The best cottage cheese producers

9 best brands of cottage cheese according to Test Purchase and Roskontrol

Cottage cheese is one of the most famous fermented milk products, both among adherents of a healthy diet, watching their figure, and among lovers of baking. Fragrant cottage cheese casserole or cheese cakes will surely not leave indifferent not only a child, but also any adult. For many, cottage cheese often serves as a healthy and complete breakfast.

However, it should be borne in mind that cottage cheese belongs to perishable food products, the correct transportation and storage of which directly affects their quality. About which of the manufacturers of fermented milk products neglects the observance of the conditions not only for proper storage, but also for production in general, read in our rating of the best producers of cottage cheese, which have passed an independent laboratory study by Roskachestvo and Test Purchase.

Research results of the best curd

"President" (9%) - the maximum number of points based on the results of the Roskontrol examination


The sample was produced according to the manufacturer's own specifications. Despite this, in the course of the laboratory test, it was revealed that the quality of the product meets the state standard (GOST R 52096-2003). Safety indicators meet the requirements of No. 88-FZ "Technical regulations for milk and dairy products" and SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products."

Among all samples tested by Roskontrol, the content of acidic components in President is minimal (143.2 ° T). This figure corresponds to products intended for baby food.

Experts revealed a slight excess of the actual protein content (by 11.4%), which, however, is within the acceptable margin of error (up to 15%).

Weight, gr200
price, rub.87
Pros and cons
  • without the addition of vegetable fats and starch;
  • mold and bacteria content within normal limits;
  • discrepancy between the actual indicators of nutritional value and the values ​​indicated in the labeling.


"Sincerely yours" (5%) - the winner of the "Test purchase"

Yours sincerely

The people's jury of the "Test Purchase" highly appreciated the taste of the sample. Buyers noted the curd taste and smell corresponding to a natural fermented milk product. During the final test of the telecast, the highest mass fraction of protein was revealed, which indicates the high quality of the raw materials from which the curd is made. The experts also excluded the bacteria of the Escherichia coli, Salmonella, yeast and mold groups from the “Sincerely Yours” contest.

The independent organization Roskontrol carried out its own inspection of a product of a similar brand, but with a high fat content (9%). As a result, significant comments on organoleptic properties were revealed. In particular: mild fermented milk taste and smell. Other violations were: the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, as well as the minimum presence of lactic acid organisms, which does not correspond to the value characteristic of curd. The detected deviations may indicate the presence of phosphates added by the manufacturer in the composition.

Weight, gr180
price, rub.84
Pros and cons
  • does not contain starch and palm oil;
  • microbiological safety indicators comply with standards.
  • the content of lactic acid microorganisms is 4 times lower than the minimum value;
  • the amount of calcium and phosphorus does not correspond to the name "curd".


"Vkusnoteevo" (9%) - no flaws


Vkusnoteevo closes the top three according to Roskontrol. The taste and organoleptic characteristics of the sample were highly appreciated by the researchers. However, a discrepancy between the actual protein content and the value noted on the product label was found. Considering that the established deviations are within the permissible error, it can be argued that Vkusnoteevo (9%) was manufactured in full compliance with GOST R 52096-2003.

The presence of flavoring agents, preservatives, as well as harmful bacteria (including yeast, mold) has not been identified. Safety "Vkusnoteevo" (9%) meets the requirements of No. 88-FZ "Technical regulations for milk and dairy products" and SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products."

Weight, gr350
price, rub.153
Pros and cons
  • tasty and safe;
  • not found.


Prostokvashino (5%, 9%) - the leader of the people's jury for the Test Purchase, the Roskontrol blacklist.


The tasters noted the high organoleptic properties of the curd product under the brand name "Prostokvashino" 5%. It has a pleasant sour milk taste and smell, as well as the absence of wateriness. The laboratory established the absence of starch, vegetable fat, and harmful bacteria of the group of E. coli.

However, the results of the study of a sample under a similar trademark "Prostokvashino" with a higher fat content of 9% were not comforting. Experts have established that this product does not correspond to the name "cottage cheese", due to the unacceptable detection of starch in its composition. Among other things, the mass fraction of protein does not correspond to the standard specified in the labeling. The share of carbohydrates is 1.9 times higher than the indicator allowed by the technical regulations (TR TS 033/2013). A yellowish sample has a mild odor and a musty sweetish aftertaste.

Weight, gr220
price, rub.133
Pros and cons
  • safe;
  • high taste.
  • starch detected;
  • the wrong ratio of calcium and phosphorus;
  • organoleptic properties do not correspond to GOST.


"House in the Village" (0.2%) - one of the top three leaders in the rating "Roskontrol"

House in the village

One of the best fat-free cottage cheese is produced by the Domik v Derevne trade mark. She earned the highest score in the expert tasting. The sample is characterized by a soft crumbly consistency, the taste of a fresh fermented milk product, which does not have any foreign tastes and odors. In addition, the laboratory found an increased amount of calcium in comparison with the natural content of this element in low-fat types of cottage cheese. This indicates the likelihood of using calcium chloride in the production of “House in the Village” (0.2%).

The fatty acid composition of the investigated contestant does not contain vegetable fats. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as beneficial lactic acid microorganisms, correspond to the amount approved by the regulation.

Weight, gr340
price, rub.148
Pros and cons
  • free of antibiotics and preservatives;
  • normal acidity;
  • no non-dairy fats.
  • high price.


"Brest-Litovsk" (9%) - a safe product with minor remarks


Cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% "Brest-Litovsk" from one of the largest manufacturers of dairy products in the Republic of Belarus received positive feedback from tasters. However, there were some comments. The experts identified the discrepancy in the external characteristics of the sample, namely, a dense consistency with a weak yeast odor, white with a very slight yellowish tinge. A whitish tint may indicate the presence of plant elements in its composition. However, this fear was not confirmed in the laboratory. No non-dairy fats, starch, preservatives or other extraneous ingredients were found following the inspection. The product contains a low percentage of moisture in comparison with the average values ​​for similar types of products.

The possible presence of phosphates in the composition of the product is indicated by a disproportionate ratio of phosphorus and calcium. Mass fraction of carbohydrates is 67% higher than the corresponding labeling value.

Weight, gr220
price, rub.100
Pros and cons
  • safety standards are met;
  • low humidity indicator;
  • no vegetable fats.
  • inaccurate information regarding nutritional value.


"Savushkin Khutorok" (1%) - dietary product

Savushkin Khutorok

Savushkin Khutorok (1%) took second place in the tasting and was noted for its good organoleptic properties. The investigated product is produced on the territory of the Republic of Belarus according to the standards STB315-2007, TI VU 200030514.113-2008. The examination revealed a reduced fat content. In fact, the fat contains 60% less than the manufacturer said. Experts also found the deviation of the actual mass fraction of protein from labeling: it turned out to be 11.3% more. However, it should be noted that this indicator is within the permissible regulatory limits of up to 15%.

No tropical fat was found in the test object. Thus, it can be argued that it is made from natural milk without the addition of extraneous plant components. The presence of beneficial lactic acid microorganisms corresponds to the values ​​established by the regulatory documents. A good option for those who follow their figure.

Weight, gr300
price, rub.126
Pros and cons
  • a product with a reduced amount of fat - best suited for those who are losing weight;
  • safe composition.
  • 60% less fat than the label says.


Milava (5%, 9%) - Test purchase and Roskontrol do not recommend buying


"Milava" 5% dropped out of the qualifying round of the TV show "Test Purchase" due to violation of regulatory documents, namely: the actual proportion of protein is lower than stated in the manufacturer's labeling. Buyers also did not appreciate the contestant's taste. During the tasting, the product tasted too sour and had an unpleasant greasy aftertaste.

The sample "Milava" with 9% fat in a similar way does not meet the standards. Experts found an excess of yeast in the cottage cheese by 220 times. Among other violations, there is an obvious poor quality, which is expressed in an extraneous chemical aftertaste. The composition of the test sample does not correspond to the name “curd”. In addition to the unacceptable starch content, the proportion of lactic acid bacteria is 3 times lower than the norm, which generally deprives the Milava fermented milk product with 9% of the name “curd”. The loose, moist consistency of cottage cheese has a weak fermented milk smell and off-flavor.

Weight, gr335
price, rub.411
Pros and cons
  • not found
  • unsafe;
  • contains starch;
  • the proportion of fat is 6 times less than the stated;
  • unacceptable yeast content;
  • chemical aftertaste.


"Blagoda" (1.8%) - blacklisted by Roskontrol


The tasters ranked this fermented milk product at the last step of the rating. The low quality of the product was also confirmed by the expert assessment of the product.
The tested sample contains 4 times the maximum possible amount of fat (the value indicated by the manufacturer is no more than 1.8%, but in fact it turned out to be 6.7%). This is one of the serious violations, since the manufacturer positions its product as "fat-free". The product has received the maximum degree of violation and is not recommended for purchase.

Weight, gr170
price, rub.68
Pros and cons
  • not found.
  • calorie content is 2 times higher than that of a product with a fat content of 1.8%.
  • the amount of fat is 4 times more than stated.

Criteria for choosing cottage cheese

  1. Packaging... Polystyrene packaging is more durable and extends shelf life up to 72 hours. Packing in packages, labeled parchment, boxes and glasses made of polymeric materials is also allowed.
  2. Category... There is no separate recipe for cottage cheese in GOST: "Farmer", "Domashny", "Natural". Such names are nothing more than a marketing ploy of the manufacturer.
  3. Composition... The main requirement of GOST: milk, sourdough, enzymes.
  4. Colour... GOST allows shades from white to cream. However, if the product has the purest "snowy" white color, then this may indicate the addition of vegetable fats. The opposite case - if the curd has a clearly dark shade, it can be regarded as an attempt to "tint" the whitish curd in order to hide the addition of non-dairy fats.
  5. Taste... The best cottage cheese is characterized by a pronounced sour milk taste and smell. With the traditional method of production - a uniform, moderately dense consistency, which should not envelop the palate. However, the product obtained with the separate production method has a more crumbly granular structure.
  6. Price... The surrogate delivers an enticingly low price tag. To make one part cottage cheese, you need five parts milk. Therefore, a natural fermented milk product cannot cost less than 150 rubles.
  7. Shelf life... The state standard gives the manufacturer the right to set the expiration date independently. Therefore, after opening the package, pay attention to the following points: no foreign musty odor, mucus or acidic taste.
( Total:0 Middle:0/5 )

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