How to choose a floor tile

Floor tiles are a finishing material, and are also used for decoration, home decoration. It has been widespread for a long time, making it possible to make the space practical. The products are easy to clean and durable. Modern tiles are used to lay the floor in the bathroom, bathrooms, in a home, office space, on the street. At the same time, the variety of imitations makes it possible to create a fairly cozy atmosphere in the bedroom. Products may vary in size, shape, style and reliability. To know how to choose floor tiles, there are some guidelines to consider.

The principle of operation and the device of floor tiles

How to choose a floor tile

Floor tiles are often made from ceramics or natural stone. The most popular production method is pressing. This method itself is considered to be the most technologically advanced.

It is made glazed or unglazed. The tile is intended for the purpose of decorating the coating and protecting it from external influences. It is possible to spread it in different ways. Fasten with glue made from a cement-sand mixture. In some cases, it is supplemented with a latex additive that adds reliability. For the sake of greater aesthetics, the seams between the tiles are treated with special compounds. There are various colors that are suitable for the interior.

Natural stone tiles differ in weight and beauty. However, due to the fact that such a product is of natural origin and is less 1-shaped, it will be necessary to carefully plan the application and installation. Stone tiles can be sawn from each side and then polished from the outside. Directly in this way, the same thickness is obtained.

Some tiles that have been polished will become slippery, like marble. This should be taken into account when laying such products in a room with high humidity or where there are elderly people and children is planned.

Floor tile selection options

How to choose a floor tile

The question often arises, which floor tiles to choose. First of all, the choice will depend on the type of room where the tiles will be laid. So, they have a bathroom, kitchen, living room, hallway. The features of finishing work will depend on this factor. There are certain characteristics of the choice of the products in question.


To know which material to choose a tile from, you should read the recommendations:

  • Ceramics. Plain tiles suitable for any room, including kitchens, baths, bathrooms. It is important to choose the right category. Similar products are made from clay. Thin and porous are not suitable for high traffic areas.
  • A rock. Extremely robust tiles with beautiful patterns. This is mainly marble or granite. It is used as a floor covering and as a facing material.It is resistant to weather changes (regardless of rain, snow, cold or heat). The disadvantage is the overpriced tile.
  • Porcelain stoneware. Those who are not able to purchase expensive stone tiles should focus on porcelain stoneware. In terms of reliability, he will not yield, he is not afraid of fire. The secret lies in the special method of baking and adding granite crumbs. The style makes it possible to accurately imitate stone tiles.
  • PVC. A budget and not too reliable material that is soft and flexible. The tile is only suitable for indoor applications with low traffic. It is necessary to exercise control so that the coating on which the laying is planned is optimally even.
  • Concrete. Such a tile is easily prepared by yourself by mixing sand and cement. Suitable for laying on street paths, for example in private homes. The style of such products is limited, and the look is simple.
  • Bung. It is also a natural material, although artificial substitutes are available for purchase today. A floor with such tiles keeps you warm and dampens sounds. Among the shortcomings, one should highlight the lack of moisture resistance and a change in appearance during prolonged use.

The size

Dimensions are selected taking into account such an indicator as area. Significant plates, for example, 50x50, are externally capable of significantly increasing and expanding the space. However, when the room is less than six 6 sq. m, then you should choose another option. Medium-sized tiles or special mosaics look good on the floor.


On builds. there are materials on the market with a glossy, matte or embossed coating. It is required to take into account that the tile is extremely slippery, therefore you should not choose glossy models, even when they look extremely impressive. A glossy surface becomes hazardous when moisture penetrates it. When you like the gloss, then it is optimal to apply it in places with low humidity.

Color and tone

Despite the fact that the choice of this indicator is made directly by the buyer, there are general rules that should be emphasized:

  • Monotonous tiles will make dust, debris and dirt on the floor more visible, so regular cleaning will be required.
  • A tile with a small pattern or pattern will make the coating look cleaner. This solution will be practical for those who install tiles in a room with significant traffic.
  • Tile colors should match the interior. Looks impressive if the door, wallpaper, curtains overlap with the floor in design and shade.
  • For a dark room, it is optimal to buy tiles on the floor of a light shade to add comfort.


Each package with tiles has special designations. They help and suggest how to choose floor tiles. In this symbolism, the developer encrypts all important information. When the palm is depicted, it is a wall tile. When the foot is, it means for the floor. A snowflake will indicate that the material is intended to be used as an exterior finish.

The best manufacturers of floor tiles - which company to choose

There is not a great variety of manufacturers on the tile market. In foreign companies, the price of products is significantly higher, since the goods are paid for, as well as their transportation. It is recommended to take a closer look at domestic firms, since today they are practically not inferior to foreign ones, but the cost per product is significantly less.

When the user does not have the time or desire to study the material, then you need to get acquainted with the most popular brands:

  • Fap Ceramiche.
  • Kerama Marazzi.
  • Cersanit.
  • Kerranova.

The characteristics of the above companies are mostly positive, both from ordinary consumers and from experts. Firms have a wide assortment, from which any, even the most demanding, will select a suitable product for themselves in shade, style, technical parameters.

Types of floor tiles

Tile, as a type of floor covering, has been known for a long time. Due to the presence of various forms, parameters, textures, various colors, it is widely used during the design of various interiors in the bathroom, kitchen, corridor and living room. It has a long service life, high reliability and visual appeal. When choosing tiles as flooring, it is important to create a room design.

First category (premises with low attendance)

How to choose a floor tile

The durability of the tiles of the 1st category will make it possible to use them for laying in areas with extremely low traffic. It is mainly used where there is almost no movement and wearing shoes is excluded. These parameters include bathrooms, a bathroom, a bedroom and other rooms that are not used very regularly.


  • adequate price;
  • pleasant appearance.


  • afraid of pollution and sand;
  • poor protection against mechanical damage and abrasion.

Second category (living quarters excluding corridors and kitchens)

How to choose a floor tile

The tile, which belongs to this class of wear resistance, is intended for living quarters where there are places with a lot of traffic. However, it is still calculated for soft shoes for the home. Such tiles are laid in the living room, but not on balconies, loggias, stairs, corridors and hallways. The product is used in an apartment and a private house.


  • will keep its initial state for a long time;
  • a significant range of uses;
  • variety of design;
  • budget cost.


  • is quickly erased during exposure to outdoor shoes;
  • lack of moisture resistance.

Third class (corridors, balconies, kitchens)

How to choose a floor tile

For premises where the frequency of attendance is average, tiles of category 3 are suitable. Its durability parameters will make it possible to move around in both indoor and outdoor shoes. Basically, such products are stacked in every living space, including corridors, balconies, attics, kitchens. Suitable for hotel lobby, stairs, dining room, etc.


  • proper durability;
  • increased strength;
  • resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage;
  • not afraid of water, sand and pollution.


  • not installed.

Fourth grade (markets, office space)

How to choose a floor tile

When the frequency of attendance in the room is higher than the average, then the floor covering will be subjected to more wear and tear, therefore in such areas it is necessary to use tiles of category 4. Such a group is suitable for laying both in a private home and in a public place, for example, in a restaurant, a large hotel, a small market, an office space, etc. In particular, this product is well used on the stairs, in the front door, on the terrace, etc.


  • will withstand increased loads;
  • resistance to various influences;
  • for a long period of time, the appearance remains;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance.


  • overcharge.

Fifth class (rooms with high traffic)

How to choose a floor tile

A coating of this class of wear resistance is directly designed for use in places where there is an extremely intensive passability. Products that are included in this category have significant differences from class 4. First of all, they are much more reliable. The coating is intended for laying in large shopping centers, markets, parks, airports, railway stations, etc.


  • the greatest wear resistance;
  • the impact of various climatic factors is maintained;
  • resistance to various types of damage;
  • over a long period of time, the initial appearance remains.


  • overpriced.

Which floor tiles to choose

How to choose a floor tile

To understand how to choose floor tiles for the bathroom and other premises, you should read the recommendations:

  • 1 category of wear resistance is suitable for rooms with infrequent traffic. It is necessary to move on such a surface in soft shoes for the house.
  • Grades 2 and 3 are provided for any living space. However, when 2 fits in areas with slightly less traffic, then 3 is used on the stairs, balcony, in the corridor.
  • Grade 4 is intended for an office space, a small market, a hotel, institutions where there is a fairly large attendance.
  • Grade 5 behaves effectively in areas with the greatest load, for example, in large retail chains, a park, at a train station.
  • The ceramic cover is ideal for living spaces.
  • The stone and porcelain stoneware flooring is suitable for rich interior and exterior finishing works.
  • Cork flooring will help dampen sound and keep warm.
  • PVC tiles will be a budget solution. Due to this, it has a significant prevalence among the general consumer.
  • Concrete slabs are great for private walkways.
  • When flooring is purchased for a private dwelling, it is possible to pick up various color variations, however, for places with significant passage, it is optimal to choose small patterns. In this situation, pollution will not be conspicuous.
  • Medium-sized tiles fit optimally into small spaces. Premises over 6 sq. m can be externally expanded with plates in sizes 50x

How much does floor tiles cost

To choose a quality product, you should familiarize yourself with the price range:

  • 1 sq. m of coating made of ceramic material of the first 3 classes costs in the range of 550-1000 r.
  • Stone flooring will cost 2000-10000 rubles. per sq. m, taking into account the dimensions and the developer company.
  • 1 sq. m of porcelain stoneware coating has a slightly cheaper price, 850-3000 r.
  • PVC tiles and concrete flooring are the most affordable, the cost of such products is approximately 350-750 rubles.

Often they ask themselves how to choose the right floor tiles. To find out how to purchase a quality product, you should read these recommendations.

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How to choose