How to choose a hair clipper

Many families have both husbands and sons who need hair care. Some prefer shorter haircuts, while others may prefer creativity and curly edges. If you constantly visit the hairdresser, then this can hit the family budget quite hard. Therefore, in order to save both time and nerves, you can purchase your own typewriter, which will be convenient for the whole family to use. You will be able not only to cut your hair, but also to correct the already done haircut. Therefore, many are beginning to wonder how to choose a hair clipper.

How to choose a company when buying a hair clipper

Perhaps any hairdresser will tell you that it is necessary to choose a professional hair clipper, even if you only get it out and use it once a month. It is best to choose a typewriter from some well-known brand, since the quality of the products in this case will be practically guaranteed.

If you decide to save money and buy a typewriter of some dubious production, then get ready for the fact that you will have to throw it away soon. When using cheap technology on coarse hair, its engine can simply burn out. In addition, if the hair clipper comes from a little-known and very dubious brand, then it will not bring you comfort in the process of use, as it will practically pull out your hair.

A professional device will not allow itself to treat your hair in such a barbaric way, so it would be best to give preference to one of the following companies:

  • BaBuliss;
  • Moser;
  • Panasonic;
  • Philips;
  • Polaris;
  • Rowenta.

However, this does not mean that the device will cost you a very high price. Among the models of these manufacturers, there are many relatively budget options that can answer all your queries. Moreover, you will be able to use them for quite a long period of time. In addition, you can choose among famous brands not only high-quality equipment, but also medium-sized models that will cut you comfortably and beautifully. The main thing is to fill your hand, and you can practice on any family member.

How a hair clipper works

In appearance, quite a few hair clippers are similar to each other, but many of them differ greatly in their functionality. Inside such a device there is a motor that drives the teeth-blades. Moreover, each device of this type has a special insert that prevents contact with the skin, and as a result, injuries. Sharp blades intersect with each other, creating the effect of a kind of scissors that cut the hairs in neat and even rows. In order to understand which hair clipper to choose for your home, you need to know that they differ in type:

  1. Rotary. A special maneuverable knife is set in motion by a special lever, and it, in turn, is acted upon by a special coil with a winding.At the same time, it creates an electromagnetic field, which makes the wire vibrate measuredly and set the blades in motion.
  2. Vibrating. In such models there is a full-fledged motor, which is powered either from the network through a wire, or from special batteries that must be recharged. The blades are driven by a rotor, and this is done thanks to the installed internal eccentric. Such models, as a rule, are somewhat more expensive, but they cut as smoothly as possible, and they can be used by those who have never even had anything to do with machines of this type before.

What hair clippers are there

There are currently several types of machines. Depending on the capabilities and functionality of such a device, you can choose more professional, as well as more budgetary types. It all depends on how you will use the device, as well as how often you cut your hair. Not all families think about how to choose a professional typewriter. Most expect to buy exactly the device that will satisfy the needs for a small amount, and get it only once a month, or even less often.


How to choose a hair clipper

Such models are often the most budgetary of all the other options, so they have a relatively low power, that is, about 9-15 watts. For a long time they are unable to work, so if you only need to correct the appearance of your hair, then such a device will be just right. In the process of a full haircut, he needs to be given some time to rest, otherwise you can bring him to the point that he simply burns out.

It is advisable to give the front to such a device every 10-20 minutes, otherwise it starts to turn off itself. By the way, you may feel that you need to give the device a rest by how much it heats up. If you already feel heat in your hand, then it is better to put the machine off for a few minutes. But such models are great for home use in the event that you do not want to become a hairdresser and do not exercise every night on your household.


  • it weighs very little, so such a device is very pleasant and easy to hold in your hand;
  • the price range is so small that almost everyone can afford to purchase such a machine;
  • the equipment of such a device is not the richest, however, it is quite sufficient for good and high-quality functioning for your money;
  • some models have the function of changing knives, which is very convenient, since constantly sharpening new blades is not always convenient and affordable.


  • such machines are very noisy, and also constantly vibrate in the hand, so it is not always possible to focus on the haircut;
  • the power of such machines is quite small, so if you have thick hair, then they may not cope with your hair;
  • not able to work all the time, so in the process of cutting it is necessary to take some time to rest.


How to choose a hair clipper

In the middle class hairdressing salons, just such devices are used, so that for home use such a machine is almost an ideal option. A sufficiently powerful motor is installed in them, which provides the machine with long-term operation. In addition, a special cooling system is often installed with such a motor in order to avoid overheating and extend the life of such a machine. For this reason, rotary clippers can run for an hour or more without overheating. They need rest only after a few hours of continuous work, but you hardly need to worry about this, because home haircuts often last no more than an hour and a half.

In addition, rotary machines can easily cope with hair of any stiffness, and also have a fairly convenient design that, if necessary, can be disassembled and reassembled.This is done primarily in order to replace old blades with new ones, as well as to repair the device if it breaks.


  • rather high power, which allows this device to work without interruption;
  • do not give off vibration to the hand, as vibration machines do;
  • very comfortable to operate, in addition, thanks to light and easy movements, you can cut not only thin, but also rather coarse hair;
  • many models of this type can be washed under running water, and at the same time they will not be harmed;
  • inside such a device there is a fairly extensive and rich equipment, which ensures the operation of the motor at a high level;
  • such devices can serve you for a long time and at the same time have good reliability.


  • rather high cost, so in which case the repair will cost you very dearly;
  • the weight of the device can be felt in the hand, and this can bring a little discomfort during use.

Cordless cars

How to choose a hair clipper

Hair clippers of this type operate on batteries, which are recharged from a special stand, which, in turn, is charged from the mains. Very convenient devices, since there is no need to fiddle with wires and settle down exactly where closer to the outlet. You can use the device until the battery runs out.

However, if it is convenient for you to use with a cord, then there are also hybrid versions of such machines, so you can use both the battery version and the wired one. In any case, these machines are universal, so you can use them the way you like.

However, this type of clipper is only suitable for short-term work, such as edging or small adjustments, or to shave off the hair on the neck and soft and fine curls in children. The maximum power of such devices reaches approximately 12 W. They are often also lightweight, so they are very comfortable to hold in your hand, and the length of time depends on which method you use. If the model is closer to the characteristics of the rotary model, then within 3-9 hours you can use it calmly. But if such a model is closer to vibration, then all the same 10-20 minutes.


  • such models are often lightweight, so they can be conveniently used, they do not put pressure on the hand and sit comfortably in it;
  • the body does not vibrate and does not emit any extraneous sounds, so nothing will distract you from the haircut;
  • autonomy, that is, this device is able to work without a wire, only a battery is enough;
  • cutting blades can be easily replaced with new ones, as the design of such a device allows it.


  • very low power compared to analog devices;
  • rather poorly such models work with a low battery charge.

What are the types of cutting attachments

The effectiveness of using a hair clipper directly depends on which attachments are used during the operation of a particular device.

Among modern attachments there are such as:

  • replaceable, that is, those nozzles that can be replaced with new ones if the previous ones deteriorate;
  • stationary, which can only be sharpened, but the attachments themselves are not removed from the device;
  • adjustable, which can be adjusted to suit yourself in a way that is more convenient for you.

Vibration models often use combined attachments, that is, the lower teeth are stationary, and the upper ones are movable. This arrangement is quite convenient, as you can direct the device as you please. However, this arrangement of the teeth has a significant disadvantage. You will not be able to get a zero cut with such a machine, since it does not provide such low-lying blades in its functionality.

These models, which are either rotary or rechargeable, often have removable attachments that are identified from 0.1 cm to 4.2 cm. So you can get your hair cut the way you like best. However, at the same time, the most popular and frequently used attachments are often called knives from 1.5 cm to 2 cm.If you use a rather expensive device, then they can be supplemented with a variety of trimmers that allow you to shave hairs in a specific area. For example, there are trimmers for eyebrows, beards, and some models also include special attachments for the bikini area.

Be that as it may, if the device includes a few more additional attachments, then its cost can increase dramatically. Therefore, before buying, you need to determine for yourself which device is most suitable for you. If you don't need to use a variety of trimmers that remove hairs locally, then there is no point in purchasing a device that will include such additions. They are suitable mostly for professional hairdressers who provide their services at home.

What materials can knives be made of?

A lot can depend on the material used to make machine knives. For example, a more durable material can extend the life of the machine itself for a long time. However, you should not choose too expensive materials, since in their functionality they may not differ much from other similar materials.

If this is a more budgetary version of the machine, then steel alloy is often used without additional spraying. Such blades do not lend themselves, as a rule, to normal sharpening, but must be replaced.

The most versatile, perhaps, are ceramic blades, as they can last you quite a long time, and also practically do not heat up during operation and have hypoallergenic properties.

If you have children or other household members at home who may be allergic to any material or have sensitive skin, it is best to choose blades made of titanium. Such material is able to safely cut each member of your family and at the same time not cause him unnecessary discomfort.

If your hair is coarse enough, then diamond coated blades should be purchased as they will cut your hair in a way that does not damage its structure. At the same time, the diamond coating allows you to cut your hair as evenly as possible, but keep in mind that this level of pleasure will cost you a pretty penny.

However, the durability of both the blades themselves and the hair clipper as a whole depends not only on the material used. Another important factor is the level of sharpening. For example, if you have blades with a modified geometry, that is, they have a slightly changed shape, then they may not dull for a long time, so that the need to sharpen them arises only once every few years. If your blades are straight and triangular in shape, then you will have to tinker with them when the time comes to sharpen them. Typically, with regular use, you will need to sharpen these blades every six months.

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How to choose