How to choose a battery for a car

An integral part of any car is the battery, without which the driver will not even be able to start the engine. Every car owner at least once wondered how to choose a battery for a car and what parameters should be paid attention to. Obviously, it is better to choose a model that will be of the highest quality, reliable, and also suitable for the car brand. However, it is far from always clear how to do this correctly.

Today there are a huge number of manufacturers offering a wide range of different batteries. To understand how to choose the right battery, you need to understand the general principles of operation of such devices and take into account many technical characteristics, comparing them with the parameters of your car. To do this, it is recommended that you read the information on this page.

General principles of operation and design of modern batteries

How to choose a battery for a car

To understand which battery to choose for a car, first it is recommended to understand the general principles of operation of such devices. The general concept of the products in question involves the implementation of chemical processes during which energy is generated. It ensures the operation of the entire vehicle system. In the case of car batteries, lead plates are immersed in sulfuric acid, resulting in a chemical reaction.

It is worth noting that all car battery models generate exclusively electrical energy. Moreover, when the device is charged from the operation of the generator of the machine or the electrical network, this energy is converted back into chemical energy. Thus, the battery operation process can be called cyclical and independent.

There are two main factors that can affect the efficiency of the battery. They look like this:

  1. The ambient temperature affects the battery charge primarily. This is especially true for models with poor protection. Thus, if the temperature is too low, the density of the electrolyte decreases significantly. If you leave the car in the cold overnight, the battery may be discharged by morning. Too high a temperature also negatively affects the device, increasing its corrosion.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the voltage level when the battery is working. If this figure is too high, then the battery will not only charge quickly, but also gradually deteriorate. Thus, over time, it will finally fail. Therefore, its operation should be determined by the most optimal voltage value, which is indicated by the manufacturer.

With the help of the battery, the engine is started, as well as the provision of all electrical modules of the car with the required amount of energy.The device performs the second function in conjunction with the generator, which begins to actively work after the engine is started. It is also worth noting that the battery can be useful even when the engine is off. It allows you to use a cigarette lighter, turn on the radio and use other systems that require a minimum amount of energy.

Consider the main elements of modern batteries:

  • The case, inside which all other elements are located. It is made from materials that have good acid resistance properties. Inside the case, you can see several compartments for special cans;
  • Banks. As a rule, a battery uses several such modules, which are a set of electrodes. The number of cans depends on the voltage of the device;
  • Electrolyte. It is made by mixing ordinary water and sulfuric acid. The resulting mixture is poured into jars, which stimulates the particles to actively move between the electrodes;
  • Electrodes. They are in the form of lattices and are made exclusively from lead, since it has the most optimal current conductivity.

Connecting the battery to the car is a fairly simple process and does not require any special skills. This procedure takes place using two lead modules, similar to bolts, as well as special terminals connected to the machine system. It should be noted that the positive terminal is always thicker than the negative terminal. This is done in order to save drivers from the risk of making mistakes when connecting.

More modern and advanced models are equipped with a special indicator that allows you to quickly and easily determine the current battery level and the need to charge it. This allows you to diagnose the malfunction in time and take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

The main types of batteries

Now let's look at the main types of batteries that can be found today. As a rule, there are 7 categories of devices. There may be more of them, but others are almost impossible to find on the Russian market of such products. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Serviced Batteries

How to choose a battery for a car

The first step is to consider one of the two serviced types of batteries. Manufacturers of such models provide for the ability to "get" to the contents of the battery case and replace any modules, as well as fill the desired liquid. Plates of classic serviceable products are made from antimony lead.


  • Affordable cost;
  • The presence of special holes that allow you to increase the electrolyte level, if the situation requires it;
  • An impressive period of service if the user treats the device with care and maintains its condition and electrolyte level.


  • Require special care;
  • Low level of safety for humans.

Maintenance-free batteries (calcium)

How to choose a battery for a car

The first maintenance-free type of battery that will be discussed in this article involves calcium technology.


  • No maintenance required from the user. It is enough to install and forget about it for a long time;
  • Increased capacity for electrolyte;
  • The presence of special protection that prevents the evaporation of water inside the case;
  • Small weight;
  • Small self-charge indicator.


  • Impressive value in relation to serviced models;
  • Extremely sensitive to sudden power surges in the system.

Maintenance Free Batteries (EFB)

How to choose a battery for a car

Next in line are more advanced models, which, like calcium, are equipped with a good volume of capacity, and also have fast charging technology to a full level. Manufacturers have been able to achieve such performance through the use of thickened plates. In doing so, they are placed in a microfiber material, which contains an electrolyte.


  • No maintenance required from the user;
  • Good resistance to high temperatures.They can work effectively at temperatures up to 60 degrees;
  • An impressive indicator of resistance to deep discharges;
  • Excellent starting current characteristics.


  • Quite an impressive cost that not every car enthusiast can afford.

Maintenance-free batteries (hybrid)

How to choose a battery for a car

Next, let's look at hybrid models. They are also maintenance-free and do not require special care from the owner. The main feature of such models is that antimony is used to produce positive modules, and calcium is used for negative ones.


  • Maintenance free;
  • Excellent resistance to sudden power surges in the system;
  • Low self-charging parameter;
  • Resistant to low temperatures. Even if the car stood in the cold all night, the driver can easily start the engine.


  • Considerable cost.

Low antimony batteries

How to choose a battery for a car

The next in turn is another serviceable type of batteries. It differs from the classical ones in that much less antimony is used in its manufacture. Thus, manufacturers were able to reduce the rate of evaporation of water from a mixture with sulfuric acid.


  • Attractive cost;
  • Although such devices must be serviced, this is not required as regularly as in the case of classic models;
  • Low self-charge during storage;
  • Great for domestic cars;
  • Resistant to voltage drops.


  • Although rare, they require maintenance.

Maintenance Free Batteries (AGM)

How to choose a battery for a car

Another type of maintenance-free batteries based on a gel-like microfiber mass. This module is impregnated with a mixture of water and sulfuric acid. This technology allows the vaporized gases to be retained in time and used as energy again.


  • Maintenance free;
  • Can be used at any angle of inclination, the liquid will not flow out;
  • An impressive level of security;
  • Do not use liquid electrolyte;
  • Long service period.


  • High price;
  • No frost resistance;
  • It is recommended to use only in expensive foreign cars that are equipped with a high-quality electrical system.

Maintenance Free Batteries (GEL)

How to choose a battery for a car

And finally, the last type of modern batteries discussed in this article. These models use the same technology as the previous ones, but have lower parameters and, accordingly, cost. Thus, these batteries can be considered as an alternative to the previous ones.


  • Maintenance free;
  • Reasonable cost relative to other non-maintenance batteries;
  • The service life of such a battery, with careful user handling, can reach 10-15 years.


  • No frost resistance;
  • Suitable only for high-end vehicles with high quality electrical system.

Battery recommendations

How to choose a battery for a car

Now let's look at the most effective recommendations that will allow you to choose the highest quality battery. If you want to choose a good model that will perfectly fit your car, then the following tips should be followed:

  1. First, choose the type of battery that attracted you the most.
  2. Each battery model has its own dimensions. Thus, more massive models can "fit" far from every connector under the battery. Therefore, it is worth considering this parameter in one of the first queues.
  3. Depending on the car brand, the polarity of the terminals may vary. Some models have the positive terminal on the right and some on the left. It is necessary to select a battery model with the same pole arrangement as in the car.
  4. If you live in a region characterized by constant frosts, then it is recommended to pay attention to models with an impressive starting current. Otherwise, you will have difficulty starting the engine in the morning.In the case of a passenger car, an indicator in the region of 400-500 A will suffice. For trucks, it is worth choosing a higher parameter.
  5. Many buyers often neglect to read the manufacturer's instructions for use. And this applies not only to batteries, but also to any other equipment. If in the second case this can really be neglected, then in the case of a battery, it is recommended to read this document.
  6. The characteristic of the nominal capacity of the battery plays an important role. This indicator is measured in ampere-hours and the amount of energy that is given off by the device within 20-24 hours depends on it. If you have a car, then the most optimal indicator varies from 40 to 70. For trucks, it is not recommended to buy models with a capacity of less than 200 Ampere-hour. In the documents for the car, you can see the maximum allowable figure.

The approximate cost of popular models

In conclusion, we propose to consider the approximate cost of popular battery models today. This will allow you to form a final budget and make your choice. The price tag of a model depends on many factors. This includes capacity, rated capacity, starting current, serviceability, and so on. And also the manufacturer plays a significant role.

Thus, prices for batteries vary from 2 to 15 thousand rubles. Unmaintained models are considered more expensive than serviced ones. This is logical, since such devices are more reliable, practical and user-friendly, since they do not require regular maintenance and periodic addition of electrolyte.

In general, the choice of cost is entirely up to you. However, it is not recommended to try to save as much as possible, since this phenomenon is often accompanied by a loss of quality and efficiency of the device. In addition, cheap models from dubious manufacturers may turn out not only to be of poor quality, but also dangerous to humans. Do not forget that such devices are based on chemical processes that are harmful to health.

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