How to choose a balance bike for a child

The idea of ​​creating a balance bike has long troubled the minds of designers. On the one hand, it would seem, why reinvent what is already there, because it is many times easier to put a child on an ordinary tricycle, since it is still very difficult for him to keep his balance. However, many parents have changed their point of view on this matter and are increasingly asking themselves which balance bike to choose for their child. Despite the fact that a tricycle, it would seem, should make it easier for a child to ride, in fact, this is not entirely true.

The fact is that it is quite difficult for a child to simultaneously perform several functions, that is, to keep balance, and to pedal, and to control the steering wheel. All this together is difficult for a child, so the designers decided to slightly modernize the usual bike. This is how a balance bike was born, which is much easier for a child to get used to. The bike itself is much more stable and lighter than any other children's bike. After that, the child can then immediately change to an adult bike, since the balance bike will give him the opportunity to acquire all the necessary skills.

Which balance bike manufacturer is better to choose

Before choosing a running bike for a child, you need to decide on a company from which you can choose the most suitable model of this type of bike for your child. However, there are no separate companies that specialize exclusively in the production of balance bikes. Recently, both companies producing sports equipment and firms that produce children's toys have started producing such bicycles.

According to observations, manufacturers who dealt with sports equipment are able to design much better and more reliable models, while companies that manufacture children's toys often boast only more budget options. However, they will not be as reliable as the first ones, and any parent, in the first place, prefers stability, so as not to worry about the safety of their child.

Therefore, among the manufacturers that produce the highest quality models of balance bikes, the following companies can be called:

  • Chillafish;
  • Strider;
  • Runbike;
  • Kokua;
  • Puky.

Among the models of such companies, you can choose exactly the bike that suits your child best. In addition, you will not have to worry that your child will not cope with the control of the balance bike, since such bicycles are more stable than ordinary tricycles, and the child himself will not have to perform several functions at the same time. Therefore he will be able to get comfortable in a quick time.

How the balance bike works and how it works

At its core, a balance bike is a cross between a bicycle and a scooter. It is also called a bicycle scooter in another way, so that it is much easier for a child to control it than a standard bicycle. A runbike is actually a regular bike, only without pedals, so your child can focus on turning the handlebars and keeping track of where they are going. He doesn't need to be distracted to check how well his feet are on the pedals.

Therefore, the balance bike consists of the following parts:

  • frames;
  • steering wheel;
  • front and rear wheels;
  • a seat that can be adjusted so that the child is comfortable to sit in it.

If you purchase a more expensive model, then it may have several additional parts, among which there are such as:

  • a special platform for the legs so that the child can maintain a comfortable position for him during the ride;
  • a parking leg, which leans back specifically so that you can carefully and safely get off the balance bike;
  • a braking system that actually replaces the pedals in such a device.

In addition, you can consider models that involve the installation of an additional pair of wheels so that the child can feel even more confident in this type of transport. In addition, it is possible to attach skis instead of wheels so that you can ride it even in winter. Such models immediately turn into a universal vehicle and will be useful for your child more than a standard tricycle.

Balance bikes are easy to operate because your child can simply turn the handlebars and help themselves move with their feet. Often, as experts have noticed, this is how the child learns to ride his first bike, and only then starts the pedals. So the idea of ​​a balance bike is quite interesting and can exist in reality, since such constructions help the child to master better. Most likely, it is thanks to such structures that the child will be able to learn to ride a pedal bike many times faster than he would sit on it right away.

What are the types of balance bikes

Balance bikes should be chosen based on the age of your child, since different models are adapted just for the build, corresponding to how old the child is.

Wheelchairs (for children from a year to 2.5)

How to choose a balance bike for a child

Young children who have just learned to walk and run need a small and light bicycle that will help them gradually master even more powerful units later. Therefore, for them, the best thing would be just three-wheeled or four-wheeled scooters, which are made in the manner of a bicycle. For a child 2 years old, choose the balance bike that will be as safe as possible for him. They should be as stable as possible and be easy to control so that your little one can adapt to the new transport as quickly as possible. A child weighing no more than 20 kg will feel comfortable on such balance bikes.

The frame and handlebars in these bicycles are often made of plastic, and the weight of the unit itself rarely reaches more than 4 kg. You can also adjust the seat, and it is often located at a height of 20-25 cm from the ground. Tires can be either one-piece or inflated if necessary. In this case, solid ones are best suited, since they provide much more stability for the child.


  • it weighs relatively little, so it can be easily transported to different places, and also easier to manage;
  • the stability of such a bike is quite high, so parents will not have to worry about the child not being able to handle the controls;
  • the seat can be adjusted to make it even more convenient for the child to control such transport, in addition, you can adjust the height individually for your child;
  • manufacturers often use a very striking design, since it becomes even more interesting for a child to operate a bicycle;
  • in comparison with other similar vehicles, such as a tricycle or four-wheeled bicycle, it has a very affordable price.


  • a frame made of plastic material is not always reliable, so it is best not to overload;
  • often children are not able to feel the size, so they often cling to the rear wheels on obstacles in their path.

Balancers (2 to 4 years old)

How to choose a balance bike for a child

For a child 3 years old and above, a unit such as a balancer is perfect. It is such a bicycle that can teach a child to keep balance, so it is best to purchase such a transport almost immediately, as soon as your child grows out of a small bicycle that he rode at the age of two. Balancers are produced just with special wheels, which are already less stable than in previous versions of bicycles, since they gradually teach the child to keep balance and get used to older models.

In these bicycles, materials are used to make frames that are stronger, for example, wood, but much less often - aluminum alloy. Plastic frames are made, but they are not as reliable, so it is best to use a wooden frame, since it will not create the same load as an aluminum frame and will be more stable than a plastic frame.

Often, such models can withstand a child's weight up to 30 kg, and the bicycles themselves can weigh up to 6 kg. In order to create even more comfortable conditions for the child, the seat height can be adjusted, so for the next few years such a bike will definitely fit.


  • a bike that is light enough for its class;
  • there is a sufficiently large carrying capacity, which even has a certain reserve in this bicycle;
  • such balance bikes are produced in huge quantities, so you can choose the most suitable unit for your child;
  • models of this type have rather wide tires, so the bike becomes more stable from this.


  • bicycle wheels are stiff enough, so they better conduct all kinds of vibrations, so if necessary, you can spend money on special inflatable tires for such bicycles;
  • if you choose a wooden balance bike, then be prepared for the fact that the seat in such models will not be adjustable.

Bicycle scooters (from 4 to 7 years old)

How to choose a balance bike for a child

These are already balance bikes that are capable of developing a sufficiently high speed, so that the child will need not only to keep balance, but also to follow the road. The wheels of such units often come immediately with inflatable tires, so that the vibrations that are produced when they hit an obstacle can be reduced as much as possible. The load that such bicycles can withstand is about 50 kg, and by themselves they can weigh within 5 kg.

So this kind of transport is great for schoolchildren, and aluminum is increasingly used as the material from which the frame, handlebars and other elements of such a bicycle are made. Thanks to this approach, the bicycle becomes more stable, and the child gradually gets used to the two-wheeled transport, so that he can later easily handle both more serious and older bicycles.


  • such models develop a fairly high speed, so that the child can feel like on a real adult bicycle;
  • such models are very light, but at the same time they are strong enough and can be used for a long time;
  • the seat can be adjusted to your liking, so you can adjust it in such a way that your child is as comfortable as possible;
  • the child can take his feet off the pedal and put them on a special stand if he wants to rest a little;
  • often models of this level already have brakes.


  • relatively expensive;
  • some models may have a handlebar that is too wide so that it may be uncomfortable for a child to hold it.


How to choose a balance bike for a child

Models of this type can cover a wider age range, which can accommodate children from 1 to 5 years old. In terms of height, such bikes are not so well regulated, but they are able to change as the child grows up. For example, a tricycle can turn into a two-wheeled bike with a couple of simple movements, so such a balance bike can serve you for a long time. You can also adjust it to make it comfortable for your child.


  • the design includes two tools at the same time, and this saves the family budget quite well;
  • a large enough carrying capacity, but at the same time the run bike itself is very light and can be transported, for example, if your child wants to ride in nature;
  • can be adjusted in height, and you can also adjust the width of the handlebar or frame for your child.


  • such models are quite expensive.

Choosing a running bike is always a challenge for a child, so be sure to try it on the go before making your choice. Give your child a little familiarity with the new transport and be sure to ask him what he likes and dislikes about the bike.

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