How to choose a skateboard

Recently, skateboarding has become very popular as a sport. This is done by both children and adults. Someone sees in this only a hobby, while someone becomes a professional and does it seriously. Nevertheless, before anyone who decides to try himself in this business, the question arises of how to choose a skateboard for a child or an adult. More experienced riders find it much easier because they know what to look for and which board is right for their style. However, it is not always easy for beginners to figure out which skateboard to choose.

The principle of operation and design of modern skateboards

Before choosing a skateboard for beginners, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the general principles of such boards and understand their construction. Without this, it will be difficult to independently choose the most suitable model for yourself. Due to the high popularity and development of this sport, modern skateboards are divided into many categories, each of which has its own characteristics. However, the overall design of all models remains approximately the same. It includes the following details:

  • Wheels and bearings responsible for the movement of the board;
  • Tracks - Skateboard suspension that provides shock absorption, cushioning impacts on the ground, and allows the user to maneuver around corners. Thus, it is worth a person to shift the center of gravity to one of the sides and the wheels will begin to turn in the same direction, turning the entire structure;
  • And finally, the soundboard. This is the board itself. It is performed in a variety of forms depending on the type of skateboard. There are many different options to suit different riding styles and tricks.

Each skateboard has an individual deck that defines the riding style. For example, elongated straight boards are designed to increase stability. More curved models allow the user to perform various tricks comfortably. And so on. It is worth taking a closer look at each type of skateboard in order to understand which one is right for you.

The main types of skateboards

Today there are 6 main types of skateboards that are found on the street. Some of them are more popular, some are used by a narrow circle of people for specific purposes. It is worth considering each of them in more detail.

Classic skateboards

How to choose a skateboard

First, let's look at the standard models that are most often found on the streets. They are mainly used by amateurs who see skateboarding as a hobby. Small wheels and curved edges are characteristic of the products under consideration. All models are manufactured according to the same standard and have almost identical dimensions. The maximum difference is 2-5 cm.

As a rule, classic boards are used to perform various tricks. Athletes with such models can most often be found at various sites with ledges, railings and the like. It is much less common to find a user of a classic board who uses it only to move around the streets of the city.


  • Classic attractive design;
  • A wide selection of different shades and patterns on the board;
  • Great for most tricks;
  • A good indicator of the strength of the board;
  • High stability.


  • It is difficult to develop good speed, however they are not used for this;
  • A huge number of low-quality models that are not reliable;
  • At the same time, good quality models have an impressive price tag.


How to choose a skateboard

Now let's take a look at the more advanced models that are often used by professional skateboarders. The main feature of such products is 6 wheels instead of 4. At the same time, the length of the wheel axle is much higher than in the case of classic models. The wheels are not under the deck, but protrude beyond it. The increased length is also worth noting.

Freeboard manufacturers use reinforced suspensions on their products to improve stability. For this reason, many users refer to these models as wheeled snowboards. It was decided to add two additional wheels, too, to improve stability and maneuverability. Additional wheels can rotate around their axis. This means that the user can easily turn to either side without much effort. Hence the name of this species.


  • Much more resistant than other species;
  • Excellent maneuverability;
  • Can reach impressive speed without much effort;
  • More convenient and practical.


  • User growth plays a significant role. The higher it is, the longer the board should be;
  • Not recommended for beginners, since certain skills are required to operate such a board.


How to choose a skateboard

Next in line are waveboards, which are quite different from other types. Only 2 wheels are used here and the user must maintain balance so as not to fall off the board. The deck itself also has an extraordinary shape, consisting of two wide modules, connected by a special mount. This construction can be seen more clearly in the image.

It is noteworthy that on such a board you do not need to push off the asphalt with your foot. The board develops speed by balancing the user on it. This happens according to the same principle as on a swing. Naturally, to use such a model, you need to have good experience and skills. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.


  • Develops impressive speed in a minimum period of time;
  • Great for performing beautiful stunts;
  • Highest possible maneuverability.


  • Minimum stability;
  • Requires excellent skill to use.


How to choose a skateboard

Longboards are next. As the name implies, these are long skateboards, the length of which can reach one and a half meters, depending on the model. As with freeboards, the wheels have a wide axle and stick out from under the board. Moreover, the axes themselves are located at an impressive distance from each other. As for the wheels themselves, they are made from soft materials. With this design, manufacturers were able to achieve impressive stability and maximum speed.

However, the maneuverability of such a skateboard leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is almost impossible to use it for performing tricks. As a rule, longboards are used to quickly move around the city over long distances.


  • Long period of operation;
  • An impressive indicator of the maximum speed;
  • Great for getting around the city;
  • Excellent stability and stability when driving on asphalt.


  • An impressive mass;
  • Not suitable for performing tricks;
  • Impressive value;
  • Quite difficult to find in stores due to low demand.


How to choose a skateboard

The next type of skateboard to be considered is streetboards. At first glance, it may seem that outwardly such models are no different from the classical ones. However, it is not. However, the board of such products consists of 3 parts. The stationary part is located in the middle.And along the edges there are dynamic modules that rotate around their axis.

The main purpose of streetboards is to perform common tricks that are performed using classic models. However, such a board is definitely not suitable for a beginner. This division of the board into parts allows you to significantly increase the maneuverability for tricks.


  • A good indicator of stability, given the design features;
  • High maneuverability for stunts;
  • Extraordinary but attractive appearance.


  • Requires special skills and experience;
  • A short period of service, since such boards quickly fail.

Mountain skateboards

How to choose a skateboard

And finally, mountain boards, which are used for extreme riding in hilly conditions. The main feature of the models under consideration, which immediately catches the eye, is the wheels. They are inflatable, rubber is used for their production. Moreover, their diameter can reach 10 centimeters. The dimensions of the board itself are comparable to the classic ones, but they may differ.

Other features of mountain skateboards include the presence of a suspension spring, as well as leg mounts, since the use of such a board is due to extreme conditions. It is noteworthy that manufacturers install a small motor on more advanced models.


  • Can be used not only on asphalt, but also on almost any terrain;
  • An impressive indicator of the maximum speed;
  • The maximum indicator of stability;
  • Excellent shock absorption due to additional springs;
  • Some models are equipped with a motor, which makes it easy to climb hills without much effort.


  • The highest cost among other types;
  • An impressive mass.

Skateboard selection options

How to choose a skateboard

To understand how to choose the right skateboard, you need to familiarize yourself with the most important technical characteristics of skateboards, which play a vital role in choosing. It is recommended to consider them together and select the most appropriate indicators for each parameter. Thus, you can choose the most suitable model on which you will feel as comfortable as possible.

Deck type

First and foremost, it is recommended that you choose the right deck that will suit you. Most manufacturers use pressed wood as the board material. In this case, at least 6 layers are made. About 90% of modern skateboards have 7 board layers. It is worth paying attention not to the number of layers, but to the type of wood used. The most common options are:

  • Canadian maple. Any athlete with experience will attest that Canadian maple is the best choice for making a skateboard. Such models are of the highest quality and most reliable, since they have an excellent strength indicator. At the same time, an acceptable mass and elasticity of the material is maintained;
  • Models made from Canadian maple have an impressive price tag and may not suit everyone. In this case, you should pay attention to more budget models based on Chinese maple. The strength and elasticity indicators of such a breed are lower, but they are quite suitable for a beginner;
  • Hardwood. This includes several hardwoods at once, which have a good indicator of strength, but not elasticity.

Track features

How to choose a skateboard

It is not recommended to buy models that are equipped with a track that is too massive, heavily weighting the entire structure. It is worth giving preference to lighter suspensions with good damping performance. The best option is considered to be aluminum or strong steel. Track dimensions also play a significant role. The width of this component must match the width of the board itself. However, the width should not exceed 15-20 cm.


For all types of skateboards, with the exception of mountain models, the wheels are made of polyurethane. However, each model has its own stiffness index for this material. It can be soft, medium, or hard.The figure should depend on your riding style or tricks on the board. More clearly:

  • Models with hardness from 73A to 79A are considered soft wheels. Soft wheels have a short lifespan and will need to be changed frequently if used regularly. This option increases the maneuverability of the skate and is great for comfortable driving around the city without performing tricks;
  • Medium wheels are considered models with a hardness of 80A to 84A. The most common option, which is typical for every type of skateboard, except for mountain products;
  • And finally, hard wheels with an indicator above 87A. They are the most stable and durable. Great for fast city driving. However, it is not recommended to use on uneven surfaces as they do not dampen vibration, which will lead to discomfort.

Wheel diameter also plays an important role. The maximum speed that can be developed on a skateboard directly depends on this. Typically, the indicator varies between 5 and 6 cm:

  • The minimum wheel diameter is 4.8 cm. Today it is quite difficult to find a model with a lower indicator. These wheels are the slowest and most sensitive to the type of ground. It is recommended to buy such products only if you are confident that the skateboard will be used on perfectly level concrete or on specialized skateboarding sites;
  • Wheels with a diameter of 5 to 5.3 cm are faster and less sensitive to poor quality surfaces with roughness. Can be used on normal asphalt, however it is recommended to avoid holes and cracks;
  • Wheels with a diameter exceeding 5.3 cm are considered the fastest and most reliable. They can be used on any more or less level surface, even where there are cracks. However, with such wheels, maneuverability is reduced, since they can rest against the board when turning hard.
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How to choose