How to choose a camera

In today's market, cameras are presented in an incredibly large assortment. Despite this fact, not everyone knows how to choose a camera correctly, what criteria should be relied on so that the purchase does not disappoint you in the future. It is possible that you also only casually heard such concepts as "megapixels", "matrix", but what they really mean, you do not even guess.

There are also those sellers who decide to use the inexperience of buyers in matters of choice, and therefore are engaged in imposing low-quality products, offering also fabulous prices. In this case, a person receives a number of unnecessary options that a simple photography lover will not need at all. In order not to get caught in the question of choosing a camera, it is recommended to read our article to the end. You will be able to better understand all the nuances of the purchase.

Camera selection

For a start, you should rely on your financial capabilities and the level of photography that you can control. The higher the price of the models, the more optional potential it has. But for beginners, it is recommended to buy a simpler device. Do not dismiss the fact that your passion for photography will not cease to interest you in the future. Perhaps you will "clap" for a month or two, and then you will stop doing it altogether. For this reason, before buying, you should be honest with yourself and answer the question: "for what purposes is a camera necessary?"

Only after receiving objective answers to a number of questions, you will be able to approach the main thing - how to choose a good camera. An amateur-level device is able to satisfy the needs of simple and high-quality at first glance pictures. It is important that they are clear. A professional photographer will give preference to models that have the latest bells and whistles, will improve and organize the image quality.

Most of the devices that are available on the market are digital. They can be divided into 2 groups. These are automatic with a minimum number of different settings, as well as mirror-like, which need to apply knowledge in the field of conducting the subtleties of the photographing process. If you don't have the skills to do this, then it is better to opt for a camera with automated settings.

But with changing optics, the camera can only be mastered by a professional. There are a lot of nuances, but we will try to acquaint you with them in more detail so that your purchase is successful and brings you exceptionally joy when using it.

List of manufacturers: which brand of cameras to give preference

Many leading companies in the world produce cameras, but it should be admitted that not every model or a whole line can be called the best. Sometimes, the quality and reliability of the products are very upsetting.

Today, only a few brands really produce good technology that has been able to receive rave reviews from users and specialists from all over the world. We are talking about Samsung, Canon, Sony, Nikon, Kodak. But, whatever one may say, one world name does not mean anything yet.In the question of which option is better to choose, you should be careful, not losing sight of a number of important criteria.

Functioning device and working moments of the camera

Studying the question of what cameras are chosen by photographers of different skill levels, it is worth noting that there are 2 types of devices: digital and film. In the second case, the light that passes through the lens hits the chemical coating on the film, which changes color when exposed. To transmit and capture an image, it is important to provide the device with good optics and mechanics. All this is present in the body of the camera.

The design features of a film camera are represented by a lens with a diaphragm and lenses, a film channel, a viewfinder and a distance meter, a film pickup coil, and a flash.

As for the digital version, the initial principle of operation is similar to the above. There is also light that passes through the lens, but it does not end up on the film, but is converted into an electronic signal on the photosensitive matrix. The snapshot remains in the device's memory or flash card. The operation of the camera is controlled by a microprocessor, which is built into it.

Different types of cameras


How to choose a camera

If in the past such models were incredibly popular, today they are gradually being phased out of the market. In accordance with the parameters and quality of the images, they have every chance to compete with the innovative technology in this segment.

Professional-grade film machines have a very wide functionality. They have a self-timer, a photoexposure meter, etc. Due to manual control of shutter speed and aperture, you can focus on the subject, getting a blurred background, albeit a little. Often, models, with the exception of high-power professional cameras, are compact in size. They will be no higher than 110x70x50 millimeters. This is quite convenient in practice.

For the price, this is an acceptable option, while the quality of the images will be good, as well as the functionality. But even in such models, there were some drawbacks. They are connected with the fact that it is very difficult to find such a camera on the market. After the film is over, you will need to take some time to start developing the photo. And keep in mind that you need to take spare coils with you when using. Otherwise, you won't be able to take many photos.

Digital compacts

How to choose a camera

Finding out the answer to the question of which camera to choose for a beginner, you most likely came across such a concept as a "soap dish". It is a small camera that takes decent pictures. But keep in mind that although the price is acceptable, there are few megapixels here, the matrix sizes vary from 1-1 / 2.3 inches. There are also few shooting modes, but if you plan to take a photo for yourself, this is enough.

As for the advantages, it is worth noting not only the compactness of the device, but also the presence of an optimal aspect ratio of 3 to 4. The depth of field, which is almost infinite, is also important. The camera is very simple to use. Operation is possible with the use of 2 AA batteries. Price is an equally important parameter for many. Here manufacturers delight in their acceptability.

As for the shortcomings, they are that the quality of the photo is very low, while a weak flash can upset, as well as weak optional features. In motion, shooting objects is not possible, but there are other models for this.

Please note that such devices can be confusing to an inexperienced person. At first glance, the device looks presentable, heavy, the lens is solid, and the magnification of objects is possible up to 20-60 times. But the matrix remains the same small, the optics are made on the basis of simple glass, and therefore this is just a soap dish, but expensive.


How to choose a camera

This type of camera is distinguished by its expensive price, power indicators, and the presence of important options.This is actually a great combination of a large medium to full format sensor and high resolution. It reaches 38 megapixels. All this makes it possible to take a high-quality photo. Such devices are distinguished by a rich set of additional options, shooting modes, as well as fast work of autofocus, which can turn on in a split second.

In the past, such variants were professional analogue devices. In them, the mirror sent the image to the viewfinder window, and itself could protect the film from light. When the shutter was released, the mirror rose, passing the light beam. This feature has remained to this day. Only the technology has been slightly modified. From now on, the mirror is able to shield the matrix with its sensitive properties from light.

The main advantages are that the camera responds very quickly to the actions of the photographer. There is a viewfinder, autofocus works, which allows you to photograph objects even while moving. The pictures are of very good quality. It is important to note that many device users are pleased with the availability of various additional options, as well as a wide segment of interchangeable optics. Ergonomics indicators are no less excellent. Remember that the battery consumption will last for 1000 shots, which is very economical.

The main disadvantage is that this is a very heavy device with bulky volumes.

Mirrorless (Evil cameras)

How to choose a camera

This type of camera has really impressive characteristics. But the photo is top notch. Due to the lack of a mirror in the design, there is no optical viewfinder. But the filling is excellent, no worse than that of DSLRs. Dimensions are compact, level of optionality. This is the white balance function, and the timer, and the image stabilizer, and the change of optics, etc. Quite often, such models are represented by a 5-inch screen with touch control.

The main advantages are that the images are really high quality. This is due to the large format of the matrices. The functionality is excellent, the dimensions are not compact and not very heavy, the screen is large. Moreover, you can use different optics, which will not fit a DSLR.

Speaking of cons, it should be noted that there is no optical viewfinder, and the battery consumption is really increased.


How to choose a camera

The rangefinder type of cameras has a high price, but the quality is appropriate. The dimensions are much more compact than those of DSLRs, while the models are weighty, since they have a lot of brass parts.

The main difference is that the operation is quiet. There is no mechanism like a mirror lifter and a diaphragm repeater. They are rangefinder because they have a long focal length. It is 135 mm. This is much higher than the data of DSLRs.

The main advantages are that the shutter lag is minimal during operation. This is important when shooting a "high-speed" shot. The viewfinder will not stop showing the picture at the moment of shooting. You can immediately redo the frame if suddenly something does not work out. The dimensions of the camera are compact, it can function with any interchangeable optics.

Speaking about the minuses, let us note that the weight of the device is large, as well as the cost.

Medium format

How to choose a camera

Continuing the topic of which camera to choose, it is necessary to designate medium format cameras. They are intended for pavilion filming and real professionals. Such devices have a medium format matrix. Even if it has such a name, but in terms of shooting level, this is a full-frame solution. Moreover, due to the resolution of more than 40 megapixels, the matrix is ​​capable of providing high quality images corresponding to the state of the art.

The main advantages are the presence of high resolution and perfect image detail. That said, the zoom is decent. The presence of optical effects is also pleasing. Cameras always have very high quality lenses.

But you can't do without cons. The price is really very high, one might even say that it has exorbitant values.Such devices are intended for professionals, are large, heavy in weight, and do not work too fast, as sometimes it would be desirable.

Important criteria for choosing a camera

We have to consider a few important nuances that will allow you to opt for a good camera model that suits certain purposes.

So, focus on the year the device was released. The latest cameras have perfect properties, but after a couple of months they will become obsolete. This cannot be said about rarities, which simply do not have age boundaries. It is better to choose a preference for new digital technology, with which it is easier to carry out repairs or equip with the necessary accessories.

Size and weight are not critical if you are a beginner photographer or plan to rarely shoot. But if you are used to not letting go of the device during the day, then it is better to pay attention to more compact options.

The number of megapixels is important, even if there is an opinion from professionals who consider this figure insignificant. In large format printing, the criterion is of paramount importance.

Video recording option. While studying the question of how to choose a SLR camera, many are faced with the fact that they want to record video on it. But not every device is also equipped with a microphone. For this reason, when purchasing, be sure to check if a recording device is available.

Zoom availability. If you have a simple ultrazoom compact size, then working with a DSLR can be difficult. This is due to the fact that the standard zoom is 3x.

Frame selection. If this is a full frame, then the price will be higher, but if you have money, then give it preference. If finances are not available, then cropped can also be bought.

And remember, if you make a purchase in a store, then try the camera in the same place. You can take a couple of shots before purchasing. Sometimes the quality of a DSLR with super-sophisticated options will be worse than that of a simple soap dish at an inexpensive price.

The matrix. It should be understood as a converter of an optical image into a digital signal. The properties of this parameter will largely determine the quality of the future photo. Many species are known today. CMOS matrices, CCD, Live-MOS matrices. The first option is less sensitive and passes noise, but works fast and costs acceptable. But the second one consumes a lot of energy, but it produces an ideal picture in terms of quality. And finally, the third option is a cross between the other two. But it is not used in all models and lines of the manufacturer. You can meet him at Panasonic, Leica and Olympus.

ISO sensitivity. An indicator of how sensitive the matrix is. He is responsible for improving the quality of shooting in the dark. In general, you can use ISO 50-100 if you can get slower shutter speeds. For example, when working with tripods. But if the photo is taken handheld, then ISO 400-800 will be appropriate in order to exclude a blurry frame.

All digital devices have a sensitivity adjustment option. This can happen both automatically and manually. If this is a compact version, then even high ISO values ​​will not play a role, since a small matrix is ​​not able to catch light without "making noise". But if the device is large-format, then the increase in light sensitivity is possible 3200-51200 - this is appropriate for taking pictures at night in excellent quality.

Lens aperture. On many cameras the lens can be changed. But often you have to use your own. It is important to remember here that the higher the f value, the higher the amount of light that will enter the matrix through the lens. The best option is f / 1.2, on weak optics - f / 16.

Image stabilizer. This is one of the most useful options in the camera, which makes it possible to eliminate blurring of the picture that occurs due to hand shake or other vibrations. Your best bet is optical stabilizers.

Memory type.If your choice fell on a digital device, then keep in mind that the pictures will be recorded on the media. It can be a hard disk, built-in flash memory, removable memory cards. All these are popular and easy-to-use devices.

Availability of additional options

There can be any number of them. Among them are: flash, red-eye removal, depth of field adjuster, timer. The more different options there are, the easier it will be for the photographer to shoot. But keep in mind that a number of unnecessary functions sometimes become a reason for overpaying when buying a device. You can buy an inexpensive camera that will take equally high quality pictures. For example, a "soap dish" can be bought for 2-6 thousand rubles, and a mirrorless camera - in the region of 13 thousand rubles. Of course, there are higher prices, which reach about 1.2 million rubles.

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How to choose