How to choose a navigator for a car

With the help of a navigator, a person can easily navigate in any city or country where he does not know the area. Such a device takes up little space, which allows it to be conveniently placed in any vehicle. Before buying, it is important to know how to choose a navigator for a car, and for this you need to familiarize yourself with the basic parameters of the gadget.

How the GPS navigator works

How to choose a navigator for a car

All navigators work by obtaining accurate data about their own location. For this, maps are used, installed in memory, in which the device can find itself. The technique independently compares the data and displays it on the screen, where there is a plan with streets and roads. During the movement, the information is constantly changing, all crossings and passages of streets are shown. All this helps the vehicle driver to quickly navigate the terrain and move in the right direction, while the person does not get lost.

If we talk about cards, then they should be pre-installed in the gadget's memory. After recording, you can indicate the desired route and see your own position on the map. A connection to GPS satellites is required to operate. This makes it possible to work and determine the position in any area, with the help of satellites, the signal is always strong, so you don't have to worry about signal loss.

In order for the device not only to show data on the plan, but also coordinates in latitude, longitude and altitude, it is necessary to receive a signal from 4 communication satellites. Due to this, all modern devices are capable of working with 4 or more channels at once, and individual devices are able to simultaneously catch up to 9 signals. This helps to increase the accuracy of displaying coordinates, to exclude possible temporary loss of waves.

The use of the navigator helps to travel without the risk and fear of falling into dead ends or on the streets where one-way traffic is arranged. All device models are characterized by the presence of different functionalities, but there are also limitations. For example, the device will not be able to work normally in a tunnel or in megalopolises with a large arrangement of multi-storey buildings in the vicinity, which will block the signal.

Navigator abilities and functions

In addition to determining the location, all navigators can perform other tasks. Among the main functionalities are:

  • Nearly accurate determination of the location of other vehicles with minimal error.
  • Analysis of nearby roads showing traffic jams, detours, accidents or repairs.
  • Laying the best route that takes into account the road surface, signs, markings and other elements.
  • Carrying out calculations for the duration of the trip and the approximate time of arrival at the facility.
  • Approximate calculation of fuel consumption.
  • Among the additional features, users will be able to use the organizer, wireless communication methods, the Internet.
  • Playing music or video.
  • Display images or photos on the device screen.
  • Voice guidance to make driving easier without distracting the driver from the road.
  • It is possible to output music and sounds directly to the radio with an FM transmitter.
  • Providing a speakerphone for communication on the phone.
  • Work as a video recorder.
  • Displaying a picture on the screen if there is a rear view camera.

The described functions are not available in all models, often the possibilities are presented in expensive devices, and basic navigators will perform the main functions - making routes and determining the location. Using the screen, you can watch videos, photos, listen to music. Some devices can include a SIM card slot, which makes it possible to use the navigator as a phone. This will immediately allow you to go online.

Navigator operating system

The work of any navigator is performed using the operating system. With its help, the technician sets up routes, displays a picture on the screen and performs other operations. At the moment, manufacturers offer 2 main OS options:

  • Windows CE;
  • Android.

When choosing, you need to consider the following features. The first OS was popular and in demand several years ago, but today its capabilities and usability have changed for the worse. It is often installed on inexpensive gadgets that are characterized by a small supply of RAM and permanent memory. Often, models freeze on the road, work slowly, and make routes for a long time. A person may not notice such disadvantages if he has not used Android-based devices. It is more functional, efficient and faster, and also provides more functionality for the user.

Android is the base with which many people are familiar, because today the operating system is installed on many phones, tablet devices. Its functioning is fast and you can additionally install many applications that can expand the capabilities of technology. Due to the thoughtfulness and speed, maps and routes are loaded faster, the picture is clearer and more realistic, and the device does not freeze on the road.

The main parameters for choosing a car navigator

The design of car navigators is quite simple. The equipment is made of a case in which a screen, a processor and a battery are installed, and there is also a read-only memory, a slot for its expansion is possible. When choosing, you need to know the main criteria that you should pay attention to:

  • Screen. The more it expands, the better. On average, the indicators will be 320x240-800x480 pixels. The clarity of the picture that is provided to the driver depends on this. An equally important display value will be the diagonal, which can be 2.7-7 inches. Pay attention to the anti-glare coating, which will provide comfort on sunny days and control using the sensor, which gives more convenience on the road.
  • Memory. Modern models require a large amount of permanent memory. For normal operation and the ability to download maps, you need at least 1 GB, but if there are a lot of cards, additional applications are installed, then it is better to choose more memory immediately or look at the model with a card slot.
  • Equipment. Additional elements can significantly expand the functionality of the navigator, among them cameras, ports for connecting peripherals, a SIM card slot, various wireless modules and other add-ons, but they all affect the cost.
  • Fastening. For a car navigator, the fastening method is very important, it must be reliable. On sale there are options for mounting on the glass or dashboard. The first type is universal, because the gadget can be easily removed for carrying with you. It is not recommended to buy models with long rods, so that the navigator does not wobble on the road.
  • Performance. The processor is responsible for this indicator, which is important for data processing speed and other indicators.

If we talk about external data, then it is better to select the simplest design made of plain plastic. It won't get much attention, and the functionality will be just as good as the prettiest models.When buying, you should study in detail the equipment from the manufacturer, it is very good if the box contains an adapter for the network, a power cable from a car cigarette lighter and the ability to charge via a USB port.

In stores you can find models that immediately perform the function of a DVR. The solution is not the most successful, since the video quality deteriorates, and the viewing angles also decrease, in comparison with a separate gadget. Better not to save money, but to buy 2 separate devices.


The general operation of the navigator, as well as the ability to detect traffic jams, depend on the software.

Maps for the navigator

How to choose a navigator for a car

Correctly selected cards provide maximum accuracy and speed of work. Users can also use Yandex cards, but there is no guarantee that they will not fail at the right time.

Among the best, according to experts, there are:

  • Garmin - the program gives excellent detail, there are constant updates and improvements. When displaying an image on the screen, the driver receives a clear picture, in addition, maps of many countries can be downloaded, but they are available only on branded navigators.
  • Navitel is one of the best systems for use in Russia. Many navigators support this program, there is always an update, there is excellent support, as well as the possibility of high-speed control. The main plus is that the program works on any operating system.
  • CityGuide is a system that works on any operating system, but supports the roads of Russia and the CIS countries. The cost of use is small, but the support is good. The program implements a new system for finding and bypassing traffic jams.
  • iGO - the cost of maps is low, and drivers have great opportunities to travel on any road. The work is carried out on any navigator platform, there is good support, but the software is not the most popular among users.

Avoiding traffic jams

How to choose a navigator for a car

Various means can be used to avoid traffic jams.

When choosing, you can focus on the following parameters:

  • Bluetooth - this module is considered the simplest and most affordable, but the use is inconvenient. Using the system, you can get data on traffic jams and accidents. The connection is made through the phone, but you have to pay a lot for this, from time to time the signal may disappear.
  • GSM and GPRS module - automatic connection, immediately after turning on the ignition. It is possible to put a SIM card in the navigator, which will have a minimum tariff for accessing the Internet. To do this, you just need to set the necessary parameters once, they are automatically saved and the driver receives data on congestion.
  • FM traffic - this module allows you to use not only radio, but also shows data on road conditions. Internet fees are not required, but connection can be lost from time to time, so it is recommended to conduct a light test before purchasing.

The information provided will help you understand which navigator to choose for your car, so as not to get lost in a foreign city. When buying, it is recommended to give preference to proven and well-known brands, after highlighting several models, study the reviews about them. It is not recommended to buy cheap devices as this can affect the performance and accuracy of the device.

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