How to choose a fitball

Fitball is a versatile tool that is a large gymnastic ball, but its scope is very wide. There is a very large selection of such products in stores, so a person can easily get confused, you need to know how to choose the right fitball for home and other needs. In practice, there are no difficulties with the choice, the main thing is to determine body weight, height, and also the result of training. The article describes the main types of ball for practice and its characteristics, which you should rely on when buying.

The principle of operation and the device of the fitball

To understand how to choose the right fitball, you need to understand how such a ball works. It is used for gymnastic exercises, helps to improve your health, is often used during pregnancy and helps during childbirth. The product was created by a doctor who initially used it only for therapeutic purposes, for the treatment and rehabilitation of the body. After a while, they began to use it for sports training.

A simulator of this kind can be used by many people, the acceptable group includes:

  • Children, including babies.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Everyone who has problems with being overweight.
  • Patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Elderly people.

A feature of the fitball is its high degree of strength and excellent elasticity. You can conduct classes at home alone or in a group led by a coach. The device is visually round, like a large ball. There are models on sale that are completely smooth, with small thorns or pimples, which are used for massage purposes. The price of such a device is much lower than that of a treadmill or similar simulators, but the efficiency is not worse.

Training using such a tool allows you to work out all the muscles, improves flexibility, agility, and coordination. In addition, the ball helps to correct a person's posture, and during exercise, fat and weight are effectively burned.

Fitballs provide an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic effect in the case of early stages of degenerative disorders or degenerative problems that occur with joints or vertebrae. In addition, healthy people can use it, because the ball helps to eliminate the effects of stress and normalizes mood, improves the functioning of the stomach and the entire intestinal tract. Since there is no strong physical stress on the legs, the ball is suitable for older people who can easily develop and train joints.

All exercises on such a ball are similar to riding horses, since in a sitting position you need to constantly monitor your own balance, keeping it, and this makes it possible to work out muscle groups that are often not trained in regular classes.

Fitball improves the functioning of almost all internal organs. Reflex communication improves, which is beneficial for any child who may have intellectual or mental impairments.

The best fitball manufacturers

As a result of the wide variety and variety of exercise balls on the market, the buyer may not know which one to choose for himself or a relative. In sports stores, the range of fitballs differs in size, color and texture. Many manufacturers that offer such a product make 1 or more lines of balls.

Balls of different price policies are also on the market, so you can buy an inexpensive fitball or at a very high price. Experts advise to make a choice only in favor of quality products from trusted brands. The most reliable models can be considered German, American or Italian. The main companies that are in demand and users:

  • Reebok;
  • Togu;
  • Ledraplastic;
  • Bradex.

The manufacturers described can offer balls made of high quality materials, and during production the requirements are strictly observed, which makes it possible to serve the product for a long time. The main plus is that the equipment is completely safe and does not harm human health, which is very important for expectant mothers and children.

When buying, you need to pay attention to certification, which is always there if the product is of high quality. It is recommended to check the documents with the seller or independently search for data on the network about the brand, only then choose and buy the desired ball.

Types of fitballs

It is possible to choose the right fitball only if the main types of such a product are determined. In general, there are not many of them, so it will not be difficult for the buyer to decide.

Classic fitball (smooth)

How to choose a fitball

These ball models are often suitable for newborns and pregnant women, but anyone else can use them. Fitball is suitable not only for sports, but also for relaxation, calming. Since the surface is smooth and there are no additional elements on it, the possibility of damage is completely excluded, which may be the case for people with thin and delicate skin.


  • A universal model that will suit any group of people.
  • Can be used to calm down, relieve stress.
  • Allowed for use by pregnant women and newborns.

The main disadvantage is the lack of massage action.

Massage (pimpled, with thorns)

How to choose a fitball

Such models visually differ from classical types by the presence of different protrusions that provide massage. In addition to the basic qualities that smooth types have, this ball helps to solve the problem of excess weight, stretch marks on the skin, as well as fat deposits. It can be used for training or treating various back ailments, as well as for relaxation and stress relief.

The main thing to pay attention to is the flooring where the ball will be used, because of the spikes it can be difficult for it to spin on an uneven floor.


  • Has a massage effect.
  • Can be used to relax.
  • Perfectly solves the problem of excess body weight, cellulite or stretch marks.
  • Helps heal the spine.


  • It is forbidden for newborns, as well as for people with tissue edema.
  • Bruising is possible.

With horns or braces

How to choose a fitball

Such models are characterized by a completely smooth surface, but during manufacture they immediately create horns or brackets that are used as a hand. This makes it easy to deal with balance. Often, balls are used for training and development of children, since it is easier for a child to hold on, you can jump without losing coordination. Beginners can also start training on this ball without injury or fear of falling off. In addition, there are several separate exercises where horns or braces are needed.


  • A great choice for a child or a beginner.
  • It makes it possible to improve coordination, keep balance more confidently.
  • Suitable for many exercises that cannot be done without a holder.

No cons.

Fitball selection options

There are several basic criteria for choosing the right ball.

The size

It is very important to know how to choose a fitball by height, because this is how its diameter is determined:

  • Anyone with an indicator up to 1.55 meters should buy balls up to 45 cm.
  • For people with a height of up to 1.7 meters, it is better to choose balls with a diameter of 55 cm.
  • Up to 1.85 m, 65 cm models are suitable.
  • Above 1.85 m, the diameter should be from 75 cm.

To check, you need to find at the point of sale just sit on the ball and look at the angle between the knee and the pelvis. If the product is correctly selected, it will be approximately 90 degrees.


The materials of the gymnastic ball should not be very flexible or highly resistant. Ideally, buy balls that, when pressed, do not bend more than 2 cm, and after removing the hand, they immediately recover. The shell should be free from a single fold, even if you deliberately try to pinch the ball.

Durability and reliability

These two factors are the main ones to look at. In the store, you should pay attention to the seams, while holding them with your hand, they should not be felt and they cannot be noticeable to the eye.

It is recommended to select devices that have an anti-explosion security system. With its help, the explosion of the ball will be excluded in case of violation of its tightness. In this case, the internal air will automatically and slowly come out. Most often, if there is a system, manufacturers put the ABS or BRQ marking, it is they who indicate a similar function.

Experts also recommend focusing on antistatic tori. It is achieved thanks to additives that are included in the structure of the material. With this, the ball will not collect dust and other debris, and the person will not be electrocuted.

The strength of the models depends on the thickness of the rubber, the best choice is options from 6 mm, but the load is still determined by the mass. Variants up to 1 ton are perfect for strength training or people with a lot of weight, such balls are recommended for active and strong jumps.

At the time of purchase, you should make sure that the product is certified. Such documents will indicate its environmental friendliness and safety of materials. If the fitball has an unpleasant smell of rubber or chemicals, then it is better not to buy it. It is worth remembering that low-quality goods will cool the body, and high-quality materials will be “warm”.


When choosing, the color of the ball plays out relatively important, since it can have an impact on people's mood, their emotions and general condition. Experts recommend choosing calm shades:

  • metallic;
  • completely transparent;
  • pale blue;
  • pale pink;
  • pale orange;
  • pale green.

Often, the described range helps to weed out low-quality goods, because too bright a palette indicates poor quality balls from mediocre raw materials.

Which fitball to choose

For those who do not know which fitball to choose for a baby, an adult or other groups, you should use the simple recommendations of specialists:

  • Smooth models of the classic type are most suitable for pregnant women. They are also suitable for the development and training of newborns.
  • Anyone who wants to remove stretch marks, excess weight should pay attention to massage options that have thorns or pimples.
  • Products with horns or other types of handles are best for children, beginners or people who perform strong jumps.
  • To obtain a therapeutic effect and improve the condition of the spine and back as a whole, it is necessary to choose models of the massage type.
  • If training is carried out with a weighting agent, then you need to choose devices that can hold up to 1000 kg. They have an optimum degree of strength and high reliability.
  • People with small stature or children should practice on balls up to 45 cm in diameter. If a person has an average height, then a product is selected from 55 to 75 cm, as much as possible.

It is best to choose products that have an anti-explosive security system as well as anti-static electricity. In addition, the thickness of the material is ideal if it is at least 6 mm. The fitball must be elastic, without folds and other defects of the shell, and during use there will be no sagging.

It is recommended to give preference to calm shades, as bright colors are often found in medium to low quality balls. For additional protection, you will need to look at the materials themselves, they should not provoke allergies.

How much does a fitball cost

The cost depends on several factors. On average, the pricing policy will be as follows:

  • Small balls cost about 400-700 rubles.
  • Classic size models cost about 1,000 rubles.
  • Options that have thorns or pimples on the surface to provide massage action cost up to 2,000 rubles, but the cost in this case depends on the brand and size.
  • Gymnastics products, which have horns or a bracket as a handle, hardly differ from the classic options. The purchase of such products will be in the range of 800-1500 rubles.
  • Options for training with weights are in the range of 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that the thicker the density of the walls of the material for the fitball, the higher the cost.

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How to choose