How to choose angle grinder - expert advice

The grinder is one of the most popular and irreplaceable tools. The multipurpose unit is able to solve a lot of problems that regularly arise during repair or construction. Some models do a good job with the functions of other tools - a chasing cutter, a belt sander, a planer.

The angle grinder is easy to use and has a clear design. When thinking about which model to buy, you should turn to the opinions of experienced craftsmen. The advice of experts in the field of repair and construction will tell you how to choose a good grinder for home use, and which model you need on a construction site.

Household or professional

When deciding which grinder to choose for the home, first of all, you need to decide on the class of the tool. Officially, grinders are divided into household and professional, but there is an unspoken type - semi-professional. These are the models whose functionality is superior to that of everyday life, but the resource “does not pull” at the professional level.

Features of the classes:

  • The professional tool is designed for intensive use for several hours. LBMs of this class can withstand serious loads, are resistant to dust, and have a number of useful and protective options. The presence of electronics is not a decisive factor, for example, Maktec professional angle grinders are of high quality and simple design.
  • Household models are not always inferior to professional grinders in terms of parameters, but they are intended only for home use or for minor work on a construction site. The amateur class is significantly inferior to others in ergonomics, productivity, they have a less hardy mechanism and various functions are rarely found. Instrument constructions in this class are always simple.
  • Semi-professional grinders are a cross between very hardy and very cheap. Such angle grinders are suitable for summer cottages or bodywork in the garage, as well as for specialized work, of course, in compliance with the unspoken requirement - to work no more than 4-6 hours a day with periodic pauses.

How the specifics of work affect the choice

Household angle grinder

Much depends on what kind of work will be carried out. All angle grinders outwardly look a little like each other, but in practice the difference can be very large. Choosing which one is better to buy a grinder for work or at home, you should clearly understand its purpose.

When the use of angle grinders is reduced to periodic cutting of metal - to cut off a bolt, reinforcement, then almost any inexpensive model (excluding dubious brands) will do. When cutting tiles or concrete, take care of dust protection. Household models are unlikely to withstand such loads and may soon fail.

Sanding and sanding in large volumes requires a powerful, durable tool. Failure to do so will result in a burnt rotor or stator. Polishing can be carried out with any angle grinder, where the speed control starts from 0 and the power is maintained under load.

Criteria for choosing a good grinder

A good grinder is one that fully meets the needs of the user. Considering that this is one of the best-selling tools, the range of models on the market is impressive. There is an opinion that angle grinders should be chosen according to the size of the disk, but this criterion is not fundamental, unless all other important parameters are taken into account.

Disc diameter

Maximum cutting depth is one of the deciding factors when choosing a good grinder. In most cases, the larger the drive, the higher the power, although models with 125mm drives can hide anywhere from 500W to 1.5kW under the chassis.

The smallest are the lightweight and compact sander with a disc diameter of 115 mm. The maximum cut of such a unit will be no more than 2.5 cm, the power rarely reaches 900 W (for example, like Interskol UShM-115/900). Depending on the technical features, small-sized versions are suitable for various types of work, but not every machine can cope with intensive grinding.

Grinders with 125 mm discs are the undisputed sales leader. The variety of modifications will satisfy the needs of both the home craftsman and the employee of the production department. The cutting depth for grinders is about 3.5-4.0 cm.

Models with 150 mm and 180 mm discs are the least popular, although they have decent capabilities. For a house and a summer residence, such an acquisition, as a rule, is impractical if the specifics of the work do not require it. Optimally use the potential of middle-class Bulgarians on a personal plot, for private construction or professional repair activities. The technical equipment allows them to be used for grinding or cleaning.

The largest are all models with a 230 mm disc. These are large, heavy angle grinders capable of sawing pipes or metal up to 7 cm thick.

It should be borne in mind that the power and speed of angle grinder are interrelated. It is not recommended to install discs that do not meet the technical specifications of the instrument.


The power of the grinders is very different and depends on the general layout. There is a ratio "disc diameter-power":

  1. 115 mm - from 500 W to 900 W (average value - 650 W);
  2. 125 mm - from 580 W to 1.5 kW (average value - 800 W);
  3. 150/180 mm - from 1.3 kW to 1.5 kW (average value - 1.4 kW);
  4. 230 mm - from 1.8 to 2.6 kW (average value 2 - 2.2 kW).

There are exceptions, but these are rare specimens.

The more powerful the unit, the more durable it is, the longer the time of its continuous operation. All models, where the indicator is above average, can be considered "powerful", such grinders are significantly superior to "weak" counterparts in terms of reliability.

Power always affects the weight of the tool, which is why the small and weak 580W models (Hitachi G13SS) are especially popular. They are convenient when working on weight, above head level, or in narrow, hard-to-reach places. Naturally, such an angle grinder is not capable of any major work.

Speed ​​control

Adjusting the rotational speed of the disk is definitely a very useful thing. There are models where the minimum speed can be from 0, from 1000, 2600 or 4000 rpm. The lower the minimum limit, the more possibilities the instrument has.

For polishing, choose models with a value of up to 1000 strokes / min, for coarse grinding of a bar and cleaning metal products, faster models are suitable. At low speeds, they cut various materials that are unstable to overheating, such as plastics. Also, at low speeds, you can gently clean up any elements and spare parts, sharpen garden tools, a kitchen knife with more or less high quality.

It is important to understand that household models rarely have the ability to maintain power under load. Together with the speed, their power also decreases, therefore, the tool is easy to overload. If polishing and grinding work is regular, it is pointless to take an amateur model, it will not cope with its task.Among the inexpensive, but good grinders, the AG-9215P Sturm (the line of the pros) is interesting, among the professional there are many positive reviews about the 9566CV angle grinder from Makita.

Varieties of handles and their adjustment

The handles of the grinders are divided into two types: main and additional. An additional removable handle can be installed in one of two or three positions - right, left or top.

The main handle of small models is usually missing, the tool is held by part of the body. That is why compact angle grinders are so popular, for example, AEG WS 6-125, only 19 cm in girth.

Larger angle grinders, with a diameter of 125-230 mm, are produced both with ordinary straight handles, where the start button is located, and with D-shaped ones. What is better is a subjective question, the user should evaluate his own feelings and draw a conclusion.

There are models with a rotary rear handle, the option is useful in that the tool can be turned and cut, for example, vertically. For example - USHM-9515P Energomash (professional line), when you press the red button from above, the main handle rotates in 90 ° increments.

Anti-vibration system

Low-vibration technology is the prerogative of renowned brands and powerful angle grinders. It is logical that such an option, which significantly increases the cost of the tool, is needed only in those models that will be intensively used.

The simplest manifestation of the anti-vibration system is the anti-vibration additional handle, at its base you can see a rubber "accordion" that dampens vibration. More serious technologies are hidden inside the case, for example, the anti-vibration system from Bosch Vibration Control has reduced vibration by 60% even in powerful models.


The mass of the tool affects the ease of use, but this indicator depends on the technical features of a particular grinder model.

The heaviest are large angle grinders with a disc diameter of 230 mm; the average weight of the unit will be 4.5 kg. This is not a lot, but with prolonged work, you will experience significant physical activity.

The lightest models weigh up to 2 kg (Makita GA5030 weighs only 1.8 kg), these are shortened angle grinders with a disc diameter of 115 and 125 mm and a maximum power of 720 watts. Before choosing an angle grinder for home or work, it is recommended to hold the tool in your hands, evaluate how comfortable it is in your hands.

Features of battery models

When choosing a battery grinder, it should be understood that in terms of technical characteristics, it is somewhat inferior to network counterparts. A smart decision is to purchase such a tool for auxiliary work, or stock up on several replaceable batteries. It is rational to opt for angle grinders from the line of cordless tools, where one type of battery is suitable for screwdrivers, saws, and jigsaws.

Functions that might be useful

There are many useful functions that are equipped with various models of grinders. The option is selected based on the basic specifics of the work, but many functions are present in the instruments "by default".

What options are equipped with angle grinders:

  • Overload protection - most often found in professional class models. Electronics monitors the condition of the tool when working under load, when there is a threat of overheating of the main components, protection is triggered and the tool stops.
  • Smooth start - the advantage of grinders, power from 1.4 kW. Firstly, low starting currents do not have a negative effect on the mechanism, and secondly, a smooth start eliminates "jerks" at startup.
  • Disc speed control significantly expands the available range of works. At low speed, the operator can polish, grind, sand various types of metals or wood, gently remove paint and cut material that is not resistant to high temperatures.
  • Dust protection system necessary when working with bricks, concrete and tiles. Small abrasives entering the ventilation openings can damage the tool very quickly.
  • Disc jam protection - a rather rare option that is found in professional grinders. If the rig gets jammed during operation, the operator may receive a strong inertial shock. The likelihood of such a situation depends on the materials with which the work is carried out, in particular, it concerns sawing wood or reinforced concrete.
  • Restart lock, similar to most functions, is designed to protect the operator. Even if the power is temporarily turned off or the instrument is unplugged during operation, it will not turn on again until the operator presses the key (even if it is locked in the on position).
  • Automatic disk balancing reduces the intensity of tool wear.

Which grinder is better to buy?

Angle grinders are manufactured by all brands that affect the tool industry. Little-known manufacturers often clone the appearance of famous brands, but the quality does not always correspond to the promises. When choosing a reliable, inexpensive grinder with the best price-quality ratio, preference should be given only to those companies who have extensive experience in making tools and have unique, patented technologies and developments in their arsenal.

The best manufacturers of grinders:

  • Makita
  • Bosch
  • AEG
  • DeWalt
  • Interskol
  • Sturm


Our tips will help you avoid annoying mistakes when choosing the best model for the upcoming work. In the question of how to choose a quality grinder model, many useful recommendations can be found on the forums. Considering various options, one cannot make a choice based on only one factor: power, disc diameter, size. A good grinder combines optimal technical characteristics and has a high level of ergonomics.

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