How to choose a tennis racket

Tennis is a fairly popular sport that people of all ages are fond of. For training, it is necessary to use the correct rackets, and they are selected for a specific person, if special. For some, it is necessary to increase the power of the blow, the second will be more important than accuracy or control. Professionals can easily pick up a racket, for this they just have to wave it a couple of times in the store to understand whether to buy it or not. It is difficult for beginners to figure out how to choose a tennis racket, and the article and the information in it will help you make the right choice.

Tennis racket device

The design features of such an inventory are very simple, but any player needs to understand the structure and name of the main parts in order not to get confused in the future:

  • The “head” is the main working area of ​​the racket, which includes the rim. The strings are stretched between it and when choosing, it is important to look at the degree of their tension, which should be the same everywhere, without sagging in the middle.
  • The handle is an equally important part that is made to hold the racket.
  • Fork - A V-mount that connects both of the above elements. This is what distinguishes the tennis racket from badminton. This type of fixation helps to partially smooth out the vibrations that appear during the execution of the strike and the contact of the ball with the net. The right choice helps to reduce the strain on the arm.

The best tennis racket manufacturers

The cost of tennis rackets is high, which leads to the fact that it is necessary to carefully select the goods and it is best to give preference to trusted companies. In this case, you can achieve a comfortable position in the hand, as well as work off the investment. It should be understood that cheap types or fakes last about a month, after which it is required to replace the racket.

Among the best manufacturers that can offer quality tennis rackets are:

  • Head;
  • Wilson;
  • Babolat;
  • Prince.

Before choosing, it is important to focus not only on the brand, but also on the main parameters, types of rackets, this will be discussed below, which will allow you to choose equipment for a specific person and his characteristics.

Types of tennis rackets

Knowing all types of sports equipment, it will be easier to figure out how to choose a tennis racket for an adult and a child, and the cost directly depends on the model and purpose.

Amateur (club)

How to choose a tennis racket

These devices are called tweeners. This terminology indicates the average level of the game. Models are characterized by increased head dimensions, which are 590-660 sq. see The weight of the equipment will be approximately 280-320 grams. The balance and formula of the strings can be any, which makes it possible for the players to independently choose the best option based on their own skills and strength. Club models can be considered universal, they are suitable for a different style of play. The cost of this type of racket is 1500-8000 rubles.


  • It is easier to choose models for yourself in comparison with other types.
  • Optimum impact power with good maneuverability.
  • A versatile type that will suit players of different backgrounds except for beginners.
  • They are often produced with a neutral balance, so they are suitable for offense and defense.


  • Only average results can be shown with a racket.
  • Can be a lot for beginners.
  • Not everyone can manage such dimensions normally.


How to choose a tennis racket

These tennis rackets are used solely for the purpose of training and honing offense, strikes and strength. A head with an increased area that starts from 690 sq. see, so the weight is also large, reaching 300 grams. The net is stretched according to the pattern of 16 vertical and 19 horizontal lines, with the help of this formula it is easy for the players to reflect the blows in the event of a spinning ball.

The length is almost maximum, is 70 cm, which makes it possible to perform strong blows. The balance is more towards the head and the center of gravity is at 38.5 cm, which gives a high impact power.

This type of athlete is called Power-racket and often professionals refer to the model as equipment for amateurs and beginners, but any type of it is suitable for playing powerful games.


  • A strong blow is provided with the ability to launch a spinning ball.
  • The head has a large area, which makes it easier to play on the back row, and also prevents the ball from missing.
  • High product strength.
  • Excellent vibration damping.
  • Affordable pricing policy.


  • Big Sun
  • The mesh stretches quickly, its dimensions are 16x19.
  • Poor maneuverability.


How to choose a tennis racket

These models are designed for tennis masters, since they are completely thought out and give the opportunity to control the ball. This group includes the largest instruments by weight, which will be up to 370 grams, but they have the smallest head, its area is usually 550-610 square meters. see Balance moved to handle for better maneuverability and control.


  • Regardless of the weight of the instrument, the racket is perfectly controlled and is considered to be very maneuverable.
  • High impact concentration due to the small size of the area with strings.
  • High degree of strength.
  • Long service life.
  • Excellent ergonomic qualities.


  • Large mass.
  • High cost, which will be approximately 7-22 thousand.
  • You can buy inventory only at specialized points of sale or on the Internet.

How to choose a tennis racket - basic parameters

When choosing, you should be guided by several main characteristics that will help you choose the right product. To do this, you need to know all the parameters before buying so that you can quickly navigate in the store.

Racket material

Based on the materials used for the racket, the durability of the equipment and the weight are determined. Among the main options are:

  • Aluminum - characterized by light weight, low cost and optimum durability. It is difficult to break the racket, but you can bend it. Often this type is applicable for children's equipment.
  • Graphite is a very popular material at the moment, which is quite tough and lightweight at the same time. All quality models are made from these raw materials.
  • Titanium - in terms of parameters, it is not inferior to graphite models, but the cost is several times higher. The products are light and durable.
  • Hypercarbon is a modern type of material in the development of which NASA specialists participated. Carbon models are the most durable and almost 2 times lighter than titanium. A great choice for a child or a woman.

The best racquets are those made from composite raw materials. This is due to the fact that the manufacture uses reinforcement based on graphite, ceramics, fiberglass and other material, which makes the rim more elastic.


These characteristics of the tennis racket are selected based on the experience of the athlete. It is recommended for a beginner to use short models within the range of 65-69 cm, which will allow him to play more efficiently in the front line under the net and easier to control the ball.

Size 69-73 cm - the longest, suitable for amateurs and professionals. In this case, the power of blows due to the handle increases, but maneuverability may deteriorate.


This parameter depends on the individual characteristics and preferences of the athlete, his style. The higher the indicator, the stronger the attack and serve will be. But experts do not recommend buying rackets with the maximum weight right away, this is due to the fact that the hand will quickly get tired of habit, so the desire to play will quickly disappear. The optimal indicators are as follows:

  • For beginners and women, you should focus on a weight of 240-280 grams - this is a lightweight type of racket.
  • A child, based on age, should choose equipment of 150-240 grams.
  • For men with normal physical development, as well as the presence of gaming experience, you should buy heavy types with a weight of 280-370 grams.

After a certain time, you can change the mass, buy new inventory, but it is best not to make drastic changes, but add 15 grams to get the desired results. Even this value will have a significant effect.

String surface

To correctly navigate the terminology and designation of the area with strings, you should know the following markings:

  • Midsize is a group that includes small heads measuring 452-574 sq. see They help to easily lead the gameplay, simplify the swing, since the resistance is minimal, but you can buy these models only after reaching a certain level of skill.
  • Midplus or Mid-over is the most popular type of surface, with an area of ​​580-677 sq. see These models are recommended for use by many people, they help to improve accuracy and also provide optimal impact power.
  • Oversize - a head with a large area, which ranges from 710-742 sq. see. Often the models are suitable for beginners, because the dimensions help to reduce the number of inaccurate, weak hits. The aerodynamics of the racket are mediocre, but with the help of the tool you can spin the ball, and the construction perfectly eliminates vibrations.
  • SuperOversize is the largest head size category, ranging from 748-871 sq. see. The racket gives great impact force during attacks or serves, but it is quite difficult to control the equipment, during the game the hand starts to get tired quickly. The player needs not only experience, but also excellent physical fitness.

An equally important parameter when choosing is the number of strings. They are made according to formulas that differ in weaving. The most popular models are 16x19 open and 18x20 closed. Although the discrepancy is minimal, the racket will behave differently in the gameplay. Open models make it possible to twist the ball, but the surface is subject to rapid wear. The closed options increase the level of control while putting more stress on the wrist.

Manufacturers install strings from artificial or natural materials. The latter are made on the basis of animal veins, previously they were considered the most reliable and convenient. As a result of the development of technologies, artificial materials are becoming the best at the moment and nylon fiber is not worse in terms of characteristics and properties. Their cost is several times lower.


In this case, you should choose a handle that fits your hand. There are several basic dimensional values ​​used by manufacturers and athletes. Some may indicate the length in inches, but more often the usual numbering is in the range of 1-7. The unit indicates the smallest circle size:

  • 1-2 is the size for a child.
  • 3-4 - handle for women.
  • 5-7 - men's pen sizes.

When choosing, you should not focus only on digital indicators. It is recommended to hold and wave the racket to understand the level of comfort. To do this, you need to fully embrace the equipment, and if there is a space of about 1 finger between the ends of the fingers and the pillow of the palm, then the equipment is ideal.


Balancing for rackets is done in 3 types:

  • In the center.
  • In the head.
  • In the pen.

Each variant has specific requirements for playing technique. For offense, it is recommended to use balance in the head, which will give strong hits and serves. Handle balancing is suitable for defensive players who need precision and agility rather than power. Central balancing is universal.

Rim width

This value can affect aerodynamics and impact location. In addition, the thickness of the rim will directly affect the course of the tennis game. For beginners with a small and slow swing, it is better to use options up to 3 cm, but if the ball hits directly into the rim, there is a possibility of injury. For fast and large swings, narrow options of 1.8-2 cm will be optimal.

Which racket to choose

Experts suggest using a few simple tips to help you choose the right tennis racket:

  • For beginner athletes, it is recommended to buy a power racket that will include hand balance or center of gravity balance. By the area of ​​the net, you should choose a size from the Oversize group, but do not buy a very heavy instrument for playing, even if you have sufficient hand strength. It is recommended to opt for a carbon product or a more flexible version of aluminum, and after mastering the technique, it will be possible to switch to advanced models.
  • For a beginner girl, it is recommended to use rackets made of carbon or aluminum with an equipment weight of up to 280 grams. The width of the handle should be 2-4 sizes, and the head will be the ideal Midplus or Oversize look. The rest of the characteristics can be selected at your own discretion.
  • For an amateur man, it is recommended to take a closer look at the training or club model, which is made of graphite, titanium, and the mass of the instrument will be about 300 grams. The size of the handle is about 5-7, it is better to choose large strings in area, especially if the accuracy is poor.
  • Children are advised to buy inexpensive aluminum models with a shorter handle than regular models, about 43-66 cm in size 1-2 types. The strings in the rim should be large in area, but without a strong increase in mass, it is recommended not to go beyond 150-220 grams.

For everyone who has been playing tennis for a long time, has achieved certain results, owns techniques, it makes no sense to describe and suggest certain models. Such players themselves understand the best option for themselves, but rackets with a small net area can be singled out as an expert advice, which will help to hone the technique. In this case, weaving is better to choose a closed type 18x20, which will help more accurately control the ball.

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How to choose