How to choose a punching bag

It is important for everyone involved in martial arts to use high quality and reliable shells. One of these is the punching bag, which allows you to practice the technique of strikes. This is a great product for an adult or a child, but you need to understand how to choose a punching bag in order to work out techniques correctly, increase speed and strength.

Types of punching bags

To determine which punching bag to choose, you need to know the main types, since there are a large number of them on the market and you need to know the features of each model.

Uppercut projectile

How to choose a punching bag

A special view with a horizontal orientation of the pear, which is made for uppercuts and their practicing. This model is narrowly focused, so it is rarely bought for the house. Often the choice is made by professional sections that need to practice different strikes.


  • The average mass ranges from 25-50 kg, which makes it possible to use the projectile not only for adults, but also for children.
  • Allows you to practice and deliver accurate, strong bottom shots.
  • There is no need for powerful fasteners; often, during impacts, the projectile is firmly held on hooks.


  • Takes up a lot of space in contrast to a conventional bag due to the horizontal orientation.
  • It is difficult to buy at points of sale.

Heavy (universal) punching bag

How to choose a punching bag

This type is one of the largest, it is produced in the form of a cylinder and the length of the product is 1.2 meters. In addition, some manufacturers provide a full-height punching bag, which will allow you to work out punches not only with your hands, but also with your legs in the lower position. This projectile can be considered professional, the mass is often up to 120 kg, so the product is suitable for both amateurs and craftsmen.


  • An excellent choice for practicing impact force.
  • Good for heavy weight people.
  • If the length is sufficient, then you can use the product for boxing and other arts.
  • This choice makes it easy to lose weight during training.


  • From a fighter, knowledge and correct punches are needed, otherwise hands and feet can be injured.
  • As a result of strong rigidity, you can only work with bandages or gloves on your hands.

Wall-mounted punching bag

How to choose a punching bag

This type is convenient to use and is characterized by a wall mount. The product is in the form of a pillow, with a thickness of 5-10 cm, which is located on a rigid frame and is suitable not only for direct punches, but also for improving strength, as well as working with uppercuts.


  • Lightweight with optimum rigidity.
  • Small size.
  • High-quality fasteners that do not fly off during training.
  • Some variations can be used as an uppercut block.


  • The narrow focus of the pillows.
  • High price.

Floor pears and mannequins

How to choose a punching bag

These are non-standard pears that very realistically imitate the opponent's body or size. There are simple air bags available that can be inflated with air, and mannequins are often filled with liquid. Both options are placed on or attached to the floor.The pears on the rack should be height-adjustable and also have a spring-loaded foot for optimal mobility. The degree of rigidity is optimal, which allows even children or women to work with the projectile.


  • A good choice for home and professional indoor use.
  • Regardless of the type of filler inside, high efficiency is achieved.
  • Improves accuracy at different angles.
  • Suitable for home and lovers.
  • If the manufacturer installs a valve, then you can independently choose the degree of hardness of the pear.


  • If the pear is small, it is very difficult to hit it.
  • If the blows are very strong, then the projectile will simply fall.

Classic (suspended) punching bag

How to choose a punching bag

This option is visually a hike to a fruit that hangs on a tree. For work, you need to hang the projectile at head level, which allows you to practice the blows in the upper area. In addition, the punching bag swings easily, which makes it possible to improve evasion and maneuvers during combat. Suspended type is divided into several subtypes by weight. The most popular are medium bags, which are suitable for home and hall, but if they are pneumatic, they are recommended for craftsmen.


  • Lightweight, so no strong clamps are required for installation.
  • Minimal danger and likelihood of injury.
  • Small size that allows you to reduce space in the house or hall.
  • Suitable for boxers who work in the middle weight.


  • Movable models, so you need to control the movement of the pear.
  • In the opposite direction of the pear, you can injure your hand.


How to choose a punching bag

A sophisticated device that is only recommended for experienced fighters. This model is small in size, which is fixed on the vertical orientation braces. After hitting, the punching bag can jump in any direction, it is very difficult to predict the direction, which will help to improve protection and escape.


  • Small size and weight.
  • It takes up a minimum of space, but you will need to leave space for leaving and other manipulations in battle.
  • An excellent choice for speed and sharpness training.


  • Only suitable for experienced boxers who have excellent reactions.
  • It is impossible to train a series of strikes.

The best punching bag manufacturers

The best martial arts training bags are made by renowned manufacturers, which include:

  • Twins;
  • Everlast;
  • Ringside;

It is these companies that offer high-quality products in a large assortment, but there are other equally high-quality companies. Before buying a pear, you should decide on the type and basic parameters that will be optimal for training and skill level.

Punching bag selection options

When choosing, it is important to focus on the different characteristics of pears. Among them are materials, weight, filler and other features.

Mounting features

When choosing, you need to look not at the principle of fasteners, but the quality of fixing the belt to the boot. In this case, even small details will be important:

  • The tarpaulin upholstery should not contain rivets, and high-quality shells will have a belt stitching along the length.
  • If only 1 line converges on the belt, then the weight of the pear should not be more than 40 kg.
  • Sewn-in hinges made of the same material as the cover are suitable for light models. Medium to heavy weight pears should be fitted with metal rings that fit around the perimeter.

Cover material

In order to preserve the appearance for as long as possible and the filler does not spill out from the cracked cover, you should look at the quality of the seam and the material of the pear itself:

  • Leather is the most expensive type, but it is durable and will allow you to train without gloves. It is recommended to buy this product only from well-known brands that the leather was of high quality without pressed paint, otherwise the surface will quickly peel off.
  • Leather substitute is an excellent choice for children, and if the thickness is large, then the material can completely replace ordinary leather, but the service life will be slightly less.
  • Vinyl is cost-effective and durable, easy to clean.
  • PVC is a good choice if the pear is inexpensive. Such material is not afraid of moisture.
  • Tarpaulin is the cheapest option, and training can be carried out exclusively with gloves, otherwise the hands will break to blood.

Projectile weight

Weight indicates the purpose of the pear. In practice, such goods are divided into 3 types, based on their weight:

  • Lungs - weight 5-30 kg. Variants up to 10 kg are suitable for children, and everything above is for adolescents and adults who need to put a blow or improve their speed, fighting technique. Dimensions are often no more than 90x35 cm.
  • Medium - weight 30-60 kg and this is enough for practicing any technique. This weight of pears is used by all athletes, even from heavy weights. The most popular option, sold everywhere, is available in any room.
  • Heavy - bags weighing 60-100 kg. It is recommended to buy for professionals only. The goods are considered universal, but only those who have been hit and have sufficient strength can work. Suitable for training the most powerful techniques in which 1 hit can lead to a knockout.

It is recommended to choose a mass no more than the weight of the athlete himself, even if his impact force is several times greater than a heavy bag.


When choosing, the type of filler plays an important role. For example, inflatable goods or goods with water will be easier to transport, but dry materials can be added and the pear can be filled by yourself to select the optimal rigidity.

For boxing bags, manufacturers use:

  • Sand is a tough but classic filler. The bags are heavy, and you can injure your hands during training.
  • Sawdust is an environmentally friendly option, but not the best for pears. The sawdust is compressed at the bottom, and the top remains half empty, in addition, the raw material can rot over time.
  • Rubber - crumb is used for pears, it is more expensive than sawdust, but it does not go astray so quickly, does not rot. The main disadvantage is the low weight of raw materials.
  • Water - gives the required hardness, which will be approximately at an average level. Great for portable floor-mounted models. The liquid can be drained before transport and refilled after installation.
  • Air - used for pneumatic bags, due to the minimum weight, the bags are mobile and are suitable for improving the reaction of a fighter.
  • Gel is the newest type of filler and is most often used for combination bags. It reduces the likelihood of injury, especially for heavy blows. It is recommended to select bags with a valve to adjust the stiffness.

If possible, you should try the bag before buying, while still in the store. To do this, it is enough to make 1-2 blows to assess the degree of rigidity. The fist should not fall or bounce off the punching bag; after the fight, a small dent remains in it. These characteristics indicate that the product is perfect. In other cases, training can be traumatic.

Which punching bag to choose

To understand how to choose a punching bag for your home, you need to know all the characteristics described, but you can use expert advice:

  • For a home gym, it is best to buy pneumatic models that are suspended or classic stuffed shells with medium dimensions and rubber filling. It is best to give preference to inventory in a case of their skin, although they are more expensive, they are of better quality and more pleasant to work with.
  • For a gym where several boxers will train, it is recommended to select products with covers made of artificial material or vinyl. The minimum set for equipment can be considered a universal pear and a classic hanging type, as well as 1 or more products for working on precision - a chaser, a mannequin and others. You do not have to buy expensive fillers, sawdust or rubber is enough.
  • Lightweight hanging-type models with a weight of up to 10 kg and a soft filler in the form of sawdust are suitable for children. To reduce the likelihood of injury, you can bathe an air-inflated outdoor pear or a gel- or air-based wall-mounted type.

How much is a punching bag

The cost of a pear, based on the manufacturer, other parameters, will differ. On average, the price range is as follows:

  • Universal shells in the form of a cylinder start at 1,500 rubles and end at 60,000, but devices for children will be up to 700 rubles.
  • Chasers can be considered the cheapest, since their cost is up to 800 rubles for a budget type with sawdust and thin stretch marks. High-quality models will be up to 3000 rubles.
  • Suspended models start at 1400 rubles, for example, 25 thousand rubles will have to be paid for a pneumatic high-speed bag. - bag for medium weight.
  • Uppercut products are rarely sold and cost between RUB 8,000-22,000.
  • Children's floor options cost about 1200 rubles, for professionals and adults, the cost ranges from 5-34 thousand rubles.
  • Pillows with wall fasteners will cost 6-30 thousand rubles.
  • Mannequins with water 14-82 thousand rubles.

Studying the information about pears, you can choose the best choice for home or professional use for various punches and skill of the fighter.

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How to choose