How to choose poles for Nordic walking

Nordic walking originated in Finland. The skiers of this state wanted to be in sports uniform all year round. As it turned out, such walking will be useful for virtually everyone, including pregnant women, the elderly, people with pathological processes in the heart, overweight and after injuries. It has practically no contraindications and activates the functioning of each muscle group. The key point is that the cost of equipment is much cheaper than buying a bicycle or a gym membership.

When choosing poles for Finnish walking, you will need some knowledge, since the quality and comfort of the training will depend on what they are. To know how to choose Nordic walking poles, you need to read the recommendations.

How to choose poles for Nordic walking

The principle of operation and the device of Nordic walking poles

This kind of sport cannot be imagined without special sticks. In the process of moving with them, the hand is taken alternately forward and backward. In this way, the leg muscles are involved, as well as the muscles of the arms, and during the body turns to the sides - the abdominal muscles. Poles are required light, since the load will go due to the work with its own mass.

Poles for Finnish walking will consist of a rod, handles with lanyards and tips.

The main importance is the rod, which should be elastic in order to push the walker in front of him and neutralize blows to his hands, reducing the likelihood of joint injury.

The lanyard makes it possible to fix the handle in the hands, so that, with regular squeezing and unclenching, the stick will not slip out.

Handpieces are required for comfortable travel distances in various terrain. Hard and soft finishes require completely different tip types.

Good quality Finnish walking poles should be lightweight. The length of the models is selected according to the height of the person and the tasks set by the athletes.

Parameters for choosing Nordic walking poles

How to choose poles for Nordic walking

Scandinavian walking has become extremely popular, and a large number of people know about its benefits. Often the question arises: are any suitable poles required for Finnish walking - or, for example, ordinary ski poles are suitable.


The length of the stick will depend on the person's anthropometric data. People 1.8-2 m should use models 1.3-1.4 m. Those with a height of 1.5-1.75 m use sticks with a length of 1.1-1.25 m. This length is recommended for training to maintain health.

When planning classes in a fitness group, then you need to add 5 cm to the indicator.The length of the stick for professional training will be increased by 10 cm.


When choosing sticks, you need to focus on their mass. There are no exact indicators, everything is selected on an individual basis. Everyone should walk with the product they like to find out if it fits or not.

It is important that there is a feeling of weightlessness of the sticks, as if they are absent in the hands. It should be remembered that the more massive they are, the more difficult it is to go through the training process.


This indicator is determined quite simply. It is required to make 4-5 quick steps with a stick in hand, touching the coating rod all the way. When it is possible to push off without difficulty and at the same time there are no vibrations that give off to the hand, therefore, the required pair is selected.

Rod material

The material of the rod also plays an important role:

  • Fiberglass. The masa of the product will be extremely small, and the vibration absorption will be quite high. Fiberglass rods are not reliable enough and often break.
  • Carbon. By adding carbon fiber reinforced plastic, you can ensure the reliability of the poles, while maintaining the quality of the fiberglass (shock and low weight are damped). The more carbon, the stronger the stick. It is recommended that the elements have 50-80% carbon. Products with an index of 20-30% are suitable for beginners. It is required to take into account that sticks from different developers with the same carbon index differ in elasticity.
  • Aluminum. Not very popular tip material. It is often used in ski poles. They weakly absorb vibration, which very soon increases the likelihood of difficulties for the hands, in particular, inflammatory processes in the joint capsule of the elbow. In cross-country skiing, this difficulty is absent, since the snow will absorb vibration.

Handle material

Unlike poles for skiing or trekking (intended for hiking or mountaineering), the poles in question need constant grip and release, which will moisten the palms. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose handles that are comfortable and also absorb moisture to avoid slipping. There are several types of handles:

  • Plastic. They will not absorb sweat, as a result of which they will slip and cause discomfort during use. This minus is compensated by a lanyard that absorbs liquid and provides a grip on the stick.
  • Cork. High-quality handles made of natural material will effectively absorb sweat. But with prolonged use in humid conditions, the cork flakes off.
  • Rubber. High-quality, sweat-wicking, non-slip and durable handles. Mostly found on professional sticks.

In products of the mid-value range, the handles are rubberized or made of materials that imitate cork. The difference is small. It is important that the handle is thin, there is no slipping or rubbing on the palm.


At the end of the stick there is a rod (claw, thorn) made of reliable tungsten carbide. It is possible to stick it into the soil and sand without fear, it does not slip and does not get stuck. In addition, the complete set includes removable special metal tips of various configurations. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to replace the tips on expensive products, but not always on budget ones. Varieties:

  • Metal tips. This element will take the main load. Therefore, the tips must be durable, optimally made of tungsten carbide. In addition, the poles come with replacement rods.
  • Tips for asphalt and other surfaces. Finnish walking poles have a carbide tip and a rubber shoe for walking on asphalt. The former are of various types: some look like a "claw", while others are made in the shape of a lance.
  • Carbon fiber. Made from a rubber and carbon compound that improves grip and makes the stick hitting the surface quieter. They have deep grooves for excellent traction on lawn, sand or soft soil. They are considered a certain kind of "all-terrain vehicle" They are several times more durable than ordinary ones.
  • Kevlar rods. Similar in style to carbon fiber.The body is made of Kevlar and the cushion is made of a mixture of rubber and carbon. As a result, a soft platform will be obtained, which improves contact with the surface and makes them silent during operation. They feature improved reliability.

The best Nordic walking pole manufacturers - which company to choose

The devices in question are not produced by domestic developers. However, there are a lot of them in sports stores. Products that exist on the domestic market are distinguished by type, quality and price.

To achieve a high result, sticks with an appropriate combination of important indicators are mandatory. The leading companies that make Finnish walking poles are manufacturers from Finland, Australia and some European countries. Most common developers:

  • Karhu;
  • Exel;
  • Swix;
  • Gabel.

To choose a quality device, it is necessary to investigate all the characteristics of the models in question.

Types of Nordic walking poles

Poles are a key component of Finnish walking. Before heading to the store, you need to research general guidelines. They are given by experts who understand this issue. The selection of sticks for such activities must be treated with due attention when the user does not want to constantly change his own inventory.

Fixed length

How to choose poles for Nordic walking

The devices in question consist of one section, monolithic. The sticks will not change their own length.


  • comfort in training mode;
  • there are no risks of damage;
  • strength and durability;
  • suitable for walking on sand, wet areas and mud.


  • there is no customization option for a specific height;
  • constant loads.

Telescopic (sliding)

How to choose poles for Nordic walking

This variety differs from the standard length of the sticks in what is considered to be sliding. Basically, sticks are made of aluminum alloy and have a lower price for monolithic products. There are accessories with a composite and carbon fiber tip, but the cost of these products is significantly higher.

Often, in order to soften and compensate for the shock load, a special anti-shock system is built into the telescopic poles as a shock-absorbing spring.


  • useful for beginners in order to establish the required length;
  • easily adapts to a specific growth;
  • comfortable during transportation;
  • it is possible to change the load;
  • adequate price.


  • the clamps will break from the penetration of dirt, liquid, sand or in the cold;
  • sudden collapse can provoke damage;
  • vibration will occur over time;
  • not suitable for regular use;
  • not recommended for experienced instructors.

What poles for Nordic walking to choose

How to choose poles for Nordic walking

In order to understand which sticks to choose, you need to read the tips:

  • Products for this kind of occupation are selected directly for anthropometric data. The more load is required, the longer the tip is selected and vice versa.
  • The tip of the poles, which is made of carbon fiberglass, is the best solution for many because it has the right combination of weight and durability. Aluminum models are only good for snow activities.
  • It is recommended to refuse to purchase a telescopic model due to the high risk of damage during a sudden closure or breakdown at the junction of the sections. Fixtures that are fixed in length are better and will last much longer.
  • Sticks with spiked rods are ideal for walking on loose ground, while hard ground activities require a carbide tip. The rod is required to give proper adhesion to the surface where the training is primarily taking place.

How much do Nordic walking sticks cost

How to choose poles for Nordic walking

To understand how to choose Scandinavian walking poles, you need to familiarize yourself with the price range:

  • Carbon fiber accessories are some of the more expensive.The more carbon in the sticks, the higher its cost. Estimated price ranges from 3-7,000 rubles.
  • In inexpensive stick models, there are no replaceable tips, so they are much more likely to break. It is possible to buy them in the range of 1000-2000 rubles.
  • A large assortment of basic products from well-known developers offers models from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles for purchase. Such models are suitable for most walking enthusiasts, as they will meet key requirements.

People often wonder how to choose the best Scandinavian walking poles. To find out how to purchase a quality product, you should read these recommendations.

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