The soldering iron belongs to the necessary electrical appliances for household needs. Probably every owner has it - some have it untouched for years, and some home craftsmen often use it during various work. This tool helps to fix wires, connect parts of an electrical appliance. Therefore, it is important to know which soldering iron to choose so that they can repair parts at home without assistance.
Soldering irons are different in the way of heating. They can be heated by gas, infrared station, hot air flow, electrode arc and so on. But the most popular was and remains the electric soldering iron. Before buying an electric soldering iron, you need to find out what types of this tool exist and their characteristics in order to make the right choice. But first you need to understand how this device works.
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- 1 The design of the soldering iron and how it works
- 2 Types of electric soldering irons: which soldering iron to choose for soldering
- 3 Electric Soldering Iron Selection Options
- 4 Which soldering iron is better to choose
- 5 How much do electric soldering irons cost
- 6 The best manufacturers of electric soldering irons - which company to choose
- 7 Customer Reviews
- 8 Outcome
The design of the soldering iron and how it works
A typical soldering iron consists of:
- sting / rod;
- holder;
- heating element;
- electrical cord.
To solder parts to each other, the master needs an obligatory element - solder. It is an alloy for brazing, which consists of different types of metals: zinc, tin, copper and others.
When the appliance is plugged in, the heater starts to generate heat. It heats the tip or rod, which is made of a material with good heat conduction.
The rod is capable of heating up to 450 degrees. The foreman leans it against the solder. The liquid solder remaining on the tip connects the desired parts. The result is a tight connection that cannot collapse on its own.
Types of electric soldering irons: which soldering iron to choose for soldering
Soldering irons are of the following type.
Nichrome soldering iron or EPSN
EPSN is an electric soldering iron with a spiral heater. It is called nichrome because its heating element consists of nichrome wire. Nichrome is a nickel-based alloy with high heat resistance.
Nichrome wire is used to process the body of the soldering iron, inside which its rod is located. The electrical insulation of the device is done with mica tube or fiberglass.
- the purchase is inexpensive;
- resistant to mechanical damage of various types;
- easy to use;
- the device can be repaired.
- heats up for a long time;
- the spiral during daily work for many hours can quickly burn out.
Pulse soldering iron
The device begins to heat up only after pressing a special button. Usually it is used for short work.
The soldering iron consists of:
- microprocessor control circuit;
- frequency converter;
- high frequency transformer.
The low-frequency current flowing through the secondary collectors heats up the copper sting located on them, which simultaneously acts as a heating element. Not so long ago, pulse soldering irons with a ceramic heater and a removable tip began to appear.
The pulse soldering iron has the shape of a gun, or the letter "G". This form is convenient for work, since there is a heating start button on the lower case.
- the rod heats up rapidly;
- the heater works only after pressing the heating button - hence the high efficiency;
- can solder small and large parts.
- can only be used for short cycle times.
Ceramic Soldering Iron
In this soldering iron, the spiral is made of ceramic. Such a tool is produced by only a few well-known manufacturers.
Often, instead of a ceramic soldering iron, they try to sell a device with a ceramic tube, inside which is a nichrome wire. In it, a nichrome coil is put on a ceramic rod with a thermocouple (special temperature sensor), and the structure is covered with a ceramic tube on top.
You can distinguish a ceramic soldering iron from a fake one yourself. First, the price. A ceramic device is not cheap. Secondly, if there are 4 channels inside the soldering iron - two with nichrome wires, two with a thermocouple, and the case itself does not transmit light, then this is a nichrome soldering iron made of the ceramic type.
An authentic ceramic instrument can be seen from the inside as it shines through. Inside the heating element of a real ceramic soldering iron, in the thickness of the ceramic, you can see a film heater in the form of straight tracks, and a thermistor that snakes around.
The ceramic rod has a special step at the end, and a technological path can be seen along the heater. The path and step on the soldering iron are due to the peculiarities of the production of the tool. But, unfortunately, even scammers already know how to fake them in order to profit from deceiving customers.
- heats up quickly;
- maintains the temperature necessary for soldering, even if there is intense heat removal from the tip;
- high power;
- long service life;
- able to work several hours a day without the risk of combustion.
- high price;
- often heater elements are replaced with non-ceramic ones;
- fragile, requires careful handling;
- not all models can replace stings with non-native ones.
Induction soldering iron
It is considered to be the best for brazing metals using low-melting solders. An induction soldering iron, unlike nichrome and pulse devices, has a different heating principle. The induction coil generates a high-frequency field that drives the soldering iron tip. The ferromagnetic core, which is located in the core itself, heats it up.
The temperature of the device is maintained using a thermocouple or thermistor in contact with the stem. In addition, the temperature can be maintained by replacing the ferromagnetic core. This rod heats up to a certain temperature, and after that it stops generating energy. Therefore, replacing the rod will help maintain the temperature required for soldering.
- automatically maintains the heating temperature without using temperature sensors;
- saves electricity by heating only the surface of the rod;
- the tip is easy to replace, heats up evenly, as it is the heater.
- is not cheap;
- usually included in a soldering station;
- for each temperature there is a different type of ferromagnetic rod, so they have to be constantly changed.
Soldering iron with USB
This is a small size soldering iron. It is great for soldering or soldering small parts. It can be turned on in the car via a USB port, it can be connected to a computer or laptop.
- compact device;
- heats up quickly.
- low power.
Cordless soldering iron
The name speaks for itself - the soldering iron does not need to be plugged into the network, it runs on batteries. Great for work when the lights are turned off or where there is no way to connect a regular soldering iron.
- does not heat up for long;
- can work in any conditions, does not depend on network availability.
- low power.
Electric Soldering Iron Selection Options
Power level
Of course, soldering irons come in different power levels. And you need to choose the power of the device correctly so that the repair is effective. When working with a soldering iron of insufficient power, you may not completely solder the necessary parts or overheat the contacts. A soldering iron with a power level that is too high for this type of work is able to burn it in the first second after starting work.
If the device is needed to carry out minor repairs on your own, you do not need to spend a lot of money on purchasing a high-power device. A 25-40 W soldering iron is ideal for this task. With its help, the home craftsman can carry out repairs of various types.
Soldering massive and heavy parts requires a high power soldering iron with a large rod. If the power is insufficient, the heating element will not be able to heat the large soldering iron rod.
If you choose the wrong soldering iron temperature when starting work, you can burn the instrument being repaired. This is the additional cost of repairing or buying a new one. To avoid such problems, you can buy a soldering iron equipped with a thermoregulation mode.
A soldering iron with a thermostat will allow you to set the temperature suitable for soldering parts. When changing the temperature required for repairs, it will not be necessary to change the soldering iron to another. In a nichrome soldering iron, the rod may become scaled when overheated. With a thermostat at the right temperature, this problem can be avoided.
Rod material
The rod can consist of:
- copper (optimal for EPSN);
- copper plated with nickel, aluminum or silver;
- ceramics.
Each type of rod has positive and negative sides.
The copper rod has high thermal conductivity and heat capacity. When soldering, the copper rod does not give off heat to the part, so it does not cool down.
But it is not heat resistant. Under the influence of high temperatures, it oxidizes, and it has to be cleaned with a file or sandpaper. After several such cleanings, the rod will become much shorter. To protect the tip from oxidation, a thin layer of solder is applied to it.
The coated rod does not burn and does not need to be descaled and sharpened. But such a rod costs more than a copper one, and it cannot be overheated.
The ceramic rod has a nickel-plated copper tip. Such a rod has high thermal conductivity, heat capacity, does not corrode, and does not need to be constantly cleaned. But it costs more than all types of rods and is fragile.
Bar shape
Each type of part requires interaction with rods of different shapes. When purchasing a soldering iron, a craftsman should take this into account, because when proceeding to repairing a part of a different size and composition, you need to change the rod. Not all soldering irons are adapted to work with tips of different shapes and sizes. The shank can be wedge, cone, needle, or beveled.
Handle material
The body and handle of the soldering iron must not allow heat to pass through, otherwise you will have to wear gloves when working so as not to burn your hands. This is inconvenient and dangerous. And if the entire body overheats, the device may burn out. Usually handles are made of wood, ebonite, carbolite and textolite.
Which soldering iron is better to choose
Choosing a soldering iron is a difficult and responsible business. Everything must be foreseen - for what type and amount of work it is needed, the desired power, how long the tool must work continuously, whether a thermoregulation system is needed. When choosing, you can use the following tips:
- If large parts are to be soldered, a 40W copper tip soldering iron is best.
- To solder the diodes and resistors, a 10 W ceramic soldering iron with a nickel tip is suitable.
- If the master constantly works with microcircuits, he can purchase a 20 W soldering iron with a thin rod and a ceramic heater, a temperature regulator.
- A nichrome soldering iron with a power of 20 to 40 watts is suitable for home repairs. It is better to choose a copper sting.
- For repairing wires in garages or car services, it is advisable to purchase a powerful nichrome soldering iron (up to 100 W). The sting is copper.
How much do electric soldering irons cost
Like the cost of any product, the price of a soldering iron depends on what it is made of, on the types of heaters installed in it, the number of rods in the kit and the material from which they are made, the presence of a thermoregulation system, and so on. In general, the cost of the device varies between 300 and 1300 rubles.
The best manufacturers of electric soldering irons - which company to choose
German and Japanese technology companies offer high quality soldering irons of various types. Their products are safe, reliable, capable of providing excellent quality of work performed and their results.
These are products of such brands as: Matrix, Hakko, Goot, Ersa, Weller. The soldering irons produced by these companies are suitable for repair by both home and professional craftsmen.
Customer Reviews
The Sigma 200 W is heavy, which means it has a high quality and powerful transformer. The soldering iron tip heats up quickly (in about 5 seconds). Another plus is the presence of backlighting - very convenient when the lighting is dark. Thanks to the shape of the pistol, it is very convenient to turn on the heating of the rod. There are three attachments. The device is very convenient to use. Although many of my friends are disappointed with this soldering iron.
I managed to get REXANT ZD-708 at a low price - only 500 rubles. The soldering iron tip is narrow, ceramic heater, there is a temperature control system (from 200 to 450 degrees). The tip heats up quickly and is capable of melting a thick solder rod in a short period of time. The body is made of plastic, but reliable and sturdy. The tool is very powerful! Ideal value for money.
CT-96 (CT-Tools) is very lightweight, easy to operate. It is possible to regulate the temperature. The price is excellent - about 600 rubles. The temperature of the rod is easy to maintain thanks to the controller in the handle. There is a moment with the heating element - it is poorly protected, so the tool must be handled carefully. A big plus is that interchangeable tips will fit this device from other devices. These rods can be purchased at any electronics store - no need to specifically search and order.
Now you know how to choose a soldering iron. To determine which device is needed, it is necessary to take into account the working conditions, its volume and duration. It is important to consider all the characteristics of a soldering iron suitable for the buyer. A correctly selected tool will help to repair the device efficiently, without damaging it, and will serve for a long time.
It is important to remember that a soldering iron that is not suitable for work in terms of the power and quality of its constituent parts can bring many problems that can result in new financial costs.