How to choose a tile grout

As a rule, in rooms with high humidity, tiling of walls and floors is performed with tiles, since this material best transfers liquid. However, the material in question is piecemeal and requires the connection of each tile using special seams. Moreover, each of them needs careful sealing for the reliability of the entire procedure. This is done with the help of a special composition that contains the necessary waterproof components. Many are interested in how to choose a tile grout. We propose to analyze this issue in more detail in our article.

The principle of operation and components of grout

How to choose a tile grout

To understand which grout to choose for tiles in the bathroom, you need to know the basic principles of the substance, as well as the various components that manufacturers use. Typically, bathroom tile grout is sold dry, namely powder. In most cases, cement is used in the base. Various mineral and plasticizing materials are added to it to change the properties in the right direction.

The first step before work is to dilute the solution. For this, the powder is diluted with water in a separate container. The correct proportions must be indicated on the grout packaging. If this is not the case, then you need to find out about this in the store where the finishing material was purchased. In some cases, liquid latex should be used instead of water.

Sometimes you can find a synthetic grout that uses chemicals. Or a composition based on various resins. In this case, the product can be sold immediately in liquid form. The user only needs to unpack the grout and apply it. However, synthetic specimens can be two-component. This means that the hardener must be added first.

Regardless of which specific composition of the grout and from which manufacturer was chosen, the substance will act on approximately the same principle. Immediately after applying the mixture to the joint between two tiles, the grout adheres to the surface and forms a small wall between the tiles. It cannot pass moisture and does not crack over time.

Types of grout for tiles

As mentioned earlier, tile grout can have different components in its composition. Moreover, the manufacturer can either simply add a minor detail or completely change the basis of the mixture. Today, there are 5 main substances that are usually used in the basis of grout for tiles. These are cement, latex, epoxies, furan and polyurethane. It is recommended to take a closer look at each type of grout, as well as familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.


How to choose a tile grout

It has already been mentioned above that cement-based mortars are most popular, since they are more affordable and easier to manufacture and use. It should be noted that cement-based grouts include cement-polymer, as well as cement-sand specimens. With the help of the considered category of grouting, it is possible to create joints with a width in the region of 3-6 mm.However, if the composition contains a mineral additive in the form of sand, then a much larger wall can be organized between the cladding elements.

It is not recommended to use cement grout in extremely humid rooms, for example, in a shower stall. This is due to the fact that some part of the moisture still gets into the structure of the mixture. This can lead to mold and deterioration of the wall or floor cladding. However, there is a remedy that can reduce this risk. It is about a special antiseptic or liquid latex.


  • Even if cracks appear at the seams over time, they can be easily repaired;
  • The most budgetary option for today;
  • High level of strength;
  • The substance does not solidify immediately, but takes some time for this. On the one hand, this is a disadvantage because you have to wait. However, this allows you to correct any mistakes made in the course of work in time;
  • An excellent option for inexperienced craftsmen who decide to make a cladding in the bathroom with their own hands and do not have much experience in this.


  • It takes quite a long time before the mixture hardens completely;
  • Manufacturers offer a narrow selection of solution colors;
  • Slight shrinkage after complete solidification is characteristic;
  • A small part of the moisture is absorbed by this type of grout.


How to choose a tile grout

Next in line is another type of bath grout, which is much more expensive than cement. The latex mixture is quite pliable. It can be used to create seams up to 30 mm wide. Typically, latex grout is supplied in liquid form. However, this substance is rarely used in its pure form, since the price of one package is extremely high.

Many craftsmen add latex mixture to the grout or create an additional layer of it. In both cases, the properties of the cement slurry are greatly improved. It no longer absorbs moisture, does not react to sudden changes in temperature and does not crack.


  • Complete waterproofing;
  • Does not crack over time;
  • Excellent elasticity;
  • Does not bend, shrink or shrink;
  • Suitable for wide joints between cladding elements.


  • Extremely high cost relative to other types of grout;
  • Steam cleaning is not recommended;
  • Part of the substance that gets on the surface of the tile must be removed as soon as possible. Otherwise, a cloudy film will form on the cladding, spoiling the interior.


How to choose a tile grout

The next type of tile grout that will be discussed in this article is a two-component composition using epoxies. The mixture is based on various chemical mixtures. And to increase the strength, manufacturers add a fine-grained aggregate to the solution. In most cases, sand is used as such filler. Some manufacturers paint it in different colors. Thus, the substance not only increases the strength of the structure, but also gives the solution an appearance.

The main advantage of epoxy grouting is its wide range of applications. There are practically no restrictions. Even street tiles can be processed with this composition. However, it should be borne in mind that to work with such a substance, you need to be an experienced craftsman and understand the issue, since if you do wrong, you can ruin both the material itself and the cladding.

Immediately after applying the first component to the wall, the user introduces the hardener and the substance completely cures in a few minutes. The main properties of the resulting surface resemble ordinary plastic. The type of grout in question is one of the most optimal for the wettest areas. That is, it can be used in the shower, under the sink, and so on.


  • Good color retention;
  • Cracks do not appear even over time;
  • The service life varies between 30-50 years;
  • Good elasticity;
  • Temperature changes cannot affect epoxy joints.However, the temperature should not fall below -20 and exceed +110 degrees. Otherwise, the material will begin to lose its properties;
  • Complete waterproofing. Even direct contact with water will not harm the substance. You can use different detergents, different chemicals and even abrasives.


  • Impressive value. However, the epoxy option is cheaper than the latex option;
  • It is not recommended to use such a solution without proper skills and experience. The mixture hardens quickly and may not leave an opportunity to correct the error;
  • Most manufacturers add sand to the composition. Because of this, the surface of the seam becomes porous and clothes, threads, hair and so on cling to it;
  • It is recommended to apply the substance carefully as it is difficult to wipe off the tiles.


How to choose a tile grout

Now let's look at furan grout for tiles, which are similar to epoxy specimens, but have their own properties and characteristics. The base uses the same curable resin. Some latex is added to it, which gives a good indicator of elasticity. Some manufacturers add Portland cement to their product. He is responsible for the high strength of the product.

Externally and in terms of physical properties, the cured furan layer is almost identical to the epoxy one. However, the intrinsic properties of the material are very different. Furan is characterized by good resistance to aggressive acids. Its properties are not lost because of this. However, the substance can react chemically with some other substance. In this case, chemical fumes, harmful to humans, will begin to be released into the air. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such grout in a residential area as it can lead to health consequences.


  • Resistant to aggressive acids;
  • Not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Do not crack even over time;
  • Complete waterproofing;
  • High strength;
  • Good elasticity.


  • Recommended for use only in industrial areas or outdoors. In living quarters, they can harm a person;
  • Difficult to find in stores;
  • Only black mix color is available;
  • Chemical activity.


How to choose a tile grout

And finally, the last type of tile grout is polyurethane. In terms of physical properties, the mixture is similar to latex in terms of elasticity. However, it is not completely waterproof. Instead, manufacturers offer good water repellency. This option is suitable for creating 1-6 mm joints between tiles.

As a rule, manufacturers of polyurethane mixtures recommend using them for ceramic tiles. In this case, it can be on a movable base, since elasticity gives the seams elasticity and does not allow cracking. It is worth noting that, as in epoxy products, it is customary to add colored sand to polyurethane products.


  • At the end of the work, the master has time to correct mistakes, since the mixture does not freeze immediately;
  • Even if the solution accidentally hits the tile surface, it can be wiped off without effort;
  • Complete waterproofing;
  • The mixture is immediately ready for use. It is enough to open the package and start working;
  • Perfect for thin and very thin seams.


  • Contact with chlorine is not allowed, since a chemical reaction begins and the solution collapses.

The best manufacturers of tile grout - recommendations for choosing the right company

When buying any product, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer. If a company has a good sales volume, is well-known in wide circles and users speak well of it, then it provides quality reliable products that will not let you down even over time. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to purchase solutions from nameless companies. You never know what components are used by them in production.

If you want to make high-quality and reliable repairs, after which you do not think about it for many years, then it is recommended to buy products from the best manufacturers.Today the following brands can be distinguished:

  • Mapei;
  • Ceresit;
  • Sopro;
  • Litokol.

The main activity of each of these companies is the production of building materials. Among them, you can find the right tile grout with the desired characteristics. It is possible to choose a base, color, additives, and so on. It all depends on the wishes of the user.

Grout selection options for tiles

Next, we suggest considering the basic parameters that are extremely important when choosing a good grout for tiles. If you neglect these factors, then you can stumble upon a low-quality product and it will last too little time.

Tile type and properties

The first step is to decide on the tile, if it has not yet been purchased, since each grout is designed for certain categories of cladding and may not be combined with others. It should be understood that grout is needed not only to create a waterproof seam between the cladding elements, but also to glue them together. It is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • If you are using glass tiles or mosaics, it is recommended to use a decorative epoxy mixture;
  • If you have a tile with a glossy surface, then you cannot use any solution that contains abrasive sand, since it can easily damage the cladding. For such tiles, cement, latex and polyurethane products are recommended;
  • Ceramic tiles with a porous surface go well with cement grout with the addition of sand. It is not recommended to use liquid mixtures.


It is recommended to take into account the peculiarities of each type of grout and choose the one that best suits the required conditions. Thus, for dry areas where water does not often get into, but need to be cleaned regularly, the standard cement option will do. It is the most affordable and does not require additional conditions and special care. Such grout is suitable, for example, for a kitchen apron or a wall in a toilet or bathroom.

The higher the humidity in the room, the more doubtful the choice of cement mortar. For special humidity, latex or polyurethane is recommended. Moreover, latex can be used in a small proportion together with a cement type. This will make the cement waterproof and save money. Epoxy is also suitable for such premises.

It is worth considering the features of the cladding. If the surface on which it is installed is unstable and can deform, move or vibrate, then a grout with good elasticity should be used. It will give the required level of elasticity and will not allow the seams to crack. Some grouting materials do not tolerate temperature changes. It is not recommended to use them in rooms with warm floors or outdoors.


Today, some types of grout are supplied not only in gray and black. Many manufacturers have begun to add decorative sand that has color to their products. Thus, the opportunity has opened up for better design solutions when creating tiled cladding in rooms.

First of all, the presence of color depends on the type of grout. Furan and cement mortars are usually only black or gray. However, there are also exceptions. You can find a huge assortment of different colors. Everyone can find something to their liking. There are light and dark shades, decorative inserts, multi-color panels, the “chameleon” effect, metallization, mother-of-pearl, and even mixtures containing phosphorus. Thus, the seams begin to glow in the dark.

Here the choice is completely up to the user and it will not affect the technical properties of the material in any way. Only the appearance depends on it.

Seam width

Do not forget that each grout is designed to create seams of a certain width. If you get out of this framework in the process of work, then the properties of the mixture are lost and it will quickly collapse. Therefore, be sure to check the data on the packaging and select the most suitable product.In general, the width of the seams can be from 1 mm to 30 cm.

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How to choose