How to choose a bed

On how much a person has a good sleep, his state of health and physical activity will also depend. It is not worth saving on yourself, for this reason we decided to raise the question of how to choose a bed. Doctors have long been able to come to the conclusion that mainly back pain is associated with the fact that people sleep on the wrong beds. If the purchase is made correctly, taking into account all the rules and recommendations, then sleep will be accompanied by comfort, rest and complete relaxation of the body. In the morning you will wake up in a good spirit, even if the alarm goes off early enough.

From our article you can find out how to choose the right bed, because it will not be difficult to get lost in a large range of products. We invite you to figure out what are the types of construction, materials, sizes, styles and other features of the beds that should not be overlooked.

Varieties of modern beds

When deciding which bed to choose, you should pay attention that there are 3 main types on the market today. These are wooden, metal and combined. We propose to talk about them in more detail below.


How to choose a bed

Represented by real classics of the genre. This is an array-based construction. It is represented by both an inexpensive line and elite options. Manufacturers today focus on this type. The structures made of wood are environmentally friendly, which is a big plus. They are completely natural, and you can definitely say that they will never go out of fashion. Such furniture will make the bedroom even more cozy and comfortable.

Different types of wood are involved in the production, for example, oak, beech, ash. All of them are distinguished by their special colors and textures. For this reason, it will not be difficult to find a good option for the interior. But it is better if you choose the material that has increased hardness properties. But there are also some nuances here.

For example, if you focus on ash, then you should know that it tends to change its properties in the case of sudden temperature changes. But beech and oak will crack if you hit them hard. Processing hardwoods is a really difficult process that is also costly. As a result, the bed will be expensive, and therefore not everyone will be able to purchase it for their home.

If you decide to buy a bed made of pine and spruce, alder, then keep in mind that conifers are soft. Working with them is simple, and therefore it also affects the cost of production as a result. But there is also a nuance here. It lies in the fact that the array is light and pliable. He is not able to withstand strong mechanical loads. For this reason, in the event of an impact, dents will remain on it. Such beds will serve much less for their owner, but they can be restored without much difficulty, even if the damage is minor.

Panel furniture will be much cheaper in price. To produce it, glued bars are used, but they are also natural.In accordance with their properties, the beds are not much inferior to solid wood. There are still some advantages, because such a material does not strongly respond to changes in the humidity indicator, and therefore it will not crack so often in practice.

As for the pluses, there are many of them in wooden beds. Consider the fact that they are able to create an appearance in a room with a cozy and beautiful interior. These are natural, ecological products, characterized by high strength properties and long service life. In particular, this applies to hardwoods. Beds easily tolerate assembly, disassembly, no matter how many times it is decided to carry out these procedures. As for the price, it is quite adequate on the market today, you can find a decent model that will please both the cost and quality.

Not without flaws. Such beds weigh a lot, and the owner must also ensure that the temperature regime and the humidity level in the room are constantly maintained in the room. Achieving this in the bedroom is not difficult.

If the prices for the products are not high, then keep in mind that the quality of the product is the same. Most likely, it is MDF, chipboard or plywood. Based on this trinity, only MDF boards are considered harmless.

The rest of the pressed materials are distinguished by a high emission class. They are capable of emitting toxic formaldehyde fumes into the air. In case of purchasing wooden furniture, it is recommended to ask the seller for a hygiene certificate, due to which you can make sure that the purchase will not harm you in the future.

Combination beds

How to choose a bed

Manufacturers use different materials to produce this type of bed. There are many similar models on the market. The combinations can be anything. It doesn't have to be wood or metal. Impact resistant glass, vine, leather, plastic or rattan can be used. Prefabricated structures look very nice, but the main thing is that their cost is affordable.

As for the advantages, these beds are lightweight and also look original in the room. There is an extensive range of similar models on the market today, which differ in different designs. But keep in mind that their cost is often lower than for forged and wooden products.

Speaking of the cons, it is worth mentioning that the indicators of durability and strength in this case will be less than those of analogues.

Wrought iron or metal beds

How to choose a bed

This type of bed was confidently able to conquer the furniture market. Almost 10 years ago, he replaced everyone's favorite wooden structures. Modern metal counterparts are distinguished by a beautiful design, ergonomic properties, and therefore you should not think that this is an option from the USSR.

Indeed, when studying the question of which bed is better to choose, you are likely to be surprised what design solutions are on the market today. Sometimes, this furniture becomes the highlight of the entire interior. It fits well in both ultra-modern solutions and classics. The metal looks solid, it is solid, and for the most picky buyers in choosing, manufacturers offer chic-looking models that are decorated with monograms, forging an artistic plan, chrome and gilding elements.

Organically forged models look in design styles such as loft, minimalism, hi-tech, gothic, etc. in all directions that can be attributed to the "related" above.

The advantages are that such beds have maximum strength properties and a long service life. They are not afraid of fire, and they carry exclusively environmental friendliness and safety. They will perfectly fit into various interior solutions, and they are not afraid of changes in the microclimate, showing increased durability.

If we talk about the cons, then the problem is that wrought iron beds are very heavy. When you touch their surface, you feel cold.

It is recommended, in the case of purchasing a metal version, to evaluate what the anti-corrosion treatment is, and whether it is possible to carry out wet cleaning.

Important parameters for buying a bed

When choosing a bed, you need to focus on the fact for whom it is being bought. Those. choose a bed for a child or an adult - 2 different options. Also, the size of the room is taken into account, where the furniture will be installed in the future. Here it is better to be guided by a simple rule: buy a large bed that can be placed in the bedroom, so much so that free movement is organized in the room.

Check the parameters of this or that model in the store, but note that you may hear the answer that the size is standard. Better to ask again what this means. The standards differ from country to country. Sometimes, a bed for one in width can be 80, 90 and 100 cm, but one and a half - 100-150 cm.In terms of width, a double bed will be at least 160 cm, but most often you can find an offer of 180 cm.By the way, no one ruled out , that you will be offered a royal version, its width is 200 cm.

If, again, refer to the standards, then the indicator is 190 cm.Rarely, there may be models of 200 cm. If you set a goal, then you can find proposals for 218 cm in length, it is also possible to order an option to order.

Opening all the nuances of how to choose a double bed, it is important to indicate that when choosing the optimal size, it is worth considering a number of recommendations:

  • the length should be 10-15 cm more than the height of the one who will sleep on it. Those. for a pair, you need to rely on a higher parameter;
  • the width should be equal to that at which you will feel comfortable in your half, you can put your hands under your head, but at the same time, without interfering with your partner;
  • between the bed and the wall, furniture, i.e. any other nearby object should have about 70 cm of free space, which will help to approach the sleeping place without obstacles, install a bedside table;
  • height is also an important parameter. Those. to get up and down as easy as possible, pay attention to this parameter. If you are a young man, then you can buy a low bed according to the podium model, but for older people, higher options are recommended. For example, many models have a height of 50-90 cm, but the optimal parameter is when the upper edge of the mattress reaches the level of the knees of the next one, or will be above this indicator;
  • if we talk about the form, then there are some nuances. We would recommend that you give preference to the standard - rectangle. But if there are design desires, then it is better to realize them in the form of bright textiles, original decor. Round, oval, arched shapes, or the heart looks beautiful, but you also need to sleep comfortably on the bed. Problems in practice, most likely, will appear, starting from the fact that during sleep it will be very uncomfortable, and it is not so easy to choose bed linen, blankets. Those. you will need to sew everything to order. This, in turn, will add a headache to the hostess, whatever one may say. But the choice is entirely yours!

Frame features

The bed is presented on the basis of a base covered with a mattress. Also in its structure there is a frame on which it rests. As part of the frame there are backs of the footboard and headboard, supports in the form of podiums and legs, as well as drawers - side panels of the bed.

Today, manufacturers make the frame in accordance with 2 varieties. These are 2 supporting backs and 2 side drawers, as well as 4 drawers and 1-2 hinged backs. Supports in this case will be wheels, or legs.

Much depends on the type of frame, but which of the 2 options can not be better said. If the bed is made of high quality, then it will definitely serve you for a year. Low-quality copies will soon begin to annoy you with squeaks. In general, backrest specimens perform better than footed versions. Constructions of a large area rarely encounter breakdowns than legs, but the bed on them will be overkill more beautifully, as if weightless.

The choice of bed production material

The choice of quality material for the bed will provide its owner with a long product life. In fact, there are many options. We talked about the advantages of forging, solid wood, but there are other materials.

Please note that the price of MDF beds will be cheaper. But they are much weaker in quality than the above options. They look beautiful, do not harm health, but the terms of use are lower. Those. the first breakdown will not make its owner wait long. In terms of cost and quality, these options are the most attractive on the market. For this reason, such designs are in high demand by buyers.

If we talk about chipboard and fiberboard, then their cost is the lowest. But the service life is the same. The bed will quickly begin to creak, and then crumble altogether. The purchase of such a design is recommended only in a situation where you cannot afford anything else. Even so, the buyer must ask the seller for a safety certificate. Make sure that the formaldehyde emission level is not higher than E0 and E1. These are permitted values ​​for residential use.

Variants of fiberboard, chipboard or MDF are now available with lamination. They can repeat the patterns of wood or stone, be painted, veneered. For this reason, the beds look attractive. Very often, manufacturers use upholstery in the form of leather, fabric, eco-materials. But keep in mind that it has a high density and has good wear resistance properties.

Wooden pallets came into vogue. On their basis, sofas, tables for cafes, country furniture, even bases for a bed in a city apartment began to be produced. True, here you need to understand that this solution will not fit any type of interior.

List of manufacturers: which brand to give preference to when buying a bed

The purchase of furniture always entails decent costs. Deciding on them, you hope that you will buy a product that will delight you with reliable qualities and safety, will serve faithfully for many years. If you make a mistake and buy inexpensive chipboard furniture, and even from brands that have not won respect in the market, then it will definitely not last a long time. Moreover, it can poison the air due to its harmful fumes. Don't skimp on yourself. It is better to save up more money, but buy a quality bed based on metal or wood, but from a good company that has been able to establish itself in the best way on the market.

In recent years, our compatriots have been able to choose a number of Russian companies that delight with high-quality and safe furniture. In their lines you can buy additional attributes, which allows you to decide how to choose the right mattress for a double bed so that you can sleep comfortably. The products are really good, no worse than foreign ones. But eminent brands of Europe and the USA are also not needed. Of course, imported products are much more expensive than domestic offers.

We analyzed the market situation, read customer reviews on the Web, studied the comments of experts and made a list. Relying on the rating of popular bed manufacturers, you can buy decent furniture that will not disappoint you with its quality in the future. Today the market is headed by TM "Sonya", Askona, FratelliBarri, Furniture Factory "Toris", Ormatek.

Mattress selection

It is equally important to understand which mattress to buy for your bed. Orthopedic plan options are usually sold as a kit. But often you have to think about the need to buy a product separately. We recommend that you choose medium-hard or hard option. But keep in mind that you need to take into account whether you have prohibitions in accordance with medical indicators.

For fillers, polyurethane, latex, springs and cotton wool are used today. There is no opinion among experts which mattress is 100 percent best. Someone believes that those options that are filled with polyurethane, others - with latex.Someone advises to turn your attention to combined solutions. In general, we want to summarize and say that it is best to rely on your personal opinion, to test the mattress while still in the store, do not hesitate to lie down on it, ask a consultant for recommendations and find out those nuances that seem important to you.

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How to choose