The best milk

The best milk according to the Test Purchase and Roskachestvo

Recently, the beneficial properties of milk have been increasingly questioned. However, despite conflicting opinions, its importance in human nutrition can hardly be overestimated. Do not forget that milk the only product that is included in our diet literally from the very first days of life. Providing the body with amino acids and mineral components, it is also one of the irreplaceable sources of calcium and easily digestible milk protein. But is all milk such a good thing? And how do you find a really good quality product?

In search of answers to these questions, the network contains an uncountable number of articles based on unknown experts and their "expert" opinion. If you really want to protect yourself from buying counterfeit products, then be sure to read the information below.

The best pasteurized milk in Russia

"Asenyevskaya Ferma" (selective) - leader of the popular vote


Milk Asenievskaya Farm

The people's jury highly appreciated the taste of Asenievskaya Ferma (selected). However, the results of the expert tasting turned out to be opposite. The sample received a comment in terms of organoleptic properties, namely weak, empty taste.

Verified physicochemical and microbiological indicators fully comply with the safety requirements of GOST 31450-2013. The indicator of the total number of microorganisms (microbial contamination) does not exceed the permissible limits.

No preservatives, antibiotics, or tropical fats were found in the Asenyevskaya Ferma. The facts of inaccurate marking were not revealed.

Volume, ml.900
price, rub.90
Pros and cons
  • does not contain palm oil;
  • there are no pathogens.
  • has an unexpressed empty taste.


"Knyaginino" (selected) - the winner of the "Test purchase" program

Princess milk

During the tasting, the rich natural taste of the dairy product under the Knyaginino trademark was noted. The jury also appreciated the fat content and natural smell inherent in selected milk, without foreign impurities.

Laboratory examination confirmed the proper quality of the product and the absence of pathogenic organisms in its composition, including bacteria of the E. coli group, salmonella and listeria. No traces of milk powder or vegetable fats were found in the sample presented either. The decisive factor in awarding "Knyaginino" the title of the winner of the TV show is the highest mass fraction of protein among all the contestants.

Volume, ml.930
price, rub.70
Pros and cons
  • high protein content;
  • taste and smell characteristic of a dairy product;
  • free of antibiotics and preservatives.
  • not found.


"Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant" - could compete for the title of the winner of the TV show "Test purchase"

Dmitrovsky dairy plant

The sweetish taste of selected milk from the Dmitrov Dairy Plant did not satisfy the wishes of the people's tasters, and therefore the sample did not reach the final of the "Test Purchase" study. However, experts did not find any violations of regulatory documents, with the exception of a slight deviation of the actual mass fraction of protein from the labeling value. This means that the sample could have competed for the title of the winner if it had not been eliminated in the qualifying round.

Volume, ml.1000
price, rub.92
Pros and cons
  • corresponds to GOST;
  • the content of calcium and phosphorus corresponds to a natural product;
  • without added milk powder.
  • incorrect information in terms of nutritional value.


Sincerely Yours (3.2%) - outsider of the Test Purchase

Milk Sincerely yours

"Sincerely yours" (3.2%) was not highly appreciated during the tasting by the people's jury. Participants noted the lack of milk taste in the contestant, and also pointed to the presence of product delamination - the accumulation of water on the surface. This may be a sign that refutes the manufacturer's stated definition of "whole". Another negative feedback from tasters insufficient fat content. The reliability of this remark was confirmed in the laboratory. Researchers have identified an unacceptable standard discrepancy between the actual mass fraction of fat and the declared value of the label. In fact, the amount of fat contained in "Sincerely Yours" (3.2%) was significantly lower than the manufacturer claims. Among the positive characteristics of the competitor, it is worth noting the high calcium content in comparison with the average values ​​of similar products.

Volume, ml.930
price, rub.85
Pros and cons
  • a lot of calcium;
  • safe composition.
  • remarks regarding organoleptic qualities.


"Parmalat" (3.5%) - awarded the quality mark

Parmalat milk

As a result of the examination, drinking whole milk with a fat mass fraction of 3.5% was recognized as high quality, since the revealed indicators meet not only the existing requirements, but also the leading Roskachestvo standard. The absence of antibacterial substances and toxins (can come from animal feed) is also laboratory confirmed. The sterol study excluded the addition of non-dairy fats to Parmalat (3.5%).

According to the results of the organoleptic assessment, the experts established the correspondence of the appearance of Parmalat (3.5%) (color, consistency, taste and smell) to this category of goods. Moreover, pasteurization was carried out in compliance with the established technologies, which was confirmed during the production assessment, after which Roskachestvo awarded the distinctive quality mark “Parmalat” (3.5%). which also served as a confirmation of the high quality of the product.

Volume, ml.1000
price, rub.105
Pros and cons
  • safe composition;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • reliable nutritional value;
  • high organoleptic properties;
  • no added antibiotics.
  • not found.


"Summer meadow" (3.2%) - marked with the sign "Roskachestvo"

Summer meadow milk

On the basis of the indicators revealed in the course of laboratory testing, the high quality "Summer Meadow" (3.2%) was established. The actual composition of the goods meets the requirements of the current standard, and also meets the standards of the leading Roskachestvo standard. The experts determined the freshness of the sample and also highly appreciated its external characteristics. Non-fat milk solids are within the specified limits. Microbiological and chemical indicators do not exceed the permissible values.

The actual nutritional value matches the labeling.The Russian quality mark of the independent company Roskachestvo was awarded to the product Letniy Lug (3.2%) after confirmation of the localization of production and its assessment.

Volume, ml.900
price, rub.50
Pros and cons
  • safe and quality product;
  • proven nutritional value;
  • the facts of falsification were not revealed;
  • free of antibiotics and toxic elements.
  • not found.


Vkusnoteevo (3.5-6%) - contender for the quality mark

Milk Vkusnoteevo

Roskachestvo has repeatedly investigated Vkusnoteevo (3.5-6%) in its laboratory. During the first inspection, experts found traces of streptomycin (an antibiotic). However, the results of the latest examination (dated October 2018) indicate the elimination of the violation. Moreover, actual data indicate a significant improvement in the quality of dairy products produced under the Vkusnoteevo brand. In particular, laboratory tests have established that there are no antibiotics, foreign microorganisms and preservatives in the composition prohibited by the GOST requirements. Considering the high taste of the product and the compliance of its composition with GOST standards, as well as the preliminary national standard of Roskachestvo, Vkusnoteevo is one of the contenders for the Russian quality mark.

Volume, ml.900
price, rub.90
Pros and cons
  • optimal ratio of proteins and fats;
  • does not contain palm oil;
  • high organoleptic properties;
  • free of toxins and antibacterial substances.
  • not found.


"Cow from Korenovka" - claims to the Russian quality mark

Cow from Korenovka milk

"Lady from Korenovka" with a fat content of 3.2% is recognized as a high quality product. The experts described the test sample as "fresh". Its consistency, taste and smell correspond to the declared category. In addition to favorable organoleptic characteristics, no mycotoxins and nitrofurans were found in its composition (in amounts dangerous to humans) that enter the product through feed. Nutritional value verified by experts. Does not contain palm oil and unacceptable toxic elements. The management of Roskachestvo has put forward the dairy product "Cow iz Korenovka" with a fat content of 3.2% as a contender for the Russian quality mark.

Volume, ml.1000
price, rub.97
Pros and cons
  • a sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • no added vegetable fats;
  • natural composition;
  • pronounced taste of pasteurization.
  • absent.


"Prostokvashino" is a safe composition with some remarks

Butter milk

The tested physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of the sample meet the necessary safety requirements. No preservatives or antibiotics were found. Characteristic smell and taste, with a slight boiling aftertaste, slightly sweetish. The facts of falsification have not been established. There are no traces of tropical fat in the composition. Slight difference between the actual content of nutrients and the values ​​indicated on the label: 9% more fat and 14% more protein than the manufacturer said.

"Prostokvashino" is produced according to the manufacturer's own technical specifications, however, according to its external properties and safety indicators, it complies with GOST 31450-2013. A significant excess of phosphorus in the composition of the dairy product "Prostokvashino" (selected) may be a sign of the addition of phosphates. A white sample with a slight yellowish tinge has a high solids content compared to similar values ​​in this product category.

Volume, ml.930
price, rub.90
Pros and cons
  • safety requirements are met;
  • natural product.
  • minor discrepancies in nutritional value;
  • boiling sweet taste.


"House in the village" (selected, fat content from 3.5 to 4.5%) - long shelf life

House in the village

«House in the village» complies with norms No. 88-FZ "Technical regulations for milk and dairy products." In the course of laboratory examination, bacteria of the E. coli group, salmonella, staphylococcus, listeria not detected. It has a taste and smell characteristic of boiled milk.Density, fat content and acidity of the "House in the Country" (selected) correspond to the norm.

The shelf life of this competitor is five times the recommended value and is 15 days. However, it should be noted that GOST reserves the right for the manufacturer to independently regulate the shelf life, provided that the safety of the product is guaranteed throughout the entire specified period. The sample tastes very slightly boiling.

Volume, ml.930
price, rub.100
Pros and cons
  • natural and safe;
  • does not contain preservatives or antibiotics.
  • extended shelf life.


How to choose good milk

  1. Packaging. Pasteurized milk is bottled in plastic bottles or soft packaging. When choosing a dairy product in a bag, pay attention to the tightness of the seams. A transparent bottle will allow you to see the product better, but will not protect it from the sun's rays.
  2. Category. The concept of "selective" is not established by GOST. Under the guise of this conventional name, the buyer buys ordinary milk (perhaps with increased fat content), but at a higher price.
  3. Colour. Uniform white color with a slightly creamy shade, without grease particles and flakes.
  4. Taste. Clean, without foreign tastes. A pronounced pasteurization taste is allowed. The higher the fat content of the product, the brighter and richer the milk taste.
  5. Shelf life... State standard provides the recommended shelf life 3 days. However, the manufacturer reserves the right to independently adjust the shelf life of its products.
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