How to choose a gaming computer

Esports is gaining incredible momentum. Every year, new games appear that are as close to reality as possible, become more "heavy", and therefore not every device is able to draw them out properly. For this reason, avid gamers are constantly updating their PCs. If your hardware has become old, and therefore you don't even have to think about an upgrade, then it's time to think about a new device.

It does not matter at all whether you have to cook the PC or complete the software at your discretion. In any case, you have to part with a solid amount of money. For this reason, carefully weigh the needs, choose the characteristics with the optimal performance for the PC, which will make it possible to run your favorite games without problems.

As part of our article, information will be provided on how to choose a gaming computer in 2020. We'll cover the really important aspects to consider when choosing a PC.

List of manufacturers of gaming computers: who to give preference to

First, let's take the time to study computer manufacturers that have been able to gain a really good reputation in the market. Today there are not so many of them, even if there are premium models with suitable technical features in the lineup of every respected brand. Of course, the device can be assembled on your own, but keep in mind that this will take time, knowledge about choosing a PC device.

Our article provides information on well-known manufacturers. These are: Asus, Acer, Alienware, MSI, HP.

Choosing a computer: how to avoid mistakes when buying

Basic principles of operation and PC device

Everyone is familiar with the basic elements of a PC. Let's remind them again: the system unit, the means of input and output of information, it can be a mouse and keyboard, a monitor. In gaming machines, the filling decides a lot. The system manager must really be 100% assembled. The entire unit will depend on the characteristics of its operation, and therefore it is important to know how the device works.

So the central processing unit is the main brain of every PC. It makes it possible to control the entire operation of the device. The speed data and capabilities of the device are completely determined by the selected central processor. It is for this reason that it is worth giving him so much of your attention.

A hard drive should be understood as an electronic or magnetic device that stores various games. The basic information in them is required for the PC to work. Memory RAM is a place to store temporary data. The processor addresses them "here and now", without wasting time on the buildup of the main drive unit. As for the next device, it is a video card. It is presented in the form of a graphics chip that converts electrical signals into a visual plan on the screen.

Do not ignore the power supply from your attention.This device delivers the correct electrical current to various kinds of PC components. A cooling system is also available. These are fans that blow electrical circuits, which inevitably heat up during operation.

Due to the motherboard, it is possible to connect the elements listed above. The result is a unified system. These components are presented in a single case of the system unit and, in fact, are the PC itself.

The rest of the components are just additions to the main device of the machine. They are presented for the sake of convenience and the deepest human immersion in the world of the game. It can be headphones, microphone, speakers. The addition is pedals, steering wheel, which are often used by cyber racers.

Varieties of gaming computers

Professional PC options

How to choose a gaming computer

When deciding to purchase such a PC, you will not only invest a decent amount of money, but you will also be able to make a one-time investment that will allow you not to think about the need for an upgrade for another 5 years. Such a device not only allows you to download modern games, but also provide them with high speed.

The processor of the Core i7, which is designed for 6-8 cores and has a performance of 3.7 GHz (and this is still without overclocking), is distinguished by a solid indicator. This should be enough for a gaming PC. Plus, it is worth adding RAM in volume from 16 GB, a video card for 6-8 GB to get a professional unit. With him, there will certainly be no problem in being on the cyber arena and taking part in one of the games.

In terms of volume, a 4TB hard drive will help to assemble an excellent collection of toys on a PC, and an SSD in a given segment will make it possible to ensure the maximum speed of the device as a whole. Such devices require an excellent cooling system. For this reason, there must be at least 5 fans, and indeed a water circuit can be used.


  • any types of games are available for the game;
  • in the presence of excellent characteristics;
  • there is a large amount of memory, the video card has powerful properties;
  • an upgrade is not provided.


  • very high price.

Mid-budget PC options

How to choose a gaming computer

This budget will become more appropriate if you need to buy a more efficient device. The device will be able to pull modern "heavyweight games", even in situations where the user sets the highest detail settings. But it won't do without flaws. The average person needs a partial upgrade, otherwise after a couple of three years he will simply become old.

The processor in such system units is more powerful. These options are not younger than IntelCore i5, performance indicators will be equal to 3-3.5 GHz. The number of cores is 4-6. As for the RAM and main memory, there are 2 times more of them than in the budget options. These are 16 GB and 1-2 TB. This is enough to install and start working correctly over 500 different heavy weight toys.

Often, solid-state SSD drives are additionally mounted here, which in volume will be equal to 256 GB. Moreover, they can be used mainly for the OS and the placement of control files. Due to this, the operation of the device will become much faster.

The video card has a volume of 4-8 GB. At the same time, there is a guarantee that over the next couple of years the update will certainly not be needed. The gameplay is presented at a high level, even if you choose the settings with maximum detail. But the system units, taking into account such a configuration, need effective cooling, due to which a powerful system based on 3-5 fans will be provided.


  • suitable for use with a number of modern toys, even if you use the maximum settings;
  • large RAM and hard disk volume;
  • performance is excellent if there is an additional SSD-drive;
  • the cooling system has powerful properties;
  • does not need a major upgrade for 1-2 years.


  • the cost is decent;
  • the processor does not differ in high power indicators;
  • it is necessary to update the video card and OP after a while.

Inexpensive PC options

How to choose a gaming computer

Today, even inexpensive gaming PCs cost a lot of money. Although such budget devices lack all sorts of outstanding characteristics, they are capable of playing modern games, but only at low settings. Versions 2015 and older are a lifting challenge for such devices. And budget devices are able to cope with the popular online offers of the game perfectly.

In them, manufacturers install processors that have average power ratings. We are talking about a frequency of 2.5-3 GHz. Of course, this price category does not apply to IntelCore processors, AMD rivals can become a full-fledged replacement for them, and therefore there is nothing wrong with that.

The number of cores in economy-class processors is no more than 4, in terms of the amount of RAM it sometimes reaches a value of up to 8 GB. The hard drive will hold at least 500 GB, and preferably 1 TB. This is due to the fact that heavy games take about 10 GB. To correctly reproduce the game world on the screen, you need an excellent video card. Its memory should not be less than 2 GB. System engineers need a cooling option, 2-3 fans will cope with this task. But the larger this value, the more stable the PC works.


  • decent video card;
  • hard disk with capacious properties;
  • acceptability in cost.


  • new items in the game world will not work;
  • many games prior to 2015 will not work with high settings.

Features of the options for choosing a gaming PC


On the market, 2 companies that specialize in the production of processors for PCs were able to prove themselves perfectly. We are talking about the brands Intel and AMD.

The Intel brand is distinguished by its performance. The best line of the brand today is called the Core i7. As for AMD, the power indicators are lower. But keep in mind that such devices heat up decently. The cost for them is slightly lower than that of the competitor. In comparison, we can say that the flagships of the line from AMD (FX-8370 and 9370) are in the region of 5 and 7 from Intel.

Modern PC devices should have 4 cores at least. Otherwise, a decent speed of the PC will be impossible. The optimal processor clock speed for a gaming PC will show 3.2-3.5 GHz, while there is the possibility of overclocking.


It is worth taking 2 criteria into account at once. It's about socket and form factor. The first is the connector that is provided for installing the processor. Ultimately, it will depend on which processor the device will work with.

The form factor is equally important. We are talking about how many additional slots for OP, video cards and other elements are available. Common types of boards that are used on gaming PCs are: ATX, Micro-ATX.

If we consider the first option, then it is worth noting that it is as simple as possible, convenient and has connections for various kinds of components. All this allows the use of short wires, which will benefit the overall stability of the system. Today ATXs are released in several standard connectors. The most common ones are 24x18 ″ and 12x9.6 ″.

There is also a modified version of ATX - Micro-ATX, which does not differ from the previous version in almost nothing. Unless here it is necessary to indicate a reduction in the plate to 6.9x9.6 ″, and the number of free connectors has been reduced to 4. Of course, there are other form factors that either gradually disappear into the past, or do not make it possible to meet the technical specifications game games. In general, we all expect excellent power properties from motherboards, taking into account a properly organized cooling system and the presence of the required number of slots from 4 to 8.


Today, PC manufacturers offer several types of hard drives. These are HDD and SSD.

The most capacious is the magnetic HDD, which is best suited for storing heavy files. But a solid-state SSD is not capable of boasting a large amount of memory, it is able to work faster than a magnetic disk.When choosing a gaming device, pay attention to the models where there are 2 types of drives. There is also a proposal to further equip the device in the future.

If you are looking for the required price segment of the HDD, then take at least 1-2 TB, but if we are talking about a solid-state drive, then pay attention to the options 128-256 GB. This is enough for the OS, a number of control programs that are not large in weight.

Gamer PC RAM

An excellent indicator will be 16 GB. But the higher the indicator, the better. Estimate the size of the OP, which will affect the price of the PC, so in the question, first of all, rely on financial capabilities.

Video card

Although the choice in the electronics market is great, today only NVidia video cards have been able to deservedly gain the reputation of the most reliable. There is also AMD, but they are weaker, even if for the price it is a more acceptable option.

In a gaming PC, a graphics card needs at least 4GB of memory. This will allow the PC to output a Quad HD picture at 2560 × 1440 resolution. All other specifications can be omitted. It is enough just to study the penultimate figure in the marking area of ​​the selected video card to understand its level.

For example, an NVidia GeForce card in the budget category has the designation 950. It should be noted that the number "5" indicates that this is an inexpensive option. Such a card will only handle last year's games, and it should be noted that the graphics settings will be weak. If there is a number "6" or "7", then we are talking about the middle segment or premium. But if we talk about Radeon, then for them the lowest score is 6 in the RX 460 marking, and 7 - 8 already confirm that the performance is good.

Power Supply

In a gaming device, it should be rated for 800-1000 watts. In particular, if you plan to complete the car with your own hands in the future.


The process of choosing a monitor for a gaming device is really an important issue. First of all, it's worth evaluating the size. For permanent use, you can take into consideration a device that is 19-23 inches diagonal. An excellent monitor displays around 15,000 colors. It has a refresh rate of 144 Hz. In doing so, it is important to pay attention to sustainability. Make sure the screen is matte so that glare doesn't interfere with the gameplay.

Cooling system

Modern PCs have 2 types of cooling systems. We are talking about air and water systems. If the former is a traditional version that has a set of mechanical coolers, the higher the number, the larger the fan itself. In this case, the processor will overheat less. The disadvantage is that the system is very noisy to operate.

Speaking of the water system, it is worth noting that it is used in machines with low power, when simple fans cannot cope with the work. The circuit is efficient but very quiet. But this gives him the opportunity to seriously increase the price of the block itself. In this case, the liquid in the system needs to be periodically changed.


Gaming keyboards have ergonomic and comfortable positions, unlike standard solutions. They are equipped with lighting. Most importantly, the keys are responsive. It will be great if the W, S, A and D buttons demanded by gamers are additionally protected by a special coating.


It is important for a gamer to choose headphones. This is a detail that will allow you to deeply plunge into the process of the virtual world, react in time to sounds in the process of entertainment.

You should buy a headset that has semi-open or closed acoustics, perfectly positions during virtual games, and is also equipped with a noise reduction in the microphone area. Pay attention to the models with soft-type attachments, which are found in the headband and ear cushions.


If they are e-sportsmen, then it is important that the mouse works as quickly as possible. The game is solved in a split second, and therefore it carries a special meaning. In this case, mice besides wheels should have 8 keys.The gadget is able to take an ideal position in the hand, and therefore buy it, be sure to trick it in the store. At first glance, such a fitting seems strange, but it is not.

Price question: how much does a good gaming PC cost?

If you decide to buy a gaming system unit, then it will cost around 10-240,000 rubles. In this case, it is worth relying on the filling. You need to pay about 3-200,000 rubles for the monitor. But a gaming mouse will cost in the region of 1-15,000 rubles. A similar price is inherent in the keyboard, albeit its price ceiling is much higher - 20,000 rubles.

A budget headset can be purchased for 2-5,000 rubles. But if you have a desire to buy a high-quality device, then get ready to pay - 10-90,000 rubles.

Choosing a gaming PC: expert advice

If you are a small fan of new production gaming entertainment, then a budget purchase of a PC equipped with a 4-core AMD processor up to 3 GHz and a 500-1000 GB hard drive will be enough for old hits. If finances are limited, then saving on video cards is irrational. Pay attention to Radeon, but the memory should not be less than 2-4 GB.

If you zealously follow the novelties of the gaming world, are not constrained in finances, then you can use a gaming PC with high power. Such devices are inherent in professional e-sportsmen. They have everything that matters most: an overclocked processor. It could be Core i7 or AMD Ryzen. Pay attention to the hard disk with capacious properties, which has terabytes of memory and a cool video card. Ideally, we are talking about the GeForce GTX 1070.

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How to choose