How to choose an apartment

Sooner or later in the life of every person the question arises of how to choose an apartment. Such a purchase is considered one of the most important in the life of an ordinary person. Based on this, you need to think carefully about everything and understand the subtleties, what you should pay attention to, where you can drop the cost and so on. Often the purchase of such real estate is carried out for many years, so the choice should be approached as responsibly as possible. The article presents the main subtleties, as well as expert advice to help you avoid mistakes.

Apartment structure and its use

The main difference from rooms in hostels, hotels and other similar places, apartments are characterized by their own kitchen and bathroom. They are suitable for a fulfilling life for one or several people, families. This allows you to exclude contact with neighbors in the kitchen or in the toilet, as happens in a hostel.

After purchasing and obtaining ownership in their own apartment, the owners will be able to make redevelopment by adding or removing certain walls, as well as renovations taking into account their own taste and needs. Often, new owners start replacing wiring and other communications, furniture, doors and windows. It is not allowed to do this in the hostel, so you have to put up with certain inconveniences.

All apartments are divided into primary ones, which are just being built or have already been commissioned, and before no one lived in them, as well as secondary ones, when the building itself was built many years ago, and the apartment had an owner or several. When buying a home in a new building, it is customary to immediately finish the walls, ceiling, lay certain communications, install windows, and the rest of the work depends on the buyer. The secondary market offers apartments that were in use, so there is a chance to buy a good option with renovation and replaced communications.

For the acquisition, a mortgage can be used, but if the possibilities allow, then the transaction is drawn up immediately. In addition, each person may have their own goal for such an acquisition:

  • To live personally in the apartment.
  • For earning and renting.
  • As an investment vehicle, it is better to keep money in real estate.
  • Purchase for business, office.

Types of apartments

Despite the fact that any apartment has a kitchen, a bathroom, it is customary to distinguish different types. Knowing the characteristics of each, you can understand which apartment to choose for yourself. It is for these groups that realtors work.

Standard apartments

How to choose an apartment

Classic options, which can have 1-4 or more rooms. Apartments of this kind are often sold on the secondary market. Their area ranges from 18 to 80 square meters or more. m. In the case of a brick house, the owners will be able to make redevelopment without much difficulty, but in panel buildings it is impossible to move the walls or you need to take a lot of permits to carry out such work.

Such apartments can be found in any area, be it the center or the bedroom. It is recommended to buy them for single people, families with or without children, as well as for the elderly.Often this option is chosen for investment or further lease.


  • Large selection of options for the area.
  • It is often possible to make redevelopment of housing.
  • There are many interesting renovation ideas.
  • It is always very warm in a brick house.
  • There are such buildings in any area of ​​the city.
  • A wide range of prices, which gives you a choice.


  • In panel houses, it is very difficult to move walls or remove them completely.
  • The lower floors are almost always damp.
  • On the upper floors there is a frequent problem with roof leaks, as the entire building is old.

Guest rooms

How to choose an apartment

As a rule, apartments of this type are small, the total area is within 10-12 sq. m. Often they can be found in panel houses, when there is a corridor in the center, and there are many rooms on the sides. In this version, the entrance with 9 floors can include about 100 guest rooms.

Small sizes are evident everywhere. To use the toilet and bathroom, you will need to enter the same room, and there is no full-fledged place for washing the body, because the bathroom is seated, kitchens are always very small, and a person has 1 room at his disposal. This option can be convenient for 1 person or a couple without children.


  • Relatively low cost.
  • Everything you need for life is inside.
  • There are many interesting options in the secondary market with unusual but convenient redevelopments, as well as high-quality repairs.
  • Utility bills are minimal.
  • It is warmer inside, because there are doors not only to the entrance, but also to the corridor.
  • Quick and easy to clean due to the small footprint.


  • It is impossible to make global changes inside.
  • Very little usable space.
  • The walls easily let sounds through, so people can be heard from the entrance and from neighboring apartments.


How to choose an apartment

This option refers to elite housing, often located on the upper floors in new buildings. The area of ​​the penthouses reaches 150 sq. m. It is recommended to buy apartments for famous and wealthy people, owners of large businesses.


  • Large areas that give space.
  • Any changes can be made internally.
  • Often they are equipped with several bathrooms for different bedrooms.
  • Large panoramic windows are being installed, from which a beautiful view opens.


  • The cost is very high, so an ordinary person is not able to buy an apartment even with a mortgage.
  • It is necessary to carry out long repairs before you call.
  • While moving on high-speed elevators, dizziness, nausea and other disorders are possible in people with a weak vestibular apparatus.

Options for choosing apartments

There are about 10 basic parameters of choice, according to which the condition and quality of the apartment is assessed. If you know all the subtleties and features, then you can choose and buy a good option that will satisfy all your needs at once and in the future.

The cost

At the very beginning, you should decide what you need housing for, what its task is and what you want to see in the end. This will constitute a further choice, which is largely simplified. In practice, a very small percentage of people who have firmly decided and understand what they want. In addition, such decisions in 90% of cases are made abruptly and spontaneously when the desired option appears. In such cases, it is important from the outset to think over everything responsibly, to understand how to choose an apartment and after that it will be possible to give money for it.

It is the price that is the main and first factor that influences the purchase. Everyone needs to understand how much he is willing to pay for housing. Based on the possibilities, you can decide on the type of apartment, area and other features described below. It should be said right away that apartments on the first floors are always slightly lower in price, but this is justified.

When determining the budget, you also need to understand whether it will be your own savings, borrowed from relatives or a loan from a bank, possibly a mortgage. This is due to the fact that not every seller is ready to sell real estate, without cash, but on maternity capital.

New apartment or from the secondary market?

When choosing housing from a new house, which has just finished being built, a person receives certain advantages. Among them are the development of your own design, the possibility of any redevelopment, as well as the use of non-standard solutions. In addition, in new homes, communications can last 20 years or more without replacement. But such a choice requires waiting, since it is impossible to drop in and live right away. It will take effort, time and additional expenses for repairs.

Even after their own renovation, people remain in the new house who continue to make noise and build, so the discomfort may persist for several more years. It is best to choose new buildings for people who have the financial ability to live in another place after the purchase, while repair work is underway.

Aftermarket options are often ready for use immediately after signing the purchase agreement. They are suitable for normal housing, suitable for any age and number of people in the family, especially if you choose already renovated. The main drawback is an old building, often there is a need to replace communications, which are very expensive and after they are updated, repairs have to be done.

Number of storeys

When buying real estate, it is recommended to remember that the lower floors are always complemented by noise from the street, entrance, dampness, and there will be a lot of rubbish on the landing. In addition, they are more exposed to thieves. But in this case, it will be easy for older people to get home, and it also simplifies operation with small children. With proper insulation, the installation of high-quality windows and other work, the lower floors may be optimal, but it is better to choose the middle option.

The upper tier is complemented by the effects of high temperatures from the sun in summer, and there are risks of roof leakage. Without an elevator, it will be more difficult for the elderly and children to climb.

Building material and layout

When choosing, it is important to immediately determine the material of the entire structure. For example, a brick is characterized by warmth and strength, perfect for any person, you can redevelop it inside. Panel buildings are cold; bachelors and couples without children choose more. There are also monolithic buildings that are made with warm cladding, in general, a good choice, but slightly higher in cost than in panel buildings, and redevelopment is impossible.

Often, buyers immediately after purchasing their own home make repairs and adjust everything for themselves. A popular layout is the Studio, which is perfect for a couple or one person. In this case, you can make a large room with zoning from the kitchen and room. Closed forms, when all rooms are divided and not intertwined, are the choice of families with children. It is also useful for people who work from home.

District and neighbors

Neighbors and the area will be no less important parameter. When choosing, you need to evaluate the location, transport interchange and infrastructure. For workers, you need to select options near the main place of business or so that there is a stop nearby, a metro. If you have a car, it is better to look at options with parking near the house or a garage. For families with a child, give preference to housing where there will be schools, hospital kindergartens nearby. The close location of shops is important for older people, so you can stay in a residential area.

In addition, you need to evaluate the neighbors in advance. To do this, in a current building, you can ask the tenants about the neighbors. When there are many couples, be prepared for private noise.

Purpose of purchase

When choosing, you need to determine the goal. For earning and renting, options with ready-made repairs are suitable, which will allow you to immediately hand over the property and start earning money after purchasing the property. For investment, it is recommended to look for cheap options for 1-2 rooms, you can do it without renovation, and after a rise in prices, you can quickly sell it and get income.


Regardless of the number of rooms, it is customary to divide apartments by living space.In the smallest versions - dormitories, the indicator is about 12 sq. m., less often up to 18. Standard apartments are often about 30-46 sq. m., and large apartments will be 60 or more. Based on the area, you can determine the functionality of the room, what it will serve and what kind of furniture is suitable.

For example, when choosing housing for an elderly person who will watch TV or just sit to knit, a living space of 10-20 sq. m. These dimensions will help you place a sofa, TV on the wall and other elements.

For active people, you need to choose more options, which are in the range of 30-46 sq. m. Due to this, the living area will allow you to place not only sofas, but also a full bed for 2, a treadmill, a table and other elements. Similar rooms can be used for families with children, which will allow to lay out toys, there will be enough space for games and running. Larger sizes are less common because they are more expensive, and are suitable for large families or are used by wealthy people to emphasize status.

Number of rooms

When choosing a home, this parameter must be determined based on personal needs. There are no special requirements for 1 resident. If the purchase is for the whole family, then you need to understand that an additional room will allow you to do your own business or just retire. In addition, you need to take into account the possibility of redevelopment, when 2 rooms can be made from a 1-room apartment with a large area.

The 1-room options are recommended for single people, families without children, and the elderly. The rest of the species are suitable for full-fledged families of 3 or more people. With 3-4 rooms, you can even make a separate office for work.

Kitchen dimensions

You need to spend more time on the size of such a place in an apartment, but take into account individual characteristics. It is better to choose spacious kitchens, even if you plan to stay for 1 person or couples without children. Thus, it will be possible to receive guests, and in the future it will become more convenient to move around and eat together when the child appears. The best option is about 8-9 square meters.

For a lonely person who does not plan to have children or a couple, as well as for older people, even 5 sq. In addition, some people use their dwellings just to spend the night and drink coffee in the morning, so the cooking process is completely eliminated, and food is ordered from the dining room, restaurant. In this case, you can think about combining the kitchen with the room and installing a bar counter on which a microwave oven and other appliances for quick snacks will be installed.


Based on the layout and type of apartments, bathrooms may differ in appearance and ease of use. Combined bathroom and toilet, quite practical for young people, single or elderly. If there is a child, it is better to choose options with a separate bathroom, since children often cannot stand and wait if the toilet is busy. The choice will be justified in the case of different generations, for example, parents and children.

Which apartment is better to choose

After studying the general issue, all the information on choosing an apartment, you can draw conclusions, mainly on the opinion of experts. You need to buy an apartment based on needs and purposes, therefore, the following groups are distinguished:

  • For one person or a couple who are just starting their life, you can choose studio apartments with an area of ​​about 18-20 sq. m. Often they have a combined bathroom, which increases the usable space. The choice can be made in panel houses regardless of the floor, but it is better to choose a central area.
  • It will be convenient for an elderly couple to live in an apartment with 1-2 rooms, made of bricks, with a total area of ​​about 30 sq. m. You can choose models with a combined bathroom, as well as a small kitchen, which will be in the range of 5-7 sq. m. It is best to give preference to the secondary market, so that the housing was renovated. Even a residential area is perfect, with good infrastructure development and the presence of shops.
  • For a family with 2 children, you should focus on an area of ​​45-60 sq. m. It is best to use a closed layout, so that everyone has a separate room and opt for options with 2-3 rooms. A brick or monolith house will do. You should focus on the mid-rise, but not corner options. In this case, select the kitchen about 10 sq. m., separate bathroom. There should be clinics, hospitals, shops, schools or kindergartens nearby. Often such proposals can be found in new buildings.
  • If the purchase is planned for further renting, then you can choose options from the secondary market in which the repair will be made. The optimal area is about 30 sq. m., it is best to focus on the traffic intersection, but the layout can be any.

During the first inspections of an apartment, buyers often cannot evaluate everything correctly and correctly. Not everyone pays attention to details, asks a minimum of a question, and only conducts a visual assessment. Experts advise conducting inspections during the day, which will allow you to immediately see the degree of lighting in the rooms, this will also simplify the examination of details. If you wish, you can take several photos of different rooms inside, in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages afterwards, compare with other options and stop at the optimal one.

Experts advise against looking at all the options for the day. During the appraisal of the apartment, more attention should be paid to the layout, it is better that the rooms are separated from each other, exclude passage rooms. You should also evaluate the direction of the windows, the side of their exit (sunny or shady).

It is difficult to talk about the cost, because it depends on many factors, including the region, housing condition, area, and so on. Average prices for a one-room apartment are in the range of 1-2 million rubles. for Moscow, but based on the region, the value may vary. Rental options are in similar price ranges. Models designed for older people, where there is a good repair, cost 2.5-4.5 million rubles. For families, apartments for 2-3 rooms with renovation can start from 5 million rubles. and more.

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How to choose