How to choose a stroller for a newborn

If your family is expected to be replenished, it means that it's time to think about buying a baby stroller. There are a lot of strollers in the modern world, so you can find for yourself exactly what will suit you exclusively. Parents think about how to choose a stroller for a newborn even before the immediate appearance of your child. However, some parents are of the opinion that no items should be purchased before the baby is born. In this case, you can simply look for the desired model in advance, and buy it a little later.

When there is a reason to go to children's stores and choose all sorts of little things for a child, often there is practically no time left for a stroller. If you entrust this business to young fathers, then they will surely pay attention to some multifunctional model that looks very cool outwardly. However, the price also plays a rather significant role, so they often pay attention to the cost of such a unit.

Therefore, the mother must take care of which stroller to choose for the newborn, since young dads rarely understand by what criteria it is necessary to choose such a thing. For this reason, it is important to leave clear instructions to your spouse on how to choose a stroller for their future baby.

Which manufacturer should be preferred

When we choose a stroller, whatever time of the year, be it in autumn or winter or summer, it is necessary to decide in advance which company you want to give preference to before buying. Often there are quite a few different manufacturers on the stroller market who are happy to offer one or another model, but hardly all of them are reliable. The stroller should be, first of all, safe and comfortable so that your little one feels comfortable in it.

However, most manufacturers cannot guarantee everything at once, so it is best to give preference to those who have been on the market for a long time, whose products have positive reviews, and who also give certain guarantees when buying. The best time to choose a stroller is autumn-winter, because during this period the conditions are formed, thanks to which you can choose the unit that will please not only you, but also your baby. It is worth remembering that you need to choose a stroller exactly the one that will be as comfortable as possible.

The manufacturers that have the greatest reliability include the following:

  • Aprika;
  • Hauck;
  • TFK;
  • Geoby.

Any model from the manufacturer is an example of ergonomics, combining not only high quality, but also an affordable price. In fact, any of the models presented is capable of perfectly combining all the positive qualities. However, you should understand in advance the functionality and principle of operation of this or that stroller. Only after that you can proceed to the direct selection of a specific model.

How a baby stroller works

A baby stroller is the kind of vehicle that a small child uses. Therefore, it should be comfortable enough and not create unnecessary inconvenience. It is this stroller that allows young parents to walk with the baby, and at this time the child himself will feel great in it, like in a crib.

In fact, the child gets the opportunity to rest and sleep in the fresh air, and if he is also warmly dressed, then it will be possible to spend a lot of time outside. Currently, there are quite a few different models of strollers, among which there are also those with removable chairs, as well as those that turn into rocking carriers in literally one movement.

By itself, the device of strollers may differ slightly from each other, so it all depends on what kind of stroller belongs to. However, it should be noted that the basic equipment of such strollers is of the same type and is a set of identical elements. These include:

  • the body, which is presented in the form of a cradle, which is most firmly fixed to the frame;
  • undercarriage, which includes elements such as wheels, axles, as well as shock absorbers or other supporting elements;
  • a special handle with which young parents are able to cope with the movement of the stroller as conveniently and quickly as possible;
  • there are also any additional accessories, which include a visor, blankets, which are made specifically for the legs, as well as other elements that perform certain functions.

Often it will be convenient for a child in a regular stroller without additional functions, but if you want to create the most comfortable environment for the future baby, it is better to use the additional functionality that is offered to one or another type of stroller.

What are the types of strollers

Not every type of transport is suitable for a child up to six months, so this issue must be treated with maximum responsibility. A stroller for children who already know how to do all this is not suitable for a child who still does not really know how to sit or is constantly tossing and turning in a crib. In fact, in this case, the stroller immediately disappears, since it is already designed for older children. However, this does not mean that it will be difficult to choose, since nowadays there are quite a few different types of strollers for newborns that are perfect for walking with your baby in the fresh air.

Traditional carrycot stroller

How to choose a stroller for a newborn

Such a stroller is quite simple in design and control. It is an ordinary stroller that is designed for walking with a newborn baby. It consists of a standard cradle, as well as a solid body, which is supported by a special wheeled chassis. This option is suitable for very small passengers, as it provides adequate reliability. In addition, this stroller is not only safe, but also comfortable enough for a young passenger.

The fact is that such newborn babies mostly sleep during the entire walk, so they need to create all the conditions for sleep. However, this feature is also a kind of limitation for such a stroller. The fact is that after a year you will have to buy a completely different stroller, since a child of one year old will need slightly different conditions for a stroller of a walking type.He will need to already sit or be able to somehow move inside such a unit. Therefore, you will have to buy another stroller that will meet these requirements.


  • the place where the child lies is located high enough so that you can always observe his present state;
  • the cradle in such a stroller is often made quite comfortable and spacious, so that you do not have to worry about the fact that your child's movements are somehow constrained;
  • the cradle has the most flat surface on which your child will sleep well or just lie during your walk;
  • special high sides are made in the stroller, which will protect your child from falling out of the stroller, so you may not even worry about the reliability of such a unit;
  • such wheelchairs often have large enough wheels, with the help of which the wheelchair is able to pass in rather hard-to-reach places, or along the road on which there is mud after rain;
  • enough space has been created under the cradle itself so that you can attach some kind of basket for the child's things or your purchases;
  • an excellent shock absorption system is built into the stroller, which ensures a smooth ride of the stroller, so that your child will feel comfortable in such a vehicle;
  • most of these models have a fairly large and conveniently folding frame, so you can cope with the stroller with little or no extra effort.


  • sometimes such strollers are made so large that they are not able to enter the elevator, salvation in this case will be the fact that there is a freight elevator in your house;
  • in about a year, you will have to change such a stroller to a walking stroller, since it will not be enough for your child, who is already growing up by that time, to just lie in the stroller (you will need a unit that will help him sit and perform some actions).

Universal strollers with removable modules

How to choose a stroller for a newborn

Such strollers are a design that can change depending on the form in which you need the unit at the present time. They are removable structures that are attached to frames with wheels, and if necessary, it will be enough to install some suitable modules. These include a special walking block, as well as a car seat. In general, such designs are multifunctional, so you can use such a stroller as you please.

You can so walk the streets with her, or you can remove the top and make a kind of carrier for the child. This design is comfortable enough for both parents and the baby himself. In addition, such a stroller helps him learn how to sit inside the stroller as early as possible. By the way, this stroller has clear advantages over the previous model - it can be easily used for children who have already overcome the six-month threshold. Due to the large number of possibilities, such a stroller will serve you for several years until your child is old enough that it will no longer be useful to you.


  • the structure often includes about three or two structures, which will cost you much cheaper, since you do not need to buy specially separate vehicles;
  • such strollers are often quite lightweight, so you can handle them with ease, since it is practically not difficult to transfer them from one place to another;
  • you can put your baby in a stroller and transport as a carrier without taking him out of your comfortable seat;
  • such a structure has an anatomical structure, so that while your child is inside such a stroller, it will help him to sit upright (by its type, such a structure is quite deep and spacious, and also has a solid back);
  • the wheels are designed in such a way that they can go almost anywhere.


  • often the cost of such a universal design is quite high, it is designated as "above average" due to the fact that several means are included in such a stroller at the same time;
  • if you place the entire structure entirely in an apartment, then it can take up quite a lot of space.


How to choose a stroller for a newborn

Such a stroller is universal in that the cradle in one movement practically turns into a special stroller. This solution will be great for families who do not want to spend almost a year after they bought an ordinary classic bassinet. Such structures will serve you perfectly for the next three years, since they will allow the child to lie down and, if necessary, move to a sitting position. Most of these structures can last for a long time and will not take up too much space. You can subsequently fold such a structure and carry it for storage somewhere or transport it over some long distances.

It is not difficult to place such a stroller in the car, since it fits almost perfectly into it. However, it should be noted that the backrest often does not open to the full one hundred and eighty degrees, so complete comfort cannot be guaranteed. In order for your newborn baby to sleep and not feel that he is somehow uncomfortable, you will have to buy a special mattress, preferably hard. Only in this case can you count on your child to feel as comfortable as possible inside such a structure.


  • such a design is quite versatile, since you can not spend separately on a stroller and on a walking structure, because they are combined into one vehicle at the same time;
  • a special swing-over handle will allow you to walk with your baby so that you can carry it inside such a structure both facing you and with your back;
  • you can adjust the backrest position so that your child does not feel uncomfortable;
  • if you fold such a structure, you will be able to notice that it often does not take up quite a lot of space in the apartment, so you can arrange it so that it does not interfere;
  • this design has special seat belts to prevent your child from falling out while sitting.


  • such strollers have a rather low landing, so it may seem inconvenient for you to observe the child in this position, but it will not work to lift it a little higher, since the structure itself is not designed for this;
  • such strollers do not have a strictly horizontal position, so you may not keep track of how comfortable your child is (this is the design made on purpose, because otherwise it would not be able to throw itself into a sitting position);
  • often the cradle itself is made quite small and narrow so that you can transfer the stroller to a sitting position, so that the child may not be very comfortable, especially if he has already grown up.

What parameters should you pay attention to before choosing a stroller for a newborn

Very small children spend most of their time in a stroller, so the selection of the right model must be approached as responsibly as possible, since it should be not only economical, but also comfortable and create all conditions for the child to sleep well during the walk.In addition, such a stroller must be handled as conveniently as possible for the parents, so that its design should be suitable for both the mother or father, and for the child himself.

And here it is necessary to turn to numerous factors that will help to choose exactly the model that will become universal over the next years. Or, if you want to buy a cradle stroller for the first year or six months for a child, then here, too, you should not think that there should be some indulgences in the selection process. In fact, at first, the child needs increased protection and safety, so these are the factors that parents should prioritize.

For this reason, young parents should ask such questions as: what to look for in the first place when choosing a stroller for a future baby? how can it be stored correctly? on what roads will it be possible to carry the baby, and how will the stroller generally cope with irregularities on them?

In fact, there are a lot of factors that should be involved when choosing a particular model of a stroller. However, they can all be combined into general groups.

Seasonality of the stroller

What does the concept of stroller seasonality mean? It is quite obvious that in this case we mean what weather conditions must be taken into account when choosing a stroller. In fact, baby carriages differ in summer and winter. Often, the former are lighter and more practical, since they do not have unnecessary parts in their design that are available in winter versions.

Often, summer strollers have additional devices, which include mesh inserts, due to which a fairly high-quality air exchange is provided inside the stroller itself. In fact, the summer stroller must breathe, otherwise the child will not have enough air, since it is quite stuffy in summer. You will need to create the most comfortable conditions for the child at this time of the year, since at an early age they are quite receptive and sensitive, so that the corresponding requirements are imposed on the stroller.

Winter strollers are the most insulated structures, since in winter a child needs maximum warmth inside such a vehicle. Keep in mind that special attention should be paid not only to the carrycot itself, but also to how well your child's arms and legs are insulated and protected from frost. So winter strollers are equipped with a special cover that is thick and thick so that the child feels comfortable even if it is cold enough outside. In addition, such a design should have a windproof and dense hood that will protect your child's head from winter winds and cold temperatures.

So it's pretty clear that young parents will have to select strollers for each season. However, if you are going to choose a stroller for the first months of your baby's life, then you just need to guess what season your baby is born in, and only after that choose the stroller that is best suited for this.

Weight and dimensions of the stroller itself

It is these parameters that are almost decisive for those parents who live in multi-storey buildings, as well as in those houses that have rather narrow passages. However, if you are thinking of visiting some institutions with your child, for example, hospitals or visiting friends in multi-storey buildings, then you should think in advance how large a stroller you need so that you can easily pass through certain doors.

By the way, first of all, such parameters are important in order to move with a baby carriage in an elevator. It will be a saving moment if your house is equipped with a freight elevator, which will allow you to move around the house with a stroller without any problems.However, if you do not have this luxury, then you need to take into account the fact how large a stroller you can afford in the first months of the baby's birth.

In fact, it is quite difficult to constantly raise and lower the stroller with the child up the stairs, but in this case, another saving option will be that you live on the first floors of the house. In this case, moving with a stroller in your hands will not be difficult. However, it should be understood that the child may not be so comfortable, in addition, constant descents or ascents in this way can be quite dangerous.

For example, you should understand that a convertible stroller often weighs about 15-20 kg, so it can be difficult for you to move it every day from home to the street and back. Especially if there is also a child in it, it will be quite difficult for you to lift and lower the stroller up and down the stairs every time. For this reason, it is necessary to consider how much the stroller will weigh in aggregate.

You need to understand in advance that the body itself will weigh about 8 kg, and the cradle can reach a weight of 6 kg, and if a stroller seat is also built into the body, then it can pull another 4-5 kg. In fact, the difference is quite small, besides, universal designs can be transferred in parts, but this will take extra time.

The transformer stroller will have to be dragged along with the child and all at once, however, you will have to strain a little, since the stroller itself can be quite heavy. However, it should be noted that the acquisition of a fairly light model is also undesirable, since there is a certain risk that as soon as the child grows up, he will be able to accidentally turn the stroller over. Therefore, always pay attention to how wide the stroller should be.

However, it is worth determining how large it should be in relation to the elevator into which you are going to load such a unit. You can measure the real length or choose a stroller based on universal indicators, since often the size of the stroller from the manufacturer, which provides for such parts, is adjustable or it will be made in such a way that the unit fits perfectly inside the cab.

If you rely on an elevator, then the weight of the stroller itself, especially with the baby, you can not think about, since the elevator itself is able to withstand quite large loads. Keep in mind that the design of the stroller itself should not be too bulky, so always pay attention to how wide the stroller itself is. However, you may not be too worried about this, since the width of the carrycot in a standard stroller is often quite suitable for a passenger lift.

Features of the design of a stroller for a newborn

Initially, you will need to determine how convenient the mechanism of the stroller will be in order to fold it. In addition, the frame must fold in such a way that the stroller itself can be moved without much difficulty. In addition, it must fit in a car or some other vehicle so that it can be moved comfortably.

Often, modular or classic strollers are the easiest to disassemble, that is, it is enough to simply remove the upper part of the stroller and fold the chassis. It is in this form that you can easily transfer it to the trunk of a car or to some other vehicle so that you can transport it to nature, for example, and spend time with your baby in the fresh air, away from civilization. At this time, the basket with the child can simply be moved into the car and kept on your lap, but in this case you will have to ride in the back seat. In this case, you need to understand how much your car has enough capabilities to place both you with the basket and the stroller frame itself.

If you buy a transforming stroller, then keep in mind that it is much easier to disassemble than any other. It has a couple of special buttons so that you can remove an unnecessary frame at any time. Remember, however, that any stroller should have additional braces in order to keep the vehicle for your child in the position in which you set it.

By the way, such latches are made on purpose so that the stroller itself could be prevented from unfolding. By the way, special covers, in which the wheels will be packed, should also be available, because otherwise they will be able to stain the interior or trunk of the car when you load these elements inside.

After that, be sure to pay attention to the handle of the stroller, since it, at first glance, is not the most important element, but when you start using the stroller, you will understand how significant the difference can be between a handle that does not move in any way, but also a handle that can be thrown or otherwise adjusted. For this reason, be sure to pay attention to the peculiarities of adjusting the handle on the stroller. It should not only be thrown forward or backward, but also controlled in height, since you need to adjust it so that it is more convenient for you to transport the stroller from place to place.

Stroller undercarriage

The main undercarriage of any stroller is wheels, which can be either three or four. It is recommended to choose different types of wheels depending on what requirements you have on the stroller. For example, three wheels make the stroller more maneuverable, especially if additional small wheels are installed on it, like those found on carts in supermarkets. However, in this case, they are not as stable as we would like, nevertheless, you will be able to handle such a stroller at turns much better than if it was a four-wheeled structure.

In turn, strollers, which have four wheels, have a more stable design, which makes you not worry about which road you are driving on. Even if the asphalt in some places has certain irregularities, then you do not have to worry, because such a structure can easily withstand such a test, moreover, it will not affect the condition of your child, since it allows you to keep the position in such a way that your baby during the ride nothing bothered.

The wheels themselves can be either rubber and inflated, or with special tires, which provide the wheelchair with the necessary stability. The inner chambers, if they are large enough, provide the wheelchair with a sufficiently high cross-country ability, so that you can not worry about the roads along which such a wheelchair will pass.

However, remember that any wheels will need to be pumped up periodically to maintain their shape and withstand a variety of loads. In addition, if you choose a stroller for a child for a sufficiently long period of time, then keep in mind that increased attention should be riveted on your part, since they must withstand heavy loads in the future, because your child will grow up over time.

It is best to choose plastic wheels, because with the help of them you can move the stroller without the risk of the wheels accidentally bumping into some kind of obstacle, and then bursting or blown away. Keep in mind, however, that plastic is not as resilient as rubber wheels often do. At the same time, he does not go so gently along the road, and it is also much more difficult to handle him. So in any case you have to choose between reliability and practicality.However, some types of rubber wheels can combine similar characteristics, for this reason, in their price range, they may slightly exceed some other types of wheels. That is why it is worth thinking about what exactly you are going to focus on when choosing a stroller for a newborn baby.

In addition, shock absorbers also play an important role, which by their types are divided into several categories:

  1. Spring, which in their reliability and durability are able to surpass some other types. However, they also have a flaw, which may not be noticeable at first, but later will become seriously annoying. Such shock absorbers often emit creaking sounds, so it is worth noting that not everyone will undertake to install this particular subspecies on a baby stroller. However, it should be noted that here it is more necessary to worry about the comfort of the child himself, since he will also not be very pleasant to endure extraneous sounds.
  2. Torsion bars, which have a special regulator in order to control the stiffness of the wheels, however, in order to acquire such a luxury, you need to be prepared for the fact that this type of shock absorbers will cost several times more than any other. In addition, they withstand shock loads rather poorly, however, if you do not plan to walk with your child on those roads that have seen better times, then torsion shock absorbers are quite suitable.
  3. Belts that ensure maximum travel. However, it is this type of shock absorbers that are the least durable, so if you choose it, then you will need to prepare yourself mentally for the fact that over time you will have to change them periodically. In fact, you will have to spend more money on constant replacement because they are consumables, but while they are in the wheelchair, they can serve you well. However, if necessary, you can always easily change them.

By the way, be sure to make sure that shock absorbers are installed on all wheels, and not just on any particular pair. Otherwise, the reliability will be unevenly distributed over the wheels, because one cannot focus on any particular pair. A stroller for a newborn baby should be reliable in all respects, and not only half.

After you have paid attention to the shock absorbers and checked how correctly and efficiently they are installed, pay attention to the installed brakes. They must be triggered immediately, that is, one of your movements will be enough in order to completely block the movement of the wheels. In addition, they should be easy enough to push and position so that you can easily reach them. Otherwise, you can be sure that the stroller does not have the necessary safety and reliability to drive it. The child should be inside such a unit in maximum safety, so that the brakes should always be a priority.

You can choose a stroller that has a dedicated handbrake. It is convenient in its own way, since even a small and slight movement will be able to stop the stroller literally on the go. In addition, this type of brakes are located so conveniently that a young mother can easily reach it if necessary.

Stroller materials

Take into account that any children's product will always be made from only the highest quality materials. This applies not only to prams for newborn babies, but also to many other products. Mandatory requirements for such goods: safety, naturalness and quality.In addition, all the materials that are used to make the stroller must be as strong as possible so that your child feels as comfortable as possible inside such a unit. In addition, it is this factor that will make you feel calmer for the child, so before buying a stroller, in any case, check how it complies with the norms and standards.

Ideally, the body itself should be made of impact-resistant and non-toxic materials, for example, high-quality plastic. Always check if there is a specific smell in the stroller, which is usually produced by various paints and varnishes, or elements that are not made of very high quality. So in any case, be interested in the manufacturer of this or that model. Remember that many firms are capable of passing off their products as quality products from more famous manufacturers.

Often, fiberboard is used for the manufacture of a baby stroller, which is the most budgetary type of material, so you will need to be as careful with it as possible. Low quality materials are often used in pressed boards, so do not trust this type of material. They are often capable of containing substances that are harmful to the child.

However, if the fiberboard sheet is sufficiently well dyed and laminated at the same time, then you do not need to worry, because in this form it does not pose any danger to your child. Nevertheless, it will be somewhat problematic to find out exactly in what form this fiberboard will turn out, since it is often located under the stretched fabric of the body, but sellers or consultants are unlikely to take responsibility for ever disassembling the stroller so that you can see. what exactly it consists of.

Often the outside of the strollers have a special tarpaulin layer that does not allow moisture to pass inside and does not create unnecessary discomfort for the child. Often this fabric comes immediately with a dirt-repellent impregnation, so you don't have to remove this part of the stroller and wash it every time. In addition, always check if there are special reflective stripes on the stroller, as this will help not only to visualize the stroller itself in the dark for motorists, but also for young parents it will be safer to walk with the baby in the evening.

If the stroller is made with the highest quality possible, and the manufacturers also took the production process as responsibly as possible, then the interior will always be made of natural fabrics. This will not only create comfort for your baby, but by themselves such fabrics are often hypoallergenic. Natural fabrics are most often breathable, so your child will not feel stuffy inside such a stroller. In addition, be sure to make sure that these fabric covers are not only comfortable, but also easy to remove, since you will have to wash them periodically.

Additional accessories for the stroller

Additional stroller accessories must also be chosen with the greatest care. There are a huge number of them, but mainly the following are related to them:

  • a special visor that will not let in excess sun rays;
  • a special basket in which you can put food or any other things that are useful for the child;
  • a special net that will not let in rain or insects, so that nothing will bother your baby during the next walk in the fresh air;
  • a special blanket that fits over your baby's legs.

Such accessories are not required attributes, but they will not interfere, and in some moments even make it somewhat easier for you to use a stroller for your newborn baby. Often these accessories are used at certain times of the year to give your child extra comfort.

In addition, along with the stroller, there are often items such as a special bag for baby things, where you can put everything that may be useful to the child during the walk. For example, it can be a bottle of milk or formula, as well as diapers. Just in case, many manufacturers insert a special connector in which the pump for the stroller wheels will be stored. Therefore, you can pump up the wheels at any time, if suddenly they are accidentally deflated and are not as elastic as they were before.

Such changes can be noticed while walking, so the use of a pump is imperative. There is also a winter sleeve to keep your baby's handles as comfortable as possible, as well as warming elements for the legs. But these accessories can be hung inside the stroller itself in the event that frost sets in and it is necessary to provide the child with everything necessary to make him feel as comfortable as possible.

How to choose the right stroller for your child

In order to correctly approach the choice of a stroller, you must be guided by several factors, which include the following:

  1. In the event that you need to purchase a special stroller with an anatomically correct back, but you are not going to use it for too long, then a classic stroller-cradle will be an excellent choice for you. Often, such a model has special belt shock absorbers that will help your child maintain the most secure position inside the stroller itself. So if you need a mobile device that will serve you literally until your baby is six months old, then it is best to choose this particular unit.
  2. As soon as your baby is already six to eight months old, the walking stroller model is most suitable for him. You can purchase a transformer to put the stroller in a horizontal position at the right time. This is necessary if your little one gets tired quickly and needs rest during your walk.
  3. If you are a resident of a multi-storey building, then you will need to transport a stroller with your baby every day in the elevator. Therefore, you will need to pay attention to how spacious your elevator is, as well as what dimensions of the stroller are best suited in this case. For these purposes, a transformer is definitely suitable for you, so that you can transfer part of the child's road with a stroller in your arms, and then turn it back into a device that can move. It is best if you purchase a device that will be located on special inflatable wheels, as well as on torsion or spring dampers. By the way, it is such a vehicle that is equally successful in crossing asphalt and snowdrifts.
  4. If you like to constantly transport your child somewhere by car, then the option of a three-in-one stroller, which can be quickly disassembled and assembled, is perfect for you. At the same time, you can get a special car seat in which it will be safe to transport the child, and then collect a full-fledged transport, with which you can walk with your baby in the fresh air.
  5. The two-module universal device will be an excellent solution for those parents who are used to spending time with their child, walking on the asphalt near their home. In addition, in this case, the option with plastic wheels will be more preferable, which in themselves are several times more stable and stronger than rubber counterparts. It will be best if there are three such wheels.

What is the cost of a stroller for a newborn baby

The price range for baby strollers can vary greatly, since you can choose for yourself both a luxury model and a fairly budgetary one. However, there are average prices for each type of stroller for newborns. Therefore, their distribution is as follows:

  1. If you choose a standard-type cradle stroller, then more or less budget models can cost you about 6-7 thousand rubles. However, if you do not want to save money on the child and want to purchase a luxury model, then you will have to pay at least 30 thousand rubles for it.
  2. When purchasing a transformer, the cost of such a unit will also differ depending on which model you want to prefer. At a minimum, you will have to fork out for a transformer from about 5 thousand to 7 thousand rubles for a more or less budget version, but expensive models start at 30 thousand and end at 50 thousand rubles. Often these are sophisticated models that have a huge variety of functions. The child will definitely be quite comfortable in them, but before buying, ask yourself how much you will need such a stroller. There is especially no point in purchasing such a unit if you do not plan to use it for an extended period of time.
  3. If you want to purchase a universal stroller that will combine two vehicles at once, then the price should be guided by about 8-10 thousand rubles. If you want to buy a universal stroller with three vehicles at once, then most likely you will not find a stroller for less than 12 thousand rubles. The maximum cost of such a pleasure can be 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, buying a stroller is a rather responsible process. It is best if the future parents make this choice together, since everyone's opinion should be taken into account. Keep in mind that there are quite a few factors to consider when purchasing a stroller for a newborn, including the size, weight, and dimensions of the mobility device.

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