How to choose a motorcycle

Many fans of fast riding do not know which motorcycle to choose, because there is a wide variety of them in brands and basic technical parameters. Any technology manufacturer spends millions on product advertising. To own reliable equipment for many years, you need to know the features that can affect performance.

The principle of operation and the device of the motorcycle

To understand how to choose a motorcycle, you should determine the principle of its operation and the device of the units. This technique can become a faithful helper and friend for many years. Bikes are bought by people of different age categories and status. There are models for extreme sports, daily driving or recreation. The main advantages of such a vehicle in comparison with cars:

  • Low fuel consumption.
  • The ability to quickly develop high speed.
  • Excellent maneuverability.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Many models can accommodate 1 more person besides the driver.
  • The presence of a trunk.

The work of a bike is based on the interaction of several units. It starts from the engine, which happens to have several cylinders to compress the mixture. The ignition is used to start, which is also provided by the battery. Torque is transmitted to the gearbox. The gearbox itself includes several gears of different sizes and a switch. The main units are placed in oil, which gives stable and long-term operation. When accelerating the bike, the rotation is transmitted to the sprockets, which are responsible for the gained speed.

Subsequently, the operation of the gearbox begins, transmitting rotation to the chain, which is connected to the rear wheel. Due to this, pushing technique is carried out. To stop the bike, a brake system is installed in the form of a wheel drum inside or a disc with pads outside. There is a similar mechanism on both wheels.

The suspension provides a smooth ride. On motorcycles, it can be on 1 shock absorber or telescopic. Many models have additional springs for reinforcement. A battery with a generator is placed on the frame. With the help of the battery, the motor is started, and the generator makes it possible to use lighting devices, music or other electrical elements.

Control is provided by the steering wheel and the higher the speed limit, the less the degree of angle for turning, but the circle for maneuvers increases.

Motorcycle selection parameters

To understand how to choose your first motorcycle, you need to know the basic parameters of such a technique.

engine's type

It is customary to put several engine variations on motorcycles. The simplest are considered 2-stroke, which are characterized by easy repair. They are quite powerful, so they can be used for off-road, as well as outdoor activities while fishing. Recommended for small runs in or outside the city.

4-stroke motors are more stable and high-torque, which are perfect for driving on the track. Modern manufacturers equip equipment with electric motors. Such models are becoming more and more popular, due to their quiet operation, environmental friendliness and economy. The main disadvantage is the limitation in the distance traveled. Often the value is about 50 km, and after that you have to look for a recharge for several hours.


This figure can range from 6 hp. up to 160. The higher the power of the device, the higher the speed can be developed, in addition, optimal traction is provided if the exit is on the mountain. Also, the power characteristics allow you to quickly get under way and overtake on the track. In the event of a lack of engine power, it is necessary to accelerate for a relatively long time in order to overtake and other maneuvers.

The main recommendations of specialists for the choice of motor power:

  • If you need a bike for sports on the sand, it will be enough to choose and buy models with a capacity of up to 10 hp.
  • To carry out daily trips for personal business or work, models with 10-12 hp motors will be the best choice.
  • For connoisseurs of time and fast movement in the city, it is important to use devices of 20-30 hp.
  • It is better to carry out long movements for the purpose of travel on units of 60-80 hp.
  • Those who like the fastest possible movement should be guided by sports bikes, which have a power of 160 hp.

Engine capacity

An equally important value when choosing is the volume of the power unit, which indicates traction and acceleration characteristics. The indicator can be from 80 to 1800 cubic meters. m. the larger the parameter, the higher the speed and power in general:

  • For a measured city driving, an 80-125 cc motor will be enough. cm.
  • Fans of fishing trips or nature, where there may be difficulties with the road surface, should choose an option up to 250 cubic meters. cm.
  • In the city, for active movement, it is most convenient to use bikes up to 320 cc. cm.
  • Motors of 600 cc will be useful on travel. cm and more.

It is worth noting that all sports models start with a volume of 800 cc. cm.

Cooling system type

During the operation of any motor, it heats up, the longer this time, the higher the temperature. To eliminate troubles with internal elements, a cooling system is imperative. Otherwise, expensive repairs await the driver. Among the recommendations are the following types:

  • For city conditions or suburban driving on sands, air cooling is suitable.
  • For fans of long distance travel or for speed lovers, oil cooling will suit.


To switch gears, an automatic or manual transmission is installed on motorcycles. In the first case, the driver does not need to use and do anything additionally to move, the speeds are selected automatically, based on the engine speed. This is great for long distances. The main disadvantage is increased fuel consumption and a decrease in dynamic performance. The second option allows you to fully experience the sharpness and speed. It is recommended to choose a transmission for the city, but it will be important to monitor engine performance and constantly monitor gears.

Fuel supply

2 types of injection systems are also installed on motorcycles. There are carburetors that are characterized by simple and easy cleaning in case of accumulation of debris. This technology provides the driver with optimum power, but stability is not always consistent. System tweaks are needed from time to time. It is recommended to use bikes with similar setups for city or leisure. Injection injection is also installed, which is more stable and economical in terms of fuel consumption. An excellent choice for long trips.


In order to feel as safe as possible on the tanks, it is important to have an excellent braking system that will effectively perform basic tasks. Manufacturers use one of the following types of brakes:

  • Mechanical disc - operation is performed using a handle on the steering wheel and a cable that allows you to pull or unclench the pads. It is recommended to make a choice in cases where the transport is intended for the city.
  • Hydraulic - operation is similar to those described above, but the clamping force is improved, because the adjustment is provided by a separate drive.
  • Drum - in a separate drum, its own system is installed, with linings that cause a brake. They are simple and not subject to external factors, so they are suitable for any conditions.


Smooth running is achieved by the suspension. Without its use in the design, control and comfort are significantly reduced. When choosing a bike, it is worth understanding the main types:

  • Telescopic - characterized by the placement of cylinders on the fork, which take up shocks and allow you to level uneven roads. It is recommended to use more for normal asphalt where speed bumps can be.
  • The monoshock is the most common swingarm system that mounts to the rear of the frame and functions horizontally. This helps to maximize wheel travel of 20 cm in the event of a strong uneven road. Due to its characteristics, this type of suspension is ideal for off-roading and stunts.
  • Springs and struts are the last subspecies installed at the rear. The system has a high level of rigidity, so it is suitable for trails.

Windshield height

This element is a small glass shield to keep the driver's face from wind and debris from the road. Such a detail provides a more comfortable movement and you don't even need to use a helmet. For example, for daily use of a motorcycle using a high-quality helmet, you can choose motorcycles without a windshield or in its minimum version.

In the case of planning long journeys, it is better to take bikes with a large shield that allows you to completely cover the driver. Glass on racing machines will be completely useless when accelerating over 260 km / h.

Dimensions and weight

The weight of the bike varies between 70-350 kg. This parameter depends on the equipment, as well as the type of engine, gasoline tank and other parameters. The higher the value, the stronger the roadholding at maximum speeds, as the nose will not bulge. The main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to maintain balance when moving slowly or at a standstill. Experts recommend making the following choices:

  • It is better to buy motorcycles up to 80 kg to perform different tricks.
  • To ride to work or school, you need a light bike up to 110 kg.
  • For a sports type of model, it is better to choose a weight of 200 kg.
  • Long-distance travel will be more comfortable with a weight of about 300 kg.

The dimensions of equipment in length are 1.6-2.6 meters. This value can affect maneuverability. In practice, the smaller the size, the more comfortable it is to unfold. For example, driving on the highway will not show it, but in a city with a tight schedule it will be a big plus.

Any driver should sit comfortably behind the wheel, especially if long movements are planned. Otherwise, there is pain, travel becomes a burden. You can determine the level of comfort by the height of the saddle:

  • For people who are engaged in motor sports, options with a height of 96 cm should be selected.
  • For suburban movement, a vertical landing is best, within 50-80 cm.
  • The sports bikes are equipped with a reclining, rear-leg fit. In this case, the maximum height is up to 70 cm.

Fuel tank volume

Depending on the brand and model, the gas tank is always different. It is also important to understand the power of the engine, because the value depends directly. In general, all devices are equipped with a capacity of 3-23 liters.

  • For sports, minimal reserves are required, because all training and practicing tricks are done near gas stations, in addition, the additional mass can significantly interfere. The best option is up to 4 liters.
  • For driving in a city where there is a sufficient number of gas stations, you should choose motorcycles up to 8 liters.
  • Temporary trips to the country or nature require a supply of up to 14 liters.
  • For long journeys, it is better to use tanks up to 23 liters.

Luggage compartment size

If you need to transport certain things, you must definitely evaluate the presence and volume of the trunk when choosing. People who use backpacks or briefcases for work may not use these compartments. For fishermen, this element will be useful and there is enough trunk under the chair. For long distances, choose motorcycles with a pair of side compartments and one at the back.

Types of motorcycles

To choose a motorcycle for beginners, you will need to determine their main types. There are several options for units that differ in purpose and technical parameters.


How to choose a motorcycle

These motorcycles are characterized by their small size with a comfortable fit for the driver and passengers. All devices are easy to repair, and also easy to maintain, because they do not have aerodynamic parts that need to be constantly removed. There is enough space for 2 people. This technique is perfect for work, small trips to neighboring regions, or for going outdoors. It is recommended to buy for people of any age for daily use.


  • Comfortable and comfortable fit.
  • Availability of full 2 ​​seats.
  • Optimal fuel tank volume.
  • Good maneuverability achieved by a short wheelbase.
  • Affordable cost.
  • The presence of soft seats.
  • Sufficient engine power to help you overtake in heavy traffic.


  • Many variants are not equipped with glass for protection.
  • No handles for passengers.
  • Not suitable for long journeys over long distances.


How to choose a motorcycle

This technique is made specifically for travel with the ability to overcome long distances. All bikes offer maximum comfort. They are often chosen by people from middle age and older, as well as those who prefer active travel. Tourist options are characterized by a large mass, the presence of several places for storing things, as well as wide armchairs that help to move without problems for several hours.


  • A very large gas tank.
  • The presence of a large number of small parts to increase the degree of comfort.
  • Cooling of the motor and other units is liquid.
  • The ability to develop high speed.
  • There are several storage containers and they are all large.
  • Optimum power.
  • High quality and well thought-out windshield.


  • The motorcycles are long, so the turning radius is large.
  • Large mass.
  • High consumption of gasoline, consumption is about the same as that of a car.


How to choose a motorcycle

All models from this segment are characterized by a beautiful design and streamlined shapes. They are created for 1 person, they fit with a large forward inclination of the body, as a result of which an emphasis appears on the steering column. One more person can be seated in the back, but it will be placed on the very edge. Motorcycles are distinguished by their high speed development and excellent aerodynamic parameters. It is recommended to buy for people of any age who need frequent driving on the track or fans of speed.


  • Stylish appearance.
  • High power motors.
  • Maximum speed up to 300 km / h.
  • The presence of large wheels.
  • Can be used in the city and on the highway.
  • Comfortable fit with a high saddle.


  • For repairs, it is often necessary to remove many cladding elements.
  • The passenger seat is very small, which is inconvenient.
  • A small windshield that weakly protects the driver from wind and midges.
  • Tiring driving if a long trip is planned.

Off-road (cross)

How to choose a motorcycle

This technique is made specifically for sports.Motorcycles are characterized by a large tread and saddle, and due to the radius of the wheels, you can easily move on a loose surface, as well as do tricks. Bikes are recommended for young people or athletes.


  • The shock absorbers work for a long distance, which gives excellent softness, especially when jumping.
  • Large wheels with high tread for better flotation.
  • The power of the motor makes it possible to make a quick acceleration.
  • Suitable for tall drivers.
  • There are 6-speed options on sale.
  • High cross-country ability.


  • There is no place for passengers at all.
  • The motor is noisy.
  • Small gas tank.

Which is the best motorcycle to choose

When choosing, it is important to immediately determine the purpose of the technique. In this case, you can buy a suitable bike:

  • If the technique is necessary for a young man performing various tricks, then it is recommended to buy a cross-country non-urban version, which will have a volume of about 200 cubic meters. cm, 4-stroke motor with 18 hp. The injection is recommended carburetor type, manual transmission is mandatory. The optimal planting height in this case is 98 cm, and the weight is about 120 kg. The brakes can be disc in front, drum in the back, wheels of 18 radius, and the engine is cooled by air.
  • For daily trips on personal matters in the city or fishing trips, an apparatus with a 125 cc motor will suffice. cm and a power of 11 hp. Such a bike will be able to accelerate to 100 km / h, the injection system is carbureted, the gearbox is mechanical, and the cooling is air. Optimum wheel radius - 15. Hydraulic disc brake system in front and drums behind. The volume of the gas tank is approximately 6 liters.
  • For travel or country trips with a tourist purpose, it is recommended to buy devices with a gasoline tank of about 22 liters, an engine power of 150 hp. and a volume of 1200 cubic meters. see. The injection system is better injection, automatic gear shifting. An oil system is preferred for cooling. It is also important to have luggage compartments, glass for protection from the wind and wheels 17 radius.
  • Racing models should be 4-stroke, 131 hp, 600 cc. see Cooling is mandatory liquid, and injection injection. A manual transmission, a telescopic fork and a shock absorber on the rear axle will be preferable. Wheel size 18 radius. It is better to choose all disc brakes, a gasoline tank of about 15 liters, and a weight of up to 200 kg.

The cost depends on the manufacturer and the main type of motorcycle. Cross-country off-road models are in the range of up to 90,000 rubles. Classic models will cost 44-185 thousand rubles. Cruise equipment is sold from 150 thousand rubles. and up to 3.5 million rubles. Racing models up to 1 million rubles.

Selection advice from experts

When deciding which motorcycle to choose for a beginner as the first vehicle of this kind, you need to establish what is required from the technology in the first place. It can be a friend with a measured and comfortable ride, which is characterized by a high degree of reliability, or a fast car for country driving at high speed. Based on the answer, it will be possible to determine the brand, type of model, which will simplify the choice.

Among some recommendations for beginners, experts offer the following:

  • The first motorcycle you need to buy is medium or low power. Sharp and fast vehicles can be difficult to control, they simply cannot be handled by a novice driver.
  • It is not recommended to purchase heavy motorcycles, since all beginners fall, and it is difficult to maintain 200-300 kg of weight, it will be even harder to lift equipment after a fall.
  • As the first model, it is recommended to take budgetary and inexpensive options without many additional elements, even if financial possibilities permit. It is best to buy the first device for 1 season, which will allow you to understand the behavior on the road, the principle of operation, and will also allow you to learn how to drive. All the same, after 1-2 seasons the equipment will be sold, but before that it will be scratched or other defects will appear.It would be more logical to buy a used motorcycle.
  • For beginners, it is best to buy a bike in a bright color, which will allow you to clearly see them on the road. This will make it possible to notice the biker to another driver, eliminating unpleasant consequences.

It is worth remembering that a motorcycle should be somewhat phlegmatic for a beginner. In other words, the technician should not immediately react to pressing the gas or brakes, as well as other touches, as this can lead to injury. Convenience while driving is a secondary point.

Choosing a motorcycle for the city

If the technique is purchased from another seller who has already traveled for a certain time, you should be careful and look at the following points:

  • Be sure to check the documents for transport. To do this, it is important to check the year of manufacture of the device in the technical passport with the declared one. The current year is always indicated on the brake hoses or discs. In case of a mismatch, you need to ask why this happened. In this case, there may be no deception, since there is a possibility of replacement or repair of units.
  • It is necessary to examine in detail the external data for scratches and other signs of damage, especially if the motorcycle has been dropped. If there are no defects, most likely they were simply well disguised, so there is a risk that the seller hid other problems as well.
  • You need to look for rust on the gas tank. If there is such a one, refuse to purchase transport, even under favorable conditions. The foci could get into the fuel system, injection and engine, which will affect the repair after a certain time, which will result in a round sum.
  • There should be no welding spots on the frame. If they are available, you need to look at the quality. Purchase is allowed but not recommended.
  • The chain is checked for rust and tension, the sprocket at the back should be even, without significant wear.
  • The fork should be pressed down several times; in the absence of traces of oil, the technique is considered satisfactory.
  • After questions and inspection, you can proceed to starting the device, which ideally starts up 1-2 times without warming up. It is best to keep the sound even.

In addition to the described recommendations, you need to check the brakes, lighting devices, the data on the speedometer are considered insignificant, they are often simply unscrewed back. Using simple rules on how to choose a motorcycle for a beginner, anyone can buy the bike that they need and will be able to perform any task.

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How to choose