How to choose plastic windows

Nowadays, plastic windows have ceased to be something amazing. They are equipped in home premises, public institutions, and elite mansions in our country. But keep in mind that in each case, the quality of the windows will most likely be different. As part of our article, we will consider the question of how to choose plastic windows - good in quality. You can learn about the main criteria for choosing a design, because over the years, the parameters and requirements also change.

Initially, plastic windows were presented in a form that is very similar to the weak version of the serial wooden options. Those. "Soviet" copies, as it is fashionable to say today. The price at that time was in premium values.

But progress does not stand still. Today, plastic windows are quite competitive, have a number of unique qualities, and even at a price they are in a quite acceptable segment.

What are PVC windows?

How to choose plastic windows

Modern PVC window profile structures are a high-tech product that is distinguished by good quality, inexpensive price, and high application properties. The most important thing is that it is also a repairable product, and therefore problems in practice should not be expected.

If it was necessary to replace the glass or the sash in the window of the wooden version, it was necessary to perform an expensive and rather complicated procedure. Manufacturers of windows and doors based on natural materials very often set high prices, and even unjustifiably, as is often the case. If it becomes necessary to order a plastic window, or rather a part of it, then the procedure is simple, and not so expensive.

In the question of which plastic window to choose, it is important to note that it must be of high quality and have high consumer properties. You can verify this if you read the characteristics indicated in our article.

Please note that we do not aim to advertise a product. We will consider in detail the question of how to choose the right plastic windows in the form of objective information. The choice will be entirely yours.

Which company to choose: plastic windows from leading brands

How to choose plastic windows

There is a lot of competition in the building products market between the leading manufacturers of plastic windows, both from Asia and Europe.

If there is no time and desire to delve into the question of how to choose high-quality plastic windows, then we would recommend that you pay attention to their products. Quality products, according to experts and consumers who have shared them on the Web, produce the following brands: KBE; Rehau; Veka; Schuko; LG Chem. All of them have a good reputation, and therefore you should not worry about their products. None of these manufacturers will risk the accumulated base for the sake of a low-quality product and making it cheaper.

If you want to delve into the issue of choice in more detail, then the expert's recommendations on the account of the main purchase criteria will be useful to you. Read the article to the end!

The main design features of a PVC window

How to choose plastic windows

  • Window sill for plastic windows.
  • Window frame profile.
  • Glazing bead with a seal.
  • Veils.
  • Box profile.
  • Double-glazed window.
  • Glazing bead with a seal.
  • Sealant.
  • Low tide.
  • Accessories elements.

Let us dwell in more detail on the technical parameters of the PVC profile, which should be taken into account if there is a desire to buy a quality product.

Technical properties of PVC profile

How to choose plastic windows

Initially, I would like to note what is meant by the concept of "profile" if the issue of plastic windows is to be considered. This is the material that forms the basis for the frame and sash. For horizontal and vertical structures in PVC windows, a complex metal-based device is used. It can be steel or aluminum, as well as polyvinyl chloride.

In cross section, it is presented in the form of longitudinal cavities, which are separated by sealed walls. Such cavities are called chambers. Please note that the greater their number, the theoretically better the windows will keep the room warm and have strong properties during use.

How to choose plastic windows

  • Sealant.
  • U-shaped reinforcement.
  • Glazing bead with a seal.
  • Cameras with a profile.
  • Sealant.
  • Square reinforcement.

The production of window profiles complies with the European standard and the domestic GOST - EN 12608 SR and 30673-99, respectively.

If we look at the comparison of the main indicators, it becomes clear that they are all identical. The main parameters will be indicators of the wall thickness of the inner partitions and the outer contour. Relying on them, specialists divide the profile into 3 types.

If the wall thickness on the outside is 2.8 mm or more, then this is profile A, but the internal indicators will be 2.5 mm. This is the most appropriate option for residential buildings.

If the inner walls are 2.0 mm or more, and the outer walls are 2.5 mm or more, then profile B is in front of you. This option is suitable for installation in rooms with and without heating. But keep in mind that it is less resistant to mechanical stress.

And the list is completed by profile C, which is also known as object profile. On the thickness of the walls, experts do not set standards, but it is much smaller than the previous 2 options. Installation is carried out in rooms where there is no heating. As a rule, the doors do not have the ability to open, i.e. the manufacturer produces a monolithic window view.

Strength enhancer will be presented in the form of metal strips that are inside the profile. Sometimes, the windows of the structure are called metal-plastic, which is more true than PVC. The option of metal inserts is of particular importance, and therefore should not be ignored.

In fact, every detail and material has been thought out thoroughly, Polyvinyl chloride is a synthetic material that was chosen for the manufacture of windows for a reason. This is due to the fact that it has high weather resistance, low thermal conductivity properties, as well as reasonable production costs. It is also an environmentally friendly product, which is equally important.

Take into account the fact that it has excellent adhesion properties in relation to different types of varnishes and paints, and the material will last 50 years or more, because it skillfully retains its basic properties.But at the same time, he has a weak permeability of sound vibrations.

If we take in comparison polyvinyl chloride and wood, aluminum, then it is more preferable, both for aesthetic and practical considerations. It is very easy to assemble it into a window structure, and any geometric configurations can be created on its basis.

Important points in determining the quality of a PVC profile

How to choose plastic windows

So, first of all, it is recommended to pay attention to how the plastic looks. If the window does not have lamination with a decorative film imitating a tree, then relying on the type of material, you can learn a lot.

Polyvinyl chloride of a quality level is a monolithic material. It is very smooth and uniform in color. If this is a fake, then you should refuse such an acquisition. In practice, then you will face a lot of problems.

There is no low-quality profile on the market. Many companies today are happy to offer windows that are personally produced. Working with cheap materials is possible, but only firms that do not plan to conduct serious activities in the future can afford it.

The recommendations are that, before placing an order, you can find out as much information as possible about the company, read reviews about it on the Web, and study the products offered. In general, we only recommend buying from large scale manufacturers. High-quality equipment plays a very important role in the production of windows. A small organization will not be able to purchase an expensive device or equip a workshop at its true worth. These are really big costs, and therefore the products will be worse.

There may be differences in frame profiles. There are separate constructions that are intended for supporting pillars, cross members and sashes. In each case, profiles from one manufacturer are used for 1 window. They are cut at the factory in accordance with the required length, and then assembled into a single structure. The connection of the elements involves the use of special welding or mechanical hardware.

PVC, which is commonly used for profile production, has many important features. There is a constant struggle with them from manufacturing companies. For example, the linear expansion is quite high. It reaches a couple of mm per 1 m in length. The main goal of compensating for this phenomenon will be the importance of leaving special gaps, the use of reinforcement and the correct calculation of the number of fasteners. This feature of the PVC profile limits the maximum dimensions of window structures.

The elastic coefficient is low. But in factories he goes through the process of leveling due to the use of metal inserts and the correct calculation of the thickness in the area of ​​the inner walls, which are represented by stiffeners.

Temperature stability and resistance to UV rays have been eliminated by introducing special stabilizers and modifiers into the profile, which will preserve the color and structural features of the material. If this is a quality window, then the additives will last longer than the entire structure. In most cases, they do not harm humans. But keep in mind that if the frame has a pungent smell that remains with it for a long time, then the window is not of high quality. If possible, then it is better to refuse such an acquisition. Most likely, the manufacturer used cadmium or lead together with zinc and calcium, or maybe even resorted to chemicals that pose a danger to human health.

Feature of air chambers in PVC windows

How to choose plastic windows

The longitudinal closed air chambers in the frames provide a double option. They make it possible to provide the structure with an effective method of thermal insulation and to strengthen it. The external chambers will also be a drain for condensate that forms inside the cavity with a difference in temperature conditions in the room and outdoor conditions. In the area of ​​the lower part, there are connections with the atmosphere and water droplets that flow out into the street.The presence of such holes does not affect the general properties of thermal insulation at all.

Also, they will not affect the appearance of the window. As a rule, the holes are presented invisible or are closed by decorative plugs. If there are no such technological holes in the front of the window, then this is a low-quality option. The design will be able to last less than the manufacturer's specified period of use.

Due to the presence of the number of chambers, the property of the window thermal insulation will also depend. The number should not be less than 3x, if this is a choice for glazing balconies, loggias or technical premises, and also not less than 5, if for windows of a residential building, trade establishment, office, school or hospital.

Profile with 3 chambers

How to choose plastic windows

Profile with 5 chambers

How to choose plastic windows

If these are high-quality products from the brands leading on the market, which we have already mentioned above, then the number of profiles there can be 5 or more. But 7 cameras is definitely not the most appropriate option. Experts asked themselves the question of calculating which indicator is the most optimal. It turned out that if the weight increases significantly, then the properties of thermal conductivity increase. In the first place is not the indicator of the volume of the air gap, but the thermotechnical qualities of the partitions of the walls, which are capable of producing heat much better than air.

Quite recently, PVC profile windows have appeared on the market, which in the cavities are not filled with air, but they are filled with foamed heat insulators. This is expanded polystyrene or fiberglass materials. Even with a small number of chambers, the thermal insulation properties will be higher than that of air versions. But the price for them is much higher. It is possible that this technology will become cheaper in the near future.

Profile width: influence features

How to choose plastic windows

The size of the plastic window along the profile width is an important component. Professionals also call this parameter the installation depth. If this is a standard, then the width will be 50-80 mm, but if it is 60 mm, then there are no more than 3 chambers in it. With a depth of 70 mm, it can have 4-5 chambers.

Frames have not only heat-shielding properties, but also make it possible to install durable fittings, thick double-glazed windows and additional circuits of insulation, noise insulation. But keep in mind that the profile width does not always necessarily indicate the number of cameras. It also happens that profiles with a smaller number of cavities have a width of 80-90 mm. According to their general thermal insulation properties, they are much better than narrow multi-chamber devices. The role will play not in the number of chambers, but in their size, the supply of air in them. Those. it can be concluded that the larger the installation depth, the better the window will be in terms of its thermal insulation properties, as well as for a number of other characteristics.

There are also options on the market today with a trapezoidal section at the front of the frame. They were named "Danish" and "Dutch". The depth in this case will be higher than 100 mm; often they do not need to carry out installation work on the outer slopes, completely blocking the opening. Such windows will be much more efficient than conventional rectangular views, and at a much higher price.

Seat for installation work with a double-glazed window

It is one of the most important parts in PVC window construction. The quality will determine the rate of heat saving and light transmission. Which package is installed on the window varies the seat on the frame. The importance lies with the properties of the planting depth of the package. If this is a high-quality window, then the outer glass should be 15 mm or more from the front edge of the frame.

For an installation depth of 50-70 mm, the distance is 18 mm or more. But the parameter seems unimportant at the time of purchase, and therefore few people pay attention to it. Concentrating on the number of cameras and the width of the frame, this figure is very significant.The lower the properties of the landing depth, the faster the glass freezes and fogs up.

The importance of the wall thickness of the PVC profile

When choosing which windows to buy, pay attention to this parameter. If the outer wall is less than 2.5 mm thick and the inner wall is 2 mm thick, then the windows are suitable for a garage, warehouse or workshop where there is no heating. They will not be useful in a residential building, i.e. they cannot protect you from the cold. Moreover, on the basis of such profiles, a small structure is created in size. In addition to small properties of their own strength, the walls will not allow fixing fittings, which are distinguished by high power.

To a large extent depend on this parameter and such properties as the preservation of angles, the strength of the structure - in general, the stability of geometry in forms. The difficulty lies in checking the jumpers personally, and therefore you only need to rely on the fact that the window passport will contain truthful information. This fact is significant in favor of choosing a design from a manufacturer that has an excellent reputation for many years.

In this case, the production process will be fine-tuned, and therefore you should not think that risking its reputation, some of the companies will begin to engage in falsification. Millions of losses are at stake - consider this fact!

Reinforcing insert of PVC profile

How to choose plastic windows

Polyvinyl chloride is not a strong material from a mechanical perspective, even if it is stuffed with chemical components. Moreover, PVC is prone to thermal deformation. But in combination with metal inserts, the indicators of stability and resistance to mechanical stress will be an order of magnitude higher. Fastening to metal must be reliable; there are many fittings in the window arrangement.

U-shaped or square profile is a reinforcing element of the structure. It fits into a large chamber that is located right in the center. The thickness of the sheet metal on the basis of which the profile is made is in the range of 1.5-2 mm. It is produced on the basis of galvanized steel and has high corrosion resistance properties. An amplifier is installed in almost all structures, although according to the standards it is possible not to use it if the frame length is less than 0.8 m.

In the case of buying a window, especially a laminated type, it is worth knowing about the heating of the profile without fail. If it is not there, then in case of heating from the sun or cold weather, the frame will be deformed. This will not lead to the destruction of the glass unit or the window structure, but the process of breaking the seal will be noticeable, as well as the difficulty in closing it tightly.

PVC profile and temperature with "-" sign

How to choose plastic windows

The metal-plastic window must be frost-resistant. This property will preserve the integrity of the elements and heat-saving properties at temperatures in certain values. For the domestic climate, it is worth choosing those windows that have the index "m", i.e. are frost-resistant. They allow you to maintain characteristics up to -20 degrees Celsius.

The profile parameters must be indicated in the product passport, as well as the fact how resistant it is to sub-zero temperatures. It can be indicated that the profile is frost-resistant or normal. If these marks are there, then buy it without fear. It is able to withstand negative temperatures. There should be no problems with subsequent use.

Decorative profile features

The metal-plastic window is white, which can also be in other colors. There are options that imitate valuable wood species or simply monochromatic colors. Decorative design is the very factor that will increase the cost of products. The price difference can be 15-20 percent.

If we compare white and decorated windows, then they differ not only in color, but also in a number of indicators of the mechanical plan. Due to the laminated frame, especially if these are dark colors, the sun gives off more rays. Those.the profile must be reinforced without fail, despite the size of the structure.

The surface is painted using different methods. It can be acrylic, spraying, pressure lamination. In more expensive structures, wooden and metal strips are used, which are firmly attached to the inside or outside of the frame. But the decoration of the profile shape can be changed by rounding or relief with complex details.

Features of the choice of the seal

How to choose plastic windows

Particular attention should be paid to tightness. This indicator is achieved through the use of special sealing elements, which are laid along the perimeter of the flaps and do not allow moisture to penetrate. This is possible from the cold outside or when heat escapes from the house. In addition, the seal is also a good sound insulator, which, in terms of the reduction in sound intensity, is not worse than the best glass unit.

It is important that it has indicators of maximum elasticity, strength, the impossibility of losing properties at high and low temperatures, as well as the absence of odors and toxic fumes. In this case, it is necessary that the seal does not change color after the time of application.

A seal that works continuously will still wear out. He has to deal with chemical and thermal stresses on a regular basis. Replacement is not difficult. Sometimes, you will be able to cope with a given task on your own. It is only worth choosing the right material from the list of those offered by manufacturing firms.

To date, several main options are known that have different properties and costs. We are talking about TPE (thermoplastic), EPDM (thermopolymer), rubber, silicone types. Let's dwell on these varieties in more detail, so that in the future there will be no problems when choosing a material for a PVC profile.


Created on the basis of elastic thermoplastic. Today this option is the most popular due to its use on automatic assemblies in production. Convenience for welding should not be underestimated. He easily manages to change the shape in the case of squeezing the valves. It fills the junction area sufficiently firmly and is able to seal the window under normal use.

But keep in mind that if extreme circumstances are expected, then the seal is not the best option. We are talking about extreme heat or frost. It becomes brittle in the cold, but at a temperature with a "+" sign it can soften. All this makes the need for material replacement frequent. With a permanently closed flap or with micro-ventilation, the material will not wear out so quickly, and therefore will last a longer time.

If a replacement is needed, there will be no problem. You don't even need to call the master. TPE can be bought online, at the market or in a store. For the price, this option is acceptable. It is only important that damage can be detected in time. It is better if the repair is not necessary for the winter, when it is not convenient to open the window.

Silicone look

Differs in the highest resistance properties of all types. He is not afraid of abrasion, heat or severe frost and even city air, detergents with chemical constituents. True, this option is more expensive for the price than TPE. Difficulty in buying is also present. His order can be made in an organization that specializes in the sale and installation of PVC windows and doors.


This type of seal is created on the basis of ethylene-propylene rubber, which is characterized by increased durability. For the price, it is a cheaper option than silicone. You can buy it in the store, as well as make a replacement, but still, in order not to face a difficult task, it would be much better to seek help from a master.

This type of seal is used on window structures that are in the middle and high price segment.

Rubber look

The seal is inexpensive at a price, but in quality it is not inferior to its brothers. But keep in mind that its durability properties are not high. Soft rubber will crack under the influence of cold or frost, losing its sealant properties. True, the replacement is as simple as possible, and therefore installation problems are excluded.

Secrets of prolonging the life of seals

Laying the material is important. She is capable of serving for several years, but it is likely that her wear will happen in 1 season. Everything will depend on the level of service. It may be a small part of the window, but it needs some care. It consists in cleaning and lubricating with silicone oil. Such procedures should be done periodically. This is in the autumn and spring seasons. If oil is not on hand, simple glycerin will help.

Even if the seal is contaminated, then it is not worth using synthetic solutions, as well as organics. It is better to rinse it with water and household detergents with a neutral composition, then dry well and lubricate. But keep in mind that oil is not a panacea. But the term of application will be significantly extended.

Important information about insulating glass

A glass unit is responsible for the properties of sound insulation and thermal insulation, but the quality of the glass will also determine what level of light transmission is possible. This is the main window option.


Glass unit construction: main elements

As a window construction, a double-glazed unit became known almost 100 years ago. It has managed to become a worthy replacement for double frame windows. The device has become much simpler, but at the same time the most important properties have been preserved. The main technical essence is a fairly simple design.

2 sheets of glass are at a distance from each other, and between them is a gasket of insulating properties. She keeps them. The air cavity that appears between them creates a certain barrier for heat leakage inside and cold penetration from outside. At the same time, the system has high transparency properties, much higher than that of a traditional double-framed window.

How to choose plastic windows

  • Distance frames.
  • Glass.
  • Interlayer.
  • A granulant with moisture absorbing properties.
  • Primary-secondary circuit sealant.

This type of double-glazed window is called single-chamber. This is due to the fact that the cavity is only 1. You can install one more glass on the gasket, then you get a 2-chamber glass unit. The level of thermal conductivity will be 2 times lower, but the sound insulation will increase. It is also important to indicate that the light transmittance will be reduced by a few percent.

When puzzled by the choice of a 2-chamber double-glazed unit, remember that its weight is 30 percent more than a single-chamber one, i.e. and the price will be much higher.

The ends of the glass unit are sealed. The air inside them will be dry, and therefore the glass will not fog up, whatever the temperature in the room and outside. Modern glass units can be pumped in with inert gas instead of air. But most often, it is customary to use argon, its thermal conductivity is slightly lower than that of air, but the cost is too high.

In fact, experts are still unable to figure out whether this decision is justified in practice. But manufacturers definitely win in case of price.

Features of the dimensions of the glass unit

How to choose plastic windows

The widespread use of PVC windows and double-glazed windows has led to the emergence of unification and standardization of products. Today, bags are produced with a thickness of 24.26.32 mm. Profiles from different manufacturers have excellent seats, and therefore you can choose a double-glazed unit if you are guided by this parameter.

In view of the peculiarities, as a material, it is worth noting that it has certain rigid properties, spatial structures are distinguished by limitations in the range of sizes. They can be about 300 mm on 1 side, with a ratio of 5 to 1. The glazing area will not be higher than 3 square meters. m in 1-chamber package, the glass thickness will be 4 mm. Also at 4.2 sq.m. - thickness 5 mm.

By marking the open source software, you can select packages. This is a single chamber species. But SPD means - 2-chamber view. There are also 3-4 chamber bags offered by manufacturers, but they are all expensive and heavy. At the same time, the indicators of thermal conductivity are not strongly felt. There are other ways that will help reduce the loss of the energy plan, while excluding an increase in the number of cameras.

Features of the choice of glass

The home option may vary. You need to know the difference in technical parameters, because modifications of modern glasses also vary.

It can be tinted, transparent, self-cleaning, dusting, shockproof, mirror-reflective, matting. Many of the options are created with high quality float glass in mind, the thickness of which varies from 3 to 6 mm. Sometimes, there are double-glazed windows with 8 mm, 10 and 12 mm. But all these are windows that are made to order or for the purpose of an architectural project.

Thick glass can be on doors with double-glazed windows or on transparent walls. The windows can have glass and 4-5 mm, this is quite enough. Transparency rates will reach 90 percent, and the level of heat and sound insulation is acceptable. It is important to note that such properties of glass also provide for high strength.

Useful information: float glass is made from sheets that are made on the basis of molten glass casting. The melting point is about 1,000 degrees Celsius. Casting is performed on the surface of a metal with a melting point below the specified limit. This is Tin at 231 degrees Celsius.

In the event that the glass has cooled down, it goes through a crystallization process. It is important to note, however, that tin retains its liquid state. Under such conditions, a sheet of the required thickness is formed. The surface is level and flat.


Bezel: main objectives

How to choose plastic windows

It is important for an insulating glass unit to have precise geometric shapes. This applies to the dimensions of the thickness and perimeter. The desired indicator is achieved by installing a metal gasket between the sheets. The frames are manufactured using an aluminum profile, less often it is stainless steel and plastic, galvanized material. The metal will create cold bridges in the perimeter of the package, which will deteriorate the properties of the structure. Due to stainless steel, the thermal conductivity is lower, and therefore frames based on it are always more expensive, since they have better properties.

In order to reduce the amount of heat losses, specialists were able to develop frames based on a glass unit; there is also a sandwich structure of a peculiar kind using polymers and an aluminum alloy. But they are much less common than structures made of solid metal.

Distance setting is not a single function of the frame. It also acts as a moisture absorber. For this reason, the horizontal parts are perforated with a direction that leads to the inside of the frame stitching. In the cavity of the frame there will be a special absorbent that actively absorbs moisture from the chamber. It also prevents the window from fogging up and freezing in winter. The presence of this desiccant is important. If it is not there, then you cannot do without condensation when using.

The reagents were made possible by the production of chemical companies. These are CECA, Grace Davison, Degussa, which are very famous in the world. Sometimes, silica gel can also be used for these purposes, which by its technical properties has long been outdated, and its results are much weaker than those of an absorbent.

Today it is customary to produce frames in different sizes, which have become the standard. It is 6-24 mm in range. Often, 10-15 mm is preferred. The dimensions of the frames are calculated accurately. The thickness should be at least 6 mm, otherwise the glasses are deformed when the pressure inside the chamber drops during cooling. In chambers that are wider than 24 mm, convective currents can occur, they can reduce the heat-saving properties.

How to choose plastic windows

Insulating glass unit sealing

How to choose plastic windows

Sealing the edge of the glass unit is a must. When the camera is connected to the atmosphere, the thermal conductivity index rises sharply, and the transparency properties become lower. Moreover, the cured sealant fulfills the options of the outer rigid frame, giving an increase in the overall strength of the insulating glass unit.

Sealing can be carried out by using 2 basic compounds at the same time. It is a butyl internal sealant, which is usually applied between the non-perforated frame edges and the glass. It does not have the property of hardening, thereby providing a protective option to the chamber so that moisture or gases do not get into it from the outside. Temperature deformations will not be terrible for him. Glass and frame within narrow limits will slide over each other's surface. But at the same time it is excluded that voids or cracks will be formed.

Another layer is external. It comes in the form of a hardenable resin, epoxy or silicone. All of them have a sufficient margin of elasticity, which does not make it possible to violate the integrity of the package when expanding temperature ranges.

Choosing accessories for PVC windows

When a profile and a glass unit are responsible for transparency, thermal conductivity and sound insulation, it should be assumed that the overall functionality of the entire structure will be the responsibility of the window fittings. This is very important, because it will determine how convenient it is to use the window in practice, how long it can serve you.

Features and varieties of fittings

How to choose plastic windows

We will talk about factory fittings, which are easily defined by their appearance and quality properties. The thing is that for PVC windows it is presented not just in the form of latches and hinges, but also in the entire complex system of opening, pressing, air exchange, sealing and protection against ingress from the outside or from the inside.

The leaves are large enough and can be opened at different angles. Those. the owner can provide micro ventilation mode with one turn of the handle. Due to this, the use of vents is excluded, which obstruct the window and reduce the usable area of ​​the glass itself.

It is important to point out that in such a case the window management system will be complex, counterfeiting is not an easy task. But you can still recognize it.

Initially, we will study the features of the fittings, and only then we will explain the main nuances of recognizing a fake and an original.

The main task of the fittings is to gird the sash in a circle, to securely fix on it. The most popular is the swing-out type. It allows the sash to move in different planes. It is built in accordance with the modular system and inserted into a special fittings groove. The groove and the strip in width should match each other exactly.

If there are differences, the fittings do not meet the standard. It contains:

  • locking mechanism, which is equipped with a control handle;
  • the upper group of hinges, which are connected to the scissor arm;
  • lower group of loops;
  • corner switch module.

The transfer of forces between these modules is possible due to combs and strips made of metal, which are included in their composition or can be supplied as a separate set. Today, there are cases when the fittings are assembled at the factory, and on the spot the master will adjust various types.

The fittings are capable of providing at least 3 points of support in different positions of the sashes. All types of windows have their own features of the fittings, which allow movement in certain planes.

In the case of metal-plastic windows, it should be noted that they are equipped with a number of sashes, in particular, if the application provides for double-glazed windows. The fittings are able to withstand serious loads. The standard view is designed for a mass range of 50-130 kilograms, which is sufficient for equipping windows in residential apartments and houses. The designs are made in accordance with special orders, they have special complex configurations and dimensions.The fittings can be reinforced, equipped with the ability to withstand sashes weighing up to 200 kg.

As for the terms of use, the best fittings can last 50-60,000 cycles, the guarantee is given for 10 years. For the price, the middle version is acceptable, designed for 10,000 cycles. It should be understood as opening in 2 positions, closing.

But the adjustment is carried out using a 6-sided wrench. Before starting the process, it is worth studying what kind of movements are and what they can lead to. If you have not previously dealt with this process, then it is better not to do without the help of a master.

The production of fittings and accessories is carried out on the basis of steel from the best manufacturers. The material is coated against corrosion. Some of the parts that do not have high load bearing properties can be produced from alloys. But please note that plastic is not appropriate for this purpose.

Decorative covers or plugs can be made on the basis of polymers. If it is decided to install windows in the private sector or on the first floor, then it is better to order anti-burglar fittings that will protect against unauthorized opening of the sash from the outside.

List of hardware manufacturers: which brand should be preferred

High-quality fittings are distinguished by high properties of resistance to mechanical stress, have special crossbars that enter the frame, as well as multidirectional pins of the central locking and a plate to provide protection against drilling of hinges and the lock. Today, such options are produced by leading world brands, namely: Maco, Winkhaus, Siegenia-Aubi, Roto, G-U (Gretsch-Unitas).

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