How to choose a stove for a bath

The stove is the heart of all baths. Wood-fired, electric or gas, home-made or factory-made, inexpensive or expensive - before a person who decided to buy their own bath, a virtually unlimited variety of stoves opens up. In order to know which stove to choose for a bath, it is important to familiarize yourself with the key requirements that apply to such installations, taking into account all the important elements.

Criteria for choosing a stove for a bath

How to choose a stove for a bath

The question often arises of how to choose a stove for a bath. The acquisition of a high-quality and durable product should be dealt with before starting the construction of a bath, at the design stage. Such an approach will make it possible to initially calculate the key characteristics of the device, organize the required foundation, and anticipate variations in the installation of the device. At the same time, the key parameters during selection are:

  • The type and design of the furnace, the type of fuel used.
  • Performance, compliance with the set parameters for the dimensions of the steam room and bath. Lack of performance can cause premature wear on equipment. Too high power will cause a rapid heating of the room with insufficient temperature indicators of the stones, which leads to an imbalance in the adoption of the bath.
  • The principle of operation of the device. Classic products need constant maintenance. Continuous burning stoves provide heat for 5 hours without the need for intervention.
  • The presence of a liquid tank in the configuration.
  • There is a convection option.
  • Steam quality. The devices are equipped with open or closed heaters. In the first situation, light, dry steam will be created in the steam room, in the second - wet steam.

When choosing a complete set, it is optimal to familiarize yourself with the manual for use, focus on product safety and its compliance with international standards. The characteristics of consumers who have already purchased a particular product also help in choosing.

Sauna stove material

If earlier the devices under consideration were made only of brick, today they have an alternative - devices made of steel and cast iron. As you can understand, each furnace has certain advantages and disadvantages, but there are also general indicators. The higher the quality of the material of manufacture, the thicker the walls of the device, the more it can serve.

Brick oven

How to choose a stove for a bath

Brick products have lost their own popularity today. There are several factors. The main one is that it is difficult to find an expert who would properly lay out the device. In ancient times, the ability to lay a stove for a bath was akin to art, all the details were kept secret, and now it is almost impossible to find a skilled stove-maker.


  • a long period of time is kept warm;
  • a large area is warming up;
  • sufficient fire safety;
  • authenticity (when it is necessary to create the effect of a Russian bath, it is a brick device that is being built).


  • it is difficult to build, sometimes it is not possible to find an expert;
  • high weight (an average oven can weigh approximately 1.2 tons, therefore, a reliable base must be prepared for it);
  • overestimated cost, as a result of which there is a need to pay for the work of a specialist and create a foundation;
  • dimensions (a brick product takes up considerable space in the steam room);
  • for a long time and is hard to heat, however, it also retains heat for a long time.

In addition, experienced bath attendants say that in order to get steam, you need to splash water on the product, and the aroma of wet bricks is not very pleasant. The brick oven looks solid, but it is possible to cheat and lay a brick monitor near a steel fixture.

Steel furnaces

How to choose a stove for a bath

It is considered to be the best solution. The devices are made of chromium steel; the name “clean air” is popular among consumers, since they will not burn out oxygen. Available for purchase ready-made, special secret skills are not required for high-quality installation.


  • easy installation;
  • insignificant mass, a separate base is not needed;
  • compact size;
  • simple kindling;
  • fast warming up of the room.


  • the room cools down quickly;
  • in order to maintain optimal temperature indicators in the steam room, it will be necessary to heat the product all the time, since the metal has a low heat capacity;
  • the fire must be maintained all the time;
  • performance for heating large areas is sometimes lacking;
  • low fire safety.

Cast iron stoves

How to choose a stove for a bath

In terms of prevalence, the devices under consideration will not be much ahead of brick products. Practically nobody uses them either. There are a large number of reasons, however, there are many advantages of such products, therefore, everything should be weighed before purchasing.


  • increased heat capacity and heat transfer;
  • long-term operation up to 40 years;
  • simple kindling;
  • safety.


  • significant mass, therefore you will need to equip the base;
  • overcharge;
  • cast iron is considered a brittle material that is capable of cracking or splitting during transportation or significant mechanical stress.

You should also remember the potbelly stoves, which have primitive designs with a pipe and a door. Of course, such a device can be used, but it will become a relic of the past, inferior in functionality and safety to current counterparts.

Sauna stove power

The dimensions of the steam room will play a key role when choosing the performance of the fixture. In order for the temperature indicators in the steam room to be optimal for the body, the bath should not be overheated. Excessive performance will make the air hot and the stones cold. When a product is selected that is not enough to warm up the steam room, the kindling of the bath will take a long time with a corresponding expenditure of energy. At the same time, the life of the furnace will be significantly reduced. The device should have optimal performance and, optimally, a sufficient control range.

The method for calculating the required power is as follows:

  • The volume of the steam room is considered.
  • Heat loss is considered cold surface (windows, doors). It is necessary to calculate the area of ​​each surface and multiply it by 1.2, since each square. m will absorb the heat that is required to heat 1.2 cubic meters. m.
  • The resulting figures are summed up.
  • An amendment is made to the materials for making the bath. When it is made of logs, without finishing (least heat insulation), then the finished results are multiplied by 1.6. When the bathhouse in the middle is sheathed with clapboard, there is a layer of insulation (the greatest heat insulation), then a coefficient of 0.6 is taken.

The range of performance, that is, the combination of minimum and maximum powers, should be optimally 1 to 10. Such a device is capable of operating at 3 and 29 kW. The productivity in the ovens can be adjusted in various ways:

  • it is possible to adjust the amount of fuel (comfortable for gas models, but not for wood-burning ones);
  • limiting the volume of penetrating air (method for wood products);
  • release of excessive heat into the environment (the door opens and the steam room is ventilated).

When the developer does not indicate the performance of the device, then it can be roughly calculated by multiplying the volume of the furnace by 0.5.

What fuel does the furnace run on

To know which stove is better to choose for a bath, you should take into account various parameters. The fire safety of the steam room, as well as the softness of the heat, the concentration of steam and the rate of heating of the steam room, will directly depend on the type, form, type of fuel used. During the selection, you should focus on fuel. There are ovens that run on wood, electricity, gas and combined ones.

Wood stoves

How to choose a stove for a bath

Often the question arises of how to choose a wood-fired sauna stove. Devices that run on wood are considered a classic solution for Russian baths. Through such devices, a special atmosphere of convenience and comfort will be created inside the room. Furnaces that run on wood are practical and durable, comfortable to use, and wood is an affordable and widespread material. When the region has difficulties with gas and electricity, wood will be the only solution. The results of stoking a wood product will mostly depend on the quality of the wood and the craftsmanship.


  • no need for auxiliary communications, there is no dependence on the supply company;
  • a wood-burning bath is provided with fuel quite easily, it is possible to purchase material or prepare it yourself;
  • taking into account preferences, it is possible to buy a variety of types of wood, which differs in composition, performance, effectiveness of use;
  • pleasant smell of wood;
  • a wide variety of ovens.


  • you will need to build a chimney and sometimes clean it;
  • during the combustion of fuel, ash is formed, which must be constantly removed from the chimney;
  • using wood heats up the steam room more difficult and longer than when using alternative types of fuel;
  • you will need to throw wood all the time.

Gas ovens

How to choose a stove for a bath

Sauna devices that run on gas have a large weight and appropriate dimensions, their connection is carried out with the assistance of highly qualified experts. Installation of such a structure will relieve the owner of the regular flame control and lining of wood. It is possible to use main gas or bottled gas. When purchasing a gas oven, you should carefully examine its data sheet. You can only trust popular and proven developers and stores. It is optimal not to purchase used gas devices, it is highly likely that they are not functioning properly.


  • compact dimensions, unlike wood-fired products, gas ones will do without a firebox and an ash pan, therefore they will be an ideal option for a small steam room;
  • there is no need to monitor the presence of fuel, however, in a situation with bottled gas, you need to remember about filling or replacing cylinders;
  • temperature indicators in the room can be adjusted by changing the force of the fuel supply;
  • does not need to be cleaned of ash;
  • operational heating of the room.


  • the need to connect to a gas pipeline, you will need the help of an experienced expert (when there is no gas in the region, you will need to use cylinders, which is not very comfortable);
  • the fire hazard of the considered devices is greater than in the alternatives.

Electric ovens

How to choose a stove for a bath

Sauna stoves that run on electricity do not have a chimney. The advantage of such products will be the absence of carbon monoxide, which will eliminate the risk of intoxication with combustion products. The performance of such equipment should be selected based on the dimensions of the room, however, the energy consumption of electric furnaces is quite high. Today, electric furnaces are the most common, with a large selection. During the connection, a separate ground loop is made for the ovens. There are combined types of stoves, for example, gas and wood. Such a device will be oversized, but in fact universal.


  • compact size and low weight;
  • fast and uniform heating;
  • simple control, settings, functionality;
  • there is no chimney, you will not need to finish building and cleaning anything;
  • insignificant price;
  • no gas connection required;
  • fire safety.


  • electric furnaces are not suitable for regions with constant interruptions in the supply of electricity (it is possible to use a generator, but this is uncomfortable);
  • use price.

Firebox location

Taking into account the position of the firebox, the devices can be:

  • elongated;
  • classic.

The elongated one is located in ovens mounted together with a steam room and a dressing room. Devices are heated from the dressing room, which will have a positive effect on fire safety and comfort. Those who throw wood do not interfere with those who are steaming, the amount of dirt in the steam room is less, the microclimate will be better. An ordinary firebox is located directly in the steam room.

Steam source

Sauna stoves can be ordinary and with a steam generator. A steam generator is needed to provide the steam room with the required volume of steam if the oven cannot cope on its own. The initial sign of a Russian bath is dry and light steam. Not every modern oven can produce it in sufficient quantities.

Light steam is obtained at a temperature in the bath of 850 degrees. At the same time, finely dispersed steam is obtained when moisture penetrates the stones, which are heated to 5000 degrees. With such heating, the temperature indicators of the air will rise to extreme limits, as a result of which it is possible to get burns. To avoid this, devices with a steam generator have been created. The device will warm up faster than stones and saturate the bath with steam, the temperature indicators of the air will remain optimal.

Cold and hot ovens

Taking into account how the walls have warmed up, furnaces are:

  • Hot. The surface is heated to 1000 degrees, the steam room will quickly become warm. Such devices are effective when there is no constant heating in the bath. The disadvantage is the lack of the ability to control the temperature indicators in the steam room, sometimes the air overheats significantly;
  • Cold. The walls will heat up to 45-500 degrees, cold air flows are taken in by means of special channels, and returned heated. The thermal regime is at the same time stable, humidity and temperature indicators are regulated. The steam room heats up for a long time, but when there is time, the user will appreciate all the advantages of such an oven.

Heater type

Furnaces are:

  • With an open heater. Flue gases will heat walls and stones. Steaming is possible immediately, however, cooling will occur soon. They are safe devices, soot will not accumulate on stones, more fuel is consumed here than in a stove with a closed heater. However, the advantage will be a long stay in the steam room.
  • With a closed heater. In such devices, stones will not be heated by metal, but directly. To obtain the desired temperature indicators, the furnace needs to be heated for 5 hours, but after that the device can independently maintain heat for 10-12 hours. Such devices were previously used in city baths, but now they are rarely used.The efficiency here is significantly higher, however, it will not be possible to steam until the stones are completely warmed up. Soot accumulates on the stones, the safety will be slightly worse.

Furnace technical equipment

In addition, emphasis should be placed on convection ovens. They will ensure proper air exchange inside the steam room. Thanks to the design of the stove and the casing, the temperature indicators of heating the air masses are quickly equalized, cold and hot air flows are constantly moving. In devices without convection, more time will be needed to create the right conditions in the steam room.

The device is sometimes equipped with a reservoir for the purpose of heating the liquid. It can be integrated or remote. The first variation is suitable for steam rooms, which are designed for 2-3, provides them with the required amount of hot water. The portable tank is installed in a bath with increased attendance.

When there is a need to heat adjacent rooms, it is possible to take a device with a heat exchanger. Usually, a combined heating method is used. The steam room will be heated by convection, and adjacent rooms will receive heat due to the flow of the heated medium through the radiators.

Furnace shape

Form should be the last emphasis, it is considered largely in terms of size. There are 3 main types of sauna stoves:

  • rectangular;
  • curly;
  • cylindrical.

Rectangular are the classic solution. They are distinguished by their stability, the shape can maintain uniform heating of each part of the device. This does not apply to cylindrical ones. Their top and bottom elements heat up unevenly. Such a furnace is capable of deforming over time. They are distinguished by great stability and uniform heating.

What mistakes should not be made when buying a sauna stove

When purchasing such a product, you should avoid common mistakes:

  • Rush. In the process of choosing a stove for a bath, you should not rush. Several devices are selected, and from the selected one is the most suitable.
  • Trust in advertisements, consultants and promotions. Often times, sellers will advertise products without mentioning their shortcomings. This is not a factory defect. Perhaps the indicator that the consultant did not mention is important for a particular room.
  • Disregard for expert advice. When it is difficult to find a good professional, it is possible to ask the opinion of people who have already purchased such a product or are familiar with this issue. It is recommended to investigate in detail the characteristics of consumers and correlate with their own premises and needs.
  • Lack of consensus regarding heating oil and performance. This is extremely important as the performance metrics will determine the type of fuel. Devices with different fuels require different conditions or auxiliary assembly components.

Directions of modernization

In the manufacture of metal furnaces, major furnace equipment designers continually improve the design of the body by adding an auxiliary jacket. The holes on the inside will transfer heat into the room. The shroud protects the user from overheated housing and radiation from it.

Another area of ​​modernization will be the furnace chamber, it has various shapes, taking into account the equipment developer. Some of the products contain 2 combustion chambers. Such an assembly will ensure complete fuel combustion.

The materials for the manufacture of the firebox are being replaced - they include chromium, which increases the resistance to high temperature indicators. Additives make it possible to reduce the thickness of the metal, accelerating the heating of the device, reducing its weight.

Most of the developers of new devices use similar additives for the release of chimneys, pursuing similar goals.

Often the question arises, which stove to choose for a wood-fired bath. To find out how to purchase a quality product, you should read these recommendations.

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One comment

  • Ilya:

    And Terem gave us a stove with a bath at once, it turned out very convenient)) Shabashniks to a neighbor for a bath set the price tag 2 times higher than we bought a bath. This is how it happens, they get paid.


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