The best vitamins for women

20 best vitamins for women and girls

It is especially important for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to keep the body in good shape. Our editors considered it necessary to collect the best vitamins for women in the rating and share useful information regarding the advisability of taking them. The TOP includes drugs that have had the desired effect and are famous for a good reputation among consumers. Also, the opinion of experts on this matter was not ignored.

Signs of vitamin deficiency in women

The need to drink vitamins can arise at any age. You need to learn how to correctly recognize the body signals indicating a lack of nutrients.

Signs of vitamin deficiency can manifest itself in a breakdown, feeling unwell and disorders of the organs of the digestive tract:

  • cracks appeared on the lips, the skin on the elbows and feet dried out, and tearing of the eyes also appears - you need to drink vitamin A;
  • numbness of the limbs, drop in blood pressure, lack of appetite, tortured migraines and weakness - pay attention to vitamins of group B1 and B2... Deficiency of these substances can also manifest itself as severe hair loss and decreased visual acuity at dusk;
  • lack of healthy appetite, poor sleep, skin rash and stomatitis can indicate a lack of vitamins AT 6 in organism. This fact may be associated with increased irritability and restless thoughts, groundless anxiety;
  • gray hair, wrinkles, poor tissue regeneration, that is, premature aging - may be the result of a lack of AT 9 in a woman's body;
  • if more and more problems with stool regularity are observed, noise appears in the ears for no reason, and also the head is spinning from time to time - you need to drink AT 12;
  • if there is a problem with bleeding gums, bad breath, or bruising on the skin, even with a weak touch, not enough vitamin C;
  • depression, muscle pain, increased sweating - a sign of absence in the right amount in the female body vitamin D.

Classification of vitamins

Also, doctors divide all vitamins for women's health into groups:

  • for beauty - E, A, C;
  • for older age - K, D, active group B, A and E;
  • for pregnant women - B9;
  • for recovery after childbirth and the lactation period - D and E, additionally you need Ca and Se;
  • for the reproductive system - B6, B12, B9.

The best vitamins for women over 40

This time for a woman is accompanied by problems with the reproductive system. The cycle gets lost, menopause begins to appear, and hormonal disruptions also occur. To stop the rate of age-related changes, you need to choose a high-quality vitamin product.It is worth paying attention to the complexes that have received positive reviews from women 40+ and doctors.

Ledy's Formula Woman 40 Plus

Ledy's Formula Woman 40 Plus

The American company "Pharmamed" produces the supplement of the vitamin and mineral composition. The complex is represented by natural extracts of citrus and papaya, which additionally have a fat-burning effect. Also in the basic set there is boron, green tea extract, grape seed, silicon.

If the manufacturer's instructions are followed, women notice that the skin becomes more elastic and toned. Experts say that the set of bioflavonoids included in the basic composition will contribute to a positive effect on the reproductive system and will prevent menopause. This supplement is often prescribed during menopause.

Pros and cons
  • middle price segment;
  • eliminates insomnia, improves memory;
  • is the prevention of obesity and menopause;
  • can be used as a sports supplement.
  • in individual cases, intolerance to the components was recorded.


Duovit for women

Duovit for women

An excellent vitamin and mineral complex that is balanced and exactly meets all the necessary standards to maintain the female body after 40 years. It included 12 vitamin components and 5 mineral composition.

For a course of tablets, you can eliminate hormonal disruptions, improve the condition of nails, hair and skin, prevent premature aging of the body and prevent heart and vascular diseases. Duovit has a positive effect on the prevention of oncological ailments, according to experts.

The composition contains C-containing components that help the female body to better process iron, and calcium will be beneficial in the prevention of osteoporosis, because very often this ailment develops after 40 years.

Pros and cons
  • 1 package is enough for a month of admission;
  • acceptable price;
  • efficiency;
  • balanced composition.
  • absent.


Vitrum Beauty Elite

Vitrum Beauty Elite

A complex of vitamins and minerals, aimed at improving the quality of the immune system and external indicators. Very often, doctors prescribe it to those women who live in a region with a negative environmental situation, as well as in post-traumatic rehabilitation. Vitrum Beauty Elite is suitable in case of hard work, we are talking about 2 types of activities at once - mental and physical.

The manufacturer notes that with a properly prescribed course of taking the drug, the consumer will be able to establish lipid metabolism by suspending the formation of cholesterol plaques. The preparation is based on horsetail, which is a source of silicon and promotes active collagen production. As mentioned above, a woman will be able to note a positive external effect - the nails will become stronger, the hair will stop falling out much.

Pros and cons
  • 1 package is designed for 1 month;
  • affordable price;
  • versatility.
  • during pregnancy and lactation should not be used.


Complivit for women 45+

Complivit for women 45+

It is recommended for patients with primary signs of menopause, because it contains a phytoestrogen of a plant nature - cimicifuga extract. Removes excessive sweating, hot flashes of blood pressure and nervousness. The motherwort included in the formula is responsible for the latter. The composition can be used in complex therapy, helping to prolong the youth of the female body. L-carnitine will allow you to experience a surge of strength and energy, strengthen muscle tone.

Pros and cons
  • low cost;
  • a large list of useful substances in the composition;
  • will help to pass the difficult stage of menopause.
  • there is a warning about health risks when using the drug in a prolonged course.


Rating of vitamins for women after 50 years

At this age, the female body is faced with a change in the functions of the digestive tract, energy processes. Entering the climax stage is already over, and therefore it is necessary to focus on maintaining a healthy state of the body.The main focus should be on vitamin D, which helps to improve the efficiency of the liver's metabolic process, because after 50 years this organ undergoes great changes.

Ladyvita 50+

Ladyvita 50+


Many buyers of these vitamins note in their reviews on the Web that this is one of the best drugs after 50 years. The composition really pleases with its usefulness: 13 vitamins, phytoestrogens and 8 mineral components. The whole range of essential microelements is provided to every woman.

The emphasis is on phytoestrogens. Their reception helps to restore the musculoskeletal system, as well as to strengthen it. Since, having crossed the 50-year mark, the female body needs D-vitaminization and calcium, the manufacturer Ledivita also focused on these components. Unfortunately, even with a balanced diet, it is difficult to get 20 mg of D-foods daily, but with this complex, this problem will no longer be.

Pros and cons
  • reliable help for an elderly woman;
  • 9 mg iron per day;
  • has all the B vitamins, the composition is balanced with fatty acids and moisturizers.
  • high price;
  • you need to drink 3 tablets daily.


Centrum Silver Women 50+

Centrum Silver Women 50+

Produced in Italy. The complex is represented by vitamins B, E and C, D, P. Ca. Taking the complex in accordance with the exact instructions of the doctor will accompany the elimination of problems with the immune system, gastrointestinal tract, and will also relieve irritation and nervousness. A big plus is that the drug is prophylactic, it does not allow osteoporosis to develop.

The concentration of vitamin A is reduced in order to prevent fragility of bones in women after 50 years, as you know, this substance can, as a result of an excessive amount, bring harm rather than benefit.

Pros and cons
  • improves the condition of the skin, the functioning of the immune system;
  • well tolerated;
  • relieves irritation;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • helps to improve the state of the heart and blood vessels.
  • capsules are large, and therefore in the comments of women there are remarks that they are very difficult to swallow.


Ledy's Formula menopause

Ledy's Formula menopause

This is a Canadian drug that is quite effective at a relatively budget price. Reception is designed for a course within 6 months. If these recommendations are followed, it can eliminate fatigue, relieve tension and nervousness, and get rid of severe hot flashes. Also, the complex is a good preventive measure against the risk of diagnosing pathologies of the heart and vascular system, osteoporosis. All of the above qualities are due to a valuable composition, which includes 7 vitamins, natural herbal ingredients, 4 microelements. The complex is safe and effective, contributes to the correct hormonal balance.

Pros and cons
  • 1 package is designed for 1 month;
  • acceptable price;
  • there are phytoestrogens;
  • ideal solution for menopause.
  • the capsules are large, there may be problems with swallowing them;
  • intolerance to the components in some cases.


Vitrum Centuri

Vitrum Centuri

An American biological complex that perfectly matches the quality of the product and its price. It contains 14 vitamins and 17 mineral components. The course is designed for 3-4 months. The effectiveness is confirmed by the responses of women, who note that they have become calmer, apathy has disappeared, and a good mood has appeared. Also among the positive comments there is information about improving the condition of the hair and nail plate.

Pros and cons
  • 1 package is designed for 1 month;
  • democratic price;
  • decent composition;
  • effectiveness is noted during the first 7 days of admission.
  • you can not drink on an empty stomach, there is a risk of experiencing an attack of nausea;
  • it is forbidden to drink pills with tea, coffee. These drinks eliminate the benefits of the substances.


The best vitamins for women over 30

This age is accompanied by frequent stress, the manifestation of chronic ailments and the first signs of aging. It is necessary to supply the body with a balanced set of vitamins and useful minerals in order to stop the occurrence of problems and to prevent possible pathologies.

Vplab Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula

Vplab Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula

An inexpensive but effective complex that includes natural nutrients and minerals, vitamins. It is not worth listing them now, as the formula contains about 50 ingredients. All of them are aimed at supporting the body of a woman who leads an active lifestyle. Consumers note that the effect is noticeable even externally: nails have become stronger, hair does not fall out, the skin has regained its former tone. Some of the girls shared that they became much calmer and less prone to irritation.

Pros and cons
  • affordable price;
  • a set of 50 useful components;
  • universal effect on almost all systems of the female body.
  • the capsules smell strange.




Includes all the essential minerals and trace elements that will help the female body work steadily after reaching the 30-year mark. Particular emphasis is placed on supporting the reproductive system. The composition contains nutritional supplements that will give strength to active women who are fond of sports. The formula is supplemented with phytoestrogens, plant extracts and citrus-based bioflavonoids. Experts note that the product of the foreign manufacturer Optimum Nutrition deserves attention if only because it contains rare ingredients that are not found in other complexes, for example, lutein, grape seeds, molybdenum.

Pros and cons
  • a useful complex of a wide variety of substances, including rare ones;
  • packaging is designed for 1 month of admission;
  • suitable for athletes;
  • tonic effect.
  • not recommended for women with obesity;
  • high price;
  • there is no complex in domestic pharmacies, you need to be interested in its presence in sports stores in the department of food additives.


NUTRILITE Women's harmony

NUTRILITE Women's harmony

If there are problems with the cycle, this supplement will prove to be very effective. It contains plant components, and is based on the extract of prutnik. The complex is a source of linoleic acid, which has many health benefits for women. Also in the capsules there is beeswax, angelica extract, orange, ginger and angelica.

The course is designed for 1 month of admission. If necessary, it can be repeated.

Pros and cons
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • elimination of tension and removal of the consequences of stressful situations;
  • antioxidant effect due to the inclusion of carotenoids in the composition;
  • safe for diabetics.
  • the list of contraindications includes the lactation period and the postpartum period;
  • high price;
  • high consumption.


Fancl Good Choice Women 30

Fancl Good Choice Women 30

A Japanese product that contains only natural ingredients, lactic acid bacteria, Omega-3 and collagen. Strengthens immunity, improves the functioning of the nervous system. The drug is recommended for those who live in environmentally negative conditions, suffer from a lack of time for rest, experience stress and face great physical exertion. The course is designed for 3 months.

Pros and cons
  • a unique composition with a balanced formula for 30 years of age and older;
  • 1 package is designed for 1 month;
  • great quality.
  • long course;
  • high price.


The best vitamins for women over 60

This age is accompanied by a host of health problems, and therefore you need to eat a balanced diet, as well as supplement the lack of beneficial micronutrients in the right doses. The composition of multivitamin complexes for the female body after 60 years contains antioxidants: A, C, E vitamins, and also often found - zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

Doppel Herz Active 50+

Doppel Herz Active 50+

German product saturated with vitamins B, as well as C, E, D3. The composition contains calcium, which is especially valuable for the female body after 60 years. You can use it in order to maintain beauty and health. The dietary supplement is supplemented with biotin, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Due to the balanced composition, the vitality of women becomes higher, an improvement in mood and speed of brain reaction are noted. Effectiveness is shown within 2 weeks of regular use.

Pros and cons
  • good tolerance;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • increased mood;
  • German quality.
  • the effect is noticeable only after 2 weeks, at best.


Evalar Guide Vitamins for the Heart

Evalar Guide Vitamins for the Heart

The Evalar company produces these vitamins in the segment of products for vegetarians. Also, this complex does not include GMOs, sugar and gluten, but it is able to saturate a woman's body with potassium, magnesium, and a group of B vitamins in the proper dosage. The main direction is to support the correct functioning of the heart and vascular system. The course of admission is designed for 1 month, the frequency is 3-4 times a year.

Those women who have already tried vitamins on themselves shared that they began to feel much better, they survive stressful situations easier, do not complain of heavy breathing, and the quality of sleep has improved. External signs are no exception: nails do not break, hair shines and does not fall out to the extent that it was before.

Pros and cons
  • excellent composition;
  • the tablets are easy to swallow;
  • improvement of the condition, both psychological and physical, appearance.
  • individual intolerance is noted.


Alphabet 50+

Alphabet 50+

Russian production. The supplement includes rare components - lycopene and lutein. It is also present in the composition of 300 mg of calcium, which contributes to the prevention and complex treatment of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. In total, 9 minerals and 13 vitamins are used, among them A, E, C. The complex has a positive effect on the work of the heart, the vascular system, slows down the aging of the retina, and prevents the development of pathologies.

Consumers in the reviews share that when taking the complex, they stopped getting colds as often as it was before. Also among the positive effects, there is a surge of strength, the elimination of shortness of breath and an improvement in visual acuity.

Pros and cons
  • excellent composition with maximum benefit for the female body;
  • high dosage calcium;
  • saturation with strength and energy;
  • quick recovery from ailments.
  • frequent intake of tablets - 3 times a day.


Dr. Theiss Gerovital

Dr. Theiss Gerovital

Sold as an elixir. It includes iron, motherwort, hawthorn and 10 vitamins. It promotes the replenishment of iron in the body, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Active production of hemoglobin is also noted.

In the responses of women there is information that Gerovital helped them cope with chronic fatigue, loss of strength and apathy, and nervous conditions.

Pros and cons
  • pleasant aroma;
  • it is convenient to buy the required dosage - bottles of 30-500 mm;
  • excellent tolerance and lack of allergic manifestations;
  • normalization of sleep and its improvement in its quality;
  • active production of hemoglobin.
  • unpleasant taste;
  • drowsiness may be present due to sedation.


The best vitamins for women over 25

Girls after 25 years old come to monitor their body more carefully than it was in their youth. Most of the problems with dull hair and loss of skin tone are associated with vitamin deficiency, and therefore you need to take time to saturate yourself with nutrients from the inside. For convenience, you can use multivitamin complexes, but it will also be wise to focus on one of the vitamins marked by a shortage.



The composition contains ascorbic acid, retinol, pyridoxine and thiamine. The manufacturer also indicates the presence of food flavorings. Hexavit will help restore the body after a course of antibiotics. It will also be useful if an increased load is imposed on the organs of vision. A complex is prescribed for girls with hypovitaminosis, infectious ailments. You can use it for preventive purposes, but exactly as indicated in the instructions.

Pros and cons
  • effective for prevention;
  • will restore the body after an attack of antibiotic therapy;
  • includes vitamin C and A.
  • numerous list of side effects;
  • should not be taken by pregnant women, lactating breast milk, as well as with hypersensitivity to the components.




The dragee contains B9, C, A. Tocopherol, riboflavin are also present.It turns out that the drug is useful in order to recover from severe antibiotic therapy, hypovitaminosis, as well as to improve overall well-being at the age of 25 years. Reception is not excluded for the purpose of prevention.

Pros and cons
  • good prophylactic agent;
  • effective in restoring the body;
  • includes all important vitamins;
  • no severe side effects.
  • there may be an allergic reaction;
  • not prescribed for severe liver pathologies, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.


Nature's Way, Alive!

Natures Way, Alive!

It contains a lot of minerals, extracts and garden-vegetable mixtures, enzymes for digestion. It is recommended to take the complex in order to prevent vitamin deficiency. The complex does not contain sugar, yeast or dyes. In total, you need to drink 1 tablet per day according to the instructions, always with food.

Pros and cons
  • no side effects;
  • healthy composition;
  • no flavors or preservatives.
  • prohibited for ailments associated with blood clotting, renal failure;
  • among contraindications: lactation, pregnancy;
  • poor combination with other medications.


Animal Pak - for sports

Animal pak

The complex of vitamins and minerals is produced by Universal Nutrition of the United States, which has long won its status as a leader in the field of nutritional supplements for sports nutrition. Suitable for professional athletes who need a lot of protein. The components of the complex will help its better absorption, and will also help to strengthen the strength of the immune system. We will not list the entire composition, but we will designate that it contains more than 2 dozen vitamins and almost the same number of amino acids and minerals.

Girls who have experienced the action of Animal Pak say that they felt a surge of strength and endurance. Better concentration and focus on the assigned tasks was also noticed.

Pros and cons
  • dosage is optimized for athletes;
  • a large list of vitamins and minerals;
  • promotes better protein absorption.
    • there are side effects;
  • a large list of contraindications.



The best vitamins for female beauty and prevention of a number of diseases are complexes with prolonged action. Typically, they only need to be taken once a day, usually after breakfast. When choosing a drug, you need to rely solely on the state of your body, and also follow the exact prescription of a doctor. Means such as Alphabet, Duovit, Vitrum, Doppelgerts have proven themselves well among ordinary women and specialists.

To achieve the maximum effect, you need not only focus on the price, but also the quality, safety of the complex, learn more about the manufacturer's reputation, as well as the content of active ingredients that are included in the composition taking into account the daily rate.

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