How to choose a chandelier

Man started using chandeliers even before electricity was invented. Many years ago, people used fire as a source of light. Thus, in the chandeliers, not light bulbs were installed, but candles or similar devices. However, over time, electricity and other technologies appeared, which significantly improved the design of such devices. Now you can find a huge number of different options for such products, which may differ in size, general design, lamp types and additional features.

When visiting a store, it is not easy to decide how to choose a chandelier. Many people are interested in the parameters that are worth paying attention to first. It is recommended to deal with this issue in advance. Knowing how to choose the right chandelier, you can easily purchase the model most suitable for a particular room or type of ceiling.

The main types of modern chandeliers

How to choose a chandelier

The first step is to figure out what types of chandeliers are available today. This is quite an important aspect, as the type of chandelier that will fit depends on the type of your ceiling. Many are interested in what kind of chandelier to choose for a stretch ceiling. As you know, any lamp emits a certain amount of heat, depending on its type. With strong heating, the stretch ceiling can deteriorate greatly. Therefore, it is necessary to use either pendant chandeliers or certain types of lamps: fluorescent or LED.

How to choose a chandelier

The structure of pendant chandeliers involves mounting on a long spring, chain or other material, which in turn is attached directly to the ceiling. Thus, the lamps are located at a sufficient distance from the ceiling and do not affect it. In addition, such models are considered classic and look more attractive.

How to choose a chandelier

In addition to pendant chandeliers, there are also ceiling ones. As you might guess, such products are installed in close proximity to the ceiling and take up the minimum amount of free space. The variety of options for such chandeliers is surprising. They can be as simple as possible, as well as complex and unique.

Chandelier selection options

How to choose a chandelier

Now we will consider the parameters that are recommended to pay attention to first of all when choosing a chandelier for your home.

Chandelier size

How to choose a chandelier

To harmoniously fit the chandelier into the interior of the room, it is necessary to take into account both the dimensions of the room and the dimensions of the chandelier itself. These indicators should be consistent with each other and be proportionate. If you neglect this and, for example, buy too small a chandelier in a large hall, then it will look quite ridiculous. As well as an oversized chandelier in a small room.

Fortunately, the designers have developed a whole mathematical formula, using which you can easily determine the most optimal chandelier dimensions suitable for your room. This formula looks like this (diameter, length and width are measured in meters): Chandelier diameter = (Room length + Room width) * 10 centimeters.Before going to the store, it is recommended to measure these indicators and substitute them in the formula.

For example, if your room is 5 meters long and 4 meters wide, then it would be best to purchase a chandelier with a diameter of approximately 90 centimeters.

In addition, it is worth highlighting a separate case when it is necessary to purchase a chandelier for a long room, where the width is significantly inferior to the length. For these types of rooms, it is recommended to buy elongated chandeliers that will cover the entire area of ​​the room. It is also worth highlighting rooms that are too large. In them, one light source in the form of a central chandelier may not be enough for high-quality lighting. Therefore, you have to take care of additional sources. These can be wall chandeliers, floor lamps, lamps and so on.

Lamp type

How to choose a chandelier

There are 4 main types of lamps that are used in most modern chandeliers. Their list is as follows:

  • Halogen lamps. Quite an effective type of lamps, which are characterized by a high level of color rendering. In this case, it is worth highlighting the rather long service life of such products;
  • LED bulbs. This option has gained significant popularity recently. The main advantage is the level of savings. With such lamps, you can significantly reduce your energy costs. It is worth noting that they are slightly more expensive than other types;
  • Incandescent lamps. The classic version, which has been used for a long time not only in chandeliers. However, they are considered obsolete and have significant drawbacks. Firstly, the low level of efficiency, especially in comparison with LED products. Secondly, such lamps get hotter than others. This makes it impossible to use them on stretch ceilings, and can also spoil certain details of the chandelier itself;
  • Fluorescent lamps. The last type of product that is used in chandeliers. These lamps are inferior in efficiency to LED lamps, but are superior to incandescent lamps. However, their main disadvantage is the level of lighting. The light is rather cold and dimly illuminates the room.

Lamp power

The power of the lamps in the chandelier is also a rather important aspect, since the level of lighting in the room depends on it. It should be borne in mind that some rooms require additional sources for better lighting. For example, in the kitchen, it is recommended to install an additional product where the food is being prepared. In the bedroom, it is worth placing 2 floor lamps at the head of the bed on both sides. A table lamp should be placed on the table where the child is doing homework or other family members are working on something.

There is a great option that has been gaining more and more popularity lately. If possible, you can purchase a powerful lamp with a maximum power limit, as well as support for adjusting the lighting level. To do this, you will need to install not a classic switch, but a special dimmer that will allow you to change the light intensity in the lamps.

If we consider an incandescent lamp, then the following recommendations can be distinguished for an acceptable level of lighting power for different types of premises:

  • It is enough to install a low power chandelier in the bedroom, which will provide subdued light, since such a room does not need to be illuminated too much. Optimum indicator: 8-12 W per square meter;
  • Next are the rooms where the average lighting level is suitable. This can be a bathroom, study or nursery. Optimum indicator: 15-18 W per square meter;
  • And, finally, rooms where maximum lighting is required. This is the kitchen or living room. The optimal indicator is 20-22 watts per square meter.

If you decide to install a dimmer, there are several additional factors to consider. First, the house must be equipped with powerful wiring that can withstand a lot of resistance.Secondly, the chandelier itself must support the connection to the dimmer. Otherwise it won't work. Thirdly, if the purchased chandelier has a step-down transformer, then using a dimmer is highly discouraged, as this can lead to product breakdown.


How to choose a chandelier

Many people pay attention to the chandelier material in the first place, since this is also a rather important detail. This is due to the fact that the cost, features, and also the style of the product depend on the material. Consider the most popular materials used in the production of modern chandeliers.

  1. Wood. Quite an interesting option, which is an unusual combination. In this regard, such a chandelier will not harmoniously fit into every interior. The most suitable styles are country, ethnic or oriental. When buying the product in question, you must take into account that it cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. In addition, the material itself is flammable and unsafe. Manufacturers treat the surface with a special substance, but it is necessary to reapply it from time to time.
  2. Paper materials. This type is most relevant if you are decorating the interior in Japanese or high-tech style. You can either purchase such a chandelier in a specialized store or make it yourself. The main advantage is low cost. However, it is obvious that such a material has significant disadvantages. It is susceptible to mechanical damage and is highly flammable.
  3. Glass or crystal: These are the most common materials used in the manufacture of modern chandeliers. The products in question are not only used as a source of illumination, but are also an excellent decoration of the room, complementing the interior. Among the disadvantages are fragility, as well as the need for special care. These chandeliers need to be cleaned regularly. It is also recommended to use dust-repellent devices. It is worth highlighting the variety of options and various forms of execution. You can find a design that fits perfectly into a particular interior.
  4. Textile. If you are decorating a classic, ethnic or boho interior style, then you should pay attention to textile chandeliers. For production, various types of strong fabrics can be used, which are filled with dust-repellent substances. When buying such a chandelier, it is recommended to use LED lamps, as the fabric can deteriorate due to exposure to high temperatures. It is also not recommended to install such a chandelier in the kitchen or in rooms with high humidity.
  5. Metal. Such chandeliers have the same advantages as glass or crystal ones. However, they are not as fragile and require little maintenance. Recommended for high-tech, boho, loft, modern or classic interiors.
  6. And finally, plastic chandeliers. Like paper ones, they differ in their budget, but in most cases they look pretty cheap and do not fit well into the overall interior. Plafonds for such a chandelier can be made by yourself using bottles. The main condition is not to install in rooms with high humidity. It is also not recommended to buy models that contain phenol-formaldehyde resins.

additional characteristics

It is worth considering additional technical characteristics that can also play a role when choosing a chandelier for your home. The most significant ones are as follows:

  1. Features of lamp holders. It is very important to consider this factor, since many sockets do not support every type of lamp. Today, cartridges can be made from ceramics, heat-resistant plastic or carbolite. Moreover, each species has individual indicators of the maximum temperature, as well as the lamp power.
  2. Electricity consumption level. Everything is simple here: the lower this figure, the more economical the chandelier will be.
  3. The number of modes, their types, dimmer support.

Choosing a chandelier for different types of rooms

A chandelier should be chosen not only for certain technical parameters, such as dimensions, material and others. It is worth considering the very type of room in which it will be installed. This should not be neglected as it is an extremely important aspect. Let's consider in more detail the suitable options for some types of rooms.

Which chandelier to choose for the kitchen

Chandeliers are often installed in kitchens. This room is intended for preparing food and, if the dining room is not equipped in a separate room, then for receiving this food. In this regard, such a room should have maximum illumination, which will allow you to conveniently do business without fatiguing your eyes.

The first step is to consider the material from which the chandelier is made. It is obvious that the kitchen is a room with a high level of humidity. And during cooking, fat particles get into the air, after which they settle on various elements of the interior. Including chandeliers. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy material that will be difficult to remove from this fat. We are talking about textiles, paper and similar materials.

If you have a large and spacious kitchen, then you should purchase a massive chandelier that will perfectly fit into the interior. Don't forget about power. As mentioned earlier, the lighting level in the kitchen should be of the highest quality. For example, a kitchen with an area of ​​10 square meters will require more than 120 watts of total lamp power.

Which chandelier to choose in the bedroom

How to choose a chandelier

Now consider the room where a person comes in at the end of the day to relax and sleep. Intense lighting is not required here, but, on the contrary, it should be as relaxed and unconstrained as possible. The most suitable options for the bedroom are crystal or frosted glass chandeliers. At the same time, it will be nice if the model provides the ability to change the lighting mode. Textile options will also perfectly fit into the interior of the bedroom.

An excellent option would be chandeliers that have a remote control for lighting. To be able to turn on, turn off and adjust the power from a distance, without getting out from under the blanket. This is extremely convenient for this type of room. In terms of size, the bedroom is usually a compact space. Therefore, you should pay attention to small chandeliers.

Which chandelier to choose in the living room or in the hall

How to choose a chandelier

The living room is the most common room in which a chandelier is most often installed. This room can be called the "face" of a house or apartment, since this is where the owner meets his guests. Here the family spends every evening. Therefore, the choice of a chandelier for a living room or hall should be approached with maximum responsibility.

The intensity and type of lighting in the living room should be such that it is conducive to a pleasant, friendly atmosphere and communication between people. That is, it is necessary to choose a model that will look as harmonious as possible in the interior and instill a sense of comfort. If you have high ceilings in your living room, then a pendant chandelier would be an excellent option.

For classic design styles, chandeliers from a wide variety of materials can be suitable. It can be crystal, glass, metal or textiles. However, it is worth considering all the features of your living room and choosing the most harmonious chandelier.

Which chandelier to choose in the nursery

How to choose a chandelier

If you decide to purchase a chandelier for your child's room, then it is recommended to adhere to 3 simple rules that will allow you to choose the most suitable chandelier. They look like this:

  1. It is recommended to install only ceiling chandeliers in the children's room so that the child does not have access to it.
  2. A chandelier in a children's room should be as practical and safe as possible. Even if the child can still get to her, then he should not get hurt. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy glass, crystal and similar chandeliers. But it is worth giving preference to textile, paper or plastic models.
  3. And finally, the colors. You should not choose the first chandelier that comes across in terms of color without special design. The chandelier should not only fit perfectly into the interior, but also please the child himself. Therefore, it is worth going through the possible design options along with it. It is welcome if the chandelier has images of children's characters, cartoons and the like.


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How to choose