How to choose a bike for your height

Often, at the first purchase, consumers wonder how to choose a bike for their height. More recently, about twenty years ago, no one even thought about what kind of bicycle to buy for a child or an adult. Most people bought their own standard vehicles of this type, as the choice was not particularly wide. In fact, there were three sizes in total - small, large and medium. However, times have changed, and now everyone can choose a model for themselves with which they will be as comfortable as possible.

How to choose the right bike company

Before choosing a bike for height and weight, you need to decide on the brand that produces this type of transport. In this case, a large number of subtleties await you, since it will be important to take into account not only convenience, but also basic characteristics. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that in relation to technology, the rule "the more expensive the better" works almost flawlessly, therefore the most famous firms that produce bicycles often boast about the reliability and durability of their products.

When buyers buy a bike for the first time, they are often interested in how to choose the right type of transport so that it lasts a long time, costs an affordable price, and has a fairly wide functionality. Among the most popular and famous companies, there are several main ones:

  • Specialized;
  • Giant;
  • Trek;
  • Merida.

However, do not think that only these manufacturers produce really high-quality bicycles, since there are many other good brands. Nevertheless, it is these firms that top the list as manufacturers of the most popular, stylish and functional bike models.

Basic principles of bicycles

Over the past few centuries, the very principle of the bicycle has remained unchanged, but the design itself has undergone a whole lot of modifications and modernizations. However, such changes only concern the external design, as well as the improvement of some details to obtain a more efficient vehicle.

For example, special shock-absorbed forks appeared in the front part, with the help of which there is an absorption of extraneous sounds and vibrations that occur when driving on uneven roads with a lot of bumps. In addition, the latest bicycles use a transmission that allows the use of several dozen high-speed gears in one model.

The design of the bike is simple enough at first glance. It includes elements such as:

  1. Frame. This is the basic structure to which all other parts are attached. It is a kind of "backbone", without which a bicycle, in principle, cannot exist.
  2. Two wheels that follow each other. The front guides the movement of the bike, and the rear supports the transport itself on the go.
  3. Steering wheel. This part is attached to the front fork and is designed to guide the movement of the bike.It is tightly connected to the front wheel, due to which the movement is carried out.
  4. A carriage that is connected to the pedal cranks as well as the drive sprocket.
  5. The back, which is connected to the front by means of numerous gears.
  6. A saddle that is positioned in relation to the rest of the structure in such a way that the rider can comfortably hold the handlebars while confidently steering the bike using the pedals.
  7. Brakes, thanks to which deceleration is carried out, as well as a complete stop during movement.

Read also: 20 best bikes in 2020

What types of bicycles are there

Before deciding which bike to choose, you need to decide on the type of transport. Here, an important role will be played by what exactly you need a bicycle for. According to its purpose, this type of transport is of the following types.

Road or road bikes

How to choose a bike for your height

These bikes are almost the exact opposite of mountain bikes, as they only feel good if the road is flat and does not have any sharp descents and steep climbs. Perhaps, such a vehicle will be the best for driving in the city. These bikes are fast enough and lightweight. They are high enough, so almost any person will feel comfortable on them.

The tires on these bicycles are narrow and smooth, so in order to ride such a model, you need to know for sure that there will be no unforeseen factors on the road (like bumps or slippery roads). Often, the frames installed on these bikes do not have shock absorbers and are quite rigid. The frames themselves can be made of titanium, carbon and aluminum alloy. However, on the more expensive models, the frames are made of steel.

Perhaps the most important distinguishing feature of road bikes is the handlebar twisted in the shape of a ram's horn, as well as a rather long seat tube. A design of this type is quite competently composed, since it provides a landing with a horizontal position of the body of the body, and this allows to somewhat reduce the resistance to air currents that go towards the movement.


  • if the track is flat enough, then such a bike is able to go at a sufficiently high speed;
  • such bicycles are light enough, since all structural elements are not made of heavy and heavy materials;
  • vehicles of this kind are equipped with special brakes that make the rider feel more confident;
  • some models of bicycles of this class are capable of having a transmission that includes several dozen gears.


  • if the road is relatively slippery, and the track itself has irregularities or bumps, then it will be quite difficult to ride a road class bicycle, since its equipment does not provide for resistance to such obstacles;
  • more of these bicycles are designed for competition or regular street racing than for a measured, calm and level ride.

Mountain bike

How to choose a bike for your height

The mountain bike is also called "mountain bike". Its construction is quite durable, as it often has to overcome kilometers of terrain, as well as constantly drive off-road. However, it is not necessary to buy such a bike exclusively for mountain roads, as it can be used for trips around the city.

Given the fact that in some places in cities there are roads that are quite uneven, it is the mountain bike that will handle them in such a way that you will feel as if you are riding on a perfectly paved road. In addition, such a bike can be used for trips out of town, you can perfectly cope with bumps on a country road, so you do not need more powerful transport - this format is perhaps the most versatile.

The difference between these bicycles is that they have an order of magnitude larger wheels than conventional bicycles, which is the main reason for such durability and stability on roads that leave much to be desired. In addition, the raised bottom bracket is another hallmark of such bicycles. Mountain bikes can travel enormous distances on roads full of bumps and bumps thanks to their aggressive tread tires. Such tires feel great and constantly support the bike even on rather loose and slippery roads, so that even wet ground is not able to stop such a vehicle.

How to choose a bike frame by height, with such high-quality mountain bike equipment, is absolutely not worth worrying about, since it is not only very comfortable, but also weighs relatively little. Therefore, not only an adult, but also a teenager will feel comfortable in the saddle of this "all-terrain vehicle". It is worth noting, however, that the frame can sometimes be a little stiff, so it is important to practice and get used to the mountain bike before traveling long distances. It is important to remember that such means of transportation are not always given the first time, especially for a beginner, so they require additional skill.


  • these models are quite durable, and also have high reliability, so with them you will feel safe and calm, even if you go on a trip for several days;
  • With the help of gear shifting, you do not need to spend too much energy on taking a steep climb, since the power of the mountain bike models allows you to cross bumpy terrain as smoothly and accurately as possible;
  • you will be able to ride such transport not only confidently keep on an uneven road, but also feel good where, it would seem, there is no road at all;
  • these bikes have excellent shock absorption and responsive brakes;
  • Mountain bikes are also unique means of transportation because they can be used at any time of the year, as their power is sufficient for stability in winter and endurance in hot weather.


  • the only drawback of such bikes is, perhaps, too high a price (it cannot be said that mountain bikes do not justify it, on the contrary, but many people cannot afford such pleasure).

Stunt (BMX)

How to choose a bike for your height

These bicycles are very small in appearance, their wheels often do not exceed 20 inches. The frame of such models also does not differ in large size, often its dimensions can even be equated to children's ones. This class of bicycles is intended mostly for a teenage audience, while they have a saddle located quite low, or it may not be available at all. For this reason, this model is not suitable for every adult, as a person who is more than 170 cm tall may feel relatively uncomfortable on bicycles designed for stunts.

However, no matter what models of this class may seem childish in appearance, they definitely do not take a margin of safety. Perhaps it is thanks to the unique and exceptional durability that these bicycles get their name. Such models have a fairly strong, but at the same time very stable and reliable design. It lacks any extra nodes and additional details. In fact, such a bike includes only what is most needed. Damping is often not included in the package, and the braking system is often optional for this type of bike.


  • such models have an amazing strength, therefore, they are designed for jumping from a rather large height, so that when doing tricks, a person will not feel strong vibrations;
  • with the help of stunt bike models, you can make a variety of maneuvers, as well as rapid turns, so you can be sure that they will withstand absolutely everything;
  • they have sufficient ease, due to which it is on such models that tricks are best obtained;
  • at their cost, such models are quite inexpensive, so that almost anyone can afford them.


  • these bicycles are not designed for fast riding or long distance travel.

City bikes

How to choose a bike for your height

Such models are for the most part walking and do not have a predisposition to anything specific - they are needed only in order to travel short distances on a relatively flat road and at a leisurely pace. If we compare it with sports bicycles, we can note a fairly short frame and a slightly more curved handlebar.

These bicycles have a very low center of gravity, which gives them reasonably good stability on normal city roads. In addition, bicycles of this type have protective pads that save the owner from having to clean and repair the working parts of such bikes too often. In general, we can say that such models are simply created so that the rider feels as comfortable as possible on it.

These bicycles are rarely equipped with a transmission, but there are some models that include 3 to 7 speeds. In addition, these bikes have several practical and quite useful elements under their suspension, such as a basket, a rack or a footboard.


  • such models are quite easy to lift and comfortable when cornering;
  • on a relatively flat road, such bicycles are held confidently and steadily;
  • the main driving elements are perfectly protected from dirt and dust due to protective linings;
  • there is a huge selection of models that can be easily folded and transported, for example, out of town by car;
  • similar models are quite inexpensive in terms of their cost, but this indicator also depends on the manufacturer, as well as on the general functionality of the model.


  • do not develop too much speed;
  • if you often drive on rough terrain, then this model will not suit you in a certain way.

How to choose the right bike size

Many novice cyclists are wondering how to choose a bike size. For different types of bicycles, different characteristics will matter, since each of them has its own characteristics. For example, people doing stunts are often confused about what size bike frame to fit.

Bicycle companies usually designate sizes with standard, well-known Latin letters L, M, S, XS, XL. However, it is worth noting that these dimensions are indicative and highly average, since each person requires an individual approach in choosing a bicycle.

When choosing a bike model, you need to think about how to choose a bicycle for a child in height. For a child or teenager 150-160 cm tall, the smallest models are suitable:

  • if your choice is mountain bikes, then it is better to choose the size XS;
  • if these are road bikes, then the frame size should be between 49-51 cm;
  • if they are stunt bikes, a 20-inch frame is the best choice.

When they ask themselves how to choose a bike for a woman, they mean an average height of 160 to 170 cm.For such parameters, the following are most suitable:

  • for mountain bikes, choose size S or M, depending on your individual characteristics;
  • for road bikes, size S is the best choice;
  • if they are stunt models, it is also recommended to take 20-inch models.

When asked how to choose a bicycle for a man, an average height of 170-185 cm is taken as a basis. Based on these parameters, the most optimal sizes for models will be:

  • for mountain bikes, the best size is L;
  • if you are choosing a road bike, then the M size will be the best solution for you;
  • for stunt models it is best to choose a 20.5-inch frame.

For people who are quite tall, capable of reaching 190 cm and a little more, the choice of bicycles will be somewhat problematic, but in the modern world there are enough models that are able to satisfy such buyers. Therefore, for their parameters, the best decision when buying a bike would be:

  • if you choose a mountain bike, then you should take only the XL size, since this model is the best for your size, and you will feel comfortable on it;
  • if you are looking at a road bike, then look at the size L, which corresponds to 58-60 cm;
  • for stunt class models, it is best to choose a frame size equivalent to 21 inches, however, it should be noted that it is not recommended to choose a larger bike, even if you are almost two meters tall.

If an athlete has a rare height of two meters or a little more, he can only rely on city and mountain bikes, since models of other classes will not fit in parameters. For these athletes, the following bike sizes are an excellent choice:

  • for mountain bikes, choose the XXL size, which will correspond to 50-53 cm, and you can choose a larger or smaller size - here the model itself is adjusted to the characteristics of the buyer himself;
  • for city bicycles it is necessary to select the maximum size XL, since bicycles of this category are not produced with large dimensions.

How to choose a bike depending on your characteristics

It's easy to get lost in modern bicycles. However, knowing your own preferences, it will be easy enough for you to navigate in such a variety.

If you like a fast and slightly aggressive ride, then your best bet is to choose a bike that will be one size smaller, as this way you can protect yourself. The bike will be easier to handle and will not get swept away when cornering.

If you are overweight or have some kind of joint problems, then you can deviate somewhat from the size offered to you and purchase a model a couple of inches smaller. Pay attention first of all to how comfortable it is for you to get on and off the bike, as well as how well you feel riding it.

If your physique is thin and you are quite tall, then it is recommended that you choose a bike size slightly larger than the seller suggests. This is directly related to the design features of such models. Often, skinny athletes have rather long, thin arms, which, in turn, allows them to more comfortably ride larger bikes than they should be.

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