How to choose a spinning rod

For over 100 years, fishermen have been using spinning rods for fishing. This kind of equipment has a large number of advantages over an ordinary rod. The flexible structure of the fishing rod will make it possible to make a long-distance cast to the middle of the reservoir, to throw the bait over the reeds on the shore, or to fish with the bottom method. The tackle has a large number of characteristics that make it suitable for certain fishing methods. To know how to choose a spinning rod, you need to read these recommendations.

The principle of operation and the device of spinning

How to choose a spinning rod

The question often arises of which spinning rod to choose. Spinning rods are used to catch predatory fish. Taking into account the reservoir and the river, it can be pike, perch, zander, catfish. These fish are natural-born hunters who are accustomed to eating anchovies, herring, and rudd. They follow the victim's shiny scales and chase after her. This fish will not be tempted by hanging bread or a lump of porridge on a hook.

Taking into account the behavior of predatory fish, 1 spinning rod was made, which today has a large number of modifications. The essence of the technique involves the casting of the fixed bait and its posting. For this purpose, the angler must stand on the edge of the shore or boat, unfold the fishing rod, unlock the reel in order to spin freely and perform a throw. A sinker at the end and a flexible tackle will provide optimal conditions for long distance casting.

The bait that is used for spinning can be of the following varieties:

  • spinnerbaits - flapping tails that shine and are brightly colored;
  • wobblers - artificial bait with 2 hooks and a shovel, during which the bait will plunge, simulating diving;
  • Poppers - shiny gurgling lures that attract predatory fish
  • ratlins - plastic bait with a rattle;
  • twisters are silicone devices that look like fry, squid and worms.

Due to the presence of a flexible fishing rod, it will turn out to cast the bait extremely far. With the help of a reel, the bait is pulled up, simulating the movement of a live fish. Taking into account the model of a wobbler or other element, fishing is carried out on the surface or in depth. Seeing prey, predatory fish will rush in pursuit and swallow the prey. However, near the body of the bait there are triple hooks that firmly cling to the mouth of the bait, the predator itself will become a victim.

The angler feels the bite by vibration on the handle and the curved tail of the rod. Taking into account the type of fish, playing varies or pulling up and taking off the catch is carried out. Tackle will make it possible to fish from the shore in an open reservoir, through the reeds, from a bridge, from a boat, from a boat in motion.

To choose a spinning rod for a perch, you need to find out what it is made of. The device has several key elements:

  • a handle for a firm hold during throwing and playing;
  • thin rod body;
  • tail bendable part;
  • rings to hold the cord;
  • connecting components (with 2-knee products);
  • holder for mounting the coil;
  • inertial reel with line;
  • bait.

The last 2 elements in the list are purchased separately, taking into account the type of fish that the angler is hunting.

Spinning selection options

Often the question arises, which spinning rod to choose for fishing. For fishing to be emotionally enjoyable and tangible in the form of catch, you need to choose the right tackle parameters.


The weight of the rod varies between 87-300 g. This will affect the comfort of holding the tackle. When fishing is carried out from a bridge or a boat, on hands, it is required to purchase products easier, since even an extra 100 g tire the hand for 5-6 hours. However, when supporting special devices are used or there is a mount for spinning on the boat, the weight will not play a role.


A rigid rod is 1.65-3.3 m in length. Such an indicator will affect the casting distance of the weight. The larger the whip, the further the throw. From the shore, it is possible to fish with equipment with parameters 2.7-3.3 m. This is particularly suitable when the reeds have grown significantly and interferes with fishing. This fishing rod will be able to make long throws and expect a catch in the middle of the reservoir.

During throws from the boat, long spinning rods are uncomfortable, since they will significantly shake the rubber boat. Here, small dimensions are chosen in length of 2.1-2.4 m.On a narrow river, you need to be careful and precise, which is easier to achieve with a whip of 1.8-2.1 m.In order to combine places: from the shore, from a boat, universal fixtures of 2.4 m are selected.

Arm length

It is an individual parameter chosen at the discretion of the buyer. It has an indicator during fishing, where the fishing rod is held by 1 hand with an elbow rest, and the reel is wound with 2 hand. To extract large fish from the water, strong whips and a long handle of 0.37-0.41 m will be required. This is suitable for tall people. When fishing for perch, small handles of 0.31 m will do, since there is no significant load.

Number of sections

Known 1-knee, 2-knee and telescopic devices. Each connection will add mass and partly reduce the strength of the rod. This will also affect transportation to the site. Therefore, for fishing near the house on the shore or when you have your own transport, it is possible to purchase a solid spinning rod. The same device is suitable for trolling where increased reliability is required.

Fishing from the bridge and boat is comfortable with 2-knee fishing rods or a telescope. At this time, the largest catch weight in the first is about 10 kg, and in the second - 5 kg. The service life of telescopes is much shorter.

Letterhead material

The reliability and weight of the inventory will depend on the substance from which it is made. Fiberglass products are considered the most budgetary. Such a solution will be optimal for beginners, so as not to overpay and learn how to make casts and hooks, and fish out.

Metal blanks are somewhat stronger, but they are heavy, which makes the brush tired. A similar device should be selected for fishing with a stand or support and fixation in the boat mount.

Carbon fiber products are considered the most popular and are a mixture of carbon fibers and resins. They are lightweight, refractive and versatile. Indicate similar products with either the HMC marks. However, their price is significantly higher. It is an excellent solution for fishing from the shore, boat or bridge during strong currents.


One of the most common incomprehensible terms is the spinning action. It can be of 4 varieties:

  • Extremely fast - indicated as “extra fast”. Assumes bends only at the end of the fixture in question, if the rest of the assembly maintains an even shape. This makes it possible to feel the smallest vibrations and detect bites, which is good for beginners. However, such a rod will not be able to cast far, since it functions more as a stick.
  • Fast - means “fast”, will indicate the bending characteristics of 1/3 of the rod. This will make it possible to cast the bait a little further, which is suitable for fishing from a boat.
  • Medium - referred to as “medium” in catalogs. He can bend the body halfway. It is considered a universal indicator for fishing from the shore and from a boat, a bridge.
  • Slow - denoted "slow" and assumes a bend of the entire rod, including the place where the handle is attached. It is characterized by extremely long casts, which is comfortable on a large lake and for fishing from the shore. However, high professionalism is required, since the tail constantly vibrates and bites are difficult to distinguish. It makes it possible to fish out the fish for a long time and keep the rod intact with a sharp jerk.


This is the second parameter, which will be confusing for beginners. The test is the range of used baits by weight. They can be in the range of 5-40 g and more. This is directly related to the class of spinning, which can be ultra, light, medium and heavy.

When the mass of artificial fish has a lower indicator than the lower threshold, which is indicated on the fishing rod, then the bait is not felt during the throw, it will not be possible to cast it from the shore to the middle of the reservoir. During the diving of the spinner, the fisherman does not feel it, which leads to “blind” fishing.

When the weight of the bait turns out to be more than the upper threshold, then the cast can interrupt the end of the spinning. The wiring also creates a feeling of constant bite and provokes false positives. It will become tiresome fishing without satisfaction.

Therefore, during the use of metal lures weighing up to 3 g, a 5 g test is selected. However, such a device will no longer be able to fish with a heavy rattle with an internal rattle. For sinking products, tests of 7-35 g are purchased. For wobblers with paddles and an immersion option, attachments of 10-32 g are suitable. When the number of attachments used is large and their weight is varied, then more universal devices with parameters 5-28 or 6-24 g.

Top type

There are 2 main types of such a component: Solid and Tubular. Solid has an integrated glued end. It is quite mobile and makes it possible to easily detect a bite. This is practical in a pond without a current. On the river, this device will oscillate without a purpose.

The second type of tip is solid, without separation from the main body. It is less sensitive, but more durable and comfortable to fish out. It is considered a good solution for fishing from a boat, during a strong current or gusts of wind. In addition, the considered devices are less susceptible to breakage.


This element includes rings for the purpose of skipping fishing line. They are made from materials that are resistant to corrosion. Often it is a stainless steel in a plastic sheath. The parameter under consideration will determine how freely the line passes during the throwing process, and the length of the cast.

When purchasing a spinning rod, you will need to put each ring in 1 row and simulate a cast. When the row breaks up, then such a device is of poor quality and the line will quickly wind around the trunk. Quality devices will keep the rings and line running properly.

Supporting factors

A reel that does not shed line during casting and a line for fishing are of key importance. However, such elements that affect the functioning of the spinning rod are purchased separately. To choose a quality product, you need to know the characteristics of the fixture.

Types of spinning rods

How to choose a spinning rod

The question often arises of how to choose a spinning rod for a beginner. There are several main types of spinning rods for fishing. They are used taking into account the place of fishing, the possible load on the gear and the conditions of transportation.


How to choose a spinning rod

The devices in question are a whip and an attached handle. The fastening is made on the thread.In an unassembled state, 2 elements are 0.9-1.2 m long, so they can be easily carried in a case. For fishing, 2 knees are connected and the fishing rod will turn out to be 1.8-2.4 m.

A similar variety is suitable for fishing from the ground or from an immovable boat in the middle of a reservoir. They pull out predatory fish weighing 10 kg.


  • high quality whip;
  • compact size during transportation (it is possible to take it in a car);
  • variety of length;
  • adequate price;
  • there are light products;
  • the bait is felt.


  • quality rings that differ from the manufacturer;
  • the spool holder can be uncomfortable.


How to choose a spinning rod

The device is distinguished by small inserts, which can be counted up to 10 pieces. In the assembled state and with a separate handle it will take 0.4-0.5 m in length. Having purchased a practical tube, the product can be taken inside a backpack. Such a spinning rod will not fit on a hike or when traveling abroad.

Suitable for fishing from land and boats, however, they are limited to a catch weight of 5 kg, since the telescopic mount can break under heavy loads.


  • extremely compact size;
  • bright style;
  • sold with a casing;
  • varied price range;
  • there are products with different systems;
  • proper susceptibility.


  • not suitable for large predatory fish;
  • significant weight due to connections.


How to choose a spinning rod

Such devices are lightweight. There are no bushings, which will make it possible to get the lowest weight of the rod, which will give the appropriate susceptibility to bite. Products range in length from 2-3 m.

Suitable for fishing from land, even when it is significantly overgrown in the reeds. They fish from boats, but the throw can be uncomfortable due to the considerable length. Only they are used during a significant current or in the process of trolling (from a movable boat).


  • various lengths;
  • increased reliability of the fishing rod;
  • high quality reel holders;
  • suitable for large fish;
  • convenient application;
  • extremely long casts.


  • considerable length will require transportation only on the upper trunk of the car;
  • overcharge;
  • uncomfortable throwing from boats.

Which spinning rod to choose

How to choose a spinning rod

Often the question arises, which spinning rod to choose for pike. Taking into account the place and other circumstances, it is possible to mark certain specific indicators that turn out to be the best in specific conditions:

  • For a beginner, a fiberglass attachment is suitable. This will make it possible to distinguish between bites. It is possible to pick up the weight of about 300 g. The total length is 2-2.5 m. The plug shape turns out to be the most suitable.
  • When fishing from land, you will need one-piece 1-knee spinning rods 2.7-3.3 m long, Tubular, made of carbon fiber. The test will work in the 7-35 g range.
  • On a wide river, plug-in or 1-knee attachments will be required to support heavy bait function. Suitable for a weight of 150 g and a length of 2.7 m. A handle up to 40 cm. Comfortable handling with a metal structure.
  • Boat fishing enthusiasts prefer a plug-in product or a 2.1 m long telescope with a fast action. Solid tips can be used. The test is selected in the range of 5-16 g.
  • On narrow rivers, rods are used with a length of 1.65-1.8 m, telescopic. The weight of the bait is within 10-32 g. The mass of the inventory is 90 g.
  • For fishing from a boat that moves along the river, a device with a solid carbon fiber rod is suitable. The length does not play a key role here, since the casting distance does not matter, since the fishing goes far into the sea by means of trolling. The weight of the tackle is approximately 100 g.

How much does spinning cost

How to choose a spinning rod

The question often arises of how to choose a spinning rod for pike and other fish. For these purposes, you should find out the approximate price of a model for fishing, starting from the above indicators:

  • Spinning for beginners can be purchased for 500-700 rubles.
  • Long attachments for fishing from the shore cost 1.7-13 thousand rubles.
  • During a significant current, you will need a rod for 1-3 thousand rubles.
  • For fishing from a boat, you will need to pay 1.3-8 thousand rubles.
  • For comfortable fishing on narrow rivers, you will need to purchase a rod for 1.2-5.5 thousand rubles.
  • Spinning rods for trolling are sold for 2-14 thousand rubles.

The question often arises of how to choose the right spinning rod. To find out how to purchase a quality product, you should read these recommendations.

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How to choose