pressure.

This is just an informative component of the minicomputer. He has artificial intelligence that allows him to process all this data and perform any actions based on it. For example, the system adjusts the intensity of the workout if the indicators begin to go out of the norm in the negative direction.

In more advanced models, there are even more different sensors and scanners. These can be clips on the ear, belt and chest. They are considered to be more efficient and technologically advanced. When buying an electric model, you need to check for a security key. This is an option that will help prevent multiple injuries from accidentally falling off the treadmill.

Overall dimensions

Dimensions are as easy as treadmill weight. It all depends on the room where you plan to place the device. If there is plenty of free space and the budget allows, then buy an electrical unit. With a small living space, it is recommended to buy more compact models. In this case, you should pay attention to folding models that can be assembled and removed if necessary.

How much does the treadmill cost

Many people are interested not only in recommendations for choosing a treadmill, but also in the approximate amount of money that will have to be spent when buying one or another type of device. It is worth noting the extremely wide price range for each category of treadmills. This is due to the fact that each model can have its own characteristics, functionality, and so on.

The overall picture looks like this:

  • As a rule, magnetic treadmills are considered the most budgetary and simplest. Their cost varies between 10-30 thousand rubles;
  • Mechanical models follow. Their price can start from 4 thousand and reach 300-500 thousand rubles;
  • The most expensive treadmills are electromechanical. Their cost starts from a couple of tens of thousands and can reach a million. The final price tag depends on many factors, such as brand, quantity and quality of features, build source materials, and so on.
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How to choose