How to choose a nebulizer

When colds or viral diseases of the respiratory tract occur, inhalation treatment is considered the most effective method. You no longer need to breathe over a pot of hot potatoes - this is already the last century. And you don't have to go to the physiotherapy room in order to breathe in vapors with medicine. For treatment with inhalation, you can buy a wonderful device - a nebulizer. Nebulizer is translated as fog, cloud.

There is no hot steam, no need to sweat or cover yourself with a towel - just attach the mask to the mouth or nose area and enjoy the treatment. The procedure takes only 5-10 minutes. In addition, the medicine does not boil in the device, which means that the beneficial substances do not disappear and give the patient all their medicinal properties. This article will show you how to choose a nebulizer.

The principle of operation and the device of the nebulizer

How to choose a nebulizer

The principle of operation of a nebulizer differs from that of a simple inhaler.

A drug is poured into a special hole, which is necessary for inhalation. It, under the influence of the vibration of an atomizer or a powerful air jet, turns into a white cloud similar to steam.

The device consists of:

  • drug tank;
  • two hoses - suction and supply;
  • flaps;
  • sprayer;
  • mask or mouthpiece.

Nebulizer selection options

How to choose a nebulizer

If you are not sure which nebulizer to choose, use the following criteria.

Atomization rate

The most effective nebulizer is the one that nebulizes particles as small as possible. They usually convert the drug into particles about 5 microns in size. This is enough for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi.

But mesh inhalers are capable of producing particles 3-4 microns in size. Accordingly, treatment with such a device will be much more effective. The drug penetrates deeper into the airways, and this reduces the risk of the disease dropping down the airways.

Aerosol delivery mode

An aerosol, or drug cloud, passes through a mask or mouthpiece in several main modes:

  1. Continuous. This mode delivers aerosol regardless of whether the patient is inhaling or exhaling. As a result, most of the medicine does not reach the right place and is lost. Such a regime is the most disadvantageous and ineffective.
  2. Manual control. In this case, the nebulizer also continuously delivers a cloud of medication, but thanks to a button on the device, the patient can stop the flow. It is beneficial and convenient - the medicine does not disappear when the patient exhales. But only an adult can control this mode, since it is difficult to explain the rules of use to children.
  3. Auto. It ejects the medication during the patient's inhalation, and on exhalation, the valve closes. The medicine is saved and lasts for a long treatment. This mode is by far the most beneficial and easiest to use.


Each type of inhaler has its own reservoir for medicine:

The ultrasonic nebulizer has a capacity of 50-70 ml. This volume is the most optimal for such a device.During operation, he consumes a lot of medicine, and if you buy a device with a smaller volume, the medicine may not be enough for one procedure.

The compressor nebulizer must have a tank of at least 100 ml. The tank with a smaller volume will run out very quickly, and it will have to be changed during the procedure, which is not advisable to achieve an effect in the treatment.

The nebulizer mesh has the smallest volume of the medication tank - only 15 ml. But thanks to the economical delivery of the drug, it will last for a long time and do not have to be refilled during the procedure.

When choosing the volume of a nebulizer tank, you need to take into account the frequency of inhalations. If this is a frequent procedure in your family, it is better to choose a compressor apparatus with a large capacity for liquid medicine.

If your treatment is complex and expensive, then it is better to choose ultrasonic and mesh inhalers with small barrels for drugs.

Spray rate

The high speed of nebulization of the drug can shorten the inhalation time. Therefore, you need to choose a nebulizer taking into account the characteristics of the patients:

  1. For adult patients, it does not matter at what speed the liquid medicine gets to the diseased organs, so models with a low spray rate - 0.25-0.5 ml / min are suitable for them.
  2. It is much more difficult for children to sit still during inhalation, therefore, children need a more powerful nebulizer, with a spray rate of 1-2 ml / min.

Noise level

Many people are annoyed by the noise of operating devices. Therefore, for patient comfort, it is better to choose a device that makes as little noise as possible.

Compressor models are capable of delivering noise of 45-55 dB. This model is the noisiest of all.

Ultrasonic nebulizers work a little quieter, creating a noise of 40-45 dB.

The quietest are membrane inhalers. They generate noise up to 20 dB. If silence during procedures is very important to you, it is better to choose this model.


Of course, it is much more convenient when you can take the nebulizer with you, for example, on a trip. Therefore, manufacturers have equipped their devices with portable accumulators and batteries.

But it's up to customers to decide - devices adapted to work not only from an outlet are many times more expensive. But such nebulizers are more convenient for those who have to constantly carry them with them.

Types of nebulizers

There are the following types of nebulizers.

Compressor (rod)

How to choose a nebulizer

A powerful stream of compressed air breaks the liquid medicine into particles approximately 4-5 microns in size.

This device is more powerful than an ultrasonic one, it delivers medicine to the bronchi faster. Thanks to the large tank volume (150 ml), it can work longer without interruption.

But, unlike an ultrasonic nebulizer, the compressor one has large dimensions - 115 * 185 * 135 mm, and the weight is 1.5 kg. This is its disadvantage, since it is not very convenient for transportation.

However, such an inhaler is able to cure not only respiratory problems associated with a cold or a virus, but also diseases that are much more complicated, for example, tuberculosis.

And the compressor nebulizer allows you to do inhalations with any drugs - saline solution, liquids for inhalation, herbal decoctions and essential oils.


  • effectively treats diseases of any complexity;
  • for inhalation, you can use any drugs and liquids;
  • can be used to treat children from birth;
  • reliable.


  • the cost of such a nebulizer will not be cheap;
  • the apparatus is heavy and large.


How to choose a nebulizer

The vibration of the metal plates creates an ultrasonic flow that makes small particles from the drug solution.

An ultrasonic nebulizer is able to deliver medicine far into the bronchi - it converts a liquid medicine into particles up to 5 microns in size. It is suitable for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, runny nose.

It operates on a 220V network, built-in rechargeable battery or batteries. The device delivers up to 2 ml of liquid preparation per minute and is capable of operating for up to 10 minutes without interruption.

The noise level of the device is no more than 45 dB, and its weight is about 500 g.


  • affordable price;
  • you can choose a device that runs on batteries, on a rechargeable battery, from the network;
  • small particles of the drug go directly into the bronchi;
  • sprays drugs quickly;
  • suitable for the treatment of not only adults but also children.


  • drug reservoirs need frequent replacement;
  • herbal decoctions and essential oils cannot be used for inhalation - you can ruin the device;

You can not use this type of inhaler at the same time with the use of antibiotics and drugs that improve sputum discharge. The use of inhalation treatment and these drugs will be ineffective.


How to choose a nebulizer

They are also called mesh nebulizers. A new type of inhaler that has appeared relatively recently.

The device's vibrating membrane converts the liquid medicine into small aerosol droplets. The device crushes the liquid medicine so finely that it can even penetrate into the pulmonary alveoli.

These nebulizers are the most convenient of all those listed. Their weight is no more than 150 grams, the liquid container is designed for 7-15 ml. The device can work for several hours. Often you do not have to fill the container for the liquid - the inhaler uses the medicine competently and economically. And it also works very quietly - the noise level is 15-20 dB.

Any liquid for inhalation can be poured into the mesh nebulizer - the efficiency of the work will remain the same, the treatment will be of high quality.

This inhaler is convenient to take with you. This is very important for people with asthma and allergies, as well as for families with children.


  • copes with respiratory tract diseases as efficiently as possible;
  • quiet operating mode;
  • lightweight and compact;
  • uses medicines sparingly;
  • any medicine can be poured into the container.


  • the most expensive device in comparison with other models;
  • very fragile, you need to carry it with you very carefully;

This inhaler requires additional care - after use it must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. If you do not do this, the device will quickly fail.

Important! In order not to damage the device, carefully read the instructions. Some types of nebulizers cannot be filled with essential oils, herbal teas and other types of liquids. Only medicines are suitable for them.

Which nebulizer to choose

How to choose a nebulizer

To cure the respiratory tract with complex diseases, you can purchase a compressor apparatus. It is desirable to choose a tank with a volume of 100 ml, the particle size should be from 3 to 5 microns.

To treat asthma and relieve allergy symptoms, a mesh nebulizer with a spray rate of 2 ml / min is useful. It is advisable to choose an inhaler that runs on batteries, as it can be carried with you, which is often simply necessary for people with such diseases.

In the cold season, an ultrasound machine with a large medicine capacity is perfect for treating the whole family - 70 ml will be just right. And we recommend purchasing baby nozzles - with them, inhalation is much more convenient for young patients.

How much does a nebulizer cost

How to choose a nebulizer

An ultrasonic nebulizer made in Russia costs around 2,500 rubles. A foreign device is more expensive - from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles.

A compressor inhaler can be purchased for an amount of 2,000 to 10,000 rubles. It all depends on where it is produced and what its power is.

Mesh inhalers can be purchased at prices ranging from 3,000 to 12,000 rubles.

The best manufacturers of nebulizers - which company to choose

Anyone can buy a nebulizer - it is sold in pharmacies and medical equipment stores. Currently, there is a huge selection of inhalers on the market for goods and services - there are Russian and foreign samples.

But not all manufacturing companies provide quality goods for medical procedures.

Devices of the following companies are recognized as high-quality nebulizers:

  1. Omron (Japan, China);
  2. Well (England);
  3. Mikrolife (Switzerland);
  4. MED 2000 (Italy).

In Russia, high-quality inhalers are produced only in branches of well-known manufacturers of medical equipment: AnD RUS (Japan) and Little Doctor International (Singapore).They are of high quality, reliable in use, and effective in solving respiratory health problems.

Top 3 toy nebulizers

In order to captivate little patients during such an important procedure as inhalation, manufacturers of nebulizers have found an original way out - they produce devices in the form of toys.


How to choose a nebulizer

B.Well produces nebulizers in the form of trains. It is suitable for babies from birth and has several baby attachments in the set. He is silent. But it lacks the possibilities for portable use, the device works only from the network.

Med 2000

How to choose a nebulizer

Med 2000 produces penguin-shaped inhalers. It effectively heals diseases, treatment session is 30 minutes. And it completely lacks the possibility of treatment for adults - large attachments do not fit there.

Little doctor

How to choose a nebulizer

Little Doctor manufactures vividly colored compressor nebulizers that can grab a child's attention. It has several operating modes, and you can also use it not only for children, but also for adults. But this nebulizer gets tired quickly - it gets very hot and cools down within half an hour.

Now you know how to choose a nebulizer for your baby.

What nebulizers are bought most often

The purchase of one or the other type of inhaler depends on the severity of the upcoming treatment and the buyer's income. Mesh inhalers are the most expensive. Therefore, compressor or ultrasonic nebulizers are in great demand.

They are reliable, inexpensive. Although they are slightly inferior in power and efficiency to mesh inhalers, however, in the treatment of some types of respiratory diseases, these two types of inhalers cope better (for example, in the treatment of complex and colds)

For the treatment of the respiratory system, you can choose a device that ideally suits your requirements. The main thing is to consult with your doctor about the upcoming treatment, in order to choose the device of the required power and efficiency based on the recommendations.

Now you know how to choose a nebulizer for home use, and that you can find one that can cope with the disease and will not go against your financial capabilities.

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How to choose