How to choose a bag for every day

Perhaps every girl thinks about how to choose a bag for every day so that it is not too flashy, but at the same time quite original. Especially considering that in the modern world the number of bags is not limited at all, so, on the one hand, there is plenty to choose from, and on the other hand, you can easily get confused. So many ladies prefer to trust the opinions of fashion stylists and just copy images from fashion magazines. However, before choosing a women's bag for every day, listen to your own desires, since any item that you wear or that serves as an accessory for you must be presented as part of your personality.

Indeed, it is not for nothing that they say that a bag can tell a lot about its own owner. Psychology is at play here, so in one way you create a certain impression of yourself, and it is desirable that it be as positive as possible. This can play into your hands when you go to an important event, get a job, or meet for the first time with a person with whom you have communicated exclusively on the Internet for a long time.

Which manufacturer should be preferred in choosing a bag

It is often said that the manufacturer is not important, the main thing is how the bag itself looks. With this point of view, you can agree or disagree, so it is perfectly true that the brand should not define your bag. After all, in fact, no one will look at the label of your bag to find out how famous the brand it belongs to. However, the appearance of the accessory should be as neat and cheap as possible. Therefore, you need to think about which bag to choose for every day in advance.

We remember very well that such famous companies as Louis Vuitton, Prada or Coco Chanel make the highest quality things, including bags. The production of such companies produces bags that later become hits, so it's really quite difficult to pass by such products. If you are the happy owner of such a bag, then this indicates, perhaps, not so much an exquisite taste, but rather your wealth. After all, we remember that the bags of such companies are quite expensive, if not to say that most of them have just a crazy price.

For many people, amounts of several tens of thousands of rubles are simply too heavy for one bag, so it is quite difficult to consider such options as daily wear. So famous brands disappear, since they are not available, and their acquisition is unlikely to be useful for the average person, since you cannot take them on public transport - you never know, they will scratch or touch something - and only a few attend social events.

However, if you want to purchase a similar bag, then Chinese manufacturers will be happy to offer you an appropriate alternative that will almost completely copy the appearance of famous brands. However, in this case, be prepared for the quality to be poor, since Chinese products often have a number of disadvantages compared to original products.So you can get a standard piece with protruding threads, a cheap latex coating that will diligently mimic leather, and Chinese counterparts will make you suffer from sticky zippers. In addition, the name of a famous company is likely to be misspelled, so you just might make a laugh.

Therefore, choose those companies that sew quality things at a fairly affordable price. Among these are the following firms:

  • Fossil;
  • David Jones;
  • Medvedkovo;
  • LikeTo;
  • Alliance.

So if you need a well-made bag that will last you more than one year, then turn to the models of these manufacturers. It is best if you go directly to the manufacturer, so as not to overpay to intermediaries because they are simply more accessible than the manufacturer itself.

What types of bags are there

There are a huge number of types of bags, since nowadays bags can be sewn from almost any material. For example, one of the main trends of the last season was mirrored waist bags or plastic bags, which are sewn in the form of backpacks. However, several main types can be distinguished.


How to choose a bag for every day

Bags made of genuine leather are the most durable and reliable, because the material itself speaks for itself. Generally, all leather bags are soft so they are pleasant to wear and feel. They look quite luxurious, but they often cost a little more than any other type of bag. Therefore, among the companies that produce bags for the middle class, there are always several items that are made exclusively of leather. Moreover, you can choose for yourself not only the one that you can afford, but also the one that you will like, and you will wear such a product with pleasure.


  • you can not only wash such products, but also clean them, while not worrying that they will be harmed in any way, since genuine leather demonstrates resistance to all sorts of influences;
  • at low temperatures and especially in the cold, such a product will not crack, and you just make sure once again that you have purchased a really high-quality item;
  • such bags can serve you for several years in a row, while they will not lose their original appearance;
  • if you go with this bag for a long time, you can find that there are no kinks left at the folds of the handles;
  • your bag will always look fashionable and stylish, even if the model is already morally outdated, as leather bags always give your image a little solidity.


  • so that your bag always looks perfect and does not lose its sophistication, it is necessary to purchase special means for cleaning and caring for it, and this is an additional expense;
  • often products that consist entirely of genuine leather have a rather high price.

When asked what color to choose a bag for every day, especially if you want a leather model, the answer is simple - everyday leather-type bags can be either standard classic colors, that is, black, white, brown or beige, or bright, for example, red or purple. The most important thing at the moment is to be able to correctly combine the color scheme of your accessory and your clothing style. Despite the fact that currently there is such a trend, somehow that the color of the bag should not match the shade of your clothes, still try to choose exactly what will look as harmonious as possible next to your appearance.

By the way, before buying, be sure to make sure that it is a leather sample in front of you, and not a fake. To do this, the most unfortunate thought will be to seek help from a consultant, because, in any case, he will say that the bag is of high quality and is kept in leather. So in this case it is not advisable to rely on the seller's words.Here are a few steps to help you determine if the bag is leather:

  1. Take a look at the label next to the price tag. It must have a curly cut, and a sample of the material from which the bag is made must be used without fail, so that you can feel it from all sides. The leather substitute will have a standard diamond, so be sure to pay attention to this aspect.
  2. Place your palm on the surface of the bag and hold it in this position for a few seconds. After that, remove your hand and put it back in the same place. You should feel how the skin has warmed up and gradually began to give off heat back. If all this happened, then be sure that you have a really high-quality product in front of you.
  3. Try to sniff your chosen bag. A genuine leather product will not smell like varnish, paint or any other chemicals. It will smell like leather. The skin itself has a soft and pleasant scent.
  4. If the bag is really leather, then by sprinkling water on it, you can see how the drops are gradually absorbed into the material, and not run down into it in trickles.

Imitation leather

How to choose a bag for every day

This option comes to the aid of those who do not want to buy an expensive piece of genuine leather. You can purchase a bag made from a high-quality leather substitute, and at the same time you will not regret at all that you have exchanged a more expensive bag for it. Keep in mind that you can purchase such a product at a fairly affordable price, especially if it is sewn so high quality that you cannot distinguish them from genuine leather in appearance.

Ecological leather, as many fashion designers and couturiers call this material, is a combination of PVC and polyurethane. The basis for such a product is some kind of fabric or other surface that imitates a fabric basis. The specific pattern that is applied to the surface of such a material completely imitates the leather coating, and often manufacturers use precisely the soft texture in order to bring the leather look as close as possible.

Leatherette bags are quite durable and outwardly exquisite products, in addition, in quality they are only slightly inferior to real leather bags. In terms of their cost, they are much cheaper than genuine leather products. There are quite a few companies that are engaged in the manufacture of bags from a leather substitute, trying to make them even closer to natural material. Such budget lines can often boast of an excellent price, which is able to suit almost every buyer, as well as excellent quality for the money.


  • most models have a fairly affordable price, so any buyer will be able to choose exactly what he likes;
  • manufacturers are trying to produce not only bags of different colors, but also of different shapes and textures, so that anyone can find for themselves some original model that will serve him for a long time;
  • such bags are resistant to low temperatures, as well as their sharp drop, so that their strength will be tested by time;
  • in order to take care of such a bag, there is no need to purchase special means, as it is important when purchasing a bag made of genuine leather.


  • a bag that was made from a leather substitute will not last as long as if it were made of natural material, in addition, such products tear well enough, wrinkle and deteriorate if accidentally touched;
  • the material on the handles can begin to peel off quite early;
  • if you do not apply a special water-repellent coating, then such a bag will get wet quite quickly.


How to choose a bag for every day

Suede bags also look rich and aristocratic, like genuine leather bags.They are very elegant and often always look advantageous both in their everyday version and when they go out. Bags that were made of such material are capable of not going out of fashion not only for years, but even for centuries. However, this applies to those products that were made from natural material. Often, faux suede or the same velor look, though also original, but still not so noble.

By itself, suede is the flip side of leather, so it should have the same benefits as its so-called “wrong side”. Therefore, you can check how high-quality material was used in the manufacture of this or that bag in the same ways as we checked the naturalness of the leather.


  • such bags have sufficient strength and durability, so that you can go with such a model for a long time;
  • the appearance will always delight the eye, and this does not depend at all on the color, since suede in noble dark shades will look as luxurious as in variegated colors;
  • such bags are quite pleasant to the touch, so you will get real pleasure in the process of wearing;
  • Nowadays, like a few years ago, such bags are a fashionable squeak, so whatever suede bag you buy, be sure that you will always be in trend.


  • suede is a material that quickly takes on any dirt or stains, so you need to be as careful as possible during wearing;
  • such a surface requires particularly delicate care, just like natural leather;
  • pile on suede can be scratched quite easily, as well as peeled off if you accidentally touch such material;
  • bags made from genuine suede can often cost a pretty penny, just like products made from genuine leather.

Fabric bags

How to choose a bag for every day

Such products look quite original, especially if you are not a fan of classics and excessive luxury in things, preferring something simpler. Fabric bags are versatile and have a huge variety of colors and shapes. For example, a bag made of cotton looks quite aesthetically pleasing. It is durable and does not weigh very much. It is almost impossible to scratch, and all stains can be easily washed off. So we can consider that the bag of their fabric is an excellent alternative for those who constantly travel and prefer the practicality of things to their appearance. Plus, the fabric bag is perfect for summer river trips or trips to the sea.

The fabric bag will become your faithful friend if you are going on any long trip. In it you can fit quite a lot of things that will be useful to you on the road.


  • these bags are quite inexpensive, especially if they are made of regular cotton or other standard fabric;
  • such bags are quite light and soft, so that they do not create additional pressure, and in addition, they do not stick to the body in summer in the sultry heat;
  • such models have a huge variety of assortment in terms of shapes and colors;
  • taking care of them is not at all difficult, to the extent that you just need to be more careful in the process of wearing;
  • such bags are quite spacious, so they are perfect for trips to the sea or to the river, especially since you can not be afraid to get them wet, because they dry out perfectly in the sun.


  • do not differ in strength and durability;
  • after you wash them, such bags can shrink or peel off quickly, so it's best not to throw them into the washing machine, but wash them by hand;
  • it is almost impossible to remove some especially corrosive stains from the fabric, so literally after a short wear you will have to part with such a model.

Based on all the information that has been provided here, several conclusions can be drawn. For example, the choice of a bag and the material from which it will be made directly depends on your preferences.In addition, not before choosing a bag, you need to examine it thoroughly in order to know for sure that you are not buying a fake. If you still bought yourself a bag that is made of natural materials, that is, leather or suede, then it requires full care. Such an approach will help the thing to serve you for a long time, and thereby you will not let it deteriorate ahead of time.

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How to choose