How to choose a DVR

A video recorder is a small compact recording device for video monitoring. As a rule, it is placed in a car. DVRs were once considered a luxury item, but now they have become essential. Many drivers simply cannot imagine their driving without this device and appreciated its positive qualities. Indeed, with its help, you can avoid various controversial situations that so often arise on the road.

The video recorder will not only record, but also save everything that happened while driving. In the event of any incident that has arisen, using this device, you can quickly identify the culprit and avoid unnecessary time and financial costs. From our article, you will learn how to choose a car DVR.

The principle of operation and the device of the DVR

How to choose a DVR

The video recorder performs video recording in the set angle and accumulates the recorded material.

Its main components:

  • monitor;
  • CPU;
  • battery;
  • camera;
  • memory card;
  • body;
  • fastening.

The device can be turned on automatically or manually. Car models will turn on automatically when the ignition is turned on. They immediately start filming everything the camera sees and save everything to a USB flash drive.

Modern DVRs are designed so that any video from them can be viewed at any time and on any device:

  • directly on the DVR;
  • computer;
  • laptop;
  • smartphone.

How the DVR works:

  • the camera shoots video;
  • the signal is transmitted through the cable to the video recorder;
  • the received signal is processed by the device;
  • a special codec compresses the received data and stores it on the built-in or external memory.

DVRs differ in the option of connecting 8 analog or IP cameras to a microphone.

Types of DVRs and their purpose

How to choose a DVR

Devices are mobile and stationary.


How to choose a DVR

Their work is provided by third-party devices. There are three types.


Capture the signal from the IP camera, archive and store the data.


Compatible with IP and analog cameras.

Computer based

They work on a PC basis and can solve many problems.

The advantages of stationary devices:

  • can be used in the video surveillance system for private houses, offices, public buildings and institutions;
  • high quality recording thanks to powerful processors.


  • very expensive;
  • for installation, you need to invite a specialist.


How to choose a DVR

These are models for cars. They record, record and store traffic information. Suitable for any vehicle.


  • easy to install;
  • presented in a large assortment in terms of functionality and pricing policy;
  • are sold at affordable prices;
  • recording is performed in automatic mode.


  • attract the attention of burglars;
  • interfering wires near the cigarette lighter;
  • you need to buy flash drives with a large amount of memory.

It is a mistake to think that DVRs are used only in vehicles.

Selection options: how to choose a good DVR

Consider the most important criteria for choosing a device.


You should immediately understand that a cheap device cannot be of high quality, so it is unlikely to provide worthy support in the event of an accident. At the same time, you do not need to take the most expensive DVR, as it can also have serious disadvantages. There are cases when, due to incorrect selection, even the most sophisticated device could not cope with the tasks. In order not to become a hostage of your choice, we suggest spending a few minutes reading our article. From it you will learn how to find a reliable product at a normal cost. However, remember one thing - you have to pay the normal price for a good DVR. Saving in this aspect is unreasonable.

Car DVR mount

Many people think that the most important thing in a DVR is its "stuffing", but practice proves that this opinion is wrong. The main element of any DVR is its mount. Just by this element you will be able to determine the quality of the selected model, so give it due attention. Today, adhesive tape and a suction cup are used as fasteners.

Adhesive tape

How to choose a DVR

If you do not have the opportunity to park your car in the garage or in a guarded parking lot, you will constantly take the DVR with you so that it does not attract the attention of thieves. For such situations, it is advisable to buy models with a suction cup rather than a tape, since the latter is not suitable for frequent removal and installation of the gadget. But there are models on which the fastening tape can be changed if necessary. On the other hand, the suction cup does not hold the device as securely as the tape.


How to choose a DVR

Suitable for those who are forced to constantly remove the radio tape recorder, DVR and other elements from the car. Unfortunately, the number of car break-ins is constantly increasing, so drivers are forced to pick up all additional devices. As practice shows, DVRs are in greatest demand among car thieves. So if you don't have a garage or can't park your car, it's best to buy a gadget with a suction cup.

Summarizing the above, we advise you to choose a DVR mount based on the place where you store the car. Be sure to check the reliability of this item. Image jitter depends on its length, so it is better to choose a model with a minimum fastener length. This will provide a secure grip and better video recording.

DVR class

There are many nuances in this criterion. For example, if you live in a metropolis, then you need to buy a high-end model. Drivers living in small towns or villages do not need this need, since the traffic is not so saturated and its participants are distinguished by better discipline.

With radar detector

How to choose a DVR

In our country, radars have long been used to control the speed of a car, and more recently, special cameras have also been used. In this regard, anti-radar devices began to be very popular among drivers - devices that pick up the radar at a great distance and warn the driver about the need to slow down to the desired rate. Since it is not very convenient to buy and install a video recorder and a radar detector separately, 3-in-1 devices appeared on the market that combine the following functions:

  • video recorder;
  • radar detector;
  • GPS module.

In the beginning, such combo gadgets were impressive in size, as they had a large horn antenna for the anti-radar antenna. Very soon, they were replaced by compact devices with extensive functionality. A good example of such a combi is the Roadgid X7 Gibrid GT.


How to choose a DVR

This includes simple, inexpensive appliances. They have one camera, one sound recording device, and the picture is recorded on an SD flash drive. For power, a cord is provided that connects to the cigarette lighter. Such a DVR cannot provide a good image. Its characteristics in general do not allow to properly record what is happening on the road. The camera only shoots what is happening directly in front of the car, so if an accident happened from behind or from the side, then there is no sense from it. Despite these nuances, many car owners are attracted by these models precisely because of their low cost.


How to choose a DVR

Of great interest are models that record not only picture and sound, but also take readings of automobile sensors. With this option, they resemble the "black boxes" of aircraft. Thanks to this, you get enough information to reproduce the accident, and you can quickly identify the culprit. What is meant by additional information:

  • vehicle position coordinates;
  • vehicle speed indicators for a certain time period;
  • comprehensive video coverage of what was happening around the cars.

These devices are usually installed on the windshield. Sometimes they can be sold with additional cameras that can be installed in other places. Accordingly, the price of a multifunctional video recorder is much higher than a conventional device, but there is more benefit from it in controversial moments.


How to choose a DVR

A full-fledged gadget that fully monitors what is happening around the vehicle and records a very high-quality video. In addition, it has:

  • GPS receiver function;
  • Internet access;
  • multiple cameras and microphones;
  • the ability to install a couple of memory cards.

Some models have the function of recording to external hard drives, keep a full report on the operation of automotive systems, its speed and acceleration at a certain time. Video recording is good at any time of the day in any light. A significant disadvantage of a professional DVR is its high price.

Now you know what classes of DVRs exist. This information should also be taken into account when choosing a gadget for your car.

DVR specifications

In this section, you will learn how to choose the best device for you.

Camera angle

How to choose a DVR

Most gadgets have a viewing range of 100-150 degrees. It should be understood that the angle size affects the image quality: the higher it is, the worse the picture is. At the same time, the lower the device is placed, the less "information" gets to its camera. As a result, there is very little benefit from such a DVR. According to experienced users, it is best to choose a gadget that covers 120-130 degrees of view.

Video Resolution

Everyone knows that videos have a certain resolution. According to experts, a car DVR should have the following permissions:

  1. SD - standard definition (640 * 480).
  2. HD - high definition (1280 * 720).
  3. Full HD - the maximum picture resolution is higher (1920 * 1080).

It is logical that the best picture is obtained at high resolution. But the cost of a car gadget strongly depends on this indicator. Also, do not forget that a high-quality detailed picture takes up a lot of space on a flash drive. Therefore, when purchasing a Full HD camera, make sure you have the correct memory card. As practice shows, a DVR with an HD camera is enough. And it is sold at a relatively affordable price.

Recording speed

How to choose a DVR

The human eye renders a video created at 24 frames per minute.At a lower index, the image for us will be slowed down and of poor quality. The experts have worked on this moment, so now you can independently set the number of frames taken per second. This is very useful, but again, it has a huge impact on the cost of the DVR.

Imagine a situation that you are driving at a speed of 160 km / h, and your video recorder will not record what is happening all the time, but on every meter. It is clear that in such a situation he will not be able to remove important information.

To avoid such unpleasant moments, gadgets have been developed with the ability to manually adjust the shooting speed. Experienced users are advised to reduce the recording speed when driving in the dark, since night recording always takes up more space on the memory card.

Today, some auto gadget manufacturers specify HD quality and 60 frames per second on the device. But in fact, high-quality shooting is provided only at 30 frames per second. To save yourself from buying a rather weak device, always check the video recording speed.

Number of cameras

How to choose a DVR

From the above material, you already know that DVRs can have more than one camera. Of course, the more of them, the better, because this allows you to control the situation around the entire car. But do not rush to buy a device with multiple cameras. In fact, only one lens of such a device shoots at 24 frames / sec and in HD quality. Connecting additional cameras has a negative impact on performance, since the image quality is distributed across all lenses. Remember, a low-cost multi-camera DVR is simply useless.

If you want to buy a quality model, then get ready to give a tidy sum for it. But she will definitely justify herself.

Loop recording

How to choose a DVR

A very important aspect. For example, if you have to travel a lot for work, your DVR will shoot huge amounts of information that needs to be stored somewhere. In order not to spend a lot of money on the purchase of memory cards, it was decided to create a loop recording function. With it, you can set a specific loop and divide the video file into parts.

Most often, the range varies between 2-30 minutes. During the operation of the DVR, information will accumulate on the media, and when it is completely full, the first file will be overwritten. It will be so with each subsequent one. This is very convenient, because you hardly need a full-fledged "film" about your movement. And so all the important points will always be recorded, and you can view them. Since the cycling is not always up to date, it can be turned off.


There is sound recording on almost every DVR today. Sometimes audio information is more important than video. By sound, you can estimate the braking distance, etc. This function is very useful when communicating with a traffic police officer, especially if he is behaving improperly. When buying a DVR, be sure to ask the seller to demonstrate the quality of the audio recording.

Memory card

How to choose a DVR

The predominant number of DVRs interacts with microSD and SD memory cards. They can store from 16 to 64 GB of information. The volume of the video material depends on its quality. Therefore, when purchasing a gadget, buy a suitable memory card for storing materials. But the size of the flash drive is not the most important criterion for its choice. It is very important to check the write speed.

All memory cards are divided into classes and each of them has its own data writing speed. For a DVR, you need to buy a card of at least 10 class. If the recording speed of the DVR is faster than that of the card, it can lead to overlaps and loss of important information. To find a suitable flash drive, study the passport of the gadget - this information is always provided there.

With optional memory card

Today you can find gadgets in which you can put additional information storage. This option will never be superfluous.Certain manufacturers release DVRs that interact with an external HDD, which allows you to store much more information. The recording speed is also decent.


We are already heavily dependent on the Web, so today gadgets that support logging into it are becoming more and more popular. For this purpose, GPRS or 3G communication is being introduced in them. With this option, you can send the video file directly to your PC. The downside is the need to pay for telecommunications services.

Important points when choosing a DVR

These generalized rules will help determine which gadget is best for you:

  1. It must be connected via USB. This will allow you to connect it to an onboard or personal computer.
  2. Buy a model with an external screen. This is useful in situations where you need to resolve a controversial issue right on the spot.
  3. It's good if the device has a G-sensor and a GPS module. With their help, you will quickly reproduce events, you will be able to determine the coordinates and acceleration of the vehicle.
  4. A motion detector is very useful. It allows you to record information when there is a car in front of you at a certain speed, in a parking lot and at night.
  5. Pay attention to rotary gadgets that can translate focus.


From the above, we can conclude that the DVR is a really useful thing. But not every video will be considered solid evidence in a controversial issue. Because of this, you need to buy a device from a reputable manufacturer to be certified and of good quality. The quality certificate must be issued by the country in which you will use the device.

Also check that the serial number is indicated on its body, which must be indicated in the accident report. If a problem situation arises, you must, in the presence of witnesses, give the memory card to the traffic police officer or to the court. By law, you must hand over the USB stick with information within a month after the accident, otherwise it will not be considered a reliable source.

Which DVR to choose

You need to buy a device deliberately. Initially, they all work perfectly, but already the first incident will show its quality and the disadvantages present.

First of all, you need to decide on the goals of purchasing the product:

  1. If you need to control the situation on the road or in the cabin, you need to buy a model with several cameras. Today there are models on the market to which you can connect a large number of cameras. This nuance is spelled out in the attached instructions, namely, in the department on the number of channels.
  2. The main task of the device is to record information, therefore it is recommended to choose models with good image quality. Budget DVRs do not have such an advantage, so it is not advisable to buy them. Experts advise paying attention to models that shoot well even in the dark.
  3. To save space, it is better to buy a device without a screen. It will not blind and distract the driver; it transfers information using a cable or Wi-Fi network. Compactness and ergonomics are very important parameters, so it is foolish to buy a model with a small display. If you really want a DVR with a display, then let it have a large diagonal. Then it can be used as an electronic mirror, rear view camera and lane assist.
  4. If you want to become the owner of a multifunctional device, then pay attention to models with additional capabilities. The GPS module can work as a navigator, which is very convenient. Using the Parking mode option, you can save the device memory during periods of inactivity. Thanks to the radar detector, you can avoid unnecessary financial expenses.

Each user has his own wishes for the DVR. But experts advise all the same not to spare money and buy a device with a high-quality image, since only this will ensure a decent performance of the main function of the device.

Best DVR manufacturers

If you do not want to bother with the criteria and want to immediately buy a quality product, we advise you to pay attention to the products of the following companies:

  • Mio MiVue.
  • StreetStorm.
  • Datakam.
  • BlackVue.

According to consumer and professional reviews, these manufacturers only offer reliable devices.

How much does the DVR cost

Modern models are sold at reasonable prices, so every buyer can find a suitable model.

The price of the device depends on the presence / absence of additional functions. In the selection process, pay attention to the build quality, the manufacturer, the main characteristics. The predominant number of devices are sold for 1.5-10,000 rubles. The cheapest models are produced in Taiwan or China. Their only advantage is their low price.

DVRs with high-quality detailed pictures cost an average of 3-6,000 rubles. Devices with additional functionality and maximum image expansion cost between 6-10,000 rubles.

A brief overview of several popular models

To make it easier for you to buy a DVR, we suggest you familiarize yourself with several interesting models.


How to choose a DVR

Sold for 3,000 rubles. It is developed by Russian specialists. For several years now it has been a leader in sales among Russian consumers. For almost 20 years, AdvoCam specialists have been dealing with professional video surveillance systems. To create devices, the company launched its own production in the Vladimir region. Each device is carefully checked taking into account all the nuances.

Thanks to their extensive experience, the company's specialists do not use expensive components in their work and put the JX-F02 matrix on their DVR. Pixel size 3 * 3 microns. On flagship matrices such as OmniVision OV4689, this criterion reaches 19 * 1.9. But it's no secret that the larger the pixel size, the better the video recording, especially in low light.

This model is not in vain called the most thoughtful DVR of the past year. Its creators decided to abandon all additional functions in order to bring the main, video, to the highest level. Of the secondary, only the G-sensor and the ability to use it as a webcam when interacting with a computer were left.

The quality of the shooting really turned out to be very high quality. In the daytime, the license plates of the car driving in front can be read well at a distance of 13 meters, at night - from 8 meters. The Chinese counterpart shoots the same picture from a maximum of 5 meters in good lighting.

AdvoCam-FD8 Gold-II (GPS + GLONASS)

How to choose a DVR

It costs 10,000 rubles. It is considered an expensive gadget. In terms of the quality of shooting, it is ahead of any development of any manufacturer at a price of up to 20,000 rubles. High-quality video will be available for expensive Korean-made models, the price of which starts at 20,000 rubles. This high quality for a relatively low, after comparison with Korean models, is provided by the American-made Ambarella A12 processor. It was AdvoCam specialists who managed to fully disclose it, and now it issues:

  • resolution 2560 * 1440;
  • legibility at 17 meters during the day and 12 meters at night.

Any other 10K DVR has 12 meters of readability during the day and a maximum of 8 meters at night.

Also AdvoCam-FD8 Gold-II supports Wi-Fi, so the video can be viewed directly on the smartphone. Built-in memory is provided, which allows you to copy 60 seconds of video and transfer it to the right hands.

Another important feature is the automatic shutdown of charging when the outdoor temperature drops below zero, which extends the battery life of the gadget.

All AdvoCam models can operate in -35 frost, do not fall apart when constantly driving on roads with holes and potholes. Especially for this, the company's specialists check each model using special vibration stands and temperature chambers.


If you are looking for a budget DVR with good shooting quality, pay attention to the AdvoCam-FD4, which costs only 3,000 rubles.If finances allow, and you like to keep up with technical progress, buy AdvoCam-FD8 Gold-II (GPS + GLONASS) for 10,000 rubles. This model is really the best in this price category.

Roadgid X7 Gibrid GT

How to choose a DVR

It would be unforgivable to ignore the device of another well-known company Roadguide, which combines a video recorder and a radar detector. The device costs 11,500 rubles. It records material at high resolution SuperHD (2560 * 1080p), is equipped with a built-in anti-radar detector, which works on the basis of the Korean radar module and always works accurately, a GPS / GLONASS module with a constantly updated base of stationary cameras and the following additional options:

  • "Antisone" - prevents falling asleep while driving;
  • “Let's go” - informs when the movement started at a traffic light or in a traffic jam;
  • lane control - helps you stay within your lane;
  • distance control - helps you keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.

The indisputable advantage of this model is its compact size. In order for the DVR to tolerate temperature changes well and work at +50 - -25, there are special ventilation holes on its body.

Consumer reviews

Recently I bought a BlackVue DR650S-2CH DVR at a good price on Avito. I received it, examined it carefully and only then paid for the purchase, which did not cause the feeling that they wanted to deceive me. I liked the appearance of the gadget right away. Without modesty, I will say that it belongs to the premium class. The video is good in any light. Readability at night - 15 meters! The device comes with two additional cameras - rear (HD) and front (Full HD), which also function perfectly. I am very pleased with the purchase and recommend this model to everyone.


Video recorder SilverStone F1 crod a87 WiFi I received from colleagues in honor of my birthday. Before him, I used a less advanced model. As a gift, I really like the size and comfortable fastening. The previous registrar constantly dropped out when the car was moving suddenly. The menu is simple and convenient. There is a control function via a smartphone. Applications are free, they update themselves. The viewing angle is excellent. Audio playback is clear, video quality is high even at night. I have already used the device in practice - they wanted to blame it for an accident, but I proved that I did not participate in it.


CarCam D5 dash cam - ideal for daily use in a family car. We approached its purchase very carefully, went through many different options. We were guided by the quality / price principle. As a result, the selected model records high-quality videos that can be easily viewed on a computer. Night recording is decent too. The parking camera option works well, which is very important for my wife. Now she has no idea how to park without a DVR. Unfortunately, the 32 GB memory card fills up quickly, which is not very convenient. Personally, I like its mount in this DVR - it securely fixes the device, and the picture does not shake.


I bought the INcar VR-X15 video recorder 6 weeks ago, because the previous one was very outdated and could no longer cope with its functions. During the use of the device, I noted the following:

  1. The picture resolution can be changed, I liked 720p / 60fps the most, so now they only use it.
  2. Wdr. Thanks to it, brightly lit objects in the video are not overexposed.

When buying a new DVR, I wanted to get a high-quality device that requires a minimum of manipulation to use. I am happy to announce that my wish has come true. I recommend to everyone.


I bought a ParkCity dvr hd 750 video recorder in April for 8,000 rubles! I hung it on any glass, never took it off. And at the beginning of July, after only three months, the front metal plate peeled off, and the battery stopped holding a charge normally.Due to being busy, I could not call the service on time, but when I got there, I was told that I would have to pay for any check and that a battery breakdown is not a warranty case.

As a result, I had to disassemble the DVR myself. First, I found a swollen battery, which caused the plate to come off. Apparently, they put her on very low-quality glue. I changed the battery, but that only made things worse. Now the DVR turns itself off and may not turn on for a very long time. After a while, he stupidly stopped working. I don’t know how you can sell such a low quality product at such huge prices. Now I don't even know if it is worth throwing 6-9 thousand on the DVR again or buying a budget model ...


I liked the BlackVue DR750S video recorder right away, but its cost strongly "bite". Therefore, when my friends presented it in honor of the anniversary, I was very happy. I confess that I did not find even the slightest flaws in it. First of all, its size pleases - compact, takes up very little space on the windshield.

The second plus is clean video and audio recording. Whether it is raining, snowing or sunny, the quality of information is perfect. FullHD (1920 * 1080) 60kbps works here.

Another nice thing is the cloud service. There is an option to track the situation around the car in real time. You just need to connect to the Internet and on your phone you can watch what is happening around. Very convenient for those who park their car on the street. I use this function when I come to work or visit friends.

The manufacturer claims that the DVR can operate in extreme weather conditions. Now it is +32 on the street, it does not freeze and functions perfectly. At the same time, that recently the car stood in the sun for a long time, supercapacitors worked, the operation of the device was not disrupted. In my opinion, this can be considered a confirmation of the manufacturer's words. A really good thing that fully justified its high cost. If I suddenly find even small flaws, I will definitely write in a review.


A guy gave me a Roadgid CityGo video recorder with Wi-Fi. There is a second camera that records information and helps you park. Since it is compact, its screen is very small, but I would like a little larger. It's nice that there is a USB for charging the phone and simultaneously operating the device. The anti-radar function is very helpful. Overall, I am completely satisfied with this DVR.



We hope our article will help you find a good DVR that will meet all your requirements.

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